October 29th, 2021
Now Published Tuesdays & Fridays


One of our sector’s advocacy wins in recent years was the establishment of a dedicated provincial tourism ministry. Although other related sectors make up the entire portfolio known as the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport, the fact that tourism is at the top of the list suggests to me that our industry is important to the province and worthy of attention. But it wasn’t always the case.

In 2001, the government of the day folded the Ministry of Small Business and Tourism into another portfolio and essentially buried it. I recall the outcry from industry leaders who viewed the move as ill-conceived and a huge step backward for our sector.

The furor died down somewhat when then-Premier Gordon Campbell told delegates at the BC Tourism Industry Conference to stop whining (I’m paraphrasing) about not having a dedicated tourism minister or ministry because HE was the defacto head of BC’s visitor economy and was personally looking out for our best interests.

Fast forward to 2010, when in a similar move, government axed Tourism BC as a crown corporation and moved it into a ministry known as Tourism, Culture & the Arts. Industry leaders again cried bloody murder for a few years. After re-emerging as a crown corporation in 2013, the new ‘Destination’ BC would ultimately report to a few different ministries and ministers before settling down under the umbrella of the Tourism, Arts, Culture & Sport (TACS) ministry in 2017.

When I look back at various provincial government regimes over the last two decades and consider how the tourism portfolio has mostly bounced around between ministries and occasionally stood on its own, I’m somewhat surprised yet encouraged by the fact that despite (some might say because of) not having a stand-alone ministry within government for much of that time, the sector nonetheless performed remarkably well.

That said, the opportunities to grow and reshape our industry, recover from the pandemic to become a key economic driver once again, address societal challenges around sustainability, poverty, inclusion, and reconciliation, among other priorities can best be achieved when the tourism industry is under the oversight of a designated minister or ministry.

In other words, when given prominence as a primary sector…which in government parlance includes sufficient ministry budget and support staff, constructive policies, a seat at the cabinet table, oversight of crown agencies such as DBC and Pavco, and regular engagement with industry…our sector has a much better shot at meeting government and industry objectives (notwithstanding the current pandemic challenges) because of strong ministerial support and leadership.

The same principle applies at the federal level where multiple industry and government objectives can be accomplished under the guise of a dedicated tourism minister or ministry. Earlier this week, Prime Minister Trudeau appointed a new minister to oversee the critical tourism file instead of piling responsibilities onto another minister’s long list of priorities. From my perspective, it’s a very positive move and one that we need to capitalize on.

While I don’t know anything about Hon. Randy Boissonnault other than what I’ve read in his bio, the fact that he’s from the west and now has specific duties related to tourism and finance, bodes well for our industry’s future, especially in view of new tourism and hospitality specific support measures recently introduced that are so desperately needed for businesses to survive and rebuild.

I look forward to meeting with the new minister very soon. In the meantime, I know Hon. Melanie Mark is keen to get together with her new federal counterpart given the long list of issues and opportunities that need to be addressed vis-a-vis BC's visitor economy.

I really hope that having a dedicated federal minister overseeing tourism in Canada to complement TACS in British Columbia becomes the new norm from this point forward no matter who’s in power. We simply can't afford another giant step backward at any point during our sector's long road to recovery here at home and across Canada.

PS: TIABC extends its thoughts and prayers to Premier John Horgan who is recovering from throat surgery. Best wishes to Premier Horgan for a speedy recovery and a return to full health.

Walt Judas
Federal Proof of Vaccination for Travellers
Now Available

Starting tomorrow, Oct. 30, 2021, this proof of vaccination will be required when travelling in Canada by air, rail or cruise ship.

The Government of Canada has said the federal proof of vaccination can also be used for international travel. Before leaving, all travellers are encouraged to check the Government of Canada’s travel requirements and the requirements of the country to which they are travelling.

As with the BC Vaccine Card, the new federal proof of vaccination can be accessed through Health Gateway, the Ministry of Health’s web service, by phone or in person at most Service BC offices.

Two doses of any federally approved COVID-19 vaccines, with the second dose administered at least 14 days before travel, are required to be considered fully vaccinated. Canadians who are not fully vaccinated must complete testing requirements and mandatory quarantine when returning to Canada.

BC's Vaccine Card will continue to be used for non-essential activities in BC, including going to a restaurant or sporting event.

The Government of Canada has also indicated it will allow people in BC to use the BC Vaccine Card to travel within Canada until Nov. 30, 2021, while the new federal proof of vaccination is rolled out.

