"The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God..."
Psalm 14:1 KJV
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October 17 is the last God-ordained biblical feast of the Jewish religious calendar. It is the Feast of Tabernacles which begins at sundown. The Jews call it Sukkot. They also refer to it as the Feast of Booths and the Feast of Rejoicing. They rejoice because God’s presence dwelled on earth among them, initially in the Tabernacle of the Congregation, and later in the Temple in Jerusalem.
We can celebrate it because Jesus, God in the flesh, dwelled among us on earth for thirty-three and a half years. We further celebrate because Jesus now tabernacles within us by Holy Spirit. We also look by prophecy into the future when He will again tabernacle on earth during His millennial reign. This gives us, as Christians, reason to understand and celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles.
However, we do not need to celebrate it in the same manner as the Jews. Our celebration should be simply to meditate upon the word and the fact of his dwelling with us and within us.
The biblical Jewish celebration is an eight-day event starting today. Due to its significance to us as Christ-followers, we will continue to talk more about Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles, in our next message.
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Earlier today I was given a prophetic word which you can read in this newsletter or here on our website.
The word was that we are called to be watchmen. So, just what is a watchman? We go to Ezekiel chapter 33 and learn that a watchman is instructed to warn people that a sword, which means judgment is coming.
When God calls a watchman, it is a serious call. If that watchman hears a warning from God and does not tell the people that judgment or the sword is coming and they die because they weren’t warned when it comes, then the blood of those that die will be on the hands of the watchman.
I cannot begin to count the number of people that call themselves prophets or watchmen, but never give a warning of what is to come. Most people do not like to be warned, sad to say. They want a message that makes them feel good. They do not want to hear that they need to repent. If they are warned, and do nothing about it, then the watchman is free from their judgment.
I truly believe that there are many so called prophets that are speaking deceptive words that everything is going to be okay. When I read my bible, I see that in the last days it is not going to be okay. There will be division in households where family members betray one another. There will be violent weather, earthquakes, wars, and judgment. These things do not make one “feel good” but they are scripture. We must not take it lightly.
If you are called to be a watchman, then you must listen to what God says, and rightly discern his voice from the deceptive voice of the enemy. Even if the word you hear is a hard word from God, do not hesitate to share it. It might just save someone else’s life, and yours.
Being a watchman means listening more than talking. When they had something to say, it was because God told them to speak. Most watchmen in the bible went without, were despised, persecuted, put to death, and died alone. The call is not an easy call, but as Samuel told Saul in 1 Samuel 15:22b to 23, “23b…Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams. 23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and id9olatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king.”
In verse 24 Saul responds with, “I feared the people, and obeyed their voice.” This is an excuse my friends. Even if this were true, [which it wasn’t] we should never fear what the people will say when you bring a warning. Obey God instead.
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The Correct answer is:
The Ostrich
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The Ostrich
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to see some of the prophetic words that have been given through this ministry.
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For I have called you in this season to be a watchman. Yes, you. You are well equipped by my Holy Spirit to watch, warn, and pray for what is coming. I am about to do a shaking that will bring even the strongest of the strong to their knees. They shall see the power of my glory upon them. Many will be overwhelmed, but you must warn them that this is the hour to not faint, but to rise up and be the watchman that God has called them to be. The shaking will intensify in both the spiritual and physical realm. For those that have surrendered their lives to me, there will be a great manifestation of my glory. Oh, my children, this is your hour to rise up, to be clothed in my glory and do great exploits. This is not the season to question me. It is the season to be obedient in even the smallest of things. I am shaking, and the shaking will reveal what my children are made of. Many will find themselves as wood, hay, and stubble, as they go through the fiery shakings. Others will be as precious jewels that the fire will not affect. You shall see the separation of those that are strong from those that are weak. Declare, declare, saith the Lord, declare to those that have been lukewarm that this is the hour to go all the way with me, and not be lukewarm. For the lukewarm shall not be able to go through the shakings without seeing many things in their lives crumble. For I would say in this hour that all false idols will be exposed, and they will either be destroyed through repentance, or they will bring those that will not yield to repentance destruction in their very lives. This is your finest hour, oh watchman. Do not let fear hold you back. The enemy would try to convince you that you are finished, but I would say, that my strength is being perfected in you. You are more than able to do what I am calling you to do because the anointing destroys every yoke of bondage that the enemy would throw at you. Do not try to do what I have called you to do in your own strength, for you too would falter, but if you rely on me for every breath you take, I will use you in this hour. You shall see kingdoms that have come against my children fall. They cannot stand when my glory comes down, for in this hour there will be a fierce battle, but as you lean upon me, you shall be victorious. Do not back down to any threats of the enemy for he is a toothless lion. The lion of Judah will roar through you, and he must flee. Now, resolve to stand, and resolve to go, and resolve to be what I have made you to be saith the Lord.
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It appears the enemy was foolish to think on these kind of things; Such as thinking he could actually intimidate and irritate you to the point that you’d turn and run…OR that you’d give up on everything and everybody and just quit it all. Well that devil thought wrong because you’re NOT giving up and you’re definitely NOT turning back. I guess he must have forgotten there’s a Lion living IN you; And The Lion of the Tribe of Judah never stops or never wavers. Remember Proverbs 30:30 says, “A lion is the strongest among all beasts, and he turns not away from any.” Just know that you must keep pressing on; Because you have a lot going for you…Besides you have a vast greatness on the inside of you namely…Father God,Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit. Therefore, you’re not about to let that bump in the road or even the slight detour you’re facing cause you to be deterred; Much less stop you from doing all that you know you’re supposed to do. So just keep holding on for you’re about to get your second wind; And when you do…You’ll be more determined than ever to fulfill that destiny of yours. Well now it’s time for you to prepare yourself to get a move on; Because God has much more in store for you. So just be sure that you’re ready and waiting for Him to bring it on!!
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As I sat listening to others talk about the horrible life they have led, the many trials they have faced: Immediately, I was reminded of my past. I remembered how lost in sin I was; But God! You waited as You showed me how valuable I was. I wasn’t a throw away. It didn’t matter that I was a mess. Even after I accepted You into my heart, You stayed by me as You began healing the wounds of my heart that were buried deep in my soul. That place that no one knew about and I hoped no one would ever see. You gave me time. You never left me. Patiently, You waited as You healed me and I learned to love and like myself.
This is a story of any one of us. God is full of Mercy and Grace. Let Him heal those places in your heart that you never wanted to remember.
“When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.”
Isaiah 43:2 NLT
“I have called you back from the ends of the earth, saying, ‘You are my servant.’ For I have chosen you and will not throw you away. Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”
Isaiah 41:9-10 NLT
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The Nation! HCC
Let’s pray for our Nation!
Let’s look to the heavens and pray. “Oh, Lord,
Forgive us for our sins. For all the babies we have
Killed. We know they are with you, dear Savior.
And we know that you know each one.
We have committed the worst of Sin. Millions,
And Millions, and it still goes on. Please remove,
The blindness from our eyes, that Satan has
Put there. Let us see the truth of all we have,
Done in America. The Babies, Transgenders,
Homosexuals, Woke, it goes on and on.
Come into us dear Jesus, let us see the truth of,
What we have done. Let us go back to the God,
Of our Fathers! AMEN!
To see more of HCC's beautiful poems on YouTube click here
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We want to introduce to you our friends Stephen and April Robbins. They have developed a wonderful coffee product. If you ask Russell how good it is he will rate it with five stars.
Check out their website, and support this Christian company. We know you will enjoy their products! Use Discount code "Family 25" and receive 25% off your order. Tell them we sent you!
click here to go to their web site.
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