January 02, 2025 - The Season of Epiphany | |
"We gather as one humanity at God’s Table. We share a journey of discovery as a welcoming community of ever-deepening faith. We rejoice in serving one another and our neighbors through the love and grace of God in Christ. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are part of the tapestry that makes us one." | |
Sunday, Jan 5
Second Sunday after Christmas
The Rev. Dr. Dorothy White
Celebrant and Preacher
8:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
Nursery, Children's Chapel (livestreamed at 10:30 a.m.)
11:45 a.m. Coffee Hour
4:30 p.m. EYC Gathering
5:30 Epiphany Supper and Compline
Music for 10:30 service by Dr. Stephen Karr, Director of Music Ministry with Coventry Choir, and assistance of Kane Bradley, Music Assistant
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Sunday, Jan 12
First Sunday after Epiphany
(The Baptism of Our Lord)
The Rev. Dr. Dorothy White
Celebrant and Preacher
8:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
Nursery, Children's Chapel (livestreamed at 10:30 a.m.)
11:45 a.m. Coffee Hour
12:00 p.m. Bldgs & Grnds Mtg
Music for 10:30 service by Dr. Stephen Karr, Director of Music Ministry with Coventry Choir, and assistance of Kane Bradley, Music Assistant
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The Season after Epiphany
We've changed colors again, the season after Epiphany (Jan. 6) takes us into the "Ordinary Time" and color is green; however, the first two Sundays (Second Sunday after Christmas, and First Sunday after Epiphany/ Baptism of our Lord) are both white; however I've taken the liberty to make the background and outline colors "gold". From Sunday, January 19 onward we will be in green until we change for the penitential season of Lent.
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Worship with us In-Person or Online
We continue to provide a worship service online each Sunday, livestreamed at 10:30 a.m. on our YouTube Channel and on Facebook then recorded and posted on our YouTube page and our Facebook page for later viewing. You can also access these from the front page of our website at https://stgchurch.org under Worship or Sunday Schedule by clicking wherever our YouTube channel is mentioned.
NOTE: Our previous worship service videos are archived on our YouTube page.
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Children are so very welcome at St. George’s!
Families, please know that children’s activity bags can be found in the Narthex! These bags include activities to help your entire family talk about the day’s scripture lessons. Please place bags in the basket under the coat rack after use so that we can refill them with supplies!
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Children's Chapel
We offer Worship and Wonder (PK-5th) in Classroom B, and Our Journey with God (6th-12th) in Classroom A during our 10:30 a.m. service. Your children will experience an age-appropriate lesson based on the lectionary shared in the service. Additional teachers are needed, contact Karrie at Karrie@stgeorgesgermantown.org if you would be willing to help as a teacher.
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Healing Prayers each Sunday
If you would like to have healing prayers for yourself or through you for a family member or friend, members of the Order of the Daughters of the King or clergy will be available in the chapel in the back of the nave to administer healing prayers with laying on of hands and anointing if desired. Just go back to the chapel after you take communion or at the end of the service where they will meet you for prayer.
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This Week and Next at St. George's | |
We Host Room in the Inn at the Cottage Tonight, Jan. 2
If you'd like to come by to help set up, or to meet our guests and chat with them at dinner time, join us at 5:30 p.m. at The Cottage (across from Germantown United Methodist Church and just down a few doors from The Commissary.
