I’m one of the few that still has a landline in my house but only as back up for my security system. Even so, when the home phone rings most evenings, I tend to ignore it because when I do pick it up it’s usually a charity of some sort asking for money. Because they all appear to be legitimate causes and deserving of support, I have a hard time saying no.
I imagine governments face a similar dilemma each day over what to support given the volume of requests and the growing needs of constituents. I recently heard a bureaucrat say that no matter the purpose, virtually every meeting with a stakeholder starts or ends with a request for money. As you might expect, typically the first answer is ‘no’ unless or until the long due diligence process is complete, part of which revolves around the amount of funding required, desired outcomes/benefits, and how the investment fits with broader government priorities.
To be sure, advocacy associations like TIABC most often seek policy changes as opposed to money but we also reach out to decision-makers regularly with cap in hand to request financial assistance for the tourism sector.
Case in point, last week’s Provincial & Territorial Tourism Industry Association meeting with federal Tourism Minister Randy Boissonnault (who doubles as Associate Minister of Finance) in Quebec City was largely about additional government funding for tourism, particularly in the context of the impending new Federal Tourism Growth Strategy, which surprisingly won’t include new monies for our industry beyond what was committed in this year’s budget.
The fact is much of what the visitor economy requires from government comes down to money, especially as we endeavour to stabilize and grow our industry post-pandemic. Hence the reason that each May/June, TIABC and many of its sector partners pitch the Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services for resources to be included in next year’s provincial budget.
Although my travel schedule prevented me from appearing before the committee in person last week, TIABC is in the process of submitting three core recommendations (as per the limit) as part of the public consultation process. Like previous years, we’re seeking a commitment by government on emergency funding for the regional tourism management organizations that would sustain ongoing efforts to prepare for, respond to, mitigate, and recover from various crises.
We’re also asking government to consider long-term, permanent funding for destination development, akin to the previous three-year, $45 million funding commitment the province made to our industry, which expires at the end of this fiscal.
You may recall that in our submission last year, TIABC recommended expanding the Resort Municipality Initiative (RMI) to help additional tourism-reliant communities with capital projects, repairs and other opportunities. This year, destination development essentially replaces the RMI request but the other two priorities remain the same.
It’s important to note that in spite of its name, the Standing Committee also accepts policy recommendations. Yet again, TIABC’s third priority revolves around the strength of the Municipal & Regional District Tax (MRDT) program and the need to retain it for tourism marketing, projects and programs. In other words, leave well enough alone.
In 2022, the committee’s final report noted TIABC's recommendation to protect MRDT for its original intended purpose. Given concerns expressed by DMOs about the integrity of the program, TIABC’s Policy Committee agreed MRDT was a given to be included in our top three. We’ll see where we land when the committee produces its final report in late summer.
I keep putting it off but I suppose one day I should listen to the voicemails that have piled up on the home phone to the point where there is no room for further messages. Perhaps I’ll discover that someone actually wants to give me money as opposed to asking me for it. Wishful thinking I know. In the meantime, probably best to stay the course and ignore the landline when it rings so I don't go broke.
Walt Judas,
TIABC Reinforces Support for BC's
Aviation Industry
TIABC CEO Walt Judas was the lunch speaker on the final day of the BC Aviation Council Conference in Prince George this week. He told delegates that TIABC members place transportation and infrastructure among the top 10 issues the organization must focus on. He reaffirmed TIABC's support for the efforts of the BC Aviation Council and also emphasized the need for partnerships between the tourism sector and aviation industry as a whole.
Campfire Bans Now in Effect Throughout Most of BC
Campfires, officially known as “Category 1 open fires”, are now prohibited in the Prince George Fire Centre, the Kamloops Fire Centre, the Cariboo Fire Centre and the Tsilhqot’in (Xeni Gwet’in) Declared Title Area, the Coastal Fire Centre (with the exception of the Haida Gwaii Forest District) and the Northwest Fire Centre’s Nadina Zone.
The new prohibitions come on top of an existing province-wide ban on Category 2 and Category 3 open burning, covering larger fires.
These prohibitions apply to all public and private land, unless specified otherwise - for example, in a local government bylaw. Residents and visitors are asked to please check with local government authorities for any other restrictions and assess conditions.
- For details on bans and restrictions in a specific region, please visit HERE.
- To learn more about amendments to BC's Wildfire Regulation 2023, visit HERE.
WestJet to Shut Down Swoop
Announced earlier today, budget airline Swoop will shut down later this year and have its operations folded into WestJet, the company announced Friday.
