August 2, 2024

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May you have a most enjoyable, relaxing and safe long weekend. Take the time to enjoy the many activities taking place in your community and region. Please note that our office will be closed for the BC Day holiday, reopening on August 6th.

Walt Judas


On a trip to the Okanagan last month, I decided to leave my truck behind for my son to finish moving stuff into his new house. Because I needed to find a convenient and reasonable way home at the last minute, I opted to bus back to the coast rather than fly. Due to an accident, the bus was two hours late departing from West Kelowna, which was my first clue that it would be a long journey home.

Approximately 30 minutes into the trip, we stopped for more than half an hour to change drivers, then drove 45 minutes or so before taking another 20-minute break in Merritt. By this point, I was tempted to take the wheel myself.

The bus finally pulled into my stop at 12:30 am. After nearly six hours on the road (not to mention the original delay) I was tired and grumpy and feeling as though I had travelled clear across the country.

As I was downloading my frustrations, my lovely wife gently reminded me that at least I found a way to get home safely and relatively quickly even if it was well past the scheduled arrival time. She also told me to stop whining considering that many folks in parts of BC don't have easy or affordable access to motor coach or airline travel, and are essentially stuck if they don’t own a car.

Reflecting on my recent journey, but more importantly hearing from members regularly that being able to move around the province is critical to the growth and prosperity of BC’s visitor economy, I chose to focus on transportation-related recommendations as part of TIABC’s submission to inform the Federal Government’s 2025 budget.

Three of the five key ideas we put forward support the need for Canada to be more seamlessly connected to allow visitors and residents more transportation options, which ultimately benefit tourism, as well as other sectors. We proposed for government to:

  • Develop and help fund a multi-modal transportation system for Canada that expands connectivity across the country, enhances rural/urban connections, and maximizes the interconnected role played by Canada’s airlines, motor coach, passenger rail, and cruise ship stakeholders in improving traveller access throughout Canada.

  • Create a fund dedicated to improving tourism infrastructure vis-a-vis electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in rural areas enabling Canada to meet its 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan: Clean Air Strong Economy goals through a reduction in carbon emissions; and invest in the domestic production of biofuels and green solutions for Canada’s transportation sector.

  • Launch a dedicated Tourism Infrastructure Fund to support major capital projects in the sector, with a particular focus on building, renovating or expanding airports, conference venues, and attractions.


The recommendations mirror what our national counterparts (TIAC) included in their pre-budget submission and are similar to what TIABC advocated for last year. However, we offered two other recommendations specifically pertaining to issues I also hear about constantly from members and stakeholders.


The first is the creation of a dedicated tourism sector disaster relief and recovery fund for operators to prepare for, respond to, and in particular, recover from major crises such as wildfires, flooding, and drought. The second pertains to the creation of an assistance program for anchor tourism businesses that includes loan guarantees, longer-term repayment options, and lower interest rates to enable companies to refinance existing debt and support approved capital expenditures. We've been advocating for these last two recommendations for some time, recognizing the impact of COVID still lingers and disasters are something we face in one form or another each year.

On a related note, the Province’s annual pre-budget consultation process was shelved this year given the impending election. Regardless, TIABC will offer budget recommendations in whatever format once a new government is elected this fall.


While I was irked about various delays and getting home so late, the bus ride itself was actually a pleasant experience. I didn’t have to worry about other drivers, getting a speeding ticket, falling asleep behind the wheel, stopping for gas or a bathroom break, trying to eat while driving, returning texts, or any number of other obstacles one might encounter while travelling in their own vehicle. At the same time I’m also thankful my truck is back in the driveway ready to take me on a last-minute road trip in the coming days to help bolster BC's visitor economy.

Walt Judas


People Advised to Be Prepared for Wildfires

Over the Long Weekend

The Province is reminding everyone while out enjoying the BC Day long weekend, to be prepared and remain vigilant as many parts of the province are experiencing increased temperatures and wildfire risk.

Residents and travellers should use caution and take steps to reduce the risk of wildfire by staying up to date on current conditions, following fire bans and restrictions, and having an emergency plan that is shared with friends and family. Please refer to the following links for valuable resources:

  • For the latest information about the current wildfire situation, including fire bans and restrictions visit HERE.
  • For the most up-to-date information about wildfire activity, visit HERE.
  • For information about active evacuation orders and evacuation alerts, visit HERE.
  • To check current weather alerts, visit HERE.
  • To view air-quality advisories, visit HERE.
  • For preparedness guides from PreparedBC, including floods, wildfires and extreme heat and how to prepare grab-and-go bags, visit HERE.