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Epiphany Supper and Compline, Sunday, January 5
We hope everyone will make plans to join us for a special Epiphany "Soup, Salad and S'mores Supper" with Evening Compline on Sunday, January 5th from 5:30pm to 7 pm. We will begin with food and fellowship in the Parish Hall, have s'mores over the firepit and then proceed to the Nave for Compline led by the youth. There will be Epiphany activities for children. Youth will meet at 4:30 pm in Classroom A to prepare for the compline service. Please RSVP to Karrie by January 1st if you plan to attend. If you are able to bring a crock pot of soup, donate an item for the event or assist with setup/clean up, please contact Karrie LaCroix. Director of Children/Family/Youth Ministry
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Lancers Meets Next Friday
St. George's social group for adults meets Friday, January 10 at 6:30 for a Social Hour followed by a potluck supper. BYOB and a dish to share (appetizer, entree, salad or side, or dessert) and enjoy a time of fun and fellowship with friends. Newcomers always welcome. Kit Decker will need a couple of people to come a little early to help set up. We had a wonderful turnout last month when we hosted Candles and Carols for the parish and we hope to see many of you again this month as we welcome a new year. If the weather is chilly, come out for warmth and welcome at Lancers.
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Coming Events
Jan 01 - Office Closed
Jan 02 - Room In The Inn Host Night
Jan 05 - Epiphany Sunday, Soup, Salad and S'mores Supper" with evening compline from 5:30 pm to 7 pm.
Jan. 10 - Lancer's
Jan 11 & 18 - New Watercolor painting class
Jan 12 - Sunday, Baptism of Our Lord, Jesus Christ
Jan. 13 - Knitting Gathering
Jan 14 - Book Club
Jan. 16 - Room in the Inn
Jan. 17 - Flying Solo
Looking Ahead
Jan. 19 - Sunday DOK Chapter Mtg, Meet & Greet Newcomers, More Than a Meal, EYC Gathering
Jan. 26 - Sunday,10:30 service only, Lunch & Annual Parish Meeting, 4:30 EYC Gathering
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Weekly Events
Sunday – St. George's Consort and Sanctifica Rehearsals
Monday - EfM meets 6:45 in the Library
Tuesday – Tai Chi, 6:30 pm in the Activity Center
Wednesday – DOK hosts a Bible Study (10 am) / Coventry Choir rehearsal 7pm
Thursday - Exultemus rehearsal / Thursday Night Bible Study, 7 - 9 pm Online
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Stewardship Message and Update | |
This week we met our Stewardship goal for 2025 pledges. The response to the request for a 6% increase has been excellent, and we’re so pleased at the response. It will help ensure the vital life and programs at St. George’s will begin the New Year with “full steam.” There is always room for more, of course, and updated pledges or new pledges can still be turned into the office.
We are moving forward in faith and in mission, and our financial support expresses that dedication. Thank you, all. And, special thanks to the Stewardship Committee that has been hard at work on year-round stewardship since September.
The annual report of the Church will include a 2024 financial summary at the Annual Meeting on January 26.
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Giving Online
Just use this QR code or button below, to give or to pledge! It’s that simple! We thank you for your support!
To pledge time and offerings, you can use the link below, click on the QR code or contact the church office. If you have any questions, please contact me.
Jim Vogel, Treasurer
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Join the Journey Update
Dear friends,
This week we close the book on 2024 and look ahead to the new year. We have learned some important lessons about St. George’s in 2024. For most of us, concepts like “Ready Church”, “Paraclete Church”, and “Missional Church” have been introduced to us as descriptions of St. George’s. These new terms have been elucidated in our series of YouTube videos available on the church’s YouTube channel. As outlined previously, we may now incorporate these new ideas and terms into our official parish profile, so that we can accurately depict the ministry and heart of St. George’s to a potential new rector. The survey and its explication have given us all a new vocabulary to talk about our church’s goals and mission with a new level of precision and accuracy.
But these grand phrases (“Paraclete church”, “missional church”, etc.) merely convey the things that you have said about St. George’s; they are the concise summary of our congregational survey. It is the congregation members who have provided this data, so in one sense it is not new. However, from another point of view the data is new, because while I might have described St. George’s in a certain way, I would never have presumed to speak for how St. George’s describes and thinks of itself. Only you can do that, and that is what we have done with the congregational survey. Your voices have been heard, and it has cast a vision into our heart of what St. George’s not only IS, but also what it MAY BECOME.
