Administrator's Corner
Hi TJ Families,
I hope you are all ready to embark on our new journey to on-line learning! While we know that this presents new and different challenges, we have been working hard to set our students up for success because next school year will come and things will eventually get back "normal." As you may have read in our Remote Learning Plan, we plan to offer both synchronous (live lessons) and asynchronous (independent lessons) learning opportunities. This first week back our focus is going to be on reconnecting with as many kids as we can and figuring out which students we still need to reach. Please try your best to be a part of the live lessons as your teachers and I would love to see as many faces as possible! Starting April 13th we will begin to get into more content, hopefully picking up where we left off after some time to review. We ask that you give us some grace as many of us learning how these online platforms work - we promise to reciprocate that grace back you. We are all trying to figure out how to balance work/parenting/school!
Take care everyone - I can't wait to see you all again!
click here for details about TJ's remote learning plan moving forward.
Hola TJ Families,
Espero que todos estén listos para embarcarse en nuestro nuevo viaje al aprendizaje en línea! Si bien sabemos que esto presenta desafíos nuevos y diferentes, hemos estado trabajando duro para preparar a nuestros estudiantes para el éxito porque llegará el próximo año escolar y las cosas eventualmente volverán a ser "normales". Como puede haber leído en nuestro Plan de Aprendizaje Remoto, planeamos ofrecer oportunidades de aprendizaje sincrónicas (lecciones en vivo) y asincrónicas (lecciones independientes). Esta primera semana de vuelta nuestro enfoque va a ser reconectar con tantos niños como podamos y averiguar a qué estudiantes todavía necesitamos llegar. Por favor, haga todo lo posible para ser parte de las lecciones en vivo como sus maestros y me encantaría ver tantas caras como sea posible! A partir del 13 de abril comenzaremos a entrar en más contenido, con suerte retomando donde lo dejamos después de algún tiempo para revisar. Le pedimos que nos dé algo de gracia, ya que muchos de nosotros aprendemos cómo funcionan estas plataformas en línea - nos comprometemos a corresponder que la gracia de vuelta a usted. Todos estamos tratando de averiguar cómo equilibrar el trabajo / crianza / escuela!
Tense preocupe a todos - No puedo esperar a verlos a todos de nuevo!
clic aquí para obtener más información sobre el plan de aprendizaje remoto de TJ en el futuro.
Week at a Glance - Week of 4/6-4/11
- No School for Students - Professional Development
- Remote Learning Begins (See schedule below)
- periods 1, 3, 7
- Remote Learning for Students
- periods 2, 4, 6, 8
- Admin/Counselors identify students lacking access
- All week's work must be submitted by students
April 13th- May 22nd (Finals Schedule is still TBD)
Louis Chaiken
recently found out that hospitals need ventilator manifolds. He has created a go fund me to help raise money so he can print them at his house with his 3D printer and help those in need!
Please click here for more information
. We are so proud of you, Louis!
- A huge thank you to Samanda Davis and others who heIped with the food bank at the beginning of the extended spring break. We had almost 40 families utilize the mobile food bank. Every single person was gracious, appreciative, and took only what they needed. It was amazing! There was enough food for almost 60 families so the rest of the donations went to help feed the elderly in grocery deliveries. In a time of uncertainly, it was nice to see our community come together. Thank you Team!
Resources from the Administration
Thank you for being such an incredible community who we know will continue to support your TJHS student(s) during this difficult, unique time. We would like to provide some helpful resources for managing behavior at home, practicing self-care, and recommended guidelines for transitioning your student(s) to online learning:
Resources from the Counselors
The Counseling Department has put together some resources related to contacting them and scheduling appointments during our Remote Learning Plan moving forward.
Click here for this information. Please know that this will be continuously updated.
In April, the PTO will be approving classroom grants submitted by teachers and staff. Since we won't be meeting in person, we plan to hold a virtual PTO meeting on Tuesday, April 11th at 6pm. Details will be available in next week's newsletter. The main focus of the PTO's fundraising efforts is to support the learning environment at TJ. We've had a lot of grant requests from staff and would like your help determining how to spend the $10,000 allocated for this purpose.
Clearly the school year is ending abruptly and not at all how we expected. As we sort out how this year will wind down, we are making plans for next school year and need to fill some PTO officer and committee openings. The student body is growing, the staff is growing and the PTO is growing. We invite you to become a part of this active school community, made stronger by our diverse backgrounds, talents and resources. We understand families are busy, but need you to lend a hand, and make a difference at a time critical to student development. It's how great high schools (and students) are created and sustained! Please consider how you can use your skills to help TJ staff and students be the best they can be. We are looking for parents to serve in the following roles:
- Vice President - Ideally, the person in this role would move to the President role the following year.
