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Ministry School
3rd Edition
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Tuesday evenings
7:00 p.m.
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As we get into the new year of 2025, we should take a pause to count our blessings. We take so much in our daily lives for granted that we do not realize the many various ways we are blessed or given favor. These blessings, often taken for granted, may come from God, or friends or family. We may not even know where they came from. We may not even see them as a blessing unless we really sit down and take the time to meditate on them. It helps to write them down. In writing them down, we will discover that we have more to be thankful for than we initially thought.
I suggest that you take this first week of 2025 to write down 25 ways you were blessed this past year. When you list them, new thoughts of blessing will come to you for which you did not initially think of. Then, when you are having a “down” moment, a review of the list can pick you back up.
What were your 25 blessings? Were they from the Lord, from a family member, from a friend, or just from “out of the blue”? Yes, all good things come from God above, but He uses people, tests and trials, and life’s circumstances to bring them about.
The last couple of years, I have been blessed beyond human reasoning. God has worked a couple of absolute astonishing miracles in my life. I am blessed beyond measure.
As you write yours down on paper, you will become amazed at what blessings God has brought into your life. If you only make a mental list, you will likely fail to account for some of them. When you write them down, others will come to mind which you were not thinking of. Do not let someone’s criticism of you get you sidetracked. Keep your mind on the good things with which you are blessed.
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Everything in life with the Lord will either be a test or a testimony. In Psalm 34:19 it says,
“Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.”
You can be sure if you are a Christian that afflictions will come. Strong’s Concordance defines afflictions as something bad, or evil, naturally or morally; adversity; calamity; displeasure; misery; trouble; sorrow; wickedness.
That list is enough to make one cringe, isn’t it? But, if you have read the word of God, then you know that God has told us in His word that these things will come against us. The good news is that God also promises us that he will deliver us out of all of them.
All these things are tests that are allowed to refine us and to make us more like our Lord, Jesus. Out of these tests comes our testimony of how God brought us through. So, we are either going through a test, or we have a testimony to share. Do not resist the tests, because without tests there would be no testimony.
They are all part of the refinement that is taking place in our life, to bring forth fruit. Any farmer will tell you that it takes both rain and sunshine to grow a crop. There must also be a dormant season. A cold spell in Florida makes the oranges sweeter than warm weather.
Revelation 12:11 reminds us, “And they overcame him (our adversary the devil) by the blood of the Lamb, (Jesus’ shed blood), and by the word of their testimony: and they loved not their lives unto the death.”
Testimonies are how we overcome, but there is no testimony without a test.
To read more of Helen's Daily messages click here
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Helen Sanders
Prophetic Exhortation
The old saying of "Every Journey starts with the first step" is so true. Often we decline to do something new because of fear of failure, but what if you don't fail? If God is calling you to do something new, then He will help you to do it. Quit making excuses. Just take the first step. He will be walking with you!
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Our Lord says…”Listen My children, I am calling out to you for now is not the time to be buried in deep remorse and regret; For there is a New Year ahead and along with the great difficulties you will see…Yet still it has some new days with better ways awaiting you My children. I see your heart and I can easily see that you’ve had more than your fair share of bitter disappointments; And yes, I can see that some of them have greatly scarred your heart and at times have interrupted your life and your ability to love others and yourself. My child, you must know that I not only can clearly see your sorrow; But I see and I can feel your deep remorse and regret. Oh, but what you must know is there’s a brand new day dawning on the horizon for you. So just take a great big sigh of relief for that which brought you much regret; Is now turning around in your favor causing you to no longer fret or regret…But to have peace of mind in what is now in the making for you. I tell you My child there’s an opportunity just waiting for the right moment to open up to you; And for you to joyfully regain what you have lost and so much more. Yes, this New Year will soon give way to My Divine paybacks that are even now awaiting you. It’s then you’ll finally regain all that the enemy has stolen from you, your life, your home, your health, your children, your finances, your job and yes your ministry. Oh, Child of Mine, no longer will you be pushed off into a remote corner; While seeing undeserving people laughing out loud thinking they would continue to triumph over you. NOT SO My child; For YOU are now on the BRINK of the breaking FORTH of your biggest BREAKTHROUGHS…And all those breakdowns of the past will NO longer be your portion. Just know that as you enter into this upcoming year you are walking into a DIVINE REVERSAL; And everything that was meant for your DEMISE…I am now preparing the PLACE with the PLAN for your Divine PAYBACK. Just think about how you will NOT even have to raise your hand or your mouth; For it is I My child who is working IN YOU and THROUGH YOU and you will soon witness firsthand My Divine PAYBACK and My PAYDAY come to YOUR house, YOUR church and to YOUR land. Soon many folks in high places will understand that it was only because of the PRAYERS of you My people that STOPPED the hand of the ENEMY from doing MORE damage than he thought he would do. So My children FORGET the past regrets, the past remorse and the past pain; For even now I am giving to YOU My people a DEVISED plan that will SUPERSEDE all the OTHER plans…That tried to raise AGAINST you and soon you’ll see REAL VICTORY come to YOU…Where before it has only been a SUPERFICIAL victory which was NOT able to produce a REAL lasting CHANGE. Oh, but soon you will begin to see a Divine TURNAROUND for a Divine BREAKTHROUGH for YOU My Covenant people; And then you will be in HEALTH and you will PROSPER…Even in the midst of what is soon to come on the nations of the world. Just do NOT fear My child for I am with you to bring you UP and OUT says the Lord your God, your Redeemer and your soon coming King".
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Thursday Scripture Of The Day
Ephesians 4:1-2 NLT
“Therefore I, (Paul) a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.”
An amazing exhortation to the church.
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Call Out to God! HCC
Call out to God before it is to late! Does your
Conscience bother you in all that you are into?
Pray in the name of Jesus and get the Devil to
To leave your life. Keep praying in the name of
Jesus, that is where your power lies. That is
What will change your life. Clean up your speech;
The swear words that you say. Be kind and good,
And speak with love, throw that Devil right away.
Call out to God, he’s listening, he’s waiting
For you to come. No one is ever perfect, not one,
Accept the Son, the Christ. Do the right thing,
And change. Change for the better, God will
Help you.
To see more of HCC's beautiful poems on YouTube click here
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