O sing unto the LORD a new song; for he hath done marvellous things: his right hand, and his holy arm, hath gotten him the victory. - Psalm 98:1
Our Journey, the transitional period between rectors, is a time for us to sing a new song to the Lord. We sing to the Lord as we recognize the riches of His grace in our story. But to sing a new song to the Lord is wanted when we see how God is active in our present moment.
Who knows what new songs we may sing in 2025 and beyond? With that in mind I encourage you to participate actively in the Listening Sessions mentioned in the last video. The new song is ours to sing- no one else’s, and we need all of our voices. Onward and upward into 2025!
Perry Pennington, Senior Warden
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St. George’s Episcopal Church
Annual Meeting
January 26, 2025
Please mark your calendars and plan to attend our church’s Annual Meeting. On Sunday, January 26th, we will have one service at 10:30 am. Immediately following that service we will gather in the Parish Hall for a meal and a meeting.
Your participation in ministry within and outside of St. George’s has been phenomenal. As we gather to review 2024 and discuss 2025, your participation and input is needed.
Our vestry nominees for this year are: Mary Margaret Freeman, Beverly Hollingsworth, Clayann Gilliam Panetta, Jon Sharp, Mary Thorsberg to fill 3 year terms, and Nancy Ligon to fill a 2 year un-expired term. Information on the candidates was provided in a special email to you on 12/31/2024 or can be viewed at the button below.
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Special Vote at the Annual Meeting This Month
In 2024, the Vestry voted unanimously to amend one of the Church’s endowment funds, following a recommendation from the Finance Committee and the Endowment Trustees. The Gibson Lecture Fund has been seldom used at St. George’s since its inception, and we have the opportunity to enlarge its scope by allowing its earnings to be spent on the entire Christian Education program in addition to lectures. The Church is permitted to amend the terms of some of its endowment funds, including the Gibson Fund, if the Vestry resolution is approved by 3/4 of the voters at the next annual meeting.
All members will receive a letter this month detailing the history of the Gibson Fund and its current financial strength. It should arrive late next week or the week thereafter. The Vestry resolution will be enclosed as well. Once you receive the letter, please contact me with any questions about the vote or the Endowment Funds in general. They are the result of generous gifts during the life of the Church, designed to enhance ministry, stewardship and community outreach. They are entrusted to our care to carry that work into the future.
Jim Vogel, Treasurer
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Adult Beginner Watercolor Class
2-Days, Saturday, January 11 and 18 from 10a-12p, $125 + supplies (kit rent or purchase options available)
Learn something new in 2025! Have you always wanted to try Watercolor? In this adult beginner class Stacey Meredith will introduce you to the wonderful world of watercolor through techniques, supplies, and a variety of projects. Projects include a landscape, floral, and an abstract. No experience is necessary. Details at the link: https://www.meredithdesignco.com/adult-watercolor-class or feel free to reach out to Stacey Meredith at 901.488.1785 or slmeredith@me.com.
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Did You Resolve to Start and Exercise Class This Year?
Try Tai Chi, Tuesdays, at 6:30 p.m.
Sandra Keller is teaching Tai Chi for Healthy Living on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Activity Center.; (901) 486-0036 or mizfrog@comcast.net.
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St. George's Has an Online Pictorial Directory
Click on this St. George's Church Directory landing page below to read about how you can be added to it or add your photo.
Need help or have questions? Please email: directory@stgeorgesgermantown.org
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The Pem Field Library has been updated and brought online!
Virginia Baird has reorganized our Library to catalog recent gifts and make it even more user-friendly by including a listing of its contents online (https://www.librarycat.org/lib/stgeorgelibrary). The Library employs the Dewey Decimal classification system with the OOO’s starting to your left as you enter the library and continuing clockwise around the room, culminating in the Children’s collection on the far right. The Gibson and Marquis collections have been integrated into the main collection and designated with the initial call letters GIB and MAR respectively. For instructions on how to use the Library in-person or online
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Notes on the Notes
by Stephen Karr
Thank you to all the musicians, choristers (children and adults), and section leaders who enhanced our Christmas services with their glorious music.