As negotiated in the collective agreement between WestJet and the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA), the certified union representing WestJet and Swoop pilots, was ratified. The WestJet Group has revealed they will now begin integration efforts of its ultra-low-cost airline, Swoop.
Through an expedited process, the airline anticipates a full integration into its mainline operations by the end of October. To avoid traveller impact, Swoop will operate its existing network through to the end of its published schedule on October 28th. Swoop employees will move to WestJet.
Learn more and read today's official announcement HERE.
Visa Exemptions for Known-Travellers Now in Effect
Earlier this week, the Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, announced the addition of 13 countries to the electronic travel authorization (eTA) program.
Travellers from these countries who have either held a Canadian visa in the last 10 years or who currently hold a valid United States non-immigrant visa can now apply for an eTA instead of a visa when travelling to Canada by air. Now in effect, eligible travellers can now benefit from the program.
This immediately enables greater connections to the world for BC's airports, including key destinations in Latin America and Asia.
To learn about the countries now eligible, and to read the official announcement, visit HERE.
Destination Canada Launches New Tourism Corridor Strategy Program
Destination Canada has launched a new pilot project called the Tourism Corridor Strategy Program, which aims to accelerate the intentional development of tourism corridors or clusters of tourism assets across Canada. In partnership with a variety of stakeholders across provincial and territorial boundaries, this collaborative project will benefit not only the communities and destinations involved but will also bolster Canada’s competitiveness by giving visitors more reasons to travel to new regions across Canada.
A corridor is a geographic region or a route that connects different destinations with significant tourist attractions, such as:
- historical sites,
- natural landscapes,
- or cultural events.
Corridors have the potential to offer a range of attractions and experiences that are connected by a scenic and convenient route, making them popular amongst visitors who want to explore multiple destinations in a single journey, ultimately benefitting local communities.
Two selected corridors that include BC are;
1). The Sustainable Journey from Prairies to Pacific: This project leverages Highway 3 which is a key interprovincial corridor linking the large urban hubs of Southern Alberta and BC's lower mainland.
2). Northern Indigenous Tourism Lodge Network: Engages First Nations communities on the concept of an Indigenous Tourism Lodge Network throughout the Yukon, western Northwest Territories and Northern BC.
Learn more and read the full news release HERE.
YVR Introduces Beyond Accessibility
Last week, Vancouver International Airport (YVR) launched Beyond Accessibility, a comprehensive three-year Accessibility Plan that builds upon YVR’s long-standing work to provide a welcoming, inclusive, and accessible travel experience for people of all abilities.
YVR’s new Accessibility Plan, Beyond Accessibility, was co-developed with input from the airport’s community partners and is designed to meet and exceed compliance with the Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA). The plan follows the seven focus areas of the Accessible Transportation for Persons with Disabilities Regulations (ATPDR) and outlines what YVR has achieved, what it learned from consulting with the public, and areas for improvement. This includes continuing to enhance terminal facilities, communications technology, support programs, and procurement practices.
To learn more about accessibility at YVR and read the Accessibility Plan, visit HERE.
On a related note, YVR's accessibility commitment is also featured in TIABC's Value of Tourism video series available on our YouTube channel.
Coming Soon | New Ferry Service Between Downtown Vancouver & Nanaimo
Hullo foot-passenger travel between downtown Vancouver and Nanaimo was announced yesterday, with regular service expected to commence sometime in early August.
Forming the fleet will be a pair of two-level passenger-only catamaran vessels that will provide a 70 minute sailing.
There will be three levels of service, and up to 7 sailings daily. The ferries are currently on their way from where they were manufactured in Vietnam, headed to Hullo in Victoria.
Visit HERE to learn more about the Hullo service, including fleet, sailings, pricing and on-board services.
TIABC Member Expresses Concerns for Small Business in BC
After reading the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade's study on rising costs for small businesses in last week's Voice of Tourism newsletter, the owner of Nimmo Bay Resort (TIABC member) wrote to several provincial government officials including North Island MLA Michele Babchuk, expressing deep concern for the "small business owners, the backbone, the suppliers of jobs and the major taxpayers in our province."
As a frontline operator of a small business operating in BC for over 40 years, Craig Murray said, "It is no longer financially beneficial to be in business in BC due to the heavy burden of taxation and regulations imposed on small business by our government...and cannot understand how such stifling restrictive measures have been placed on the backbone of our province."
In Memoriam | John Nightingale
It is in much sadness we share the news of the passing of John Nightingale on June 5th.
