December 1, 2016
Administrator's Corner

Thank you to everyone who has taken the survey. For those of you who have not had time to do so, please take some time to give us some feedback by clicking here.
Please note some important dates coming up: March 23-24th will be the 9th grade CMAS tests here at TJ. March 23rd will be the Science CMAS test for the 11th graders.

See below for the graphic that represents TJ in the DPS School of Choice Catalog.

Thanks, Spartans!

Gracias a todos los que han tomado la encuesta. Para aquellos de ustedes que no han tenido tiempo para hacerlo, por favor tomen algún tiempo para darnos algún comentario haciendo clic aquí.

Por favor, tenga en cuenta algunas fechas importantes: 23-24 de marzo será el 9 º grado CMAS pruebas aquí en TJ. El 23 de marzo será la prueba CMAS de la ciencia para los estudiantes del 11º grado.

Vea a continuación el gráfico que representa TJ en el Catálogo de la Escuela de Elección de DPS.

¡Gracias, Spartans!

Paula Hammel
Assistant Principal
Quick Links
Parent/Student Portal 

2. Click the "getting started" tab on the top

3. Fill out the form on the left with your name, e-mail   address, phone number, student name, school ID number (lunch number) and student's 8 digit date of birth. Click "submit."

4. Create your username and password. Click "submit."

5. You will receive an e-mail immediately from the DPS Portal Team with a link to activate your account.
Semester 1 
Finals Schedule
Friday, 12/16/16:
Study Time: 7:30 to 8:00
Period 2: 8:00 to 9:30 
Period 3: 9:35 to 11:05 
Period 4: 11:10 to 12:40 
Lunch: 12:40 to 1:20
Finals make-up: 1:20-3:00

Monday, 12/19/16
Study Time: 7:30 to 8:00
Period 6: 8:00 to 9:30 
Period 7: 9:35 to 11:05 
Lunch: 11:05 to 11:45
Finals make-up: 11:45 to 3:00

Tuesday, 12/20/16
Study Time: 7:30 to 8:00
Period 1: 8:00 to 9:30 
Period 8: 9:35 to 11:05 
Lunch: 11:05 to 11:45
Finals make-up: 11:45 to 3:00

Wednesday, 12/21/16
Finals make-up and teacher grading: 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Message to Families and Community
Last week ended with many challenging questions and thoughtful, forward-thinking discussions in many of our classrooms. Students shared their concerns about national issues with remarkable sensitivity and awareness.

The care of human life and happiness as the role of good government was central to Thomas Jefferson and the founding fathers. Election season is always a great time to revisit and be reminded of these great themes and ideals.

We're proud TJ is a place to be enriched by the many different backgrounds and perspectives of our teachers, staff, students and families. We believe the greatest academic and social achievement outcomes for our students include a sense of individual and collective responsibility to the local and global community. We're proud of our students and who they will yet become and the differences they will make. As I stated to the teachers the day following the election, "the peaceful transfer of power is what makes our democracy unique. Kids will have a range of questions and opinions about the election, and our role is to educate our kids and facilitate conversation. As you do every day, take this opportunity to educate our kids. We will continue to stay focused on preparing all of our kids for college and career. That is our charge and what we will relentlessly pursue."

I am so very thankful to be a part of this tremendous TJ Family,

Take Care,

-Mr. Christoff

La semana pasada terminó con muchas preguntas desafiantes y discusiones reflexivas y avanzadas en muchas de nuestros salones. Los estudiantes compartieron sus preocupaciones sobre temas nacionales con notable sensibilidad y conciencia.

El cuidado de la vida humana y la felicidad como rolo del buen gobierno fue central para Thomas Jefferson y nuestros padres fundadores. La temporada de elecciones es siempre un buen momento para volver y ser recordados de estos grandes temas e ideales.

Estamos orgullosos de que TJ sea un lugar para ser enriquecido por los diferentes antecedentes y perspectivas de nuestros maestros, personal, estudiantes y familias. Creemos que los mayores logros académicos y sociales para nuestros estudiantes incluyen un sentido de responsabilidad individual y colectiva hacia la comunidad local y global. Estamos orgullosos de nuestros estudiantes y de quienes se convertirán y de las diferencias que harán. Como le dije a los maestros el día siguiente de la elección, "la transferencia pacífica del poder es lo que hace que nuestra democracia sea única. Los niños tendrán una serie de preguntas y opiniones sobre la elección, y nuestro rolo es educar a nuestros estudiantes y facilitar la conversación. Como lo hacen todos los días, aprovechen esta oportunidad para educar a nuestros estudiantes. Seguiremos enfocados en preparar a todos nuestros estudiantes para la universidad y la carrera. Esa es nuestra responsabilidad y lo que continuaremos alcanzando. "

Estoy muy agradecido de ser parte de esta tremenda Familia TJ,


-Señor Christoff
Kudos Korner
  • Congratulations to the Spartan community! We've gotten some great press recently about how we're performing compared to other schools in the district. Click here to read the article!
  • Thomas Jefferson High School is one of five schools that will receive a $1,000 Mile High Sports Makeover* for a classroom in their school, courtesy of IKEA Centennial. Thanks to everyone who voted! Read more here.
Poinsettia Fundraiser - Last Chance
Final day to order Poinsettias!
The order deadline for the Science Department's annual fundraiser is Friday, December 2! Orders will be delivered to TJ on Tuesday, December 6th. Poinsettias are Red or White, priced at $15.00 each.

