October 10, 2024 - The Season After Pentecost

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"We gather as one humanity at God’s Table. We share a journey of discovery as a welcoming community of ever-deepening faith. We rejoice in serving one another and our neighbors through the love and grace of God in Christ. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are part of the tapestry that makes us one."

Questions, Curiosity:

Healthy Avenues for Growth Rev. Dorothy

As I continue to prepare lessons for our Inquirers classes, I find myself reflecting on my journey from being an ordained Baptist minister to embracing ordination as an Episcopal priest. The road has been and in many ways continues to be filled with adventures and unforseen events.

Currently I am excited about our classes not only because they will provide an opportunity to facilitate, which is an enjoyable endeavor, but they will also be a time when I can get to know more members of St. George's community. Whether you are new in your attendance or seasoned, you are welcomed to these classes.

In preparation I have been pondering the reality that we, humans, are Imago Dei, made in the "image of God." Conversations that will unpack what that means can bring such richness to one's faith and understanding. Please consider joining us.

I will close with a thought for you to ponder.

Our purpose for being is to discover love. Discovering love means arriving at rightly ordered relationships with God (the source of everything that is on whom our existence depends), with nature (that which we must respect and seek to live in harmony with), and with each other.

Episcopal Questions, Episcopal Answers: Exploring Christian Faith by Ian S. Markham & C. K. Robertson

The Rev. Dr. Dorothy White, Interim Rector

St. George's Episcopal Church

Sunday Schedules

Sunday, Oct. 13

Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost

The Rev. Dr. Dorothy White

Celebrant and Preacher

9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist*

10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist*

Nursery, Children's Chapel** (livestreamed at 10:30 a.m. also posted later in the day)

11:45 a.m. Coffee Hour

12:00 Bldgs & Grounds Mtg

Music for both services by Dr. Stephen Karr, Director of Music Ministry with Coventry Choir, with assistance of Kane Bradley, Graduate Assistant in Choral Conducting,

Lectionary readings are Track 1

Lectionary Link

Sunday, Oct. 20

Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost

The Rev. Dr. Dorothy White

Celebrant and Preacher

9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist*

10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist*

Nursery, Children's Chapel**

( livestreamed at 10:30 a.m. also posted later in the day)

11:45 a.m. Coffee Hour

12:00 p.m. DOK Chapter Meeting Holy Spirit Squad Meeting

3:00 p.m. More Than a Meal

4:30 p.m. EYC Gathering

Music for both services by Dr. Stephen Karr, Director of Music Ministry with Coventry Choir with assistance of Kane Bradley, Graduate Assistant in Choral Conducting,

Lectionary Readings are Track 1

Lectionary Link 

Worship with us In-Person or Online

We continue to provide a worship service online each Sunday,  livestreamed at 10:30 a.m. on our YouTube Channel and on Facebook then recorded and posted on our YouTube page and our Facebook page for later viewing. You can also access these from the front page of our website at https://stgchurch.org under Worship or Sunday Schedule by clicking wherever our YouTube channel is mentioned.

NOTE: Our previous worship service videos are archived on our YouTube page.

NEW Worship Changes

Eucharist We have returned to the use of the common cup during the Holy Eucharist. We will continue to provide the opportunity for intinction only from a separate chalice as well. If you wish to intinct only, receive the bread from the priest or lay eucharistic minister (LEM) and step further to the side to the LEM holding a chalice.

Announcements will be made following the Sharing of the Peace.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers Needed

To be able to provide both the common cup, separate cups for intinction, and the gluten free/non-alcoholic wine station, we need additional lay eucharistic ministers (LEMS) for each service.

If you are interested in learning and becoming licensed by the Diocese as a LEM, please contact Andrew Proctor at proctorandrew@hotmail.com

Children's Chapel

We offer Worship and Wonder (PK-5th) in Classroom B, and Our Journey with God (6th-12th) in Classroom A during our 10:30 a.m. service. Your children will experience an age-appropriate lesson based on the lectionary shared in the service. Additional teachers are needed, contact Karrie at Karrie@stgeorgesgermantown.org if you would be willing to help as a teacher.

DOK logo

Healing Prayers each Sunday

If you would like to have healing prayers for yourself or through you for a family member or friend, members of the Order of the Daughters of the King or clergy will be available in the chapel in the back of the nave to administer healing prayers with laying on of hands and anointing if desired. Just go back to the chapel after you take communion or at the end of the service where they will meet you for prayer.

Events This Week & Next

October Lancers -- Meet Early and Attend the Play

Come early, at 5:30 pm, for our Social Hour (BYOB); bring picnic foods to share and your lawn chair (and a lap blanket and jacket if there's a chill in the air)! Since the Tennessee Shakespeare Company will be presenting one of their FREE community performances the night of our next Lancers potluck on October 11, we're taking advantage of the entertainment in our own front yard! We'll have our social hour and potluck in the Parish Hall and then join the crowd on the garth! Kit needs a couple of people to come about 5:15 p.m. to help set up.

Lancers is St. George's social group for adults and all adults are invited to join us for the evening.

Bring your family and friends, your lawn chairs, jackets and a lap blanket (in case it turns colder as the evening progresses) and come out for this free outdoor production on the garth by the Tennessee Shakespeare Company.

DOK logo

You Are Invited to Come and Learn about Us!

St. George's Chapter of the Order of the Daughters of the King invite any women interested in learning more about the Order to attend our next monthly meeting on Sunday, October 20 beginning at 12 noon. Learn how we live into our vows of prayer, service and evangelism. We plan to start a discernment class for prospective new members in January.