Click here to access the Government of Canada proof of vaccination card.
Honourable Randy Boissonnault Appointed as Minister of Tourism and Associate Minister of Finance 

Earlier this week, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced his new cabinet including the new Minister of Tourism and Associate Minister of Finance, Randy Boissonnault.

Minister Boissonnault is a successful entrepreneur, community leader, and philanthropist with a strong record of leadership in business, public service, and the not-for-profit sector. He served as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Canadian Heritage from 2015 to 2017, championing Canadian arts and culture.

TIABC welcomes Minister Boissonnault to his new position and looks forward to working together to support, strengthen and grow our tourism sector.

Read the official announcement here.
Single-Serve Liquor Takeout Approved with Takeout & Delivery

Effective today, BC's liquor and food primary licensees will be permitted to package and sell unmixed drinks for takeout or delivery with the purchase of a meal, such as a glass of wine, cider or draft beer, or an unmixed ounce of a spirit. The change responds to industry feedback from the Business Technical Advisory Panel and has the support of industry manufacturers following extensive consultation.

This additional choice for consumers builds on other measures government has approved in recent months to benefit approximately 2,000 liquor-primary and 6,000 food-primary licensees in BC. Notably, they can already sell full bottles of wine and spirits, as well as mixed drinks packaged in single servings for takeout and delivery with the purchase of a meal.

This change can also help limit health impacts associated with increased consumption as a patron has the option to buy a single serving instead of a full bottle of wine or spirits.

Click here to read the full announcement by government.
REMINDER: Revised Public Health Orders
Now in Effect

Public orders for Food and Liquor Serving Premises and Gatherings and Events were updated on Monday, October 25th to reflect the restrictions that had been lifted.

Food and Liquor Serving Premises Public Order

The order is directed towards restaurants with table service, cafes, food primary or liquor primary establishments, including pubs, bars, lounges and nightclubs, liquor manufacturing facilities that have tasting rooms with seating, and private clubs.

Highlights of the public order: 

  • The requirement for patrons to remain seated has been removed. Patrons are also allowed to mingle and move between tables. 
  • However, if patrons consume food or drink on the premises, there must be sufficient seating for them, whether at a table, booth or counter. Patrons must be assigned a table, booth or counter, and shown to their seat. 
  • Dance floors must be closed with physical barriers or occupied with tables, unless they are being used for a dance performance.
  • A patron must not dance on the premises.
  • A food service establishment with a liquor license which does not have table service, and which only sells liquor for takeaway, does not have to check for proof of vaccination.
  • Patrons are still required to wear a mask when standing, but can remove it to eat or drink.

For full conditions, please read the public order here.

Gatherings and Events Public Order:

Outside Events: there are no changes to the rules for outside events

  • No more than 5,000 persons, or 50% of the seated capacity of a place, excluding event staff, whichever number is greater, are present.
  • Participants are seated throughout the place in such a way to use all available space

Inside Events:

  • Updated capacity restrictions: up to 100% of the of the seated operating capacity of a place may be used for the purpose of a seated inside event, and up to 100% of the standing operating capacity of a place may be used for the purpose of a standing inside event.
  • If the event is described in paragraph a, c, d, or e of the definition of inside event (see page 4) there is seating available for each participant, and each participant is provided with a seat.
  • Dance floors are closed with physical barriers or occupied with tables, unless they are being used for a dance performance.
  • Participants do not dance unless they are registered participants in and attending a dance class at a dance studio or a recreation facility, or a child or youth participating in a program for children or youth.
  • Patrons are still required to wear a mask when standing, but can remove it to eat or drink.

For full conditions, please read the public order here.

Here is a reminder of the regional orders remain in effect and supersede the provincial public orders:

Gatherings and Events for Northern Health Authority
Gatherings and Events for Fraser Health Authority
Gatherings and Events for Interior Health Authority
New App Provides COVID-19 Resources for Workers

The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) has launched a new mobile app to help make workplace health and safety resources on COVID-19 accessible to workers in Canada.

The CCOHS Safe Work app hosts the Centre’s collection of over 120 COVID-19 resources, including industry and sector-specific tip sheets, infographics, videos, and other guidance materials created to help workplaces keep their workers and customers safe.

Users can search the app by topic or type of resource, save items to their favourites list, and share videos and other resources with colleagues. Once downloaded, there is no need for an internet connection to run the app. It can be used in remote areas and manufacturing shop floors where connectivity is absent or unreliable.

