April 20, 2020
Administrator's Corner

Hello TJ,
We hope this message finds all of you doing well and practicing social distancing. As we move further into the month of remote learning, we want to provide important information about a change in grading practices that will support students while they are learning from home.
Please remember, our students' mental health is more important and crucial than academic grades. We do not want remote learning to be an added stress for your student or your family. We understand the many circumstances families may be facing that could make it difficult to fully participate in remote learning. During this time, the primary focus is to support the social, emotional needs of students and the essential academic content standards.  
In an effort to support the needs of all students as well as our teachers, the following grading practices will be implemented for the second semester of this school year as well as a shift in how our instruction looks online. Please take time to read through these practices and discuss what it means for your child.  
Potential Shift in delivery:
To better meet the wide range of needs of our staff, we have decided to allow teachers to modify how they choose to deliver instruction. Previously all teachers were holding short live sessions (synchronous learning) for each class period and then posting work on their Google Classrooms (asynchronous learning) that students could do at a later time. We are now giving teachers the option to modify to more asynchronous learning as they manage the balance of working from home. This will be a teacher-based decision so please check with your individual teacher as some may make some changes. The daily schedule will remain the same.
Grading Policy:
Through much thought and consideration, DPS has decided to give students and families two options for grading this semester - either taking a course for a grade or for credit/no credit. The letter grade earned as of April 6, 2020 will serve as the lowest possible grade a student can receive for this semester as long as students continue to engage in learning as determined by TJ and our remote learning plan. Grades can only improve from here as long as students continue to engage with their classes. April 29, 2020 is the last day to notify counselors and teachers if you decide to take a course(s) Credit/No Credit.  
Students who decide to finish the semester with a grade should continue as normal in courses and do not need to contact your counselor.
Students who complete courses on a Credit/No Credit basis will need to continue participating in their classes and turn in completed assignments. Teachers will be providing feedback to students on their assignments, activities and projects so students are aware of their progress towards passing the course. The Credit/No Credit grade will be transcripted for each designated course at the end of the second semester.  
For high school students, it is important to discuss and understand the following information as it could impact post-secondary plans. If you still have questions about designating courses as Credit/No Credit, please contact your high school counselor and they will help clarify what this information means for you.
  • Students who are enrolled in weighted classes will want to carefully consider the impact on their GPA if the class is taken as a Credit/No Credit.
  • For the graduating class of 2020, valedictorian and salutatorian will be calculated based on the GPA at the end of 7th semester, December 2019. All other academic awards will be determined by individual high schools.
  • Concurrent Enrollment courses taken for college credit will be graded based upon the criteria of the credit-granting institution. The decision regarding credit type must be made by April 29, 2020. If a student wishes to take the course for high school credit only, then that student must withdraw from the college portion of the course at the higher-ed institution by the established deadlines.
  • Higher Education institutions review individual student transcripts and make their decisions how a Credit/No Credit grade is factored into their admission requirements. 
  • Grade letter F will be automatically transcribed as "No Credit" per the district. 
Currently, in Credit/No Credit grading situations the NCAA Eligibility Center will assign your school's lowest passing grade for a course in which a student received a "Pass" grade. For most high schools, the lowest passing grade is a D, so the NCAA Eligibility Center generally assigns a D (1.0) as a passing grade.  
Students will do the following to increase their grade of as April 6th, 2020:
  • Be a full participant in their on-line learning opportunities to increase their grade from April 6th, 2020.
  • Engage in interactive groups and chats, when assigned by the teacher
  • Track their progress in Google Classroom (Schoology & Edgenuity) and Infinite Campus and advocate for their success in every class
  • Follow all regular TJ classroom expectations and school rules
  • Reach out to teachers when you have questions or need support
  • If students have a Concurrent Enrollment course, students may be required to work outside of the scheduled time. Please connect with your instructor about specific college requirements which need to be met.
To Maintain their current grade as of April 6th, 2020.
  • Be required to participate, at minimum, in one on-line session per class every week if scheduled for the class by the teacher, and turn in one assignment per week to maintain their grade from April 6th, 2020
Students may, when needed:
  • Participate in office hours provided by the teachers. If there is a conflict in schedule students should contact the teacher, communicate the issue, and work with the teacher to resolve challenges 
Thank you for your continued partnership as we continue to navigate this together. Take care of yourselves and each other. 
Haga clic aquí­ para leer el mensaje del Sr. Christoff en español
Mike Christoff
Quick Links
Week at a Glance - Week of 4/20-4/24
  • Remote Learning (See schedule below)
  • periods 1, 3, 7
  • Remote Learning for Students
  • periods 2, 4, 6, 8
  • Remote Learning for Students 
  • periods 1, 3, 7
  • Remote Learning for Students
  • periods 2, 4, 6, 8
  • All week's work must be submitted by students
Remote Learning Schedule
April 13th- May 22nd (Finals Schedule is still TBD)
Kudos Korner
  • Thanks to the TJ Faculty and Staff for their dedication to putting students first, specifically all the time and energy they have put into doing real-time synchronous learning for their students. The student feedback has highlighted how appreciative students and families are of having their teachers interacting with them!
  • Thanks to the TJ Admin for getting in virtual classrooms and interacting with students. The students have enjoyed seeing them involved too and it means something having the admin there to support and say hello!
Need Technology for Online Learning?
Please see below for this week's distribution info: 