John led the global conservation organization Ocean Wise, formerly the Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre, for 25 years. His vision was a world in which oceans are healthy and flourishing. His role in founding / co-founding Ocean Wise and many of its initiatives is unparalleled—from the Ocean Wise Sustainable Seafood Program, to Plastic Wise, the Coastal Ocean Research Institute, the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup and much more.
As written in his obituary "at his core, John was both a professional biologist and a superb communicator who helped millions of people to become aware, interested and active in preserving the world’s oceans. He inspired children to become marine scientists, citizens to become volunteers and donors, and governments to enact polices protecting marine mammals, fisheries, and ecosystems."
TIABC's Board and staff send our deepest condolences to John's family. It was noted in our correspondence from the family, yesterday was World Oceans Day - a fitting time to think of John.
A celebration of life will be held in the fall with a date and location to be announced later this summer.
Read the full obituary HERE.
What is Waste Diversion?
An Excerpt from a Blog by Katn Manzer, GreenStep Solutions Inc.
In its latest blog, GreenStep Solutions Inc. explained what you and your employees should know about waste diversion and how to get this process of reducing and diverting waste streams started in your organization.
"First, when you think about waste diversion, think about the ultimate objective being to keep waste away from landfills. Now, some waste can’t be diverted from ending up in a landfill (like stickers) but many materials can avoid the landfill forever (like aluminum or tin cans) and are even required to be recycled in some places… including lucky Kelowna! The ultimate objective is for waste to avoid the landfill, because by avoiding this fate, food, plastic, paper and other waste is avoiding a lifetime of oxygen-less compaction that not only releases methane gas but also eventually results in landfill areas needing to be expanded, resulting in further land impacts. In fact, some landfills have added up to an elevation suitable to be turned into a ski hill!"
GreenStep also recommended other options for business-generated waste before sending it to the local landfill. Here are just a few to consider:
- Reuse, reuse, reuse!
- Consider donating before decomposing.
- Choose from compost pptions galore.
- Skip the rinse, but keep recycling.
- Education is the key to success.
To learn more about waste diversion and how you can avoid the landfill, read the full blog HERE.
Wellness Travel BC Partners with
Vancouver Is Awesome
Wellness Travel BC has formally inked an annual media partnership with Glacier Media’s leading consumer website, Vancouver Is Awesome!
Wellness Travel BC will soon have a dedicated landing page on the VIA site directing visitors to its site. In addition, they've secured exclusive ad buy rates for WTBC at a significant discount.
Pacific Whale Watch Association
Established in 1994, the Pacific Whale Watch Association (PWWA) is a community of ecotourism professionals with a shared commitment to education, conservation, and responsible wildlife viewing in British Columbia and Washington State. With 30 member companies departing from 23 different locations in BC and south of the border, their skilled operators are able to educate and inspire nearly 400,000 visitors per year.
The PWWA has become a model for sustainable ecotourism and many of the laws in place today are based on the voluntary guidelines first implemented by the PWWA, such as slow approach speeds, precautionary viewing distances, and sanctuary zone along the west side of San Juan Island where Southern Resident killer whales are known to forage.
Today, the PWWA continues to model proper boating behaviour around whales for other vessels and warn other vessels when whales are present so that they can slow down and alter course.
Learn more about the Pacific Whale Watch Association HERE.
Your Membership is Important to Us!
We strongly encourage you to consider membership or renew your membership with TIABC to support our important advocacy efforts on behalf of the entire visitor economy.
TIABC continues to identify your concerns, raise your voice, champion your needs, and push for support and programs while encouraging policy changes at both the provincial and federal level.
Your support and engagement is vital to ensuring businesses, DMO's and sectors are united and speaking with one voice on issues that impact BC's tourism industry.
Contact for more information, visit our website HERE or the link below.
TIAC's Associate Program Now Available to TIABC Members
The Tourism Industry Association of BC (TIABC) and the Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC) are happy to announce an exceptional offer to TIABC members! Effective now, TIABC members in good standing can enrol in TIAC’s Associate Program FOR ONLY $25.
TIAC is the national voice for the travel and tourism sector and acts on behalf of Canadian tourism businesses promoting and supporting policies, programs, and activities that will benefit the sector’s growth, development, and prosperity.
By visiting this link, you can become a TIAC Associate Member, enjoy access to a range of TIAC benefits and add your voice to National efforts.