2016 Teacher Holiday Luncheon - Friday, December 16
It's hard to believe that the holidays are coming up! It's going to be a very busy time for all of us including for teachers and students with the end of the semester drawing near and finals on the horizon. We want to show our TJ staff our appreciation with a holiday lunch and gift and we need your help to do it! Please click here to sign up and get involved!
Buy Groceries and Benefit TJ!
Buy King Sooper Cards that you can load and use and then a percentage (5%) goes to TJ PTO.
We can make ALOT of money from these when people just do their normal grocery shopping or gasoline purchase. 

Right now we only have 7 people using the cards but we made $2500.00 + ......i magine if at least 1/3 of the school used these cards!

lf 150 families at our school committed to spending $250 with their card each month, our school would earn $22,500 in one year! Anyway...details below and here is one image you can use.

  • Did you know you can earn 5% of every dollar loaded to your re-loadable gift card at King Soopers? 
  • Use your reloadable King Soopers gift card to purchase groceries, gas, and prescriptions!
  • You can get a card from the online store - 
...or by sending an email to Kevin Whalen,, or stopping in to see Julie Thibodeau in the main office.

Cards are $5 and can be re-loaded anytime you are in King Soopers and can be used for any purchases including gas!

Thanks in advance for your support with this awesome fundraiser!
Choir Chipotle Night!
Superintendent Parent Forum - December 8
You're Invited! Youth Step Show - December 10th
Dear Thomas Jefferson HS,

The Denver Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. would like to invite your students to attend our 2016 Youth Step show. The show will take place on December 10th, 2016 from 6-9pm at Gateway High School. In order for this step show to be a success, we need the support of all local schools in Denver. Tickets can be purchased at

We look forward to this being an outstanding good time for the community. We look forward to seeing you there!

Step Show Committee
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Be Merry with PTO!
Join us for our next PTO meeting at Esters for a bit of food, drink and fun!   We will be celebrating another successful ArtFest and looking forward to next semester.  December 13 at 6 pm.  Esters is at 1950 S Holly, 80222.  Hope to see you there!  Questions or let us know you'll be there:  
Cold Weather Care Guide and Sheltering Options for Families
As cold weather approaches, many families need extra assistance and sheltering options. Please click here to see the comprehensive guide. 
Shop on Amazon and Benefit TJ
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support TJ High School every time you shop,  at no cost to you . When you shop at , you'll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to  TJ High School Parent Partners group (0.5%).  The TJ PTO grants teachers and staff each year with funds for projects, supplies and other necessities for your child's classroom and school.

It is easy to setup. Simply go to and search for "Thomas Jefferson High School Partners" and select this as your charitable organization that will receive donations from eligible purchases. Amazon will remember your selection, and then every eligible purchase you make at will result in a donation to TJ Parent Partners.

Just save SMILE.AMAZON.COM to your favorites and use these link to shop on Amazon. You must use this URL in order for your purchase to qualify for the donation.

Click here for more information about how it works!
Contributions and Volunteers Requested for TJ's ARTFEST 
Please gather your gently used books, CDs, DVDs, VHS cassettes, audio cassettes--and yes, even, 8-track tapes--and donate them to TJ! TJ's ArtFest & the Used Book Sale will be held on Saturday, December 10, 2016 from 9 am to 4 pm in the gym and cafeteria, and funds our classroom grant program. 

Have donations? Drop off at any of these locations (pick up is available for 3 or more boxes - see below):
  • TJHS (drop off in Main Office)
  • Home of Carrie Oss (drop off on porch):
    • 3614 S Hudson Street, Denver, CO 80237 (the address is on a rock in the front and yard is xeriscaped - no grass). 
  • Tom The Book Guy
    • 2110 S Ash St, Unit #1, Denver CO 80222 (please call ahead or email for pick up of 3 or more boxes
      :  Cell: 303-522-5214; Office: 303-756-2665; Email:
Donations are welcome until the day of the event, December 10th. We will provide a receipt for your tax-deductible contribution, so please tell your friends, family and neighbors that we will be happy to accept their contributions as well! SPREAD THE WORD. Last year we raised over $700 from the book sale alone for programs that support TJ students and teachers. 

