The India Group
ring 2016 



Candles on the Ganges

Dear Friends of TIG,

We know a lot of you love reports from our missions. Below find the report from our February pilgrimage. Here are some highlights:
  • Thanks to you, TIG is now educating low-caste 22 children.
  • We are more knowledgeable about the healthcare situation in India, especially in Khajuraho. We now have a special committee comprised of three doctors and a nurse to help us with medical decisions. TIG frequently addresses difficult medical situations among our families. 
  • We are still working on getting corrective surgery for Annu, a girl who was badly burned in an accidental fire as a child. Paul made contact with a doctor in Delhi who looks promising. 
We will keep you posted. 

Meantime, our warmest wishes for a happy Spring! Thanks so much for your interest and support.

The India Group
" The good news is that all of the children are reported to be doing average to very well in school.  The one issue has been some school and tutor attendance problems with Laxmi's daughter, Muskan. We spoke with the tutor and both parents.  I think the mother understands that school has to be an everyday thing even when it rains or the children don't want to go to school.  "


Members of the 2016 TIG delegation take a boat ride on the Ganges.

Read the full report here.

"Another tense medical moment was when David and Martin questioned the pharmacy bills, which I too had often thought of as high but had come to accept.  Several times in the past I went to the pharmacy in Khajuraho and Delhi to verify charges. Basically the question for David and Martin was: In light of how much people earn, how could they pay so much for medicine? Was there a scam to get money? If so, were the families in on it?  This, of course, would have been devastatingly upsetting.

  We went to the pharmacist and went through one of Baba's bills line by line. David was surprised at the number of medicines that were prescribed.  The pharmacist explained that the doctors get a kick-back from the pharmaceutical companies for prescribing their medicine.  David also found that some of the medicines prescribed for the children seemed to be contraindicated.  We agreed that the families have no way of evaluating what is prescribed as most of us wouldn't.  David asked the pharmacist what happens when people can't afford to pay for medicine.  He said, 'They might die.' 

- from the  2016 trip report
In This Issue
Milli, now in fifth grade
Will you
help educate a child?

We now provide 19 children with education and healthcare.  Your donation is much needed -- and tax deductable.


Plan to attend TIG'S fall fundraiser

October 15, 2016
6-9 PM
Paul and Richard's place


Philanthropy as a spiritual practice 

TIG mentioned in Heart-Centered Giving podcast.

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