Administrator's Corner
Dear TJ Spartan students and families,
Welcome back! As your new principal, I am extremely excited to get this school year started! TJ had another great year with so many more accomplishments! We again set the bar very high for our students and they continue to rise to the challenges!
The mission of TJ will not be changed. TJ is THE high school to go to if you want to go to college. We will not deviate from the efforts that we have been making over the course of the many years of this work. Our work moving forward is to relentlessly pursue opportunities for our students to ensure that they are prepared for college and career.
click here to read more about policies and procedures that will continue to be enforced.
Thanks for your ongoing support of TJ. We look forward to meeting and seeing you at the Back to School and Information night on September 7th, 2016, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. We will begin in the auditorium and there will be more on this as the date approaches.
Estimados estudiantes y familias de TJ Spartan,
¡Bienvenidos de nuevo! Como su nuevo Principal, estoy muy emocionado de tener este año escolar comenzado! TJ tuvo otro gran año con tantos mas logros! De nuevo pusimos el listón muy alto para nuestros estudiantes y ellos siguen subiendo a los retos!
No se cambiará la misión de TJ. TJ es LA escuela secundaria para ir si quieren ir a la universidad. No vamos a desviarnos de los esfuerzos que hemos venido haciendo a lo largo de los muchos años de este trabajo. Nuestro trabajo para avanzar es perseguir sin descanso oportunidades para nuestros estudiantes para asegurarse de que estén preparados para la universidad y carrera.
Por favor, haga
clic aqui para leer más acerca de las pólizas y procedimientos que seguirán siendo aplicadas.
Gracias por su apoyo continuo de TJ. Esperamos con interés conocerle en la reunión de regreso a la escuela y la noche de Información el 7 de septiembre del 2016, de 7:00pm a 9:00pm. Comenzaremos en el auditorio y habrá más información sobre esto al acercarse la fecha.
Back to School Night
Please note that Back to School and Information Night will take place on
Wednesday, Sept. 7th from 5-7 p.m. Stay tuned for more details!
Denver Public Schools and Denver Water are partnering in a proactive effort to sample drinking water in all DPS buildings to ensure it meets Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines for schools. In recent months, there have been a number of news stories about high lead levels in school drinking water. Lead isn't present in the water Denver Water sends to our schools, but lead can get into water as it moves through lead-containing plumbing and fixtures.
While we do not have the evidence at this time that our schools have elevated levels of lead in their water supply, the safety of our students and staff is our top priority.
Click here
to read more.
Over the summer, there were five CCT students from TJ that attended the SkillsUSA Nationals Conference and Competition in Louisville, KY. Hunter Holmes and Sam Trout competed in 3D, Asianae Jackson and Rachel Sadler in web design, and Julio Munoz in software engineering. The students were challenged as they competing against the best from other states in the US. The 3D team placed 9th in their event, web design placed 23rd, and software engineering places 18th. SkillsUSA is a National student organization that teaches leadership and workplace skills. The National Conference is attended with over 18,000 participates for one full week to learn what it means to "Work like a Champion."
Way to go, Spartans!
Welcome to the Class of 2020!
Seniors cheer on the freshmen!
Monday morning was not a sleep-in for our Class of '17 TJ Seniors who turned out bright and early to cheer on, support and welcome the Freshman Class of 2020 to their first day at TJ High School. They distributed candy, high fives and cards with words of encouragement as the freshman entered through the "Senior Tunnel" which has become a tradition here at TJ. Balloons, cheerleaders, staff decked out in graduation gowns and a new Welcome sign donated by the PTO, adorned the school entrance to greet the Class of 2020 on their first day. Spartan Pride was passed on in style by the Class of 2017!
Parent/Student Portal - Please Sign Up!
If you haven't signed up for the Parent/Student Portal, please do so ASAP!
2. Click the "getting started" tab on the top
3. Fill out the form on the left with your name, e-mail address, phone number, student name, school ID number (lunch number) and student's 8 digit date of birth. Click "submit."
4. Create your username and password. Click "submit."
5. You will receive an e-mail immediately from the DPS Portal Team with a link to activate your account.
TJ's Tardy/Truancy Policy
Thank you for your support in keeping our attendance at its best!
Stay Connected with TeamApp
Class of 2017 and Spartan Football have setup teams on the free app called "TeamApp."
Stay connected with News, Events, Photos, Chats, Newsletters, Live Football game scores and more through this very easy to use phone app. Download TeamApp to your phone or connect on a computer, become a member and login. Search for
TJ Class of 2017
TJHS Football
and join these teams to keep updated throughout the year, share photos and stay connected.
Grief and Loss Support Group for Students
Thomas Jefferson High School
is hoping to
offer a grief and loss support group for students who are grieving the death of a loved one. The group will be facilitated by a counselor from Judi's House. Judi's House is an organization that specializes in the healing process for children and families. If your student is interested in participating in this group, please call the school social work office at:
Samanda Davis
Mental Health and Social/Emotional Tips
Greetings, TJ Community!
This year, we are excited to announce that the mental health staff at Thomas Jefferson High School will be issuing Mental Health and Social Emotional Tips through the TJ Journal Newsletter!
The intention of these tips is to help our entire community support academic, social and emotional growth and achievement. We are their village, and together we can make significant and positive impacts on their overall well-being.
If you have a topic you would like to suggest for us to cover or would like to know more about a specific topic, please feel free to contact us.
We look forward to a great year.
~ Natalie Koncz, Ed.S., NCSP - School Psychologist and Samanda Davis, LCSW, MSW- Social Worker
Mental Health & Social Emotional Tip #1
How Important is Sleep for Your Teen?