Volunteers are needed to canvass the weeks leading up to the event, to support set up on the 9th, and to work the day of the event. Please sign up today! Click here to volunteer.


Thank you for your consideration and support of your neighborhood high school!
Artfest Vendor Highlight of the Week
Students, Do You Want a Job?
  • We will have a table on  November 3 rd  out in the lobby during lunch for students to fill out applications for Chick-Fil-A . They will be responsible for turning it in to the company in person, however.
  • King Soopers is hiring! Students should go to After applying students can call any store they wish to work at (both students and their parents are invited to apply).  For the students, they would be applying for the courtesy clerks positions starting at $9.00 an hr. For anyone who applies and is over 18 they can apply for any position ( service desk, deli, bakery, grocery, meat, seafood, produce) they start at either $10.00 or $10.50 an hour.
  • TJ kitchen is hiring. We need two student workers to work 1 hour a day during lunch. We pay $10.00 an hour for students. Juniors and seniors only need apply. Positions open until filled.  Go to DPS job board, food service -student worker.
NEW Spirit Store Items
The TJ Spartan Spirit Store is a virtual store  which is online. The store also is setup at some school events such as athletic events, concerts, plays and conference nights.

NEW Spirit Store Items!

Check out the new American Apparel soft 100% cotton v-neck t-shirts in dark gray or white with gold TJ on the front and Spartan on the back. Also, get a new gray fleece blanket with gold TJ embroidered in the corner to keep you warm while cheering on the Spartans this winter.

New XXL and XL sizes in men's Under Armour ankle zip sweatpants and new inventory in the Under Armour 1/4 zip long sleeve pull overs in graphite grey stripe with embroidered TJ. XXL hoodies and T-shirts now available.

Order online and pickup at school: or contact Laura Whalen to pay by cash or check.
Look for the Spirit Store at all TJ Spartan athletic events this year.
TJ's Tardy/Truancy Policy
Thank you for your support in keeping our attendance at its best!
End of Year Schedule and Transportation 
***Please make a note that the bus will be normal pick up times in the afternoon on the 16th of December (2:45pm), and 11:50 on 12/19-12/20.***
Mental Health and Social/Emotional Tips
~ Drug Information ~

Let's talk about some other drugs:
 With the legalization of marijuana for those 21 years and older (or 18 years and older with a medical prescription), most parents, educators and community members are increasin gly aware of the use, abuse and effects of marijuana. However,  the re are other types of substances that we would also like to review.  
So, what should I know?
1. Hallucinogens à
                  - Slang: Lysergic acid diethylamide: LSD, acid, blotter.  Psilocybin: Magic mushrooms, shrooms. Phencyclidine: PCP, angel dust, boat, ozone, wack. Ecstasy: E, X, XTC
                  - Affects: Hallucinogens impact your:
a) Brain - how you interpret time, reality, environment around you
b) Heart - increased heart rate and blood pressure; potential heart and lung failure.
c) Well-being and self-control - can change emotions, and may cause you to feel confused, suspicious, disoriented. They can also cause speech confusion, lose muscle control, or cause a person to act irrationally/aggressive.
- Know the signs: Distorted sense of sight, hearing, touch; dilated pupils, anxiety or
paranoia, mood swings, irrational behavior, faintness.
                  - Resources: SAMHSA (877)726-4727
2. Steroids à  
                  - Slang: Arnolds, gym candy, pumpers, stackers, weight trainers, juice.
                  - Affects: Steroids impact your:
a) Appearance- baldness, cysts, acne, and oily hair and skin.
b) Mood- angry, hostile for no reason. 
c) Risk for infections- sharing needs or using dirty needles can increase risk for HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis. 
- Know the signs:
                  a) Boys- baldness, development of breasts, impotence
                  b) Girls- growth of facial hair, deepened voice, breast reduction
                  c) Both- yellowing of skin, swelling of ankles, bad breath, aching joints, mood swings, nervousness, trembling
- Resources: National Clearinghouse for Drug and Alcohol Information (800-729-6686)
3. Methamphetamine/Chrystal Meth à
- Slang:
a) Meth: Beannies, brown, chalk, crank, chicken feed, cinnamon, crink, crypto, fast, getgo, methlies quik, Mexican crack, pervitin, redneck cocain, speed, tick tick, tweak was, yaba, yellow powder.
b) Chrystal Meth: batu, blade, cristy, crystal, crystal glass, glass, hot ice, ice, quartz, shabu, shards, stove top, tina ventana.
                  - Affects: short and long term impact:
a) Appetite- nausea and decreased appetite; malnourishment
b) Heart- increased heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, breathing problems
c) Brain and Mood- hallucinations, irritability, depression, exhaustion, erratic/violent behavior. Brain damage and memory loss
                  d) Well-being and self-control - sleep; liver, kidney and lung damage; heart-attack, strokes, death
- Know the signs:  increased physical activity, dilated pupils, heavy sweating, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, paranoia/irritability, tremors, unpredictable behavior, headaches, anxiety, depression, deterioration of body (poor oral hygiene/teeth change color, aged appearance, scabs on body/face).
- Resources: and (888)668-6378
Mental Health and Social Emotional Tip: Compiled by Samanda Davis, LCSW, MSW and Natalie Koncz, Ed.S., NCSP
References: Center for Disease Control and Prevention ( ); National Association of School Psychologists (
Class News You Can Use
All Classes 
Class of 2017 - Seniors

