"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."
John 14:12 KJV
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Exodus 17:8-16 gives us a significant story in the life and leadership of Moses. God had just provided water miraculously when Moses struck the rock of Mount Horeb, despite the murmuring of the people against God. Water was provided, but their murmuring brought judgment of war, as they were attacked by an Amalekite army.
This was Israel’s first armed conflict. Moses chose Joshua to lead the army. The Amalekites were descendants of Amalek who was the grandson of Esau, Jacob’s brother. The descendants of Jacob (Israel) and Esau became bitter enemies for centuries.
Moses went up on a hill to observe the battle accompanied by Aaron and Hur. As the battle engaged, Moses lifted his hands unto God and Israel had the better of the fight. Eventually his arms became too tired, and as his hands lowered, the tide of the battle turned against Israel. Moses even became too tired to continue standing. Aaron and Hur found a large stone for Moses to sit on. Aaron and Hur then took Moses’ arms and held up his hands again unto the Lord. The tide of the battle returned to Joshua and Israel’s favor. By sundown, Amalek was defeated.
To honor the name of the LORD, Moses built an altar there and offered sacrifices of thanksgiving. In verse 15 he named the altar Jehovah-Nissi which means “Jehovah is my banner.”
Since ancient times and onward to the present times, ground armies have always carried a flag to identify themselves and for whom they were fighting. This flag is often called a “standard” or “banner.” Jehovah-nissi identified that they were the army or people of Jehovah.
We Christians also bear God’s banner. It is love, as Jesus said in John 13:35, “By this shall ye know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one for another.” His banner over us is love.
Do you radiate God’s love around you, or do you sometimes react in an unloving manner?
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God created man in his own image, spirit, soul, and body. God gave Adam and Eve the free will to choose his will or their own will.
When Satan rebelled against God and chose to be his “own God” he not only lost his position of covering the throne of God as the “anointed” cherub [Ezekiel 28:14], he lost his relationship with God. He also deceived a third of the angels in heaven that chose to follow him instead of God. Satan chose “his will” over God’s will.
In Isaiah 14:13-14 we see what was in his heart. It says, “For thou hast SAID in thine heart, I WILL ascend into heaven, I WILL exalt my throne above the stars of God: I WILL sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north; 14 I WILL ascend above the heights of the clouds; I WILL be like the most high.”
He wanted to replace God with himself, but as we see in Isaiah 14:15, “Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.” his pride became his downfall, and pride will be our downfall also.
We can never take the place of God. When we choose our will over God’s we reap the consequences just like Satan.
God wants mankind to love and serve him as a choice, not as a demand. He gave mankind the free will to choose. Joshua 24:15 says, “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”
Serving God has always been a choice. It is up to us to surrender our will to his, or to turn our backs on him and deny him. When we go with God and his plan we may have trials, tests, and temptations, but He will be with us through them all. His way and will for us is always the best.
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The sloth is an excellent swimmer. How long can it hold its breath?
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40 minutes
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to see some of the prophetic words that have been given through this ministry.
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For I have called you in this season to be a watchman. Yes, you. You are well equipped by my Holy Spirit to watch, warn, and pray for what is coming. I am about to do a shaking that will bring even the strongest of the strong to their knees. They shall see the power of my glory upon them. Many will be overwhelmed, but you must warn them that this is the hour to not faint, but to rise up and be the watchman that God has called them to be. The shaking will intensify in both the spiritual and physical realm. For those that have surrendered their lives to me, there will be a great manifestation of my glory. Oh, my children, this is your hour to rise up, to be clothed in my glory and do great exploits. This is not the season to question me. It is the season to be obedient in even the smallest of things. I am shaking, and the shaking will reveal what my children are made of. Many will find themselves as wood, hay, and stubble, as they go through the fiery shakings. Others will be as precious jewels that the fire will not affect. You shall see the separation of those that are strong from those that are weak. Declare, declare, saith the Lord, declare to those that have been lukewarm that this is the hour to go all the way with me, and not be lukewarm. For the lukewarm shall not be able to go through the shakings without seeing many things in their lives crumble. For I would say in this hour that all false idols will be exposed, and they will either be destroyed through repentance, or they will bring those that will not yield to repentance destruction in their very lives. This is your finest hour, oh watchman. Do not let fear hold you back. The enemy would try to convince you that you are finished, but I would say, that my strength is being perfected in you. You are more than able to do what I am calling you to do because the anointing destroys every yoke of bondage that the enemy would throw at you. Do not try to do what I have called you to do in your own strength, for you too would falter, but if you rely on me for every breath you take, I will use you in this hour. You shall see kingdoms that have come against my children fall. They cannot stand when my glory comes down, for in this hour there will be a fierce battle, but as you lean upon me, you shall be victorious. Do not back down to any threats of the enemy for he is a toothless lion. The lion of Judah will roar through you, and he must flee. Now, resolve to stand, and resolve to go, and resolve to be what I have made you to be saith the Lord.
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Don’t ever attempt to define your self worth; Based solely on the opinions of those who can’t even see your real value. Just always keep in mind that you’re of such great worth; For your all knowing God created you and He placed those gifts of greatness and value deep inside of you. Oh yes, indeed God made you WHO you ARE; So by all means don’t you even attempt to change WHO you ARE; In order to try and please the person who never sees it anyway. Remember you were born to be a God pleaser and a God chaser...But God never intended for you to be a people chaser or a people pleaser. Therefore you must stop trying to explain your worth to those who can’t ever seem to recognize and appreciate your true value...Much less ever see the real worth or your God given vision and purpose.
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Thought For Today
There has never been a more important time than right now for us to do what this scripture says. I remember reading a Billy Graham brochure that said “keep small accounts with Jesus.” Don’t wait til you have a lot of sins to confess but make it a daily practice to deal with any sin issues.
That is what Peter is saying also. When you know you have sinned repent, confess your sin and be washed by the blood of Jesus. When you follow this guide for your life, the Holy Spirit will be there teaching and helping you.
“Peter replied, “Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This promise is to you, to your children, and to those far away—all who have been called by the Lord our God.””
Acts of the Apostles 2:38-39 NLT
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Knock on Gods Door! HCC
Remember God loves you! He hears you
Knocking, he hears you crying. He sees your
Sadness. Christ’s door is always open
For you to walk in. Christ’s love awaits, Christ’s,
Word is true. Open your Bible, read, hear and see
His word. And be renewed as you repent. Repent,
Change and come to him. Oh, what a Jesus.
Oh, what a Savior and a friend. Change your
World, and cast your sin away.
Return to Christ! Be born again!
To see more of HCC's beautiful poems on YouTube click here
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