October Activities

Coming Events

Oct. 11 – Lancers; "Shout Out Shakespeare" on the Garth

Oct. 13 – Sunday, Bldg & Grnds Mtg,

Oct. 14 - Knitting Gathering

Oct. 14 - 18 - SGEP Fall Break

Oct. 16 - Pokeno, Inquirer's Class

Oct. 18 – Flying Solo

Oct. 20 – Sunday, DOK Mtg, MTAM, Holy Spirit Squad, EYC to Zoo Boo

Looking Ahead

Oct. 21 - Watercolor Class, Inquirer's Class

Oct. 25 - Watercolor Class

Oct. 26 – DOK Fall Assembly

Oct. 27 – Sunday, Vestry Mtg; Concordia College Symphony Orchestra Concert

Oct. 28 - Watercolor Class; Inquirer's Class

Oct. 30 – Trunk or Treat (5:30 – 7:00)

Nov. 01 - Watercolor Class

Nov. 02 - Presiding Bishop Installation (Hope Church)

Nov. 03 - All Saints Sunday, EYC (4 pm), All Saints Evensong (5:30 pm)

Nov. 24 - "Deck the Halls"

Nov. 26 - Turkey Tuesday

Weekly Events

Sunday – St. George's Consort and Sanctifica Rehearsals resume Sept 15

Monday - EfM meets 6:45 in the Library

Tuesday – Tai Chi, 6:30 pm in the Activity Center

Wednesday – DOK hosts a Bible Study (10:00 a.m.) / Coventry Choir rehearsal 7 p.m.

Thursday - Exultemus rehearsal / Thursday Night Bible Study, 7 - 9 pm Online

Stewardship Message

A Message From the Senior Warden

Does it feel like Fall yet??? As I walked outside this morning, I noticed a bit of chill. I wait all year for this! The easing of the heat of summer, the fresh cool breeze, and the anticipation of winter and Advent Season. I wonder what are your favorite parts of the season? (Pumpkin spice? Leaves changing color? Sweater weather? Football season?) 

In medieval England, the days surrounding Michaelmas (the feast of St. Michael the archangel on Sept. 29) marked the harvesting of the rye harvest and the end of the agricultural year. Ale was brewed for the coming winter, and rents were due for peasant farmers. Then, in October a new agricultural year began, and the winter wheat was sown. Endings are followed by new beginnings. 

As a church, what harvests have we completed this past year? What new planting season must we prepare for now as we look ahead to 2025? 

This time last year, our church was in the midst of a capital campaign. St. George’s asked for our help, and the parish responded generously. This campaign allowed for improvements to the church, including:

• Roof repair (Complete!)

• Improved campus security (Almost Complete!)

• Sanctuary lighting (Will be completed in the coming months)

It is a season of planting and growth at St. George’s. Each week, we see that the music ministry continues to shine. Community outreach and benevolent giving are the heartbeat of St. George’s. Ministry to children, youth, and families has blossomed in the last two years and is in a period of exciting, sustained growth. Now is the season for us to live fruitfully into who we are as a church and who God has called us to be in the world. 

In the coming days, you will receive a packet in the mail including a letter from Rev. Dorothy and a pledge card. I ask that you prayerfully consider your pledge and joyfully give as the Lord leads you, keeping in mind the words of II Corinthians 9:6, “he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.”   

Perry Pennington

Senior Warden

Giving To St. George's

Giving Online

Just use this QR code or button below, to give or to pledge! It’s that simple! We thank you for your support! 

To pledge time and offerings, you can use the link below, click on the QR code or contact the church office. If you have any questions, please contact me.

Jim Vogel, Treasurer
Giving Online

Parish News

Baptisms and Confirmations

If you are interested in being baptized or having your child baptized, please contact the church office or Reverend Dorothy to make arrangements. (901) 754-7282 or email: office@stgeorgesgermantown.org.

Confirmation will be on November 10 at the 10:30am service when Bishop Phoebe makes her annual visit. If you would like to be confirmed, or if your teenager wants to be confirmed, please contact the church office or Reverend Dorothy. (901) 754-7282 or email: office@stgeorgesgermantown.org. Inquirers Classes will be coming up soon.

Baptisms, Confirmations and Inquirer's Class

LESSON 1: What is Baptism? What is Confirmation?

Wednesday, October 9th or Monday, October 21st


LESSON 2: Why Baptism? Why Confirmation?

Wednesday, October 16th or Monday, October 28th


*Every interested person is encouraged to attend one date for both Lesson 1 and 2 to satisfy Baptism and/or Confirmation requirements.



6pm-6:30pm Food and Fellowship

6:30pm-8:00pm Class (breaks as necessary)


Classes will be held at St. George's. Specific location to come.


Is Inquirers Class for you?


If you are interested in baptism for yourself or your child,

If you are interested in confirmation,

If you are interested in learning more about the Episcopal Church,

If you are interested in deciding whether or not you are Christian, this is for you.

If you are still unsure about whether or not these classes are right for you, please feel free to contact Rev Dorothy to with any questions or concerns. 

RSVP Here 

RITI Opens at The Cottage Soon

November 7 one of the most important ministries we do at Saint George’s begins its ninth season of serving at the Methodist Church Cottage a block south of The Commissary. On the first and third Thursdays of each month, November through March, we provide a warm dinner, breakfast, a comfortable bed, showers, clothes washing, and a bag of needed items to those who are homeless. Most importantly over the time we have served we have provided listening ears and comfort to literally hundreds of individuals. When our volunteers are “being in the moment” with our guests it is truly the best possible gift one can offer a person in need.

While most of our volunteer opportunities are now filled, there are few openings remaining to help, including being an overnight Shepherd on the first Thursday evening in March. Just contact me at the email below if you have an interest.