(You can see and hear our 4:00 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. Christmas Eve services on our Youtube channel.)
We look forward to making music with you and for you in the new year!
Stephen Karr
Director of Music Ministry
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Wednesday Morning Bible Study is
Open to All
St. George's Chapter of the Order of the Daughters of the King hosts a Wednesday morning Bible study from 10 - 11 a.m. that is open to all interested persons. This month they finish up their survey of women in the Bible.
The Bible Study group is currently reading and studying the Book of Revelation using Engaging God’s Word: Revelation by Community Bible Study. It is available at Amazon for $15.43. All are welcome!
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St. George's Book Club Meets Tuesday, January 14
Our January book is The Printed Letter Bookshop by Katherine Reay. Love, friendship, and family fid a home at the Printed Letter Bookshop. When Madeline inherits the bookshop her own bitter losses have hardened her heart toward her once-treasured aunt and the now struggling bookshop left in her care. This is a captivating story of good books, a testament to the beauty of new beginnings, and a sweet reminder of the power of friendship
We will meet in the Church Library at 7 pm, bring a drink or munchies to share. If you are on the Book Club email list, you will receive a reminder and login information for joining via the online (Zoom) option. If you would like to join the group, contact Kit Decker at kit.decker@earthlink.net to be put on the email group list for the Book Club to receive announcements and meeting information.
The Book Club Schedule for reading year 2024-25 has been posted to the church website. You can access it here. A new trifold brochure for the Reading Year 2024-25 with a description of Book Club, scheduled dates and a brief synopsis of each book is available for pickup in the Bookshoppe or at the meetings.
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Thursday Night Bible Study Studies The Psalms
You are welcome to join St. George’s Episcopal Church’s Thursday Evening Bible Study online at 7:00 P.M. each week, for an amazing, in-depth study of the Book of Psalms that you have never experienced and will probably never again experience. Contact the class’s facilitator, Dr. Jimmy Elam at jimmyelam@hotmail.com, for further information, handouts and weekly Zoom link. No classes Dec. 26 and Jan. 2.
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Forward Day by Day Available
Forward Movement offers beautiful books, apps, mobile-friendly websites, and podcasts to support a roving life of prayer.
Visit prayer.forwardmovement.org to find morning and evening prayer, the daily scripture readings, Forward Day by Day meditations, special seasonal meditations and more. Or visit forwardmovement.org/podcasts to discover their various podcasts.
The Nov - Jan issue is now available for pick up in the Narthex. You can also subscribe to an emailed daily version of the publication here.
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Please click here for a Google calendar with more detailed information. Please email Karrie for any questions or to RSVP for an event. | |
January Activities for Families and Youth
Our "Worship and Wonder" class for children ages 3 years old through 5th grade meets Sundays in Classroom B during a portion of our 10:30am service. "Our Journey with God" class for 6th-12th grade meets at the same time in Classroom A. Children will be dismissed from church after the reading of the first lesson and return to church at the Peace. Older students will be asked to be good stewards and help assist the younger children in the classroom.
Children's Chapel Teachers are needed to assist the children of St. George's learn about God through play and creativity to experience an age appropriate lesson based on the lectionary shared in the service during our 10:30 am worship service. Contact Kerry at karrie@stgeorgesgermantown.org.
