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Ministry School
3rd Edition
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7:00 p.m.
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We see in 1 Samuel 12:1-2 that Samuel set Saul as king over all Israel. However, God was displeased that Israel had rejected Him as their king and had chosen to have earthly kings in His stead. When Samuel called upon the Lord, God demonstrated His displeasure by destroying their harvest of wheat with thunder and a great rain. (1 Samuel 12:18.)
The people feared that they would all die. They thought it might come from the great thunder, rain, lightning, or from the famine that would come from the total loss of their food harvest. Samuel warned them not to turn from God or reject him.
Rejecting God is still the greatest sin today. It is unpardonable. We are taught that “blasphemy of the Holy Ghost” is the unpardonable sin. So, how does that play out?
A sinner can only come to God as he is drawn by the Holy Spirit. You can only be pardoned (forgiven) of your sin by responding to the drawing of the Holy Spirit. As you respond to this drawing to God, your faith will save you from your sins by the faith imparted into you by Jesus.
If you deny (blaspheme) the Holy Spirit, then He cannot draw you unto repentance and faith unto God. You cannot then be forgiven of your sin. You cannot be pardoned. So, by rejecting and denying the conviction that comes from the Holy Ghost, you are unpardonable.
Israel’s rejection of God’s kingship by choosing a sinful man to be king, led to much trouble and defeat for Israel for many centuries, Man’s only hope for all eternity is to respond to the Holy Spirit in repentance from our sin and to believe upon the cleansing blood and the name of Jesus. Only the Holy Spirit can draw us to the true life-changing repentance, conviction, and faith.
Upon salvation, we then continue to hear from the Holy Spirit and follow the leading of His still small voice. This is how He leads us.
The admonishment of Samuel found in 1 Samuel 12:24 is still effective for today. It says, “Only fear (reverence) the LORD, and serve him in truth with all your heart.”
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Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Let’s talk about teaching and training that child.
I can remember my mother teaching me how to tie my shoes. I did not learn it the first time she showed me how to do it, but after practicing, I was able to tie them on my own, and I have been tying them myself ever since!
Before my oldest daughter went to kindergarten, we talked with a counsellor a few months before school started. I learned she had to tie her shoes, count to twenty and know the letters in the alphabet. She needed to do these things BEFORE she entered kindergarten, or she would not be qualified to be in school. I learned that the parents were responsible for instructing the child so they would be ready when they started school. Fortunately, I had taught her those things already.
As I was thinking about tying our shoes, the Lord said tying shoes is like salvation. At first, there may be no knowledge that one needs salvation. Maybe they depended upon someone else’s faith to get them through. They may never have been to church or even thought that they were a sinner. But just like tying shoes, someone interrupted their life and says it is time to learn how to tie your shoes so you will be ready for what is coming next. Someone witnessed the gospel to that lost person, and they learned that to move forward with God they needed salvation.
Of course, in tying shoes one must first own a pair of shoes with laces. Then comes the teaching of how to tie them. With salvation, one must first receive Christ as their Savior and then comes the teaching.
We do not evolve into a Christian anymore than one automatically can tie their shoes. Teaching is required. A blessed child is a child that has a parent that loves them enough to teach them how to tie their shoes. A blessed person is one that is loved enough to be witnessed to so they can become a Christian.
We cannot depend upon someone else to tie our shoes throughout life, and we cannot depend upon another person’s faith to get us to heaven. This may not be the best analogy, but it shows us how necessary each of us needed help to learn we needed a savior, and that we needed someone to teach us how to tie our shoes!
Have you taught someone to tie their shoes? Have you witnessed to someone lately about needing Jesus as their Savior?
It is never too late to start doing both.
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Do not be surprised as things change rapidly. For what you thought was secure will not be secure any longer. I am bringing such a shaking that even the roots of many things shall be pulled out. For I am a Holy God, and I desire holiness within my children. Many have been riding the fence with one foot on the world’s side and the other on the kingdom of God’s side. You must make a choice my children to not dangle with the world. Yes, you go into the world to bring them out of darkness, but you do not stay in the world. You must shake those things loose that are displeasing to me and allow me to bring you into total submission of my will. For the days ahead will be so filled with darkness that you must not allow any of that darkness to be in you. Your enemy will certainly use any tactic against you, and has been coming before my throne already, desiring to sift you as he desired to sift Peter. Oh, my child, let go of those things of hidden darkness and turn to me with your whole heart. As I said, the shaking will be more intense than ever. Those that submit to this shaking will come forth in such a way that they will reflect my light and glory. Those that do not will be severely tested, and some may lose their life because they could not let go of the things of the world. For in this hour, I am bringing about a great separation. You cannot say that it is the enemy doing this, for it is your God that is doing the shaking. Spend time in the secret place and know that in that place lies the answer to every question that you have. Let go of all bitterness and anger my child, for it does not reflect the light. It reflects darkness. Be the one that lives a lifestyle of repentance for those truly are my children. Let things go and do not harbor any resentment or unforgiveness. I long for you to be free of these things my child, but you must be willing to go through the fiery trials that will bring your freedom to pass. Now, do not think that the shaking is because of any hatred toward you, for I love you with an everlasting love that will never fail. Be prepared and know that I will be with you as you go through this shaking saith the Lord.
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In this our world that’s full of so many uncertainties; There is one thing you can without fail COUNT on…And that is…When YOU put your PROBLEMS into God's hands…HE will put His PEACE into your heart. So be sure to take a "Peace and Praise Break" today; For it’s as you get quiet and still in God’s Presence; That He gives you His strength to help you through whatever lies ahead of you. Now keep in mind that God is much greater than any problem, sickness or storm; And He will work all things out for your good. Just remember that it’s as you come into God’s Presence; That you’ll be able to see and to understand that…God desires to give you His peace and His strength to supply you with His provision. Yes, and He will do all this right in the very midst of any storm. So just let God do the work; And you do the praising. Now that you’re all set to have a blessed day; Just keep on BELIEVING, keep your eyes OFF the STORM and KEEP them ON Jesus…For HE is The Master of all the Wind and of the Stormy Seas. So Trust Him for your VICTORY is near.
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Thursday Thought For The Day
You will never walk alone through your struggles or hard times of life when you have Jesus as your Savior. His promise is, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Sometimes it is hard to believe that statement but, we have to trust and believe His Word. The Bible is full of examples for us to use in this life. So make sure you read and reread those stories in the New and Old Testament. There are amazing stories of deliverance from enemies, provisions and healings in the Old Testament. The gospels tell of Jesus miracles and the miraculous things that happened with the disciples. God loved us enough to show us how to navigate the trials of life. It is up to us to follow what was written in our Bible. Amen? Amen!
“Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him, and He will help you.”
Psalms 37:5 NLT
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Winter Comes! HCC
You can feel the coldness in the air. The scenery
Changes, the birds fly, they know and feel
The difference in the weather. And then it begins;
Winter. The frost settles in changing the color of,
Nature, from green to white. There’s a glistening
In the air like diamonds coming down for us to
see. The shovels come out, snow forts
Are made, unless kids are too busy on their phones.
Yes, “Old Man Winter” arrives and of course,
Christmas - the Manger and the Savior.
The most important Birth in the World. So, while
Abortion still goes on, this one baby was born
That saved the World. This Jesus, the Messiah;
And he holds close to him today, every aborted,
Baby and we pray, Change, people change!
To see more of HCC's beautiful poems on YouTube click here
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