As of November 6, it appears that Donald T. has won the election. But we must remember that it isn’t truly over until January 20. What do I see next?
I see much darkness coming against him and all of us that are conservative Christians. You can be sure that those in darkness have not taken this loss with their tail between their legs. There is a relentless enemy [Satan and his demons] controlling those in darkness that is determined to do whatever he can to have things his way. He will never quit until he and his demons are cast into the lake of fire.
In Ephesians 6:12 it tells us who our real enemies are, and they are not people. It says, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
We can call those that we see as our adversaries names like witches, evil, and worse, but the truth is that the spirits controlling them are our true enemy.
How do we defeat these principalities, powers, and rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness? We defeat them by wearing the armor of God and making a stand against those spirits. We do not do it through hate. We hate the sin but love the sinner. As hard as that may be for many that already hate these lost people being controlled by these spirits, we must remember that Jesus came to seek and save those that are lost.
The church must once again have pastors, prophets, apostles, evangelists, and teachers that are bold enough to confront sin! They must teach that all of us are to be a witness to those in darkness and train them how to witness. There must be altar calls for the lost to repent and receive salvation in every service. Feel good messages from lukewarm pastors will not get the job done.
In the past month I have led nine people to the Lord, even from a hospital bed. Most every one of them attended church, but they did not know what it meant to be “born again.” How sad. Well, they now know, and they have received eternal life because I chose to witness to them. It is not just the Pastor’s job to do this. Each person should be doing this!
We sing “Onward Christian soldiers marching as to war” but we want peace so badly we have compromised and watered down our true positions as Christians. We are soldiers in God’s army my friends. Soldiers do battle. Soldiers get wounded. Soldiers die for the cause. This is true Christianity, not a life of ease and prosperity.
It is not my job as a leader to make you feel good. It is my job to stir you up to become that soldier, wearing God’s armor, and going into battle. Yes, I see great battles ahead, and you and I need to be prepared for them.
Stand up, stand up for Jesus, ye soldiers of the cross! That should be our motto, with absolutely no compromise. There will be a remnant that see that this is coming and are willing to pay the price. The question is this. Are you ready, and are you willing to give your all for Jesus who gave His all for us?