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January Epiphany Event for Families and All Members of the Parish
We hope everyone will make plans to join us for a special Epiphany "Soup, Salad and S'mores Supper" with evening compline on Sunday, January 5th from 5:30pm to 7 pm. We will begin with food and fellowship in the Parish Hall, have s'mores over the firepit and then proceed to the Nave for Compline led by the youth. There will be Epiphany activities for children. Youth will meet at 4:30 pm in Classroom A to prepare for the compline service. Please RSVP to Karrie by January 1st if you plan to attend. If you are able to bring a crock pot of soup, donate an item for the event or assist with setup/celan up, please contact Karrie
Feast of Lights celebration at St. Mary's for our families with youth, Saturday, January 4th. Karrie is not going to be able to attend but the event is designed to have a place for the youth to participate and a place for parents to spend time in fellowship:
Here’s a quick look at the evening:
· 4:00 p.m.: A youth gathering in Martyrs Hall with snacks, activities, and time to connect(St. Mary's will host a hospitality room in the Diocesan House starting at 4 p.m. for adults and families during the youth gathering)
· 5:00 p.m.: Feast of Lights service, which will include a blessing for the Diocesan Youth Council (DYC) and its new members.
· 6:00 p.m.: Bonfire and cocoa
Saturday, January 11, 2025: Youth(grades 6th through 12th) will meet at 6pm at St. George's for dinner. We will then go to Mid South Ice House for Cosmic Ice Skating. We will plan to return to St. George's by 10pm. Please RSVP to Karrie if your youth plans to attend. Parent chaperones and drivers needed so please let Karrie know if you are able to help!
Sunday, January 19th 4:30pm to 6:30 pm: EYC(grades 6th through 12th) "Dinner and Devotion" in Parish Hall.
January 26th, 11:30-12:30pm: Youth and children will gather together for lunch and activities during the annual meeting. Nursery will be available for the youngest among us.
January 26, 2025 following the annual meeting lunch and activities(approximately 1pm): Holy Spirit Squad(grades 3rd through 5th) will go to Mid South Ice House for ice skating. Estimated time of return is 3:30pm. Please RSVP to Karrie if your child plans to attend. Parent chaperones and drivers needed so please let Karrie know if you are able to help!
January 26, 2025, 4:30 pm to 6:30pm, EYC(grades 6th through 12th) "Dinner and Devotion" in the Parish Hall
| The Holy Spirit Squad (our newly formed group of 3rd through 5th graders) has taken on a service project to assemble a box of goodies and decorate goodie bags for our Room in the Inn guests. If you are interested in helping to support their project and would like to donate an item, the SignUp Genius link can be found here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E48AFAD28A5FDC16-52369185-items#/ | |
Exciting Winter Offerings at St. Columba
Jr. and Sr. High Ski Trips - 3 day, two night ski adventure. Senior High Ski Trip will be January 17th-19th. Junior High Ski Trip will be February 14th-16th. (Details of location and lodging are still being decided so I will email again once registration opens and with flyers)
Participants can register using the link below.
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How Can We Serve Others: #StGServes | |
Room in the Inn Host Nights
On November 7 one of the most important ministries we do at Saint George’s began its ninth season of serving at the Methodist Church Cottage a block south of The Commissary. On the first and third Thursdays of each month, November through March, we provide a delicious dinner, breakfast, a comfortable bed, showers, clothes washing, and a selection of needed items to those who are homeless.
Most importantly over the time we have served we have provided listening ears and comfort to literally hundreds of individuals. When our volunteers are “being in the moment” with our guests it is truly the best possible gift one can offer a “houseless” person in need.
While most of our volunteer opportunities have now filled there are few openings remaining to help. Just contact me at the email below if you have an interest.
January opportunities o.n January 2 and 16
John Remsen
RITI Coordinator, St. George’s
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Serving More Than a Meal, on Sunday, January 19
We serve More Than a Meal on the 3rd Sunday of each month at Grace-St. Luke's Episcopal Church from 3 - 5 p.m. Join your St. George’s friends (and make new ones, too), when we next serve More Than a Meal and help make this season a hospitality-filled one for our neighbors. There are a number of roles for Sunday afternoons, from making nametags for guests, to plating food in the kitchen, to serving guests. We’ll start setting up at 3 p.m., and the meal will be served at 4 p.m. with cleanup usually finished by 5 p.m.
