November 24, 2021

The countdown is over! Congress is less than a week away.  I am so looking forward to seeing some industry family in person – and online. I will be reviewing key trends over the last many months, and sharing my thoughts and vision for the future of the industry with you during the Leadership Report on November 30th.  And, I am thrilled that I will have a chance to introduce the new Minister of Tourism and Associate Minister of Finance, the Honourable Randy Boissonnault, to attendees during this session. 
We have a full program of fantastic speakers lined up, and still have space for virtual attendance. Please visit  
While the announcement on eliminating the PCR test requirements for Canadians returning to Canada from trips lasting less than 72 hours marks a very small step in the right direction, we know it does not go far enough to help rebuild an industry devastated by COVID-19.  
To help rebuild Canada’s tourism industry we need testing requirements that are consistent with those in place in other countries. And we need to harmonize those requirements across all modes of transportation be it by plane, car, boat, coach or train. We are encouraging the Canadian government to eliminate all unnecessary and non-science-based obstacles to cross border travel for fully vaccinated travellers. 
Starting today, Alberta has updated the QR code vaccine record to meet the Canadian standard for domestic and international travel. We are glad to see this transition across the country to allow for a seamless travel experience. 
We were also very pleased to see last week’s announcement that travellers who have received the Sinopharm, Sinovac and Covaxin COVID-19 vaccines will be considered fully vaccinated for travel purposes by the end of the month. 
Parliament has officially resumed this week, and we heard the Speech from the Throne yesterday. Our main goal at this point is to ensure the newly announced support programs are as effective as possible for tourism businesses - and are implemented quickly.
Please reach out with any comments or questions on our advocacy work at


Beth Potter
President & CEO
Tourism Industry Association of Canada
Dear Tourism Stakeholders,

The TIAC Team is pleased to provide you with this update on the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, including the steps government is taking to address the situation, as well as highlights of our recent advocacy efforts. We are working hard to make sure the industry’s voice is heard by government, and that you have the information you need to keep your business going in these uncertain times.

Please find the latest updates on official announcements and a recap of TIAC’s advocacy work on behalf of Canada’s Visitor Economy:
The Leadership Report

TIAC’s President and CEO, Beth Potter, will present this year’s Leadership Report, titled Together we are Stronger at Tourism Congress on November 30th.

This will be Ms. Potter’s first Report to the industry at Congress as head of TIAC. She will highlight the organization’s efforts to support the industry over the past 20 months, including the powerful collaboration and unity that emerged between industry partners over this challenging time.  

Beth will also discuss the strategic roadmap and vision for the future, as TIAC works to lead the industry’s recovery from the pandemic. 

But perhaps one of the most important parts of this presentation will be the first appearance of the newly appointed Minister of Tourism and Associate Minister of Finance, the Honourable Randy Boissonnault. Following the Leadership Report, delegates will have a chance to listen to Beth and the Minister in conversation, hear from the Minister on his views and priorities for tourism in Canada. 

The reintroduction of a dedicated Minister of Tourism gives us a clear acknowledgment of the importance of our industry to Canada’s overall economic growth and future prosperity for all Canadians. 
Minister Boissonnault was first elected to the House of Commons in 2015 and was re‑elected in 2021, representing Edmonton Centre. 

He is a successful entrepreneur, community leader, and philanthropist with a strong record of leadership in business, public service, and the not-for-profit sector. 

TIAC is very much looking forward to working with Minister Boissonnault and his team to ensure we will achieve the goal of rebuilding Canada’s travel economy and regain our leading competitive position in the global tourism market. Beth and the Minister will discuss just this - goals and future thinking for industry recovery. 
To learn more or provide comments on any of our advocacy initiatives, please reach out to Madison Simmons, Director of Government Affairs, at
National Policy Forum  
On November 30th at 1:30pm, TIAC will be hosting the National Policy Forum at Congress.

This session aims to provide delegates the opportunity to help shape TIAC’s advocacy priorities over the coming year to address chronic and systemic labour challenges. Objectives will be outlined, the role of advocacy – including the key players – will be reviewed, and the issue will be presented and then discussed by an expert panel representing different sectors of the industry. And, lastly, a draft advocacy strategy framework will be presented for deliberation and reaction from delegates. Moderated by Huw Williams, President of Impact Public Affairs, with a panelist list including: 

  • Susie Grynol, President and CEO of the Hotel Association of Canada 
  • Rebecca McKenzie, President and CEO of the Culinary Tourism Alliance 
  • Kevin Eshkawkogan, President and CEO, Indigenous Tourism Ontario 
  • Philip Mondor, President and CEO, Tourism HR Canada 

Attendees can take a look in advance at the policy paper prepared for discussion, available on the Congress website below.
PHAC Resources on COVID-19

Among the eligible population, young adults aged 18 to 39 years have the lowest vaccination coverage, as of October 16, 2021.
  • 75% of 18 to 29-year-olds are fully vaccinated. 
  • 77% of 30 to 39-year-olds are fully vaccinated.  
  • Between July 14 and October 18, 2021, within the 18 to 39-year-old age group: 
  • 2,037 people have been hospitalized with COVID-19; 
  • 384 people have been admitted to ICU; 
  • 45 people with COVID-19 have died. 
  • There is no way to tell how COVID-19 will affect you. While young people may sometimes have mild symptoms when infected with COVID-19, they can still get sick from the virus, spread the virus to others, and experience longer-term effects.  
Being fully vaccinated is one of the most effective ways to protect our families, communities and ourselves against COVID-19. By sharing this information with your stakeholders, clients and employees, you can help all of us to get back to the people and activities we miss.    
COVID-19 Awareness Toolkit is also available online with additional COVID-19 resources and in multilingual formats 
Travel Restrictions

Destination Canada provides up-to-date domestic travel restrictions and traveller self-isolation requirements for all provinces and territories.