- Secretary
- Assistant Treasurer
- Hospitality Committee Chair
- At Large members for the classes of 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
As a community we've worked together well this year and want to keep all the momentum going. Please consider how you can get involved and let us know if you would like a leadership role.
We can't be Spartan Strong without you!
AP exams will be administered online
and via the College Board, at home or from a classroom. Please contact Paula Hammel if you have questions. We would like all AP payments by the end of the school year. If you are having difficulty with payments, please let us know.
Resources from the Library
The web site Brain Pop has opened their web site for free.
It has a fair amount of information and activities. The web site also has an ELL page, a Spanish page, a French page, and a Jr. Page (K-3).
For easy access, I created a general user id and password for everyone in the TJ community.
Library1 The password is case sensitive.
Thanks, Mr. Fabian!
We are in need of two paraprofessionals for our Special Education students. If you are interested, please contact Paula Hammel at paula_hammel@dpsk12.org
We now have TJ car magnets for $5!!
Please email
if you would like to purchase something & we would be happy to get the spirit wear for you. We can arrange to have items picked up.
Yearbook Announcements:
From February 1st on, the book will be $65 until sold out.
Senior Recognition Ad:
To purchase an ad, please visit the yearbook website.
information about the yearbook can found on the journal under the News & Events tab or by clicking here.
News from the Future Center
Upcoming Scholarship Deadlines:
Monaco South Optimist Club Robert Sullivan Scholarship - Due April 10th
Women's Energy Network of Colorado (WENCO) Kelly de la Torre Scholarship - Due April 17th
Drs. Joseph and Alice Langely Charitable Trust Scholarship - Due April 24th
Feel free to contact Emily at emily_webster@dpsk12.org
- For more information about college visits, scholarships, and more, please visit the Future Center!
Mental Health and Social/Emotional Tips
Finding a balance between working from home, caring for your family, and keeping your sanity is TOUGH.
Do not be hard on yourself if there is more screen time than you would like.
1. While we are practicing social distancing, there still are many ways we can show our empathy towards others:
* Helping to get food for elderly neighbors (check your local websites to see how this is being facilitated)
* Having our kids send art cards to relatives
* Read age-appropriate news articles and books together, then discuss how people feel in the story, and what you might be able to do to support (if needed).
2. Screen time issues are going to be challenging right now, BUT there are a lot of things we still can do. I have written for over four years weekly on all sorts of topics that can help now, such as things to do for
creative time online and offline
ways to set up rules
, ways to have calm conversations, and more.
Stay safe, TJ. Take care of yourself and each other. We can do this!
Mental Health and Social Emotional "Did You Know":
Compiled by Samanda Davis, LCSW, MSW and Natalie Koncz, Ed.S., NCSP.
Food and Nutrition Resources for Families
Remember - TJ gear is available
in the Spartan Store. If you would like to make a purchase, please contact tjhs.store@gmail.com.
Soon to be Vintage - Don't forget to buy an AMAZING class t-shirt if you haven't yet. See Mrs Lynch room 111. They're going fast!
As are our kiddos! Just think one year from now they we will be dressing up for Prom, celebrating graduation, and gearing up for their next adventure. Let's send them out in style. To do this, we need your help! Do you know that most schools charge $50-$80 a ticket for Prom? AT TJ, we want everyone to go to Prom for no more than $20.21 a ticket and after Prom is FREE to all seniors! However, we cannot do it without your help.
Don't need a shirt and wondering how you can support the class? Ready to make this the best year ever? Start today and make a donation to the Class of 2021 through the Sprit Store here and feel AMAZING!
Look for some upcoming parent social events to kick off this journey and last hurrah! Tons of opportunity be part of the experience and we need EVERYONE to make this special. If you like party planning or just have ideas or want to help with additional fundraising, contact any one of us. We need parents to take the lead on Senior Sleep out, Mr. TJ, Powder Puff Football, Homecoming Rally, and After Prom. If this sounds like you, please speak up!
Class of 2022 - Sophomores
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Julie Rubin (rubin_j@comcast.net) or Marlene Talavera (TJSpartans2022@gmail.com).
The class of 2022 has two faculty sponsors,
Jillian Gleason and Maggie Kennedy, but parents are needed to work with the staff to plan fundraising activities. Parent sponsors also plan community building activities for the parents of the class of 2022. Each
class is expected to raise money needed to host their Prom, After Prom and other activities senior year. The sooner the fundraiser get started, the more choices there will be for events senior year. The time commitment can be as little or as much you can share.
Your involvement in any capacity is important and appreciated. We are successful because of your behind-the-scenes contributions, large and small. It all adds up to a stronger community. An engaged parent body shows our students that we care about them!
Thank you for your patience and support.