Read the full announcement from government including the backgrounder on "What to Know About Emergency Preparedness" HERE.

Flood Warning and Flood Watch Issued for Chilcotin and Fraser Rivers 

People and boaters are asked to IMMEDIATELY LEAVE anywhere on, or along the banks of the Chilcotin River from Hanceville to the Fraser River, and the Fraser River from the Chilcotin River to Hope.

A landslide on the Chilcotin River Tuesday night dammed the river and has created a lake extending several kilometres upstream. If this dam were to break, it is possible that dozens of evacuation orders and alerts would be issued along both rivers.

People living along the Fraser River, from Hope to the Chilcotin confluence, are encouraged to pack grab-and-go bags and prepare their homes for possible flooding by moving equipment and other assets from low-lying areas to higher ground. 

Be Prepared:

Important Update from VIA Rail

VIA Rail has announced it will operate VIA Rail’s The Canadian service from Vancouver to Toronto/ Toronto to Vancouver, with no stop over in Jasper starting August 7th from Toronto and August 9th from Vancouver.

VIA Rail will continue to operate from end to end, with no stop over in Jasper, until Jasper is able to welcome the service back to their community.

Please note that there remains a risk of increased forest fires and should the situation change VIA may need to suspend services.

They will continue to provide updates, should anything change with the situation. Please monitor through THIS LINK.

Campfire Prohibition Rescinded in Prince George and Northwest Fire Centres

The Category 1 (campfires) Open Burning prohibition has been rescinded in the Prince George and Northwest Fire Centres. Fire danger is constantly being measured and campfire prohibitions may return in either region if conditions change. The current prohibition for any Category 2 and Category 3 open fires remains in effect.

Although fire danger ratings have dropped due to recent rainfall and cooler temperatures, the public is reminded to still exercise caution. Avoid having a campfire when it’s windy, choose a proper fire pit or make a ring of rocks at least three metres from trees, shrubs, structures and debris, and do not leave a campfire unattended for any amount of time.

Read the full notice from the BC Wildfire Service and access the most up-to-date information HERE.

go2HR Introduces New Safety Talk on

Managing Wildfire Smoke 

To help employers address these challenges, go2HR has developed a new Safety Talk that provides essential guidance on protecting your workforce. This resource is designed to ensure your team is well-informed and prepared to stay safe during wildfires.


The Safety Talk covers critical aspects of wildfire smoke exposure, including:

  • Symptoms of Smoke Exposure: From irritation and headaches to more severe effects for those with existing health conditions.
  • Proactive Measures: Effective steps to monitor air quality, recognize and address psychological impacts, and reduce workplace exposure.

Download new Safety Talk on Managing Wildfire Smoke resources through the link below.

Safety Talk on Wildfire Smoke

Just Released! | Episode 27 - Craig Murray

Meet Craig Murray, owner of Nimmo Bay Resort as he joins TIABC's Voice of Tourism host Walt Judas to discuss his career path, his work in sustainable tourism, and what challenges business owners and operators face in the province today.

You can listen to the Voice of Tourism podcast wherever you get your podcasts. Check us out on Apple, Spotify, iHeart Radio, Amazon Music, Deezer, Podcast Addict and Podchaser. Or listen through the link below.

Listen to the Podcast

DBC Provides Update on the

State of Tourism

Destination BC (DBC) delivered a virtual update on the state of tourism in BC on August 1st, providing tinformation on their key strategies and programs, including marketing campaigns, travel trade, media relations, destination development projects, and more.

There were approximately 1200 registered industry representatives engaged in the session. Destination BC welcomes feedback on future topics you are interested in learning about. Contact:

A recording of the session is now available through the link below.

View the State of Tourism Presentation 

Barkerville Reopening Today!

Barkerville Historic Town & Park has announced that it will be reopening its gates to the public effective today. The Welcome Centre will be active during its regular hours of 9 am to 5 pm daily. Programming and merchant operations will once again enliven the streets of western North America's largest living history museum. Cottonwood House Historic Site will also be welcoming back the public.

