Trust [To put confidence in, hope, rely on, believe in something in the future.]
All our life, we have been taught when a person says, "trust me," warning lights come on. So, how can we trust someone we have never seen, or never will see face-to-face until after we die? Actually, it sounds impossible. And yet our whole afterlife depends on it.
We are born skeptics, and our life experiences teach us to stay that way. So what does God do about this? He shows us people who have done it and have changed for the better than what they were.
First and foremost, people in the Bible. Adam did not trust him. Abraham did. Story after story is about what happened to people who trusted God and who did not. Ahh, the outcome, horrible or eventually wonderful.
He shows us through people walking around us. Some trust God, some do not. The ones that do have more love, joy, peace...all the fruit of the Spirit. The ones that don't have a recourse to the unexpected tragedies of life. (And there will be many.) You can only be naive, for a short while. I became actually jealous of those who trusted Him whom they could not see. The tribes around Israel did the same.
You have two choices: Trust in The Everlasting King of an Everlasting Kingdom, or don't. Believe what He wrote by The Holy Spirit is true or that it is not. Then, do not waiver.
Trust is not on again/off again × way to walk with God. It is a perpetual way of life, driving you deeper and deeper into Him. His Word is true whether you understand it or not. You will. Picture putting your whole self into His loving hands and leaving yourself there. It is like going down a slide and knowing He is there to catch you. "I will never leave you or forsake you," Jesus said.
Trust puts us on a different path we never knew existed. Trust gives us courage in handling what this world throws at us. And to know why we are here and where we will end up certainly helps us make our everyday decisions. To know we are yoked with God, His strength, his knowledge, and his courage makes us a new person.
Don't trust me, trust God. and watch me and others operate in that supernatural trust. Open your Bible and let His Word seep into your soul. Then do it again tomorrow, and the next day.
You will be everlasting and ever changing in this walk here. Others will notice you and wonder why. You will stand out like a shining light showing the lost the way. And you will weather the storms because you built your house on the rock.