John Remsen

RITI Coordinator, St. George’s 


Connie Needs Several More People to Pick Up and Deliver Laundry for RITI

Our Room In the Inn ministry runs Nov through March. We welcome guests the first and third Thursday of every month. It takes many hands to prepare each time we welcome the unhoused with a hot meal and clean bed. A vital part of this ministry are the laundry angels, a dedicated group who washes the bed linens and towels each time we serve. We are in need of help on Thursday afternoons and Friday mornings transporting linens to and from the RITI cottage and St. George's. If you are able to help with either or both of these needs please contact either Connie Douglass or Selby Horton.

2-Day Beginner Watercolor Workshop

November 9 & 16 from 10am - 12pm 

$125 + supplies (rent, purchase kit, or buy your own)

Have you always wanted to try Watercolor? In this adult beginner class Stacey Meredith will introduce you to the wonderful world of watercolor through techniques, supplies, and a variety of projects. Projects include a landscape, floral, and an abstract. No experience is necessary. Supply options available. Date, time, and supply details at the link: https://www.meredithdesignco.com/adult-watercolor-class or feel free to reach out to Stacey Meredith at 901.488.1785 or slmeredith@me.com.

Save the date!

Trunk or Treat will be Wednesday, October 30th from 5:30pm to 7pm. There will be a chili dinner, bounce houses, a cake walk and more!! Interested in helping, donating, or hosting a trunk? Reach out to karrie@stgeorgesgermantown.org.

"Deck the Halls" - Sunday Nov. 24th after the 10:30 service, we will hold an intergenerational activity to decorate the church for Christmas. Watch for details.

Turkey Tuesday, Nov. 26, our annual communal Thanksgiving Dinner for those who might otherwise celebrate Thanksgiving alone. Watch for details.

New Driveway Gates

You have probably noticed that driveway gates to the back parking lot have been installed but at this time are not in operation. This is a part of the security upgrades being made for our church and preschool property. More information will come as to how and when they will operate.

St. George's Has an Online Pictorial Directory
Click on this St. George's Church Directory landing page below to read about how you can be added to it or add your photo.
Need help or have questions? Please email: directory@stgeorgesgermantown.org
Directory Instructions

The Pem Field Library has been updated and brought online!

Virginia Baird has reorganized our Library to catalog recent gifts and make it even more user-friendly by including a listing of its contents online (https://www.librarycat.org/lib/stgeorgelibrary). The Library employs the Dewey Decimal classification system with the OOO’s starting to your left as you enter the library and continuing clockwise around the room, culminating in the Children’s collection on the far right. The Gibson and Marquis collections have been integrated into the main collection and designated with the initial call letters GIB and MAR respectively. For instructions on how to use the Library in-person or online

Read More Here

CPR and First Aid Classes Now By Demand Only

Bev Holllingsworth is no longer regularly scheduling CPR and First Aid Classes. However if you need to be certified or to recertify, contact Bev at bmhmom74@gmail.com to request a class.

Looking for an Exercise Class? Tai Chi, Tuesdays, at 6:30 p.m.

Sandra Keller is teaching Tai Chi for Healthy Living on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Activity Center.; (901) 486-0036 or mizfrog@comcast.net.

Music News

Notes on the Notes

Thanks to the folks at the 10:30 service this past Sunday for a good first outing of Jeffrey Smith's "Mass in E." Serendipitously, the composer was in Memphis on Monday evening to lead the local chapter of the American Guild of Organists in an evening of hymn singing at First United Methodist Church on 2nd street. I was able to meet Dr. Smith and mention that we had just begun singing his music, and he was grateful to hear it. Vestry and choir member Carolyn Mason was also present for the meeting, which included both familiar and unfamiliar hymns.
Friends of Music is excited to host the orchestra from Concordia College in Moorehead, Minn. for a concert on Oct. 27 at 7:00 pm. We will be feeding them a meal between their afternoon soundcheck and the performance, and the committee would like to host a dessert reception afterward. Any avid bakers, now is your chance to shine! Please write me at music@stgeorgesgermantown.org to volunteer. The orchestra is about 75 players, and we will also have audience members to serve, so get out your best sheet cake, brownie or cookie recipe.

Finally, Coventry Choir is very excited to host the choir from Calvary Church downtown for an Evensong service in honor of All Saints', Sunday Nov. 3 at 5:30. Not only is it a wonderful opportunity to collaborate with a fellow Memphis-area parish, it is a homecoming of sorts for Calvary's music director Kristin Lensch, who at one time led the music program at St. George's, in the old church. I am excited to welcome her to our new campus, especially now that the organ is finished. We will sing music by Herbert Howells, Geraint Lewis and Bernard Rose. Please plan to attend!

Stephen Karr

Director of Music Ministry

Concordia College Orchestra Concert October 27 at St. George's,

Under the direction of Dr. Kevin F. E. Sütterlin, The Concordia Orchestra is the winner of the prestigious American Prize for Orchestral Performance in 2018-19, the American Prize Ernst Bacon Memorial award for performance of American Music and has received two EMMY awards for its nationally broadcast Concordia Christmas Concerts. The Orchestra’s prestige has also secured invitations to the Sydney Opera House (2016) and Carnegie Hall (2017). The Concordia Orchestra is recognized as the premier 21st century orchestral program in the Upper Midwest among liberal arts colleges. The Orchestra is hailed for its rich, mature, string sound, inspiring performances, and diverse programming.

Adult Formation

Wednesday Morning Bible Study Open to All

St. George's Chapter of the Order of the Daughters of the King hosts a Wednesday morning Bible study from 10 - 11 a.m. that is open to all interested persons. Currently they are reading a survey of women in the Bible. The study guide is called Brave and Beloved by Meredith Storrs which is available in paperback through Amazon Books online.  All are welcome!