The CCOHS Safe Work app can be downloaded for free here.
New Proof of Vaccination Module

With the vaccine passport changing how businesses are operating, go2hr has updated BSAFE with a new module on how to handle the BC Proof of Vaccination public health order.

The new module is FREE for BC tourism and hospitality employers and employees and will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. In this module, you will learn:

  • How to implement and enforce the BC Proof of Vaccine Protocol
  • How to handle challenging customer interactions concerning the BC Proof of Vaccine Protocol
  • Tips for keeping customer service front of mind  

Course details:
  • Free for BC tourism and hospitality employers and employees
  • Created by go2HR in partnership with tourism and hospitality stakeholders and the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sports
  • Asynchronous, online training course, 90-minutes in length

What Your Employees Learn:

BSAFE is comprised of 6 modules that cover a variety of topics to give you a foundational understanding of COVID-19 health and safety protocols as well as tips on handling non-compliance.

  • Module 1 Understanding the Legal Context for COVID-19
  • Module 2 Keep Yourself and Others Safe
  • Module 3 Keeping Records
  • Module 4 Communicating Effectively with Your Team and Guests
  • Module 5 Responding to Challenging Interactions (scenarios)
  • Module 6 BC Proof of Vaccination Protocols

To learn more or register for BSAFE, click here.
Wednesday Webinar Series
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This past Wednesday, colleagues from Export Navigator, PacifiCan and Global Affairs delivered a presentation during the TIABC Wednesday Webinar Series on the topic of "Grow Your Business Beyond BC's Borders". Participants learned about services and resources available to BC tourism-based businesses and future entrepreneurs and were provided with key information and practical tools to empower their business while learning about growing their business beyond BC borders. The webinar is now available to view.
Mark your Calendar for the November Wednesday Webinar Series:

November 10th
BC's Endangered Ancient Forests: Worth More Standing

Join TIABC and the Ancient Forest Alliance for a visually compelling journey through the landscapes and politics of endangered ancient forests in British Columbia. Learn the answers to questions like: Why are they important? How much is left? What is the latest in government policy? How do they relate to tourism? What can we do to help protect them? And much more!

November 25th
Equity, Inclusion and Diversity in the Workplace

Moderated by Andrea Hinck from go2hr, meet guest panelists Jennifer Scott, Director of Diversity, Inclusion and Community, Vancouver Whitecaps, Amy Saini, Human Resources Consultant with HR West, and MOSAIC as they come together in great conversation with real-life examples from the workplace.

Registration opens November 1st.
Free Learning Resources for
Tourism Stakeholders

TIAC launched its Elevating Canadian Experience (ECE) program to provide tourism stakeholders with free learning resources in culinary tourism and tools for the winter/shoulder seasons.

The ECE program provides content ranging from strategy development to practical tools and tips - all designed to help grow and adapt your tourism business as an operator and build tourism capacity in your region as a destination partner.

The latest module "Embracing Canada’s Winter and Shoulder Season" has been developed to assist tourism operators and destination partners in broadening the shoulders of your tourism season and provides valuable insights, worksheets, tips and strategies.

Click here to learn more and to download the Toolkit.
Destination Vancouver New #LoveVancouver Campaign

Destination Vancouver has just launched a new video campaign to reconnect visitors with the energetic vibrancy of the city and showcase the transformational experiences it has to offer. The video is designed to instill optimism and invite visitors near and far to "#LoveVancouver."

After a challenging 19 months, Destination Vancouver’s new video celebrates the unique characteristics, defined neighbourhoods and urban experiences that are found in the city.
TIABC AGM Election Update

In accordance with our bylaws, the Tourism Industry Association of BC's (TIABC) recent Call for Nominations for director positions closed on Friday, October 1st, 2021 at 5pm.

For the 2021-2023 term, TIABC is seeking a total of five (5) candidates:
  • From the DMO category, one (1) director is required for a two-year term. 
  • From the Sector Association category, two (2) directors are required for a two-year term.
  • From the Business Membership category, two (2) directors are required for a two-year term.

