
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General meeting of the Tourism Industry Association of BC (TIABC) will be held on the following date and location:

Date: Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Location: Virtual

Time: 9:00 am - 10:30 am (PST)

The meeting is called for the purposes of:

o To receive the financial statements of the Association for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023

o To approve the minutes of the November 9, 2023 Annual General Meeting

o To elect six (6) Directors 

Voting Authorization:

One individual at the AGM, who will have been granted authority to be the voting representative of the relevant member, will represent each TIABC member business, sector association or Destination Management/Marketing Organization (DMO). The member must be in good standing with the organization.


Per: J.J. Belanger

Chair, Tourism Industry Association of BC



Special Resolution 2024-01

To provide clarity to the wording in Interpretation

WHEREAS the Board of TIABC reviewed the wording in Bylaw 2. (e) regarding “DMO” interpretation, AND

WHEREAS the Board has agreed that there is a need to re-word “DMO” interpretation; therefore

BE IT RESOLVED to change Bylaw 2. (e)


2.(e) “DMO” means a destination marketing organization, and includes regional destination marketing organizations and community destination marketing organizations, each of which is a non-profit organization that promotes tourism into and within the Province of British Columbia;


2.(e) “DMO” means a destination marketing or management organization, and includes regional destination marketing or management organizations and community destination marketing or management organizations, each of which is a non-profit organization that promotes tourism into and within the Province of British Columbia

Special Resolution 2024-02

To provide clarity to the acronym in Directors and Officers

WHEREAS the Board of TIABC reviewed the wording in Bylaw 8.1 regarding Directors and Officers composition, AND

WHEREAS the Board has agreed that there is a need to update the acronym used to describe Directors and Officers composition; therefore

BE IT RESOLVED to change Bylaw 8.l


8.1 The Board will be composed, without duplication, of 13 directors, consisting of directors to be elected by the Active Members in accordance with Section 7, plus the Chair and the Past Chair. The Board composition will strive for 50% gender parity and 30% representation of other under-represented groups, including Indigenous peoples, racialized persons, people living with disabilities, and members of the LGBTQ2 community.


8.1 The Board will be composed, without duplication, of 13 directors, consisting of directors to be elected by the Active Members in accordance with Section 7, plus the Chair and the Past Chair. The Board composition will strive for 50% gender parity and 30% representation of other under-represented groups, including Indigenous peoples, racialized persons, people living with disabilities, and members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.

Special Resolution 2024-03

To provide clarity to the Terms of Office in Directors and Officers

WHEREAS the Board of TIABC reviewed the wording in Bylaw 8.6 regarding Directors and Officers, Vice-Chair Terms of Office, AND

WHEREAS the Board has agreed that there is a need to update the wording used to describe Directors and Officers, Vice-Chair Terms of Office; therefore

BE IT RESOLVED to change Bylaw 8.6


8.6 The Vice Chair will be an Active Member and, in the case where such Member is not an individual, will be an owner or senior officer of an Active Member, or if representing a tourism sector or destination management or marketing organization (DMO), be an owner or senior officer, subject to Section 17.2, will be appointed by the board for a term of one-year and is eligible for re-appointment for a second one-year term. Subject to 17.2, the individual appointed by the Board as Vice Chair in the second year of the Chair’s term will thereafter move by progression to the role of Chair.


8.6 The Vice Chair will be an Active Member and, in the case where such Member is not an individual, will be an owner or senior officer of an Active Member, or if representing a tourism sector or destination management or marketing organization (DMO), be an owner or senior officer, a senior executive or director, subject to Section 17.2, and be appointed by the board for a term of one-year and is eligible for re-appointment for a second one-year term. Subject to 17.2, the individual appointed by the Board as Vice Chair in the second year of the Chair’s term will thereafter move by progression to the role of Chair.

Special Resolution 2024-04

To provide clarity to the Terms of Office in Directors and Officers

WHEREAS the Board of TIABC reviewed the wording in Bylaw 8.10 regarding Directors and Officers, Terms of Office, AND

WHEREAS the Board has agreed that there is a need to revise the wording used to describe Directors and Officers, Terms of Office; therefore

BE IT RESOLVED to change Bylaw 8.10


8.10 Subject to Sections 18.2 and 18.3, each director will be elected for a term of two years, with each term expiring at the close of the second annual general meeting after their election, and is eligible for re-election or re-appointment for up to two additional terms such that each director maybe elected for a maximum of three two year terms. 


8.10 Subject to Sections 18.2 and 18.3, each director will be elected for a term of two years, with each term expiring at the close of the second annual general meeting after their election, and is eligible for re-election or re-appointment for up to two additional terms such that each director maybe elected for a maximum of three two year terms. A director can serve a maximum of eight years on the board, including roles as chair and past-chair.

Special Resolution 2024-05

To provide clarity to the Terms of Office in Directors and Officers

WHEREAS the Board of TIABC reviewed the wording in Bylaw 8.11 regarding Directors and Officers, Terms of Office, AND

WHEREAS the Board has agreed that there is a need to revise the wording used to describe Directors and Officers, Terms of Office; therefore

BE IT RESOLVED to change Bylaw 8.11


8.11 Notwithstanding Section 8.10, but subject to Section 18.2, the director holding the office of Vice Chair, if appointed to the office of Vice Chair in the second year of the Chair's term, regardless of the number of terms they have already served as a director, will thereafter serve a consecutive two-year term as Chair and a further consecutive two-year term as Past Chair pursuant to Sections 8.6, 8.7, and 8.8.


8.11 Notwithstanding Section 8.10, but subject to Section 18.2, the director holding the office of Vice Chair, if appointed to the office of Vice Chair in the second year of the Chair's term, regardless of the number of terms they have already served as a director, must assume the position no later than the end of year one of their second term and will thereafter serve a consecutive two-year term as Chair and a further consecutive two-year term as Past Chair, for a maximum of eight years, pursuant to Sections 8.6, 8.7, and 8.8.

Special Resolution 2024-06

To provide clarity to the Terms of Office in Directors and Officers

WHEREAS the Board of TIABC reviewed the wording in Bylaw 8.14 regarding Directors and Officers, Terms of Office, AND

WHEREAS the Board has agreed that there is a need to revise the wording used to describe Directors and Officers, Terms of Office; therefore

BE IT RESOLVED to change Bylaw 8.14


8.14 If a director resigns or otherwise ceases to hold office before the expiry of his or her term, the remaining directors will appoint a replacement who will hold office for the remainder of the term of the former director. At the expiry of the term of the appointed director, they will remain eligible for election of up to three (3) terms as per section 8.10.


8.14 If a director resigns or otherwise ceases to hold office before the expiry of his or her term, the remaining directors will appoint a replacement who will hold office for the remainder of the term of the former director. At the expiry of the term of the appointed director, they will remain eligible for election of up to three (3) terms as per section 8.10, but cannot exceed eight years as a director or officer.


Based on the nominations received by the closing date of October 25, 2024, an election is required in the DMO CATEGORY. There were three (3) nominations submitted in the BUSINESS CATEGORY, and one (1) nominee submitted in the SECTOR ASSOCIATION CATEGORY. Therefore, an election will not be required in these categories but nominees will be affirmed by a vote. Meet the candidates in the link below.

View the Board Nominees Bio's

Voting by Ballot

As per TIABC bylaw 9.3 - active members may vote for qualified candidates for election as directors before the AGM at which the election is to take place by submitting a completed ballot. The voting ballot must be received by the Society no less than five business days before the date of the annual general meeting at which the election is to take place.

Return ballot to info@tiabc.ca by December 3, 2024 at 5:00 pm (PST)

Voting Ballot