St. George's Book Club Next Meets November 12

Our November book is A Calamity of Souls by David Baldacci. In this novel two attorneys, Jack Lee a white lawyer in Virginia and Desiree DuBose a black lawyer from Chicago, team to represent a black man charged with killing a white couple. On their own neither one can stop the prosecution's deliberate march towards a guilty verdict and the electric chair, but together the pair fight for what once seemed mpossible: a chance for a fair trial and true justice.

We will meet in the Church Library at 7 pm, bring a drink or munchies to share. If you are on the Book Club email list, you will receive a reminder and login information for joining via the online (Zoom) option. If you would like to join the group, contact Kit Decker at kit.decker@earthlink.net to be put on the email group list for the Book Club to receive announcements and meeting information.

The Book Club Schedule for reading year 2024-25 has been posted to the church website. You can access it here. A new trifold brochure for the Reading Year 2024-25 with a description of Book Club, scheduled dates and a brief synopsis of each book is available for pickup in the Bookshoppe or at the meetings.

Thursday Night Bible Study Studies The Psalms

Psalms have held a central place in Christian Church’s worship for two thousand years. Psalms are poetic prayers and form what have been called a “school of prayer.” They teach us how to bring ourselves before God. Scripture is God talking to us, Psalms are us talking to God. Psalms demonstrate that all of life is lived under God’s loving sovereignty---all of life---both its darkest and brightest moments.

As poetry, Psalms require us to stretch our imaginations, to step outside of ourselves and listen carefully. As Hebrew poetry they are intensely compact and at the same time capable of having multiple meanings in a single line.

Please join St. George’s Episcopal Church’s Thursday Evening Bible Study online at 7:00 P.M. each week, for an amazing, in-depth study of the Book of Psalms that you have never experienced and will probably never again experience. Contact the class’s facilitator, Dr. Jimmy Elam at jimmyelam@hotmail.com, for further information, handouts and weekly Zoom link.

EfM New Year in Progress

Education for Ministry is a program designed to help laypersons identify/discern how God is calling them to use their spiritual gifts; it involves reading and studying scripture, church history, and issues facing Christians today in a small group setting. St George's 2024-25 study year is now meeting every Monday evening. If you are interested talk with facilitator Verlinda Henning or any of this year's class members. Next class will form Fall of 2025.

Forward Day by Day Available

Forward Movement offers beautiful books, apps, mobile-friendly websites, and podcasts to support a roving life of prayer.

Visit prayer.forwardmovement.org to find morning and evening prayer, the daily scripture readings, Forward Day by Day meditations, special seasonal meditations and more. Or visit forwardmovement.org/podcasts to discover our various podcasts.

The Nov - Jan issue is available for pick up in the Narthex. You can also subscribe to an emailed daily version of the publication here.

Family Ministry

Please click here for a Google calendar with more detailed information. Please email Karrie for any questions or to RSVP for an event.

October Activities for Families and Youth

Our "Worship and Wonder" class for children ages 3 years old through 5th grade meets Sundays in Classroom B during a portion of our 10:30am service. "Our Journey with God" class for 6th-12th grade meets at the same time in Classroom A. Children will be dismissed from church after the reading of the first lesson and return to church at the Peace. Older students will be asked to be good stewards and help assist the younger children in the classroom.

Children's Chapel Teachers are needed to assist the children of St. George's learn about God through play and creativity to experience an age appropriate lesson based on the lectionary shared in the service during our 10:30 am worship service. Contact Kerry at karrie@stgeorgesgermantown.org.

October 13th: No EYC due to Fall Break.

October 20th 12pm to 2pm: The "Holy Spirit Squad" (Pre EYC group) will meet for lunch, learning and service. We will learn about Room in the Inn, spend time in devotion and then pack goodie bags to be distributed at St. George’s first hosting of Room in the Inn.

October 20th EYC: "YOU"nited Event to Zoo Boo YouNited October Gathering  Sun., Oct. 20 from 5 - 8 p.m. at the Memphis Zoo 

Calling all youth in grades 6 through 12! Join us for the October gathering of YouNited, the Episcopal Diocese of West Tennessee's youth group, on Sunday, October 20, from 5 to 8 p.m. We'll meet at the Overton Park Greensward at 5 p.m. for some fun craft activities, a picnic dinner, and a discussion about All Saints' Day. Then, at 6 p.m., we'll head over to the Memphis Zoo for Zoo Boo! 

For more information, contact Amzie Williams at awilliams@holycommunion.org or reach out to your church's youth leader. Don't miss out on this evening of fun and fellowship!

St George's Youth will meet at 4:30 in the front parking lot and plan to return about 8:30 pm, Parent volunteers are needed to assist with transportation, please email Karrie@stgeorgesgermantown.org if you are able to help

October 27th: EYC 4pm to 6pm Pumpkin carving contest, caramel apple making, cookie decoration, campfire stories and hotdogs over fire pit on back patio.  

October 30: Youth volunteers needed during Trunk or Treat from 5-8 pm to assist with cake walk, games, and food. Please email karrie@stgeorgesgermantown.org if your youth is able to help.

November 3: EYC 4pm to 6pm: Questions and Answers with Reverend Dorothy White. Youth bring your questions about your faith to this open conversation with Reverend Dorothy. Dinner will be provided. 

Applications for Diocesan Youth Council are open.