Based on the nominations received by the closing date, there will be an election in two categories with the following candidates seeking a Director position:

Business Category: (in alphabetical order)
1) Ian MacPhee - Prince of Whales Whale Watching
2) Sandra Oldfield - Elysian Projects
3) Stephen Pearce - The Gaining Edge
4) John Wilson - The Wilson Group

DMO Category: (in alphabetical order)
1) Beverley DeSantis - Tourism Kamloops
2) Chris Lewis - Tourism Kelowna

Based on the nominations received by the closing date, an election is not required in the Sector Category. Returning to the TIABC Board of Directors are:

1) Michael J. Ballingall - Big White Ski Resort
2) Brenda Baptiste - Indigenous Tourism BC

Biographies of the current Board members and those seeking election can be viewed here.
Shop Local BC Campaign
Applications Open Monday, November 1st

Funded by the Government of Canada and delivered through provincial and territorial chambers of commerce, the Shop Local initiative provides grants for programs and campaigns that encourage Canadians to shop local to help businesses navigate through and beyond the pandemic.

The BC Chamber of Commerce will deliver the Shop Local initiative in BC, ensuring that the program is inclusive, and funds are distributed equitably across the following seven economic development regions:

• Central-Cariboo
• Kootenay
• Mainland/Southwest
• North Coast/Nechako
• Northeast
• Thompson-Okanagan
• Vancouver Island/Coast

Key program dates
  • The Shop Local BC program will launch November 1, 2021.
  • Applications will be received and assessed on a first-come-first-served basis through December 10, 2021.
  • Funds will be disbursed on an ongoing basis through December 10, 2021, and no later than December 31, 2021.
Successful applicants will receive:
  • 80% of the funds requested through December 10, 2021, and no later than December 31, 2021
  • 20% of the funds requested following submission of a satisfactory post-campaign report
  • Chamber of Commerce will report the outcomes of the Shop Local BC initiative to the federal government by March 31, 2022.

For more information on the Shop Local initiative click here.
TIAC 2030 International
Business Model Questionnaire

The Tourism Industry Association of Canada is working to research and collaboratively design a strategy to attract more international visitors and business to Canada! This strategy needs to be responsive to its changing environment, instill confidence in the industry, look to a future where Canadian tourism is flourishing, and strengthen our advocacy efforts.

We value your unique perspective, and we want to hear from you on the future of our collective international business development efforts.

Please take the time to complete a 5-question online survey before the end of day on November 4th.
Accessibility and the BC Building Code
Public Engagement

The Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Housing and the Parliamentary Secretary for Accessibility are working to update the BC Building Code to make new buildings more accessible.

The first step invites the public, including people with disabilities, accessibility experts and advocates, code users, Treaty Nations, Indigenous partners, local governments, building owners, construction industry representatives, professional associations and education partners to provide feedback about barriers and priorities to enhance accessibility requirements in new buildings.

Please see the Backgrounder document for more information.
#BELLYUP Campaign Gaining Traction

Earlier this month, the Wilderness Tourism Association of BC (WTA) launched the #bellyup campaign, an initiative that links the fate of the wild Pacific salmon and BC's tourism industry.

If you believe that the future of BC's tourism economy depends on the health of wild salmon and the ecosystem they support, you can get involved and support the WTA in this campaign.

WTA considers this a sustainability imperative for BC's tourism industry. They ask for support from any of the 19,000+ businesses and hundreds of thousands of employees in BC's tourism and hospitality sector who share their concerns and perspective, and also from environmental and other stakeholder groups in the Pacific Northwest.

To access social media and promotional materials for the #BELLYUP Campaign click here.

View the latest video series for the #BELLYUP Campaign here.

Tickets for Charity Online 50/50 Raffle
on Sale Now!

The BC Hospitality Foundation (BCHF) is pleased to announce that tickets for its online 50/50 raffle are now on sale. The raffle will start with a $1,000 jackpot and will increase with every ticket purchased above and beyond until sales close on November 15th.

The initiative is a fundraiser for the BCHF, which is the only charity of its kind in Canada, with a mission of supporting hospitality and tourism workers in need.
Tickets for the raffle will be:
  • 5 for $10
  • 20 for $20
  • 150 for $40

Please support our hospitality and tourism sector by purchasing tickets. Funds raised by the event will be used by the BCHF to support industry workers facing financial crisis due to a serious health condition experienced by themselves or a family member. The registered charity also administers a scholarship program that fosters the development of the next generation of hospitality industry workers and leaders.

Check here to purchase tickets and ticket win updates.

Due to the difficulties our industry has faced since early 2020, we have extended various payment options to members if required. Please contact Deborah to learn more about how we can assist you with your membership renewal, or if you are interested in becoming a member

We strongly encourage you to consider membership with TIABC to support our important advocacy efforts on behalf of the entire visitor economy.