Note: If you are already a TIAC associate member, you will receive a renewal notice before your anniversary date. If you are currently a full TIAC member, you already get enhanced advantages. You will continue to enjoy added benefits and savings over and above what is available to associate members, including the TIAC Member Advantage program at Rendez-vous Canada.
Coastal Marine Strategy
Public Information Sessions
There is a series of upcoming public information sessions on the BC Coastal Marine Strategy scheduled for June 2023. The information sessions will be open to the general public with the purpose of broadening public awareness of the BC Coastal Marine Strategy development process including the intentions as outlined in the Intentions Paper. MLAs for each community will be in attendance.
The CMS Public Information Sessions are scheduled as follows:
- June 12 - 6pm - 8pm at the Crest Hotel (222 1st Ave W.) in Prince Rupert.
- June 14 - 5pm - 8pm at the Steveston Community Centre (4111 Moncton St.) in Steveston.
- June 19 - 5pm - 8pm at Kwench (2031 Store St.) in Victoria.
- June 26 - 5pm - 8pm at the Maritime Heritage Centre (621 Island Highway) in Campbell River.
- June 27 - 5pm - 8pm at the 5 Acre Social House (4090 Hollywood St.) in Port Alberni.
The Information Sessions will follow roughly the same format for each: mingling and refreshments to start (30min), MLA leads acknowledgements and introductions (10min), presentation on CMS by provincial staff (20min), questions and answers (15min), open house information with staff on hand to answer questions (45min - 1.5hrs depending on the date).
Read the Coastal Marine Strategy Intentions paper HERE.
Building a Shared Vision of
Outdoor Recreation in BC
BC is uniquely positioned to be an exceptional place for outdoor recreation. With diverse geography, a notable and respected parks and protected area program, an extensive and unique forest recreation program, and the outstanding contributions of volunteers and organizations, the province is an internationally recognized jurisdiction for outdoor recreation.
A shared vision will ensure the province remains an exceptional jurisdiction for outdoor recreation and that the province’s approach is aligned with the commitments to Indigenous reconciliation and environmental stewardship.
The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy invites you to participate in 1 of 4 sessions in the coming months to help shape the future of outdoor recreation in the province. All sessions will have the same objectives including to:
- Hear diverse perspectives on the future of outdoor recreation in BC
- Explore what we are well positioned for and how to situate the province to best support the evolving outdoor recreation sector
1). In-Person - Hosted by Parliamentary Secretary for Environment, Amandeep Singh
Date: June 28
Time: 9:30 am - 2:30 pm (PT - lunch will be served) | REGISTER HERE
Location: Radisson Hotel, 8181 Cambie Rd., Richmond
2). Virtual Session
Date: July 13
Location: MS Teams
3). Virtual Session
Date: August 2
Location: MS Teams
How to Ace a Liquor Inspection
The Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch (LCRB) recently released statistics pointing out the high failure rate of Liquor Inspections across both Liquor Primaries and Licensee Retail Stores in British Columbia.
Join ABLE BC and Jay Blackwell of Diligent Liquor Management to learn how to prepare your business and staff to ace a liquor inspection. Jay will cover all the steps needed to expedite inspections and reduce contraventions. You'll also learn about useful due diligence resources to help with ongoing staff training, like incident log templates from ABLE BC or discounted services from Sting Investigations.
Date: June 28
Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (PT)
This webinar is free for ABLE BC members! Non-members can attend for a $10 fee. Learn more and REGISTER HERE.
ABLE BC is on the Road for it's Liquor Industry Meetings
Throughout this month, ABLE BC's Executive Director, Jeff Guignard, is on the road in the Okanagan and the Kootenays to host the liquor industry meetings, and all members and non-members from the liquor and hospitality industries are invited to attend.
Join Jeff in any liquor industry meetings and discuss what matters to you. He will answer your questions and hear your concerns as attendees can learn more about ABLE BC and network with peers.
Click THIS LINK to find out the locations and dates of these meetings.
The New Inclusive Economy Roadshow
The New Inclusive Economy (NIE) is hosting a series of business-to-business conversations intended to share research project findings with employers throughout BC.
Throughout the month of June, employers can attend free in-person workshops in a business-to-business roadshow hosted in 10 communities to learn about becoming more inclusive. Workshops will be held in Surrey, Vancouver, Prince George, Smithers, Terrace, Kelowna, Cranbrook, Fort St. John, Victoria and Powell River.
Learn more and register for these free and accessible events HERE.
BCHF Golf Tournaments | Registration Now Open
Foursomes and Single Players - don't miss out!