The Diocesan Youth Council (DYC) is a dedicated group of 8th-12th grade students from across the Episcopal Diocese of West Tennessee. These young leaders are entrusted with sharing their thoughts, perspectives, and interests with diocesan leadership, organizing meaningful fellowship and service events for youth, and providing valuable insights to Bishop & Council, the governing body of the Diocese of West Tennessee. Members convene quarterly, with an anticipated time commitment of approximately 4 hours per quarter.

Applications for the DYC are due by November 4, 2024. To apply, go to https://edwtn.org/dyc-application.

Children are so very welcome at St. George’s!

Families, please know that children’s activity bags can be found in the Narthex! These bags include activities to help your entire family talk about the day’s scripture lessons. Please place bags in the basket under the coat rack after use so that we can refill them with supplies!

How Can We Serve Others: #StGServes

Serving More Than a Meal, on Sunday, October 20

We serve More Than a Meal on the 3rd Sunday of each month at Grace-St. Luke's Episcopal Church from 3 - 5 p.m. Join your St. George’s friends (and make new ones, too), when we next serve More Than a Meal and help make this season a hospitality-filled one for our neighbors. There are a number of roles for Sunday afternoons, from making nametags for guests, to plating food in the kitchen, to serving guests. We’ll start setting up at 3 p.m., and the meal will be served at 4 p.m. with cleanup usually finished by 5 p.m.

Cooking for More Than a Meal

It is St. George’s delight and honor to lead the 3rd Sunday cooking team. If you enjoy making your way around a kitchen, and would love to have a hungry crowd to appreciate your cooking, here's your opportunity! Many thanks to PZ and Selby Horton for leading the cooking team. Please contact PZ Horton at hortonpz@gmail.com for more information about joining the cooking team.

Cleaning Out Your Closets for Fall? Donate Seasonal Clothing to the Calvary Closet

Even though Calvary's building is under renovation, the Clothes Closet will remain open for neighbors experiencing homelessness. We will be thankful to receive your donations at the Welcome Inn next door, 82 N. 2nd Street. Men's pants, belts, and shoes are a huge need. Women's clothes (appropriate street ware) are also accepted. Please call 901-525-6602 for questions. Thank you for helping our neighbors!

Calvary Closet needs gently-used seasonal clothing, especially for men, in large and extra large sizes, shoes, and blankets/ throws/ sleeping bags are especially needed for those sleeping outside. Also desired are duffle bags and wheeled suitcases. See the list of items needed and place your bags in the donation tubs in the Narthex. You can also order from the Amazon wish list (search for "Calvary Memphis Outreach"), and they will be sent straight to Calvary! Other needed items include


Rolling Suitcases


New Underwear

Warm Socks

Work Boots

Men's Belts

Plastic grocery bags


Umbrellas/rain ponchos

Elastic waist pants/sweats (M/L+)


Sleeping bags

Large/XL t-shirts



Sneakers/Casual Shoes

Volunteer Opportunities

Last week, MIFA welcomed Taquila Smith, a Licensed Professional Counselor at Youth Villages, for an informative and interactive discussion on the hidden challenges facing our seniors. Participants learned how to recognize common challenges seniors face and the impact of health and mobility issues. They also discussed combating loneliness and social isolation as well as the financial and mental health struggles of seniors.

MIFA Meals on Wheels is working actively to address these issues through our Claris Companion and MIphone Buddy programs. Click here to learn how you can become a phone buddy to a group of our senior clients!

Ways to serve our St. George's parish family

Be a Part of Our Worship Team

Crucifers and Torch Bearers Needed

Thank You to all of our children and youth who will serve as acolytes! It's never too late to join in so please contact Mary Margaret Freeman (marymargaretfree@gmail.com, or 901-336-1790) for more information.


Welcoming Teams, LEMs, & Acolytes Needed

We continuingly need a few more ushers/greeters to greet and help our worshippers find seats, and LEMs for 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services.

For more information about serving, please contact or respond to:

Andrew Proctor (LEMs, lectors, at proctorandrew@hotmail.com)

Stan Walker (ushers, stanlwalker64@gmail.com)

Mary Margaret Freeman (Acolytes, marymargaretfree@gmail.com

Join a Music Ministry

St. George's music ensembles have now resumed regular rehearsals. Contact the persons named for additional information about St. George's music ensembles:

Children’s choir will resume soon. Please contact Stephen Karr at music@stgeorgersgermantown.org.

Coventry Choir, Sunday mornings, August 18 at 9:30 a.m. - Please contact Stephen Karr at music@stgeorgersgermantown.org.

Exultemus!, our folk guitar and vocal ensemble -  Please contact Tom Fields (901-674-0652).

St. George’s Recorder Consort – Please contact Angela Saunders (901-438-9975).

Sanctifica Wind & Brass Ensemble – Please contact Karen Moore (901-486-0417).

Learn and Be A Part of Our Livestream Team

Do you have an interest in learning how to stream live video to the internet? Become part of our livestream team on Sunday mornings at 10:30am, no experience necessary. We have a new system in place that we are all learning how to use. Community service hours signoff available for students. Please contact Joe Austin at josephgaustin16@gmail.com if you are interested.

Other ways to support our neighbors

Support Hurricane Helene Relief Efforts 

Hurricane Helene has brought devastation to communities across multiple dioceses, including the Diocese of Western North Carolina. You can make an immediate impact by donating through their diocesan website. To direct your funds toward hurricane relief, select “Partners in Mission” from the dropdown menu and include "Helene" in the memo line. Donate here to donate to the Diocese of Western North Carolina.

Episcopal Relief & Development is mobilizing with local partners to provide assistance to those affected by Hurricanes Helene and Milton. Your donation to the Hurricane Relief Fund will support affected communities in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee and North Carolina. Visit episcopalrelief.org Hurricane Relief Fund to support relief and recovery efforts.