Cooking for More Than a Meal
It is St. George’s delight and honor to lead the 3rd Sunday cooking team. If you enjoy making your way around a kitchen, and would love to have a hungry crowd to appreciate your cooking, here's your opportunity! Many thanks to PZ and Selby Horton for leading the cooking team. Please contact PZ Horton at hortonpz@gmail.com for more information about joining the cooking team.
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Cleaning Out Your Closets? Donate Seasonal Clothing to the Calvary Closet
Even though Calvary's building is under renovation, the Clothes Closet remains open for neighbors experiencing homelessness. We will be thankful to receive your donations at the Welcome Inn next door, 82 N. 2nd Street. Men's jackets and winter outerwear, pants, belts, and shoes are a huge need. Women's clothes (appropriate streetwear) are also accepted. Please call 901-525-6602 for questions. Thank you for helping our neighbors!
Calvary Closet needs gently-used seasonal clothing, especially for men, in large and extra large sizes, shoes, and blankets/ throws/ sleeping bags are especially needed for those sleeping outside. Also desired are duffle bags and wheeled suitcases. See the list of items needed and place your bags in the donation tubs in the Narthex. You can also order from the Amazon wish list (search for "Calvary Memphis Outreach"), and they will be sent straight to Calvary! Other needed items include
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Rolling Suitcases
New Underwear
Warm Socks
Work Boots
Men's Belts
Plastic grocery bags
Jackets & Coats
Knit caps, scarves & gloves
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Umbrellas/rain ponchos
Elastic waist pants/sweats (M/L+)
Sleeping bags
Large/XL t-shirts
Sneakers/Casual Shoes
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Ways to serve our St. George's parish family | |
Be a Part of Our Worship Team
Crucifers and Torch Bearers Needed
Thank You to all of our children and youth who will serve as acolytes! It's never too late to join in so please contact Mary Margaret Freeman (marymargaretfree@gmail.com, or 901-336-1790) for more information.
Welcoming Teams, LEMs, & Acolytes Needed
We continuingly need a few more ushers/greeters to greet and help our worshippers find seats, and LEMs for 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services.
For more information about serving, please contact or respond to:
Andrew Proctor (LEMs, lectors, at proctorandrew@hotmail.com)
Stan Walker (ushers, stanlwalker64@gmail.com)
Mary Margaret Freeman (Acolytes, marymargaretfree@gmail.com)
Join a Music Ministry
St. George's music ensembles have resumed regular rehearsals. Contact the persons named for additional information about St. George's music ensembles:
Children’s choir will resume soon. Please contact Stephen Karr at music@stgeorgersgermantown.org.
Coventry Choir, Wednesday evenings 7-9 pm. - Please contact Stephen Karr at music@stgeorgersgermantown.org.
Exultemus!, our folk guitar and vocal ensemble - Please contact Tom Fields (901-674-0652).
St. George’s Recorder Consort – Please contact Angela Saunders (901-438-9975).
Sanctifica Wind & Brass Ensemble – Please contact Karen Moore (901-486-0417).
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Learn and Be A Part of Our Livestream Team
Do you have an interest in learning how to stream live video to the internet? Become part of our livestream team on Sunday mornings at 10:30am, no experience necessary. We have a new system in place that we are all learning how to use. Community service hours signoff available for students. Please contact Joe Austin at josephgaustin16@gmail.com if you are interested.
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Other ways to support our neighbors | |
A Message from MIFA
Since 1968, MIFA has been a source of hope and help to those who need it.
We serve meals, delivered by caring hands to seniors across Memphis and Shelby County. We provide assistance to ease the financial burdens of households in hard times. We connect families with housing to give them a solid foundation to build on. Learn more in this video.
We unite. We connect. We serve.
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Episcopal Relief & Development Provides Relief and Support for neighbors suffering following international conflicts, natural disasters, and refugee needs
Episcopal Relief & Development individually and in partnership with other relief organizations provides relief for natural disasters, war relief and other immediate needs in the USA and around the world.