There is no better example of what TIABC has done for you than in the last 18-months. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic TIABC has identified your concerns, raised your voice, championed your needs, pushing for support and programs while encouraging policy changes.

We thank you for your investment in our advocacy efforts. Our success depends on you.
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Despite the ongoing challenges our industry continues to face as a result of the impacts of COVID, TIABC is heartened to observe the strength, resiliency and innovative means taking place today. This bulletin section highlights our members or shares stories of how businesses and organizations, large and small are doing things in a new way as they guide their enterprises through the pandemic crisis and beyond.
Tourism Dawson Creek

Tourism Dawson Creek was established in 2001 in response to local operators and business leaders wanting to further develop and diversify the tourism industry in Dawson Creek. Tourism Dawson Creek is the recognized Destination Management Organization (DMO) responsible for the marketing and promotion of Dawson Creek. Tourism Dawson Creek is managed by Spectra Venue Management and also operators of the Encana Events Centre.

Tourism Dawson Creek also operates the Visitor Centre (VC) and Alaska Highway House an attraction dedicated to the building of the Alaska Highway.

Learn more about Tourism Dawson Creek and their operations here.

Moments of Levity

As an industry that continues to face enormous challenges during COVID-19, every once in awhile it's important to share a laugh, a good story, a beautiful image or an interesting anecdote to provide moments of levity during this most difficult time.
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Pre-Opening Best Practices
for Ski Area Accommodators
Reopening, Recruitment, & Retention

Ahead of the upcoming ski season, the BC Hotel Association (BCHA), go2HR, and Canada West Ski Area Association (CWSAA) have partnered to bring a pre-ski season information session, delivering tools and resources to better support ski area accommodators. With evolving protocols and limited access to workers, this webinar is aimed at offering tips for training and on-boarding, safety, and the latest in best practices for reopening.

Andrea Hinck, Director, Industry Training - go2HR
Ingrid Jarrett, President & CEO - BC Hotel Association

Date & Time: Wednesday, November 10, 2021,, 1PM - 2PM (PT)

Covered in this Webinar, you will learn:
  • Welcoming guests back to your property | navigating the latest service standards and protocols
  • Training support from pre-onboarding to first 30 days
  • How to do more with less | focusing on upskilling your anchor employees
  • Tips & best practices on how training supports employee retention 

Register and submit questions here.
Info Session on Propel: A New Wage Subsidy

Need help bringing on new staff? Hiring students is a great way to build your team for short-term needs and to build a talent pipeline for the long term! And now you can access a wage subsidy of up to $7,500 through Propel, a brand new Student Work Placement Program (SWPP)!

Propel is offered through Tourism HR Canada, a Canadian organization with a mandate aimed at building a world-leading tourism workforce. Propel is specifically designed to support the tourism and hospitality sector.

Learn more about how your organization can take advantage of this federally funded wage subsidy program and how to bring on students from hospitality and tourism management, culinary arts, and other programs from across the province.

Date: Monday, November 15th at 2:00pm (Pacific).

Brought to you by the Talent MATCH Program, a collaboration between go2HR, the BC Museums Association, the BC Alliance for Arts + Culture, and the Association for Co-operative Education &

Register here for this free session.
Seat At The Table

How do we retain and develop women of recreation, tourism and hospitality in the worst labour crisis the industry has ever seen?
WORTH Association is inviting industry professionals to attend "Seat at the Table".

Date: Wednesday, November 17th from 9-11:30am (PT)

Attendees will create dialogue, gain broader perspectives and collaborate to develop creative solutions to challenges women face in the industry. The plan is to find answers from the community & for the community, and present these findings to key stakeholders to generate industry-wide attention and action. Researchers from Capilano University and The Sociable Scientist will be facilitating the session at the Vancouver Lookout. As an entirely volunteer-driven organization, WORTH is looking for sponsors to ensure this event is a success.

Click here to learn more about WORTH and the "Seat at the Table" opportunities.
How to Create a Sustainability Action Plan

This webinar will provide tools for tourism businesses to develop and implement a sustainability management plan into their operations. Businesses will learn how to:

  • Analyze sustainability data to identify quick wins
  • Create a set of realistic and achievable goals to improve sustainability performance
  • Build an effective action plan to pursue your goals
  • Engage your team to integrate your sustainability plan in your daily operations 

Date: Wednesday November 24th, 2021, 10:00am - 11:00am PST

Click here to register for this free event.
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Re-Imagining The Future of Tourism:
Rebuild, Reframe and Rethink

The BC Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS) and the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) invite you to come together as a tourism community to learn from everything we've been through and think differently about how we can co-create a vibrant and resilient tourism industry in BC.