Vancouver 13th Annual Tournament
July 17 - Westwood Plateau
Victoria 9th Annual Tournament
August 23 - Olympic View
If you want to become a sponsor for any (or all) tournaments, contact Samantha at our Event Manager or Mike Macleod, Golf Committee Chair at
WORTH Presents "She's On The Tee"
Golf Tournament
WORTH Association has partnered with GolfBC for a night of golf and networking for women of recreation, tourism and hospitality. Join She's on the Tee in Kelowna, where ladies take the spotlight on the green.
Connect with like-minded women, learn from PGA instructors, and enjoy a relaxed evening of improving your skills.
Your ticket includes:
- Opportunity to Learn from 4 PGA Instructors
- Network and Connect with Like-Minded Women
- One Complimentary Drink
- Grazing Table of Snacks
- Chance to Win Fantastic Door Prizes
Date: June 15
Time: 6-8PM
Location: Gallagher’s Canyon Golf Club, Practice Facility
Price: $55 per person plus tax
BC Family Fishing Weekend
BC's Family Fishing Weekend is an annual celebration of fishing that coincides with the Father’s Day weekend each year. In 2023, the three-day event falls on June 16th to 18th. This is a great chance to get together with family and friends, and try fishing! There are community events held around the province, with family-friendly fishing activities and education.
DYK - you can fish for free during the Father’s Day weekend and right through the third weekend in June (including the immediately preceding Friday). The provincial government waives the requirement for residents of Canada – individuals who have lived in Canada for the preceding 12 months – to buy or carry a non-tidal (freshwater) basic fishing licence. The federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, which manages fishing in tidal waters, also offers the opportunity to go saltwater fishing for free.
Check out the map of events on BC Family Fishing and learn more HERE.
Honour, Reflect, Commit
As part of National Indigenous History Month in June and National Indigenous Peoples Day on June 21st, the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Indigenous tourism team is hosting a 3-hour virtual workshop to share the history of Indigenous peoples of Canada with anyone interested to learn.
Attendees will learn about the rich and diverse cultures, languages, and histories of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities. Through cultural understanding, people and organizations will be better equipped to address and dismantle systemic barriers that exist for Indigenous peoples.
Date: June 19 | $30.00
Time: 9am - Noon (PT) | Virtual
Note: Registration is limited! Visit HERE to register.
Annual General Meeting and Air-Cruise Intermodal Roundtable
Future Borders Coalition (FBC) members are invited to the Annual General Meeting and Air-Cruise Intermodal Roundtable event in Vancouver.
Date: June 22
Time: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Location: Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue, SFU
The roundtable picks up from where we left off in Ottawa in April, with a specific emphasis on Cruise to Air transfers and planning for FIFA World Cup 2026. The event is hybrid, so if you can’t make it in-person, please register to attend virtually.
Learn more and register HERE.
21st Annual Coast Hotels
Shuhachi Naito Golf Classic
The 21st Annual Coast Hotels Shuhachi Naito Golf Classic will take place and will begin with a 12:00 Noon shotgun start in a Texas Scramble format. Last year, the tournament raised $80,000.00 for designated charities.
Date: July 13
Location: Tsawwassen Springs Golf Club, Delta
The two beneficiaries this year are once again the ALS Society of BC and the Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre. Due to the success of this event, more than 50% of this year's playing spots have already been pre-sold.
Learn more and register HERE.
Abbotsford International Airshow
The Abbotsford International Airshow has grown to become one of the Fraser Valley’s largest and most exciting annual events.
Dates: Aug. 11, 12 & 13
Location: Abbotsford International Airport
Early Bird Tickets on Sale Now! Early Bird ticket access is EXCLUSIVE to Airshow Insiders.
Learn more about the event performers and event attractions HERE.
BC Restaurant Hall of Fame 2023
The BCRFA BC Restaurant Hall of Fame is returning. The BC dining scene is recognized across the country as industry and trend leading. Gather to celebrate the individuals and businesses whose vision, creativity and unbelievable hard work made this possible by inducting them into the BC Restaurant Hall of Fame.
Date: October 23
Location: Italian Culture Club, Vancouver
Tickets to attend the Inductee Evening are now on sale and are available HERE.
Thank-you for your readership! We encourage you to send us your ideas or content that would be valuable for TIABC to share through our Bulletin.
TIABC recognizes that our members, stakeholders and staff occupy the ceded, unceded and traditional territories of Indigenous Nations across British Columbia. We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to live, work and play on the lands that our Indigenous friends and First Nations ancestors honour and care for.