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MGAL Juried Winter Show Now through January 14
The Memphis/Germantown Art League (MGAL) of Memphis, TN, first organized in 1976, is a nonprofit organization of visual artists and associates supporting the work of its member artists. The League’s purpose is to aid its member artists in their professional growth and in the development of their artistic skills by providing exhibitions, workshops, demonstrations, and other continuing education opportunities.
The exhibit includes a variety of paintings in oil, acrylic, watercolor, oil on silk, and mixed media.
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A portion of the proceeds from sales in The Gallery supports the work of Carpenter Art Garden, which brings the arts to the underserved Binghampton community. St. George’s Art Gallery is located within St. George’s Episcopal Church and is accessed through the front doors. The Gallery is open M – F from 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. and Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. | |
Mr. Richard and Penny, watercolor by Melody Wintraub | | |
Old Calcite Mine Camp, Palm Wash, CA , watercolor by Larry Hughes | | |
Happy New Year!
The Bookshoppe has a wonderland of Snowman decor and other items to celebrate winter! The Bookshoppe staff also wishes to thank our loyal customers for a very successful 2024 and we look forward to serving you in the New Year! The Bookshoppe is open from 10 - 12:30 on Sunday.
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St. George's Preschool
For information about the program, contact the Preschool Director, Sarah Bettendorf at: 901-757-2675
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Easy Ways to Support Our Church
Kroger Community Rewards continues to support St. George's. If you shop at Kroger for your groceries and sundries, please register with Kroger so that your purchases earn contributions to St. George's.
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Other Parish News
Need to sign someone up for the parish Prayer List or the DOK confidential prayer list? Contact Eileen at office@stgeorgesgermantown.org for Parish List;
Contact Kit Decker at kit.decker@earthlink.net or leave prayer request in the Prayer Box in the Narthex for DOK confidential prayer list.
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Diocesan & Community News | |
Diocesan and Community Events Coming Up
The Diocesan Communicator
The Diocesan Communicator of the Episcopal Diocese of West Tennessee is full of news and events. For more information click on the Diocesan Communicator link above and click on the current issue.
Subscribe to Diocesan News....
Subscribe to the Diocesan Communicator! Each Wednesday, the Episcopal Diocese of West Tennessee sends an email containing updates, inspiration, and events going on in our Episcopal community. To subscribe to the Communicator and find out more on what is going on in this Diocese, go to: edwtn.org
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Musical Offerings Around the Diocese:
Evensong, First Sundays through May at 5 p.m. at Calvary Episcopal Church
Diocesan Feast of Lights Celebration, Saturday, Jan. 4, 4 p.m. at St. Mary's Cathedral
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Other Events:
Wednesday Eucharist now offered at St. Mary's Cathedral
Information details and registration for all events are in The Diocesan Communicator
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We are Here for You
The past several years has affected all of us in unforeseen ways. Do you need help? St. George's is YOUR community.. If you need help--be it spiritual, mental, financial, physical, or emotional--the wisest action for you to take would be to reach out to a discreet resource that cares about you. There is no shame in saying, "I need help." It is a courageous act of self-care.
We have confidential prayer warriors wanting to add you to their list. Let us know of any burden or joy you'd like to share.
Contact Rev. Dorothy White or Eileen in the church office (901) 754-7282 for clergy assistance for your special needs.