Relief and Support for neighbors suffering following international conflicts, natural disasters, and refugee needs.

Episcopal Relief & Development has :

  • partnered with Episcopal dioceses along the east coast to respond to immediate needs created by hurricanes and has developed a Hurricane Relief Fund to support those who are suffer from the effects of hurricanes and natural disasters in the USA and abroad. Please visit https://support.episcopalrelief.org/hurricane-relief/.

  • partnered with HIAS to Provide Mental Health Support in Response to Israel-Hamas War in Israel and with the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem to provide emergency medical support in the Gaza Strip in response to the Israel-Hamas war with the establishment of the Episcopal relief and development middle east fund.

  • developed an International Crisis Response Fund to support the families of the thousands of persons who have died in an earthquake hitting Morocco, flooding that has struck Libya – and left many thousands more without shelter, resources or employment. Please visit EpiscopalRelief.org to support the International Crisis Response Fund.

  • developed a Hawaii Response Fund to support our neighbors in Lahaina, Maui, following the devastating fires. Please visit EpiscopalRelief.org to support the Hawaii Relief effort.

  • partnered with The Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe to aid Ukrainian refugees. Please visit


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Libby Anderson

About my art from Libby:

"I started making art as a child drawing in my mother's blank cookbooks and continued through college majoring in art and art education. My teaching career began in Mississippi and Tennessee and continued when I moved to Pennsylvania. Fortunately where I lived had a great art atmosphere, influenced by the Wyeth family. I concentrated on learning watercolor through classes and workshops . When I moved back to Tennessee I returned to oils. I am having the best time of my life; painting what I love and meeting new people from all over the world. Life is good!"

St. George's Bookshoppe

Get Ready for Halloween & Fall

Did you know the Bookshoppe has a variety of Halloween & Fall items? From cute Halloween-themed earrings and ornaments to Fall shelf-sitters and home decor, we have goodies sure to please! While here, shop for Thistle & Bee honey, teas, and granola, and pamper yourself with Faith Farms goat's milk soaps, creams, and lotion sticks. We hope to see you this Sunday from 10:00 - 12:30!  

Connie & Pat

St. George's Preschool

St. George's Preschool 

For information about the program, contact the Preschool Director, Sarah Bettendorf at: 901-757-2675


Easy Ways to Support Our Church

Kroger Community Rewards continues to support St. George's. If you shop at Kroger for your groceries and sundries, please register with Kroger so that your purchases earn contributions to St. George's.

Other Parish News

Need to sign someone up for the parish Prayer List or the DOK confidential prayer list? Contact Eileen at office@stgeorgesgermantown.org for Parish List;

Contact Kit Decker at kit.decker@earthlink.net or leave prayer request in the Prayer Box in the Narthex for DOK confidential prayer list.

Would you like to remember or honor someone with Altar Flowers? Donations for altar flowers are always welcomed. Is there a special date or occasion you would like to commemorate? Provide the date and name of the person(s) you wish to remember or honor or occasion (birthday, marriage, anniversary, new birth, death) and donate by check (envelopes in the pews) or online. Suggested donation is $75 for our two Sunday bouquets). Contact Whitney in the Office for more information at (901)754-7282 x 103 or whitney@stgeorgesgermantown.org

Diocesan & Community News

Diocesan and Community Events Coming Up

The Diocesan Communicator

The Diocesan Communicator of the Episcopal Diocese of West Tennessee is full of news and events. For more information click on the Diocesan Communicator link above and click on the current issue.

Subscribe to Diocesan News....

Subscribe to the Diocesan Communicator! Each Wednesday, the Episcopal Diocese of West Tennessee sends an email containing updates, inspiration, and events going on in our Episcopal community. To subscribe to the Communicator and find out more on what is going on in this Diocese, go to: edwtn.org

2024 Diocesan Cycle of Prayer

Make praying for the ministries and churches of the Diocese of West Tennessee a part of your prayer practice in 2024. The Diocesan Cycle of Prayer for 2024 is now on our website. Access it at http://tinyurl.com/WTNDCOP24 

Get Tickets Now for the Feast of St Columba

The Feast of St. Columba is a magical night of wonderful food, fellowship, and support for St. Columba - the camp and retreat center of the Episcopal Diocese of West Tennessee. Join us on October 26, 2024 at Gates Pavilion, as we raise funds for the wonderful campers and guests we serve through the ministry of camps and retreats at this natural sanctuary for all people. Tickets are on sale now at saintcolumbamemphis.org/feast. Anyone purchasing eight or more tickets will be listed as an event sponsor.

World Mental Health Day is Oct. 10

October 10 is World Mental Health Day, a day for global mental health education, awareness and advocacy against social stigma. To honor this day, we want to help spread the word about Samaritan Counseling Centers of the Mid-South, a Memphis-based nonprofit organization that provides high-quality, financially accessible mental health services and educational programs. Samaritan offers a sliding fee scale for those who otherwise could not afford therapy, and it accepts several insurance plans. Samaritan has eight licensed therapists and four locations throughout the Memphis metropolitan area, including Church of the Holy Communion.

If you or anyone you know needs help from a skilled and compassionate counselor, contact Samaritan at (901) 729-3900 or visit their website at www.samaritanmidsouth.org.

Memphis-Area Watch Party of the Investiture of Presiding Bishop-elect Sean Rowe | Sat., Nov. 2. at Hope Church (Memphis). Experience this special event with fellow Episcopalians and friends from across West Tennessee. Doors open at 8 a.m. for coffee, light breakfast, and fellowship. The roll call of dioceses begins at 8:30 a.m., and the service will start at 10 a.m. Hope Church is located at 8500 Walnut Grove Rd., Memphis, TN 38018; please use Entrance 2. RSVP here: https://tinyurl.com/WTNInvestiture. Can't make it but still want to watch? Check out the livestream at www.iam.ec/investiture.