Barkerville will be keeping its campgrounds, cottages and guest houses closed for the time being with tentative plans in place to reopen bookings in mid-August. Accommodations for overnight visitors can be arranged with businesses in nearby Wells and Bowron Lake which have faced economic challenges with the recent evacuation orders. Guests who still wish to stay onsite in Barkerville may do so by booking at the Historic St. George Hotel, one of Barkerville’s independent merchant operators.

While living history programming is scheduled to return as normal, Barkerville has made the difficult decision to postpone its special events in August to next year, specifically the Indigenous Peoples’ Celebration slated for August 17th and the Chinese Mid-Autumn Moon Festival on August 24th.

For information about Barkerville’s reopening, as well as available accommodations bookings, visit HERE.

Skeena River Experiencing Return of

Steelhead Trout

Fishing tourism business and communities along the Skeena River are full of excitement and anticipation as they once again welcome strong returns of the iconic Steelhead Trout.

After a number of years of weaker returns, early season estimates for 2024 are showing very strong Steelhead numbers. The Tyee Test Fishery run by the Federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the provincial government has been conducted at Tyee in the Lower Skeena River since 1955 in order to evaluate the magnitude of Skeena River salmon and steelhead trout returns. This year numbers are predicting the 6th highest Steelhead return for this time of year.

For businesses located on the lower Skeena, the angling guide businesses in and around Terrace are the first to experience the annual summer run Steelhead migration. They start welcoming visiting anglers in July each year and run their season right into early fall. 

For the fishing tourism businesses in the Upper Skeena region in towns like Smithers and operating on Skeena tributaries like the Bulkley, Babine, and Sustut the season starts a little later in the summer as the fish migrate North.

Visitors Encouraged to Leave North Island Beaches Better Than They Find Them 

The 4VI Group is partnering with Ocean Legacy Foundation and Vancouver Island North Tourism to launch #LivetheWildPledge, an initiative that builds on the success of the Wild Pledge, which encourages visitors to follow best practices informed by local residents and First Nations. 

The wild coast of Northwest Vancouver Island, in the territory of the Quatsino First Nation, is regularly impacted by plastic debris left behind by ocean currents.

Environmental groups such as the Ocean Legacy Foundation have successfully collected more than 125,000 kgs of abandoned, lost, or discarded fishing gear and other debris in the last two years alone, with more than half of this being recycled. Local volunteers have always been essential in this work, but moving forward, local leaders are excited to count on assistance from visitors. 

Upon signing up for the hashtag#LiveThePledge challenge, hikers will be provided with a custom biodegradable tote bag that reminds them of the Wild Pledge and shows approved locations for proper ocean debris disposal.

After completing their coastal adventures, participants will be encouraged to take a photo with their collected debris and then properly dispose of it at one of several convenient drop-off points. Upon drop-off, visitors will become eligible for rewards ranging from free beverages to discounted accommodations, with participating local tourism operators across the North Island region. 

Learn more about the #LivetheWildPledge HERE.

Boating BC Provides Update on

Federal Government Luxury Tax

Boating BC has advised that the recent revenue results released by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) since the luxury tax's September 2022 implementation confirm the marine industry's dire predictions of a significant market disruption. Despite strong opposition by the recreational marine industry, the luxury tax implemented an additional 10% tax on boats more than $250,000. 

Prior to the implementation of the luxury tax, the Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) released an analysis in May 2022 estimating that the vessels category would generate $18 million for the 2022-2023 period and an additional $34 million for the 2023-2024 period, totalling $52 million over 24 months.

The CRA data from September 1, 2022, to June 7, 2024 show that 450 vessels were subjected to the tax, with total collections amounting to $12,040,000 — falling $40 million short of the PBO's projections. With market inventory for vessels over $250,000 nearing record lows, the CRA overestimated the amount of revenue that would be collected. 

Boating BC has advised that the dramatic drop in sales as a result of the tax not only doesn’t meet the expectations of government with respect to the luxury tax, but it also has a significant impact on GST/PST revenues. This coupled with the job losses in the industry and spin-off economic losses make it very clear what a disaster this tax has turned out to be.

Call for Nominations!

Canadian Tourism Awards

The Canadian Tourism Awards, presented by the Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC), recognizes the best and brightest in Canada’s tourism industry. This is an amazing opportunity to highlight the incredible work happening across our province and country.