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Birthdays and Wedding Anniversaries updated |
Birthdays: Roselyn Saffer (01-Jan), Gwen McCulloch (01-Jan), Ollie Phillips (01-Jan), Mary Thorsberg (02-Jan), Joy Wilson (03-Jan), Tom Higley (04-Jan), Kennedi Ford (04-Jan), Shepherd Sampson (04-Jan), Drew Murphy (05-Jan), Linda Davidson (06-Jan), Grant Sperry (06-Jan), Douglas Cannon (07-Jan), Caroline Ware (09-Jan), Elizabeth Sellers (10-Jan), Blake Adams (10-Jan), Jan Hume (11-Jan), Marilyn Hinson (14-Jan), Sandi Bethel (14-Jan), Chayah Arevalo-Fagan (15-Jan), Bob Vezina (17-Jan), Barbara Posner (17-Jan), John Peaches (17-Jan), Oswell Person (18-Jan), John Planchon (18-Jan), Maureen Ivey (19-Jan), Lou D'Eri (19-Jan), Annette McDevitt (24-Jan), Paige Rooney (26-Jan), Claire Adams (26-Jan), Jacque Clift (27-Jan), Mason Todd (27-Jan), Theodore Timmerman (27-Jan), Stacey Payton (28-Jan), Hannah Antinozzi (28-Jan), Karrie LaCroix (29-Jan), Andrew Buco (29-Jan), Rebecca 1Sloan (30-Jan), Julie Piras (30-Jan), Gus Codemo (30-Jan), Glynis Sampson (31-Jan)
Wedding Anniversaries: Patricia and Michael Christopher (01/05/1980)
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Please Pray For (updated 01/02/2025) | |
The Rev. Ronald Valentine, Renee Clark Guibao, Claire Grant, Robin Hendon, Joan, Beth Beston, Erin Brophy, Mary Newman, Wendy Stoltz, Barbara Apperson, Linda and Wendel Stoltz, Don Cook, Betsy and the Lambert family, Jan Hume, Brenda, Yolanda, Tom, Linda Miller, Sarah Long, Whit Stuart, Ian McDevitt, Carrol McIntire, Ashley Fields, Pam Williams, Judy Freeman, Barbara Conaway, Carole Freeman, Barbara Stapleton, Pam Ehrhart, Feyla Torres, Martha Crook, Tameka Dennis, Anna Ruby, Nancy Dick | | |
the Collins family, Joanna McIntosh, Margaret Knudson, Debby Valentine, Mary Fields, Shantih Smythe, Ted Davis, Gates Mims, Annette Main, Karren Bryer, Birdie Barker, Kathy Kramer, Luke Caver, Lin Isom Wells, Bridget Helene, Steven Conn, the Selber family, Myra McHugh, Susie, Charlene Davis, Sharon Greenwood, Carolyn Mason, Jim McLaughlin, Cypress, Natasha Griffin, Susan Hailey and family, Karen Moore and family. | | |
St. George's Clergy and Staff | |
The Rev. Dr. Dorothy White, Interim Rector
The Rev. Amanda McGriff, Assisting Priest (part-time)
The Rev. Peter W. Hawes, Rector Emeritus
Stephen Karr,
Director of Music Ministry
Eileen Fields,
Parish Administrator for Operations and Finance
Karrie LaCroix
Director of Children's,
Family, Youth Ministry
Whitney Boyd,
Finance Office Assistant
Sarah Bettendorf,
Preschool Director
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Staff (Cont.)
Kelly Flaherty,
Preschool Assistant Director
Kane Bradley,
Music Assistant
Joe Austin, Webmaster
Volunteer Staff:
Kit Decker, Communications;
Connie Douglass and
Pat Gallagher
Bookshoppe Managers;
Sarah Bettendorf, Weddings;
Tom Fields,
Exultemus Director;
Andrew Proctor,
Interim Sanctifica Director;
Andrew Proctor, Cantor
Joe Austin and Steven Cooper,
Video and Live-streaming
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The Vestry:
Perry Pennington
Senior Warden;
Molly Prewitt
Junior Warden
Jim Vogel,
John Planchon, Sr
Wayne Carpenter
Leslie Darr
Lou D'Eri
Courtney Felts
Steven Jenkins
Dan Lange
Jimmy Luke
Carolyn Mason
Amery Moore
Helen Morrow
Elise Patterson
Angela Saunders
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St. George's Episcopal Church
Germantown, TN 38138
Or call us at 901-754-7282
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