We all know sleep is imperative for daily functioning. When we don't get enough we may feel irritable, tired, groggy in the head, make careless mistakes, and are simply not functioning at our best. But did you know that in a recent study by the
Center for Disease Control And Prevention
, it was found that teens who get less than seven hours of sleep on school nights were more likely to engage in risky behaviors, when compared to teens who sleep nine hours a night. Risky behaviors include:
texting and driving
drinking and driving
riding with a driver who was drinking
not wearing a seat belt in a car or a helmet while on a bicycle
Given this information, it is thought that sleep deprivation may play an important role in poor judgment and decision-making among adolescents.
So Let's Problem Solve:
We need to respect sleep! Our society brags about functioning on little sleep (think, "I can sleep when I'm dead"; "I'll just have some caffeine or an energy drink," etc.). Sleep is an important part of our health pillar, and we need it to survive.
Encourage your child to practice good sleep habits, such as setting a regular bedtime and wake-up time, including on weekends.
Keep electronic devices out of the bedroom (if they need an alarm, buy an alarm clock), and take them away an hour before bedtime.
If you want to learn more, click here to enjoy this article!
Parents of Seniors / Class of 2017 - Welcome Back!
You are invited to an informational, idea sharing, get involved, celebrate the new school year meet and greet.
Monday, August 29th
Aug. 29th Ester's Neighboorhood Pub - 5pm - 9pm - information & idea sharing session and fundraiser. Ester's donating proceeds to Class of 2017.
Esters Neighborhood Pub
1950 South Holly St.
Denver, Co 80222
Thanks for helping to make TJ and the Class of 2017 Great!
Seniors - get TeamApp and join the TJ 2017 team for information, photos, updates and the latest news that Seniors need.
TJ Class of 2017 now has their own Smartphone App. It'll keep you up-to-date with your Class news, events, schedules and much more.
To get the full features of the App you need to download Team App onto your smartphone.
You can also access the team from any web browser on a computer via
Senior Gear - get your Senior PopSocket and 2017 T-shirt online at
Senior Photos for Yearbook - Due by Oct 9th
- Class of 2018 parents--this is the year we get big in our fundraising efforts so our kiddos have a big senior year. A planning meeting is being scheduled for the next week or two, so please email if you're interested in helping out at any point this year. We need you!
Class of 2019 - Sophomores
- The class of 2020 is looking for parent liaisons to work with TJ on fundraising, community building, etc and to come to first PTO meeting on September 13 to find out more.
The Senior class is holding several fundraisers this year to pay for an After-Prom event and to help fund the Senior Prom.
So please be on the lookout for these fun events and exclusive offers throughout the year and support Class of 2017.
Senior Photos - Professional photographer, Gina Theilmann, has offered to donate $50 to the Class of 2017 fund for each Senior portrait session booked with her. Pictures are due for Seniors by Oct 9th. A $350 Session Includes: Time and travel to photo shoot
Creating your images and transferring to a flash drive, Yearbook image for senior book
Authorization and release to print any/all images.
No minimum order of photos. See examples of her work here and contact Gina to schedule. See examples of her work here. Gina can be reached at 952-913-0906.
August 29th - fundraiser and informational meeting for Class of 2017 supporters at Ester's Neighborhood Pub located at on Holly street just north of Evans. 20% of all Food Sales from 5-9 pm will be donated to TJ Class of 2017. Please come and meet the Senior Class Parent Committee who will be there to let you know how you can help and get involved.
Class of 2017 T-Shirts - Don't miss out! Class shirts and stickers still available online at or contact Laura Whalen, 303-681-7226 or
Sipping for Seventeen- next event Sept. 17 at the home of Wendy Weiskopf. Details coming soon!
The Spartan football team and supporters are raising money this season by running a concession stand at Mile High Stadium for all home Bronco games and the CU vs CSU Game on 9/2.
Please visit Stand #524 (Gluten Free!) and #522 on the 5th level at those sections and support TJ Spartan Football with your concession purchase.
The first home Spartan Football game will be Sept 2nd at All City Field against Mitchell High School.
Come out and support the team and the new coaching staff !
Go Spartans!
New TJ Pop Sockets are here!
Show your Spartan Pride with the new TJ PopSockets for your phone or tablet or any mobile device.
Buy individually or save by buying 2 for $16.00. Special Class of 2017 edition available too.
Add a single or pair to the back of almost any mobile device to transform its capabilities. PopSockets "pop" whenever you need a grip, a stand, an earbud-management system, or just something to play with.
Thomas Jefferson High School is proud and excited to inform you that we have a food pantry. The food pantry's purpose is to help students and their families have enough food over the weekends. If you receive reduced or free lunch, you and your family are eligible to receive food from the food pantry. If you would like to enroll or have any further questions, please contact Samanda Davis at 720-423-7072 or
. You can also visit her in the special support office. This program is confidential and the names of students and families will remain private.
Clothing Resource:
Clothes To Kids, a non-profit dedicated to getting school clothes to needy kids from pre-school through 12
grade - at no cost to the families. They have an upbeat store in the south University Hills shopping area at Colorado Blvd and Amherst - next to Chez Artiste and under Tuesday Morning. Students qualify if they qualify for FRL, if they have a referral letter from a school, social service agency, counseling center or church, and if they have a crisis such as homelessness or displacement
School Supplies:
Social Worker, Samanda Davis has school supplies in her office if a student is in need. No appointment necessary however her days in the building are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.
Samanda Davis, LCSW MSW
Social Worker
Thomas Jefferson High School
News from the Future Center
For upcoming events, college visits, financial aid workshops, scholarships, and much more, visit the Future Center
Rena Maez
College Advisor, Thomas Jefferson High School
Denver Scholarship Foundation | a 501(c)(3) Public Charity
3950 S. Holly Street | Denver, CO 80237
O 720.423.7134 F 720.423.7098