Nominate an outstanding tourism business, destination, initiative, or individual before the September 6, 2024 deadline!

Learn more HERE.

WORTH Academy Accepting Applications From

Two New Regions

WORTH Academy has announced applications are now being accepted from the Sea to Sky and Fraser Valley regions for Fall 2024. This free 12-week leadership program empowers industry professionals through self-paced online modules, live group coaching, and a full-day, in-person leadership mindset workshop. 

This program is designed to help women advance their careers in recreation, tourism and hospitality. It is open to all women interested in management, but may be especially relevant for individuals who hold positions such as: lead, supervisor, coordinator, assistant manager or manager.

Learn more, including how to apply HERE.

Sunshine Coast Trail

Visitor Use Management Strategy Survey

The region's iconic and well-loved Sunshine Coast Trail is a 180-kilometer backcountry hiking experience from Sarah Point in Desolation Sound to Saltery Bay on the North Sunshine Coast, weaving through various parks and treaty lands. 

As visitor use has surged over the past five years, Recreation Sites and Trails BC (RSTBC) and BC Parks are developing a Visitor Use Management Strategy to ensure sustainable recreation and infrastructure. Your feedback on your Sunshine Coast Trail experience is vital, including what you loved and what could be improved.


Please share your thoughts by taking THIS SHORT SURVEY, open until September 15th. All responses are anonymous.

DGV Announces E.D. Public Affairs, Destination Stewardship and Sustainability

Destination Greater Victoria (DGV) has announced that Jeremy Loveday is taking on an expanded role within the organization as the Executive Director, Public Affairs, Destination Stewardship and Sustainability. Since joining the team in January 2023, Jeremy has progressed DGV’s stewardship and sustainability initiatives significantly and has been an effective representative of DGV for their external stakeholders and industry partners.


In this new role, Jeremy will be responsible for a broad portfolio of priorities, including growing and maintaining productive and engaging relationships with DGV’s external stakeholders and partners.

Congratulations on your new appointment Jeremy!

member spotlight banner

AHOY BC Introduces Whale Safe

Boating Resources

AHOY BC, also known as British Columbia Ocean Boating Tourism Association, recently expanded resources on their website to include valuable information on "Whale Safe Boating".

The resources include Best Procedures & Practices for boating on BC’s Coast around Marine Mammals

and Whale Safe Boating Practices.

Learn more HERE.


Would you like your image to appear in our weekly Postcards from BC feature? Contact

new member
tourism nicola valley

Tourism Nicola Valley

We are pleased to introduce TIABC's newest member! Tourism Nicola Valley is the designated destination marketing organization inspiring, educating and sharing the abundance of adventures, experiences and visitor services in the Nicola Valley.

Learn more about Tourism Nicola Valley HERE.

Would you like to be featured in our weekly Voice of Tourism, social channels or on our website? TIABC member testimonials provide visibility and exposure to the tourism industry and a wider audience for your business. Contact Deborah -

Become a Member in 2024

Your Membership is Important to Us!

We strongly encourage you to consider membership or renew your membership with TIABC in 2024 to support our important advocacy efforts on behalf of the entire visitor economy.

TIABC continues to identify your concerns, raise your voice, champion your needs, and push for support and programs while encouraging policy changes at both the provincial and federal level.

Contact for more information, visit our website HERE or the link below.

Join TIABC Here Today!

TIAC's Associate Program for TIABC Members

The Tourism Industry Association of BC (TIABC) and the Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC) continue to offer TIABC members an opportunity to extend their membership. TIABC members in good standing can enrol in TIAC’s Associate Program FOR ONLY $25.

By visiting this link, you can become a TIAC Associate Member, enjoy access to a range of TIAC benefits and add your voice to National efforts.

Note: If you are already a TIAC associate member, you will receive a renewal notice before your anniversary date. If you are currently a full TIAC member, you already get enhanced advantages. You will continue to enjoy added benefits and savings over and above what is available to associate members, including the TIAC Member Advantage program at Rendez-vous Canada.

Learn more about the Associate Benefits Program HERE
webinar header f

SOS Coalition Announces

"Communities Driving Change" Forum

With crime, violence and street disorder plaguing communities large and small across British Columbia, BC’s Save Our Streets coalition (SOS) has announced it will hold a day-long “Communities Driving Change” Forum.