Distribution sites, dates and times.
  • 4/20, 5-7pm (Locations- Evie Dennis Campus, Lincoln HS, Manual HS 
  • 4/21, 10am-1pm (Locations- Evie, Lincoln HS, Manual HS, DCIS Baker, Place Bridge)
Senior Spotlights
TJ is showcasing seniors on social media throughout the rest of the semester! If your senior wants to be included please have them do the following:
Email anne_rice@dpsk12.org the following:
-          Name
-          Picture (school appropriate)
-          College/career plan for next year
-          Favorite memory from TJ (max 75 words)
*Responses may be edited/condensed to fit social media post limits.
We look forward to shining a spotlight on your senior!
AP Exam Updates
  • Exams will be 45 minutes and open note/open book via College Board's site.
  • Go to your AP profile and choose TJ as your school and update where to send scores if you haven't already.
  • Don't have internet or a device: https://collegeboard.tfaforms.net/74
  • Content in the exam will be everything that students/teachers have covered before spring break.
  • In late April, we'll provide AP students and educators with information on how to access the testing system on test day, and video demonstrations so that students can familiarize themselves with the system.
  • Practice on the AP YouTube sites: https://www.youtube.com/user/advancedplacement 
  • Test dates: May 11-22nd
Yearbook News

COVID19 Yearbook Update:

The yearbook staff met the challenge of finishing the book right before spring break. It was a true team effort!

The book is currently being printed. We are hopeful that the production will not stop because of closures. 

Distribution?  With the hopes that the book is printed, we are still determining the best solution to get the books to students. There will be a community announcement as soon as we know.
The DPS 18 - 21 Transition Program & The School to Work Alliance Program (SWAP):
Are these good options for my teen?  
Thursday, April 23rd
4:00-5:00pm -  Online
Get information to partner with your teen to decide if the Community Based DPS 18 - 21 Program and/or the School to Work Alliance Program are the right choice for them.
  • Connect with case managers from both programs and ask questions.
  • Learn about your teen's options!
Email elizabeth_lynch2@dpsk12.org if you would like to be a part of this. 
"Programa 18 - 21"de Transición de DPS Y la Alianza de Esceula al Trabajo (SWAP):
¿Son opciónes buenas para mi hijo?
Jueves, 23 Abril
4:00-5:00pm -  Por Internet
Obtenga informacion para ayudar a su hijo a escoger a participar en la programa 18-21 de Transición de DPS y SWAP.
  • Conectase con manajadores del caso x ambos programas y preguntales preguntas.
  • ¡Conozca las opciones!
Envíe un correo electrónico elizabeth_lynch2@dpsk12.org si desea ser parte de este.
Sources of Strength
Sources of Strength is sponsoring a "What Helps Me Campaign." If you would like to participate, here's how:

-Please email Ms. Lupo a video OR picture of you answering the following question: What is helping you and giving you strength during this time?

