Tomorrow we will deal with the tenth and final plague, the death of all the firstborn males. Today we look at certain parallels between the plagues of Egypt and the plagues of the end times as judged by the seven trumpet judgments of the angels in Revelation chapters 8-11.
Egypt is a type of bondage to a land controlled by sin where God’s people are dwelling. Likewise, this earth is a land in bondage to sin under the dominion of Satan. Pharaoh was a prophetic type of Satan. God set His people free from that land of bondage under Pharaoh. God will also set His people free from the land called Earth that is in bondage to Satan, the “god of this world.”
In Revelation 8:7 the first angel will blow his trumpet over the earth. It will bring hailstones mingled with fire. This compares with the judgment on Egypt in Exodus 9:23 of hailstones also mingled with fire that ran along the ground.
In the sounding of the second angel’s trumpet in Revelation 8:8-9, the sea (the waters) will become blood and all living creatures in it will die. This corresponds to the first judgment upon Pharaoh and Egypt in Exodus 7:20-21 when the water was turned to blood, and it killed all the fish.
The third trumpet in Revelation 8:10-11 will see a great star fall from heaven which will make all the waters undrinkable. The first judgment of Egypt also made the waters undrinkable when they turned to blood. The Egyptian goddess of the sky (Nut) will not be able to stop the wormwood of Revelation from falling to earth from “her” sky.
The fourth trumpet sound in Revelation 8:12 will bring darkness which will be caused by the darkening of the sun, moon, and stars. This corresponds with the ninth judgment of Egypt which brought three days of darkness.
The fifth trumpet judgment in Revelation 9:3 sees locusts descending upon the earth. This compares with the judgment of the hordes of locusts of the eighth Egyptian plague.
The sixth angel’s trumpet sound will bring horses with fearsome beings upon them whose “tails were like unto serpents.” This reflects Moses’ and Aaron’s first miracle in front of Pharaoh when the rod turned to a serpent and devoured the serpents of Pharaoh’s magicians.
In Revelation 11:15 the seventh and last trumpet will be sounded. What happens when this last trumpet is sounded? Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:21 that he sends his angels to gather to Him His elect from all the earth. We are taken out of earth’s bondage forever, just as God’s people were taken out of Egypt.
I Corinthians 15:52 says that at the last trumpet (the seventh one) the dead shall be raised, and all believers will be changed and will have an immortal body. I Thessalonians 4:16-17 also refers to that same trumpet event which we refer to as a “rapture” or the “catching away.”
This compares with the tenth judgment upon Egypt which released the Hebrews, God’s people, from the sinful world of Egypt to which they had been bound. The seventh trumpet of Revelation will also release us, the church, from this sinful world to which we have been bound.
We look forward to this blessed event.