Date: September 12

Location: Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue, Vancouver

The Forum will explore solutions to these issues with community and business leaders, subject experts and political leaders.

The Forum, which is being held in the lead-up to the provincial election, and a week before the annual Union of BC Municipalities Convention, will feature moderated panel discussions, keynote expert speakers, and opportunities for virtual community participation from around the province. Topics to include judicial reform and resources, policing, addictions and mental illnesses, and the role of housing as components of the solution.

The speaker invitation process is currently underway with panelists and keynote speakers to be announced in the coming weeks.

Read the official news release and learn more about the SOS initiative HERE.

Skip the Lottery | Tickets Now On Sale

You and your friends are invited to join together in Oliver Osoyoos Wine Country for the 2025 Half Corked Marathon, taking place on May 31, 2025, with the opportunity to Skip The Lottery and get your ticket now! 

Very limited number of tickets available, this is your only chance to get your tickets without entering the lottery. These tickets are available at 2024 pricing at $275 each plus tax.

Gather your friends, family and colleagues and share the news! Tickets are available until SOLD OUT. Learn more and purchase tickets HERE.

destination canada

Destination Canada Launches

Webinar Series

Destination Canada is excited to be back for the second year with the Destination Dialogues webinar series.

Date: September 12

Time: 8:30 am to 10 am (PT)

This free 90-minute online session will describe how destinations, organizations, businesses, and individuals can create compelling storytelling-based experiences in rural areas.

This webinar is open to everyone, in Canada, and is designed to inspire, inform and foster innovation amongst communities. Many smaller rural regions lack the resources and budget to send staff to industry conferences, so this opportunity is to provide them with a comprehensive and valuable learning opportunity online.

If you are interested in joining, you can find more about the event and register through the link below.

Register HERE

BCTCRI Workshop #4: Climate Resilience & Indigenous Knowledge

Registration for workshop #4 in the BC Tourism Climate Resiliency Initiative program is now available. In this workshop, explore the intersection of climate resilience and Indigenous knowledge. This session will look into the invaluable wisdom and practices that Indigenous communities have developed to adapt and respond to environmental challenges.

Date: September 18th

Time: 10:00 am (PT)

Registration now available HERE.

2024 Go Fish BC Photo Contest

The Go Fish BC Photo Contest is now open.


  • BC Fishing Landscapes 
  • Fishing Buddies
  • Fishing Firsts

First and second place prizes will be awarded for each category.

1st prize: $300

2nd prize: $150

Additionally, there will be a random draw from all submitted entries on July 26, August 9, August 23, and September 6. Random-draw winners will receive a Go Fish BC prize pack, including a cap, drink tumbler, and stickers.

How to Enter

Complete this entry form, upload your best freshwater fishing images, and click submit. It’s that easy! Contest closes September 16th.

save the date banner

Burnaby Blues & Roots Festival

The festival providing six hours of incredible live music and entertainment. Deer Lake Park, known for its natural beauty and serene setting, offers the perfect backdrop for this celebrated event.

Date: August 10

Time: 4:00 - 10:00 pm

Location: Deer Lake Festival Lawn, 6450 Deer Lake Ave.,

Learn more HERE.

2024 BCHF Golf Tournament

Registration is now open for the 2024 BC Hospitality Foundation golf tournament in Victoria.

Date: August 21

Location: Olympic Golf Club

Learn more and register HERE.

ELEVATE | In Support of

Canucks Autism Network

Get ready to soar to new heights at this exclusive fundraising event in support of Canucks Autism Network!

This year, ELEVATE features an aviation-themed evening of mingling and music, drinks and dancing, and thrilling helicopter rides courtesy of SKY Helicopters. Dress in “aviation casual” and walk the red carpet into SKY hangar, a 6,000 square foot space where you will be engrossed by music, ambiance, and thoughtful decor – perfect for mixing and mingling. 

Date: August 26

Reserve your tickets HERE and prepare for an unforgettable night

Tickets Now On Sale | 2024 Wine Capital Weekend

Oliver Tourism Association and the Wine Capital Weekend Organizing Committee is thrilled to announce that tickets for the 2024 Wine Capital Weekend are now on sale!

Set in the picturesque town of Oliver, from September 20 - 22, this extraordinary weekend promises to deliver an unforgettable experience filled with world-class wines, craft beers, ciders, spirits, delectable food, and exciting entertainment.