-If you decide to send a video, make sure that you record it wide/horizontally on your cell phone and that it is NO MORE THAN 10 SECONDS. 
-ProTip: Have someone else take the photo for you so your letters are not backwards.
-This is due on next Friday, April 24 by 3pm. 
-Email your video or picture to: 
Resources from the Administration
Thank you for being such an incredible community who we know will continue to support your TJHS student(s) during this difficult, unique time. We would like to provide some helpful resources for managing behavior at home, practicing self-care, and recommended guidelines for transitioning your student(s) to online learning:  https://tinyurl.com/vu3olsl
Resources from the Counselors
The Counseling Department has put together some resources related to contacting them and scheduling appointments during our Remote Learning Plan moving forward. Click here for this information. Please know that this will be continuously updated.
PTO News
Thank you to everyone who participated in the virtual PTO meeting last week. We are especially grateful to Mr. Christoff for spending time with parents to answer questions and get feedback about how remote learning is working. During the meeting, $10,010 in classroom grants were approved - the most ever awarded! Thank you to the entire TJ community that supported fundraising throughout the year and especially the online auction. You have made a difference for so many students. This year's grants support the following areas...
Library                              $400
World Languages             $750
Special Education            $1,850
Physical Education           $1,250
CCT                                  $1,460
Social Studies                  $1,200
Speech and Debate         $800
Mathematics                     $1,800
Social Work                      $500
The Spartan community rocks!
Have questions or want to get involved? E mail  tjhspto@gmail.com  
YOU Can Be the Change! Apply for the Mayor's Youth Commission Today!
We are now actively recruiting for adult and youth commissioners to serve on the Mayor's Youth Commission.  The Mayor's Youth Commission provides youth with the opportunity to develop leadership skills and advise the director of the Office of Children's Affairs on issues impacting youth living in the City and County of Denver.
What does it mean to be a commissioner on the Mayor's Youth Commission, and who is eligible?
  • Youth commissioners work together with adult commissioners to make recommendations in the areas of:
  • Developing procedures and processes
  • Accessing and participating in citywide programs
  • Ensuring equal rights and opportunities through legislation or administrative action
  • Establishing goals and action plans
  • Mayor's Youth Commission applications are open year-round, however interviews are held in late April or early May of each year (please apply by April 30, 2020 if you are interested in beginning your time as a commissioner during the September 2020-May 2021 term)
  • Selected commissioners can serve up to a three-year term limit
  • Meetings are scheduled during the eveningthe 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, September-May
  • Youth must be a Denver resident or attending a Denver Public Schools (high school) in 2020 - 2021
  • Adults must be employed with a youth-serving organization or the City and County of Denver
How do I apply for the Mayor's Youth Commission?
Please follow this link to apply for the Mayor's Youth Commission and select: Youth, Advisory Commission on in the dropdown under Board or Commission You Are Applying For.
All Applicants:
  • You will need to list the name, phone number, email address, and physical address of three references.  References must not be related to you, and should be people whom you have known for at least one year
  • You must upload a resume or biography
Youth Applicants:
  • Repeat your home address in the Applicant Work Address section
  • If you do not have a resume, please upload a biography
Where can I learn more about the Mayor's Youth Commission?
You can learn more about the Mayor's Youth Commission by watching this video: https://youtu.be/XTGIAYKj-Q0

GT Corner
Hey GT Families!  We are here for you!
In an effort to provide GT students and their families with the resources and supports needed to begin/complete their Advanced Learning Plan (ALP), the TJHS GT Site Team has created a Google Classroom for each GT grade level.  The title and code for each grade level is listed below:
TJHS Gifted and Talented 2023 Cohort - b7vpvfn
TJHS Gifted and Talented 2022 Cohort - orzg7to
TJHS Gifted and Talented 2021 Cohort - by7mjwi
TJHS Gifted and Talented 2020 Cohort - cmruxzl
The TJHS GT Site Team, working alongside our District GT Partners, has included resources, websites and documents to help you complete your ALP goals.  Keep in mind that there are effective as well as academic goals.  At this time, students should only focus on the Goals / Advanced Learning Plan section and not worry about the badges right now.  We don't want you to get in there and feel overwhelmed.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Ms. Tate, our Dean Instruction and GT Point of Contact at adria_tate@dpsk12.org
Resources from the Library
The Google Classroom code for the library is: tbthine   Come join us!
The web site Brain Pop has opened their web site for free.

It has a fair amount of information and activities.  The web site also has an ELL page, a Spanish page, a French page, and a Jr. Page (K-3).

For easy access, I created a general user id and password for everyone in the TJ community.

Parents can use this link for more info on the web site:   https://go.brainpop.com/family/home

To sign in go to the web site:  www.BrainPop.com

User ID:

 Library1  The password is case sensitive.

Thanks, Mr. Fabian!
Senior Parking Spaces for Next Year
Current Juniors: I f you want to reserve a parking spot for next year, please reach out to Mrs. Allen via email 
Carla_allen@dpsk12.org or Carla_allen@dpsk12.net.
Help Wanted at TJ!
We are in need of two paraprofessionals for our Special Education students. If you are interested, please contact Paula Hammel at paula_hammel@dpsk12.org
Spartan Spirit Store
We now have TJ car magnets for $5!!
Please email  tjhs.store@gmail.com  if you would like to purchase something & we would be happy to get the spirit wear for you. We can arrange to have items picked up.  
News from the Future Center
Upcoming Scholarship Deadlines:

Drs. Joseph and Alice Langely Charitable Trust Scholarship - Due April 24th

Feel free to contact Emily at emily_webster@dpsk12.org

  • For more information about college visits, scholarships, and more, please visit the Future Center!
Mental Health and Social/Emotional Tips
Did You Know...?

TJ- we have your back! Even though we are remote learning the remainder of the semester, social-emotional wellbeing is still an area of great importance for us. Maybe now more than before. 