Senior 2017 Table at Artfest - Seniors are running a booth at ArtFest on Sat. Dec 10th to raise money for Prom. Home baked goods individually wrapped for sale are needed as well as student volunteers to work at the booth/table and to help setup and breakdown. Seniors will be selling Cocoa gift jars and baked goods. See the ArtFest signup genius to signup for contributing goodies and volunteer time. 

SENIOR T-Shirts - Get Yours Now
We still have some of the original Class of 2017 T-Shirts available. Y ou can purchase online and pickup at school OR  see Julie Thibodeau in the office  to buy your shirt.  Profits from these shirts support After-Prom Event for 2017.  So please support our Seniors and a safe, fun Prom 2017.

Stay CONNECTED - TeamApp - TJ Class of 2017, Twitter @2017tjhs, facebook TJHS 2017 Spartan Support 

Thanks for helping to make TJ and the Class of 2017 Great!
Class of 2018 - Juniors
  • Please look for more opportunities this school year for parents to socialize, get connected and contribute to the Class of 2018 fundraising efforts. Please email if you're interested in helping out at any point this year. We need you!
Class of 2019 - Sophomores
  • If you have an idea for fundraising, community building event or volunteer opportunity, please contact Jane Bulger:
Class of 2020 - Freshmen
  • Thank-you to Megan Perkins and Lisa LoJacono who have agreed to be parent representatives for the Class of 2020. Please look for important information to come.  If you are interested in getting involved please email Megan at: or Lisa at:
GT News
Community Conversation Theme
Student Voice
Office Hours
Office Hours after school on Dec. 1 st  in 146A
Lunch Bunch and Educator Lunch PDU
Dec. 7 Students - Room 134
Chess is for Everyone
Dec. 1, 2016
Spartans and  Tigers Chess Meet
at Lakewood High School
After school
Transportation is on your own.
Confirmed, participating Spartans will be excused from 8 th  period by the GT Office.
Student Panel/Mile High Discussions
Monday Dec. 5 after school at DPStv
Student and Family Advisement
  • All day Wednesday Dec. 7th - by appointment/referral with Specialist in 146A
  • Wednesday after school, Future Center for college essay writing
Students participating for TJ at the Invitational may pick up a copy of the full registration form with Mr. Pratarelli, Mr. Weaver, or access it   here.  
Mr. Weaver's office is sponsoring all associated registration fees and costs!

Challenge Day is Coming!
Challenge Day is approaching fast. It will be held on January 24th and 25th for the Junior class. 

What is Challenge Day?
· It is a one day (seven hour), action-packed, interactive program held in the gym at TJ; students, teachers, administrators, parents and other adult volunteers participate in a safe environment.
· Students, teachers, and parents own up to past behavior, apologize to each other, and make a pledge to "change their behavior. 
· Students and adults participate equally and connect on a very personal level.
· Through these personal connections, students are engaged and empowered, and are inspired to be successful.
· Students' personal power and self-esteem are elevated.
· Dangerous peer pressure is transformed into positive peer support.
· Teasing, violence and all forms of oppression are recognized and eliminated.
· The aftermath of the school climate is remarkably noticeable. 

It roughly cost $20 per student to attend the day. Please  click here to make a donation to help support this amazing program. 
News from the Future Center
Students who need financial aid should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid if they have not already.  Ms. Maez is available to support students and families.  Contact her at  or at 720-423-7134 for questions and help.   

College/Scholarship Essay Help- Wednesdays during Office Hours
· Before Wednesday during office hours, email or bring a copy of your essay to the Future Center.
· Include the prompt and who the essay is for.
· First come, first served!
· For seniors applying to college only.

College Visits:
· Sign up in Naviance and put it on your calendar!
· You're responsible for any missed work in your classes.
· Schools with a star next to the name and in bold are application workshops. Be prepared to submit your application with support from the college representative.

For upcoming events, college visits, financial aid workshops, scholarships, and much more, visit the Future Center wikipage !
Rena Maez 
College Advisor, Thomas Jefferson High School 
Denver Scholarship Foundation | a 501(c)(3) Public Charity  
3950 S. Holly Street  |  Denver, CO 80237 
O 720.423.7134   F 720.423.7098 |