Diocesan Eucharist | Sat., Nov. 16 at Church of the Holy Apostles (Collierville). Join together with Episcopalians and friends from across the Diocese of West Tennessee on Saturday, November 16 for a Celebration of the Holy Eucharist at Church of the Holy Apostles, 1380 Wolf River Blvd., Collierville. Children, youth, families, and friends - all are welcome for this celebration, featuring a youth-led banner procession and Holy Apostles’ signature bluegrass music. Nursery provided. The Diocesan Eucharist will begin at 3 p.m. with Prelude starting at 2:40 p.m. To RSVP, please go to https://edwtn.org/eucharist2024/

Community Events

Vendor registration is open for the 4th annual Advent Arts Market | 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. on Sat., Dec. 7 at the Barth House (Memphis)

Join us on Saturday, December 7 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Barth House Episcopal Center for a fun-filled day featuring locally-made handcrafted art, unique gifts, and family-friendly crafts. Whether you’re looking for that perfect holiday gift or just want to support local talent, this market has something for everyone!

Calling all makers and artists!* 

Vendor registration is open now—apply today to be part of the magic! The fee is $50, but student artists can apply for free, with vendor fees waived. Not an artist but want to help? You can sponsor a student artist’s fee by contacting Emily Austin at eaustin@episwtn.org. To register as a vendor, go to https://edwtn.org/aam/.

*Makers, artists, and other small-batch vendors are encouraged to apply; this is an artists market, so other vendors will not be permitted.

Musical Offerings Around the Diocese:

  • All Saint's Evensong, Nov. 3, 5:30 p.m. at St. George's Episcopal Church, sung by St. George's & Calvary's adult choirs
  • Choral Compline, Sunday, Nov. 3, 7:30 p.m. at St. John's Episcopal Church, sung by the Schola Cantorum of Saint John's
  • Evensong, First Sundays through May at 5 p.m. at Calvary Episcopal Church

Other Events in the Diocese:

  • Emmanuel Community Yard Sale | Sat., Oct. 12 from 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. at Emmanuel Episcopal Church (Memphis)
  • Annual Harvest Eucharist, Sunday, Oct. 13 at 11 a.m. at Immanuel Episcopal Church, LaGrange. Service followed by potluck luncheon.
  • Attic Treasures and Plant Sale, Fri., Oct. 18, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. and Sat., Oct. 19, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. at St. Anne's (Millington), 4063 Sykes Road, Millington
  • All Saints' Community Yard Sale | Sat., Oct. 19 from 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. at All Saints' (Memphis)
  • Christ Church Brownsville booth at the Hatchie Fall Fest, Sat., Oct. 19 in Brownsville.
  • Holy Trinity Community Cleanup, Sat., Oct. 19, 10:00 a.m. at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, a host site for Memphis city-wide clean up.
  • How to Talk with Loved Ones Even When We Disagree, Sun. Oct. 20, 11:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. at Grace-St Luke' Church
  • Dinner & Program with Paul Young & Ford Canale, Weds, Oct. 23, 5:30 p.m. at Saint John's Episcopal Church.
  • Braver Angels Debate: Prioritizing Downtown Memphis Renewal | Sat., Oct. 26; 7 - 8:30 p.m. at the Barth House (Memphis)
  • Floral Arrangement Workshop, Sat., Oct. 26, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at All Saints Church
  • Fall Assembly of the Daughters of the King | Sat., Oct. 26, 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. at St. George's (Germantown)
  • All Saints' Day Service & Potluck, Wed., Oct. 30, 12 p.m. at the Barth House.

Information details and registration are in The Diocesan Communicator Oct. 6 issue

Camp SAY at the Orpheum Theater - A Free Day Camp for Ages 8 - 18 Who Stutter

Camp SAY: Across the USA – Memphis is excited to invite young people who stutter from the Mid-South region to come together for this free, two-day camp that helps build confidence and community. 

Working in partnership with SAY: The Stuttering Association for the Young, we have developed an exciting day camp experience that prioritizes connection, collaboration, and FUN for kids and teens who stutter, ages 8-18. 

Camp Dates: Saturday and Sunday, November 16th and November 17th, 2024

Camp Times: 9am-5pm CST Each Day 

Fall Registration Closes: Friday, November 8

Questions: Contact Lena Wallace Black at lblack@orpheum-memphis.com or 901-529-4247. 

We are Here for You

The past several years has affected all of us in unforeseen ways. Do you need help? St. George's is YOUR community.. If you need help--be it spiritual, mental, financial, physical, or emotional--the wisest action for you to take would be to reach out to a discreet resource that cares about you. There is no shame in saying, "I need help." It is a courageous act of self-care.


We have confidential prayer warriors wanting to add you to their list. Let us know of any burden or joy you'd like to share.

Contact Rev. Dorothy White or Eileen in the church office (901) 754-7282 for clergy assistance for your special needs.