Attend thought provoking workshops and panels, learn from tourism leaders from around the globe and network with industry colleagues. This event is open to all tourism stakeholders and GSTC members at no cost.

Guest Presenters on Wednesday, Nov. 3rd at 1:15 pm
"Shaping the Future of Tourism - Rebuilding the BC and Canadian Visitor Economy"

  • TIABC CEO Walt Judas
  • Destination Canada CEO Marsha Walden
  • Destination BC CEO Richard Porges.

Place Your Bids: The Silent Auction is now open. All proceeds will be donated to Food Banks BC to support relief for communities impacted by wildfires. View items at BiddingOwl.com

Hosted by: BC Regional Tourism Secretariat & Global Sustainable Tourism Council
Where: Virtual
Dates: Nov 3 - 4, 2021

Click here to learn more and to register.
Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism AGM

The Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association extends an invitation to the Second Annual Virtual AGM for 2021. This will be a virtual online event. Once the details of the virtual meetings have been finalized links will be provided.


9:00 am – 12:30 pm Organizational Updates
1:00 pm – CCCTA AGM
2:15 pm – CCCTMA AGM

CCCTA Board of Directors – Call for Nominations and Forms here.

Nominations will be received up to October 29, 2021

Where: Virtual
Date: Friday, November 5th, 2021

Click here to learn more and to register.
Join TIABC and the BCHA for a FREE state of the industry update, with a focus on recovery and trends. Gain critical insights into the work each organization has led, information about respective programs and benefits available to you, hear from our Keynote Speaker then network with industry colleagues.

The afternoon will include:

  • Updates on advocacy efforts both provincially and federally
  • Information on emerging issues and strategies to mitigate risk
  • Tools, resources, and benefits available to our members
  • Recovery strategies for the tourism and hospitality sector
  • Special guest speakers and dignitaries
  • A Town Hall Q&A session
  • A networking portion with food and drinks provided


1pm – 2pm | TIABC AGM
2pm – 2:45pm | Keynote Speaker, Emile Gourieux of STR on global trends and recovery
2:45 - 3:00 pm| Remarks by Hon. Melanie Mark, Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture & Sport
3pm – 4pm | BCHA AGM & Live Industry Update presentation
4pm – 5pm | Industry Town Hall and Q&A
5pm – 6pm | Reception and networking

The Tourism Industry Association of BC (TIABC) and BC Hotel Association (BCHA) are the voices of the provincial hospitality & tourism sectors at the federal, provincial, and community level, advocating for the best interests of BC’s accommodation and tourism communities.
Sport Fishing Institute Conference

Mark your calendar for a virtual conference hosted by the SFI. This year’s theme, the Pacific Salmon Strategy Initiative and BC’s Public Fishery, will be addressed by a range of speakers from Fisheries and Oceans Canada, the Province of BC, the Pacific Salmon Foundation and the SFI.

Date: Thursday, December 2nd at 1:00 pm (virtual)
The annual SFI conference is well recognized as an important public fishery management and policy forum where elected officials, public servants and those in the sport fishing industry share their perspectives on trends, innovations and issues facing BC’s public fishery. Attendance and registration are free, with thanks to our sponsors as noted below.

Registration and additional information, including a detailed agenda, will be available as the date approaches.
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2022 Tourism & Hospitality Conference
March 8 - 11, 2022
Prince George

TIABC and the BC Hotel Association are excited to be hosting the 2nd annual BC Tourism & Hospitality Conference in Prince George next March.

Details to the conference including registration, accommodation and speaker highlights will be updated in Fall, 2021 on the conference website here.
Rendevous Canada - 2022

RVC+ is going hybrid in 2022! The new format will bring back in-person attendance, while also incorporating a virtual component, creating opportunities for more of industry to engage and make appointments with international buyers, travel trade media and Destination Marketing Companies.

The in-person portion of RVC+ will be a buyer-seated marketplace in Toronto, Ontario. This will be Canada’s RVC and hosted by Destination Canada and TIAC, creating an exciting opportunity to welcome international buyers back to Canada and showcase the beauty of this country, as well as the meaningful travel experiences offered across each province and territory.

Dates: May 24th - 27th, 2022

Learn more about Rendezvous Canada 2022 here.
Feel free to send us your ideas on what information would be valuable for TIABC to share through our COVID-19 Bulletin going forward. Drop us a line at [email protected].