Here is how we are here to help you:
1. Office Hours- Need to "meet" with someone to check-in? We are available! 
2. Social-Emotional Wellbeing Classroom:
  • Please also check out the ACTIVITY WEBSITE Mrs. Davis and I created-- Google Classroom Code: 36frz7m
If you need immediate support, please review the following crisis resources:
* Safe2Tell: Anonymous hotline:   https://safe2tell.org/ (877)542-7233
* National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: http://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ and (800)273-8255 
* Colorado Crisis Services: Mental Health supports (844-493-8255 and www.ColoradoCrisisServices.org  
Mental Health and Social Emotional "Did You Know":  Compiled by Samanda Davis, LCSW, MSW and Natalie Koncz, Ed.S., NCSP. 

TJ- te respaldamos! A pesar de que estamos aprendiendo a distancia el resto del semestre, el bienestar social y emocional sigue siendo un área de gran importancia para nosotros. Quizás ahora más que antes .

Así es como estamos aquí para ayudarlo:
1) Horario de atención: ¿necesita "reunirse" con alguien para registrarse? ¡Estamos disponibles !
* A partir de la semana del 6 de abril, puede solicitar "reunirse" con un personal de apoyo. Complete este formulario: https://forms.gle/qtrCivjAyyQhcac46

2) Aula de Bienestar Social-Emocional:
* Consulte también el SITIO WEB DE ACTIVIDADES que la Sra. Davis y yo creamos: código de Google Classroom: 36frz7m

Si necesita asistencia inmediata, revise los siguientes recursos de crisis:
* Safe2Tell: línea directa anónima: https://safe2tell.org/   (877)542-7233
* Línea de vida nacional para la prevención del suicidio: http://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/   y (800)273-8255
* Colorado Crisis Services: apoyo de salud mental 844-493-8255 y www.ColoradoCrisisServices.org  

Salud mental y emocional emocional "¿Sabía usted?" : Compilado por Samanda Davis, LCSW, MSW y Natalie Koncz, Ed.S., NCSP.
Food and Nutrition Resources for Families
  • Click here for Food Resource Hotline information
Class News You Can Use
All Classes 
  • Remember - TJ gear is available in the Spartan Store. If you would like to make a purchase, please contact tjhs.store@gmail.com.
Class of 2020 - Seniors
Click here for an important message for all seniors!
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Megan Perkins ( megandperkins@gmail.com ) or Lisa LoJacono ( lisalojacono@gmail.com ).  
Class of 2021 - Juniors
Soon to be Vintage - Don't forget to buy an AMAZING class t-shirt if you haven't yet.  See Mrs Lynch room 111.  They're going fast!   
As are our kiddos!  Just think one year from now they we will be dressing up for Prom, celebrating graduation, and gearing up for their next adventure.  Let's send them out in style.  To do this, we need your help!  Do you know that most schools charge $50-$80 a ticket for Prom?  AT TJ, we want everyone to go to Prom for no more than $20.21 a ticket and after Prom is FREE to all seniors! However, we cannot do it without your help.  
Don't need a shirt and wondering how you can support the class?  Ready to make this the best year ever?  Start today and make a donation to the Class of 2021 through the Sprit Store here and feel AMAZING! 
Look for some upcoming parent social events to kick off this journey and last hurrah! Tons of opportunity be part of the experience and we need EVERYONE to make this special.  If you like party planning or just have ideas or want to help with additional fundraising, contact any one of us. We need parents to take the lead on Senior Sleep out, Mr. TJ, Powder Puff Football, Homecoming Rally, and After Prom.  If this sounds like you, please speak up! 
Karla Henke karladhenke@gmail.com Jen Abram jenabram18@gmail.com ; Lisa Allen allenlisa85@yahoo.com; Colley Moe colley_moe@comcast.net;  Teri Hertzel thetzel@comcast.net, John Trujillo trujillopotter@icloud.com  (2021 Class Sponsor)
Class of 2022 - Sophomores
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Julie Rubin (rubin_j@comcast.net) or Marlene Talavera (TJSpartans2022@gmail.com). 

The class of 2022 has two faculty sponsors,  Jillian Gleason and Maggie Kennedy, but parents are needed to work with the staff to plan fundraising activities. Parent sponsors also plan community building activities for the parents of the class of 2022.  Each  class is expected to raise money needed to host their Prom, After Prom and other activities senior year.  The sooner the fundraiser get started, the more choices there will be for events senior year. The time commitment can be as little or as much you can share.   Your involvement in any capacity is important and appreciated. We are successful because of your behind-the-scenes contributions, large and small. It all adds up to a stronger community. An engaged parent body shows our students that we care about them!
If you need more information, contact tjhspto@gmail.com, Julie at rubin_j@comcast.net or Marlene at (TJSpartans2022@gmail.com).
Class of 2023 - Freshmen
As always, please contact us if you'd like to be involved in planning, have some ideas or want to jump in to help! Contact Catherine Poirier -  cpoirier@bodybark.com  or Christy Jordan -  christy.jordan@comcast.net.