Birthdays and Wedding Anniversaries updated 10/07/24

Birthdays: Susan Hailey (01-Oct), Tom Miller (02-Oct), Christopher Sampson (05-Oct), Jack Voss (05-Oct), Haley Akins (06-Oct), Laura McGill (06-Oct), Stan Sampson (07-Oct), Peter Long (10-Oct), Sarah Long (10-Oct), Katie Campbell (11-Oct), Christene Ackerman (12-Oct), Zachary Felts (15-Oct), Meredith Vezina (15-Oct), Bob Matthews (16-Oct), Seth Sharp (16-Oct), Tyler Sharp (16-Oct), Caroline Brown (17-Oct), Jimmy Luke (17-Oct), Laura Sperry (17-Oct), Savannah Posner (19-Oct), Steven Cooper (20-Oct), Sara Sullivan (20-Oct), George Geerdes (21-Oct), Steve Wilke (21-Oct), Liam Bass (22-Oct), Mary Freeman (22-Oct), Scott Newman (22-Oct), Lynn Shaw (24-Oct), Clayann Panetta (26-Oct), Bo Compton (27-Oct), David Calvin (28-Oct), Linda Stoltz (31-Oct)

Wedding Anniversaries: Laura and Grant Sperry (10/09/1971), Judy and Jim Freeman (10/07/1972), Linda and Wendel Stoltz (10/08/1977), Heide and Randy Nelson (10/01/1988), Melissa and Don Cook (10/29/1988), Melia and Drew Murphy (10/29/1988), Margaret and Ted Morley (10/06/1989), Ashley and Jeff Borgsmiller (10/02/1998), Karrie and Jason LaCroix (10/09/1999), Suzi and Shane Russell (10/14/2000), Blake and Jake Adams (10/25/2008), Christiana and Eric Helvie (10/10/2009), Whitney and Christen Boyd (10/25/2012), Carolyn and Christopher Sampson (10/10/2014), Charlotte and Gordon Lescinskis (10/11/2014), Paula and Calvin Wilson (10/08/2022).

Please Pray For (updated 10/7/24)

The Rev. Ronald Valentine, Renee Clark Guibao, Claire Grant, Robin Hendon, Joan, Billie Moore, Beth Beston, Erin Brophy, Mary Newman, Wendy Stoltz, Barbara Apperson, Linda and Wendel Stoltz, Don Cook, Betsy and the Lambert family, Willa Reese Johns and family, Brian Hailey, Jan Hume, Brenda, Yolanda, Tom, Linda Miller, Sarah Long, Ralph Davies, Whit Stuart, Ian McDevitt, Carrol McIntire, Ashley Fields, Pam Williams, Judy Freeman, Barbara Conaway, Carole Freeman, Barbara Stapleton, Pam Ehrhart, Feyla Torres, Kurt Zellner, Martha Crook, Hank Meisinger, Tameka Dennis,

Anna Ruby, Janet Austin, Bud 

Wilson, Nancy Dick, Ellen Suchomel, the Collins family, Don Hampson, Joanna McIntosh, Margaret Knudson, Debby Valentine, Pete Decker, Mary Fields, Charles Scurlock, Shantih Smythe, Ted Davis, Gates Mims, Kathy Hocevar, Annette Main, Karren Bryer, Birdie Barker, Cheryl, Kathy Kramer, Luke Caver, Bob Matthews, Bo Butler, Lin Isom Wells, John Hannum, Greta Coger, Shelly, Kit Decker and family, Joy Wilson, Bridget Helene, Steven Conn, the Selber family, Myra McHugh, Amery Moore and Scott Abercrombie, Susie, Charlene Davis, Sharon Greenwood

St. George's Clergy and Staff 


The Rev. Dr. Dorothy White, Interim Rector

The Rev. Amanda McGriff, Assisting Priest (part-time)

 The Rev. Peter W. Hawes, Rector Emeritus 



Stephen Karr,

Director of Music Ministry

Eileen Fields,

Parish Administrator for Operations and Finance

Karrie LaCroix

Director of Children's,

Family, Youth Ministry

Whitney Boyd,

Finance Office Assistant

Sarah Bettendorf,

Preschool Director

Staff (Cont.)

Kelly Flaherty,

Preschool Assistant Director

Joe Austin, Webmaster

Volunteer Staff:

Kit Decker, Communications; 

Connie Douglass and

Pat Gallagher

Bookshoppe Managers; 

Sarah Bettendorf, Weddings; 

Tom Fields, 

Exultemus Director; 

Billie Moore, 

Sanctifica Director; 

Andrew Proctor, Cantor

Joe Austin and Steven Cooper,

Video and Live-streaming

The Vestry:

Perry Pennington

Senior Warden; 

Molly Prewitt

Junior Warden

Jim Vogel,  Treasurer 

John Planchon, Sr


Wayne Carpenter

Leslie Darr

Lou D'Eri

Courtney Felts

Steven Jenkins

Dan Lange

Jimmy Luke

Carolyn Mason

Amery Moore

Helen Morrow

Elise Patterson

Angela Saunders

Church Phone number (901)754-7282

Staff Phone Extensions and Email Addresses:

Contact office@stgeorgesgermantown.org for pastoral concerns

Interim Rector: The Rev. Dorothy White: ext. 105



Parish Administrator: Eileen Fields: ext. 101, eileen@stgeorgesgermantown.org 

or office@stgeorgesgermantown.org


Director of Music Ministry: Stephen Karr ext. 102 music@stgeorgesgermantown.org


Coordinator of Children's/Family/Youth Ministry: Karrie LaCroix: ext. 109



Finance Office Assistant: Whitney Boyd, ext. 103


Preschool Director: Sarah Bettendorf: ext. 106 or direct 901-757-2675 sarah@stgeorgesgermantown.org


Website Admin: Joe Austin


Newsletter Editor: Kit Decker, kit.decker@earthlink.net

The Tip of the Lance

Editor: Kit Decker,. Content is due on the Monday preceding the next publishing date to kit.decker@earthlink.net. Next TIP is Oct. 24, Happenings (Sunday bulletin) send content to office@stgeorgesgermantown.org.

Visit us at Stgchurch.org 
St. George's Episcopal Church
Germantown, TN 38138 

 Or call us at 901-754-7282
Connect With Us:
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