Learn more and purchase your tickets HERE.

Annual Tourism Summit & AGM

What to Expect at the 2024 Tourism Summit - As an attendee you will have access to a range of networking opportunities, the chance to pick up invaluable insights from industry experts, and time to connect with the tourism community. 

Date: October 15-17

Location: Bella Coola

Registration, room rates and agenda will be posted soon.

silver wings awards

Silver Wings Industry and Scholarship Awards Celebration 2024

At the annual Silver Wings Industry and Scholarship Awards Celebration, the BCAC recognizes aviation and aerospace industry colleagues for specific achievements. As well, they disburse almost $150,000 through their Scholarship Awards Program to hard-working students enrolled in aviation and/or aerospace programs in British Columbia.

Date: October 18

Time: 5:45 pm - 10:00 pm PT

Registration is now open - learn more and register HERE.

Note: Prior to the Silver Wings event, they are also hosting the third annual "Chair’s Women in Aviation and Aerospace Reception” (CWAAR), also at the Vancouver Convention Centre (VCC).

For more information and registration HERE.

Save the Date | NBC Tourism Summit

The Northern BC Tourism Summit is back for 2024! It will be the first time the summit has happened since 2019 and will bring together industry experts, travel enthusiasts, and local businesses to discuss the latest trends, strategies, and opportunities in Northern BC's tourism sector.

Dates: October 22-24

Location: Ramada Hotel, Prince George

Registration is now open - learn more and register HERE.

Kootenay Rockies

Save the Date | Kootenay Rockies Tourism Association AGM

The Kootenay Rockies Tourism Association will be holding it's 47th Annual General Meeting & Tourism Industry Conference.

Dates: October 23-24

Location: Prestige Lakeside Resort, Nelson

Mark your calendar! Program details to follow!

TOTA AGM and Summit

Early bird registration is now open for the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association AGM & Summit.

Dates: October 29 - 30

Location: Vernon

Hosted in partnership with Tourism Vernon and Destination Silver Star. Early bird pricing for the Summit is available until August 2nd. 

Mark your calendar, learn more and register HERE.

Kootenay Rockies

Annual Lodging & Camping Ideas Forum

The Ideas Forum is designed to provide BC Lodging and Campground Association members and guests with an inexpensive learning opportunity thanks to our sponsors and suppliers. It’s a chance to network with the sponsors, suppliers, fellow members and meet the volunteer board of directors. This is where ideas are discussed, knowledge is shared, and members’ questions answered!

Dates: November 4-6

Location: Manning Park Resort

Registration and agenda to be available August, 2024.

Save the Date - 2024 Policy Conference & Big Splash Gala

The Sport Fishing Institute of BC (SFI) will hold its annual Policy Conference. This year's theme is Selective and Sustainable. This is a highly anticipated forum where elected officials, public servants and those in the sport fishing industry can meet, share their perspectives on the issues facing the recreational fishery and discuss expectations for the coming seasons. As last year, SFI will be providing the Pacific Salmon Foundation a portion of the day to share details about programs and projects that are funded by revenues generated from sales of the Salmon Conservation stamp on your tidal waters licence.

Date: November 29

Location: Vancouver Convention Centre

Following the Conference is the Big Splash Gala and Fundraiser.

Much more information to come on each event, ticket sales will begin in September.

Tourism Congress 2024

Join the Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC) in beautiful Vancouver for an immersive conference experience that brings together tourism leaders, stakeholders, and innovators from across Canada and beyond. Get ready to share insights, explore new ideas, and celebrate our industry's resilience and creativity. We are thrilled the Tourism Congress is hitting the road this year.

Dates: December 3-5

Location: Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre

Learn more about Tourism Congress including group booking opportunities HERE.

Save The Date

The 8th Annual IMPACT Sustainable Tourism & Travel Summit will be held again in Victoria.

Day of Impact: January 26, 2025

Dates of Conference: January 27-29, 2025

Details to the conference including registration, accommodation and travel information will soon follow.

Thank-you for your readership! We encourage you to send us your ideas or content that would be valuable for TIABC to share through our Bulletin.
Drop us a line at
TIABC recognizes that our members, stakeholders and staff occupy the ceded, unceded and traditional territories of Indigenous Nations across British Columbia. We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to live, work and play on the lands that our Indigenous friends and First Nations ancestors honour and care for.