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A message from the

Executive Director:

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Hello and Welcome! This time of year offers a necessary pause from the chaos of everyday life and a chance for us to reflect on the moments big and small that make life special. Moments like the birth of a baby, college graduation, a new home, or finishing that home project that you’ve been working on for months. Notwithstanding the last 2 years’ many challenges, we at TIP are thankful we were able to use creative solutions like TeleTIP to continue to serve those in need. I am profoundly aware of the thousands of lives our volunteers have touched with their kindness and am filled with gratitude for the unwavering dedication and compassion they have to provide exemplary care throughout the pandemic.

We are proud to announce Trauma Intervention Program of San Diego’s (TIP SD) first-ever digital newsletter.  Some of you may know us well, and some of you may have only heard of us. As we reflect on gratitude, we are making some intentional changes in how we connect with our community members; the most obvious is the sharing of this newsletter with you.  You are receiving this newsletter because you are a current or former volunteer, staff or board member; you submitted an inquiry about volunteering with our organization; or signed up to receive notifications. We hope you enjoy our quarterly musings where you can meet our staff and volunteers; stay up to date on our Training Academies and participation in community events; receive fascinating news about all things TIP including some pointers about how to talk to a friend, family member or co-worker who is grieving; along with other relevant news and pearls of wisdom. 

Wishing you all a happy holiday season!

- Sher DeWeese

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Time like the holidays can be difficult for many who have lost a loved one. Take a few moments to check in with friends, family members and co-workers who may be having a difficult time. Those simple acts of compassion can make all the difference to those who are struggling.

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Volunteer Spotlight - Linda L.

Linda was helped by a crisis volunteer many, many years ago and was so appreciative, she decided to find a similar organization where she too could help people who suddenly find themselves in a traumatic situation. That was over 20 years ago and Linda is still an active volunteer with our organization! We have been so grateful to have her on our team!


Linda’s been called out to hundreds of scenes. When asked about some memorable calls, this is what she shared: “During my years with TIP I have been with employees who have been held at gun point during a bank robbery, residents of house fires, on the scene of fatal auto and train accidents, with many individuals who have just experienced a suicide or natural death in their life as well as at schools or businesses after a tragedy has occurred and support was needed for students and staff. The experiences I have had over the years are ones that are not encountered during a normal day in one’s life. I know that at the beginning of each one of my twelve-hour shifts, I may very well have the opportunity to impact someone’s life in a positive way at a very difficult time in their life.”


When Linda isn’t volunteering, you can find her on the golf course, playing bridge or spending time with her family and friends. She very enthusiastically describes her life as “very, very full!”


Linda has a lot of knowledge to share. When asked if she had to give someone one piece of advice, she said, “Do something with your life, do not let it pass you by. Anyone can sit on the sidelines, it takes initiative and energy to take part and contribute to the game of life and the rewards are well worth it.”


Thank you, Linda, for your 20+ years of unwavering dedication to those in our own communities that you have helped. What a treasure you have been to so many people, including your TIP family!

Get ready for cooler weather

TIP Feedback

A CPR call came out at the facility and a young man had been pronounced deceased, as they were finalizing the time of death is right when the mother arrived to see her son, only to be met with CPR being terminated in front of her. It was highly emotional and shocking and so sad to see a mother hit with such devastating news in that way.

All of the officers couldn’t wait for TIP to arrive, as this elderly mother needed someone to be with her. We did our best, but there is no substitute for the skill and compassion a TIP volunteer has. When Angela arrived, it allowed us to be pulled in other directions that we needed to focus on, and it was so nice to know that the client was in good hands and being given care and attention.

Angela, you were so helpful to us all on scene that day and I know we couldn’t have provided the support to the client like you did, thank you for being on call and for arriving and being part of the team that day!  I wanted to say THANK YOU!

- TIP Partner Agency

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Adopt a Volunteer

Save the date! Giving Tuesday is November 30th and TIP is kicking off our ADOPT A TIP VOLUNTEER fundraiser! December is Adopt a TIP Volunteer Month; help one of our dedicated volunteers by making a donation to train, equip, and recognize them for a year. Any amount donated defrays the cost of continuing education for our volunteers and provides printed resources for the families they serve in your community. No donation is too small as it helps support citizens helping citizens in crisis. All donations are tax deductible.. 

For more information


giving back...


VOLUNTEER: Would you, or do you know someone who might be interested in joining TIP as a volunteer?  Use your compassionate and caring heart to give back to your community. Our comprehensive training fully prepares and equips our volunteers to use that care and compassion to help others in their time of need. Our next training academy begins January 12th. For more 2022 training dates

SPEAKING OPPORTUNITIES: TIP is seeking speaking opportunities to share the TIP experience. We would love to share our mission throughout the community. Please reach out to us if you have an opportunity to share our story via zoom or in person at info@tipsandiego.org   

SUPPORT: Looking for other ways to support? Consider giving a donation, providing supplies on our Amazon Wishlist or share TIP with your company or organization that contributes to worthy community endeavors.

For more information
