This is the last newsletter of 2020!
The next one will go out on January 4, 2021.
Happy holidays to all of our Spartan families....stay safe and stay healthy!
Administrator's Corner
Hi TJ,
As we wrap up this semester I wanted to say thank you for all of the hard work and support that has gone in to making this semester happen. From the teachers having to adapt to learning how Schoology works, to the kids for all of their tenacity in adjusting to this online world and to all of the parents that are doing the best they can to be full time parents and teachers among other things. We all want to move past this pandemic and hopefully we can all do so very soon! I hope that you are able to connect with loved ones in a safe manner during break and that everyone has a chance to get off of their computers! I know that is one the things I am looking most forward to!
Take care and here's to 2021!
Hola TJ,
al concluir este semestre, quería darles las gracias por todo el trabajo y el apoyo que han dedicado a hacer que este semestre se realice. Desde los profesores que tienen que adaptarse a aprender cómo funciona la Schoología, a los niños por toda su tenacidad en adaptarse a este mundo en línea y a todos los padres que están haciendo lo mejor que pueden para ser padres y maestros de tiempo completo, entre otras cosas. Todos queremos pasar esta pandemia y esperamos que todos podamos hacerlo muy pronto. Espero que usted sea capaz de conectarse con seres queridos de una manera segura durante el descanso y que todos tengan la oportunidad de salir de sus ordenadores! ¡sé que es una de las cosas que más deseo!
¡Cuidado y aquí está 2021!
- Period 1 Final: 8:00-9:30
- Period 3 Final: 9:45-11:15
- 11:15-12:00 (lunch)
- 12:00-3:00 (make up tests scheduled by appointment with student and teacher)
- Period 2 Final: 8:00-9:30
- Period 4 Final: 9:45-11:15
- 11:15-12:00 (lunch)
- 12:00-3:00 (make up tests scheduled by appointment with student and teacher)
- Period 7 Final: 8:00-9:30
- 9:45-11:15 (no second exam today)
- 11:15-12:00 (lunch)
- 12:00-3:00 (make up tests scheduled by appointment with student and teacher)
- Period 6 Final: 8:00-9:30
- Period 8 Final: 9:45-11:15
- 11:15-12:00 (lunch)
- 12:00-3:00 (make up tests scheduled by appointment with student and teacher)
- Grading/make up tests by appointment

State Qualifiers for TJ 2020-2021
Apparel & Accessories Marketing Series Sydney Ezell Wyatt Franklin
Automotive Services Marketing Series Owen Pedigo Alex Trujillo Parker Boyd
Business Services Marketing Grant Vanderiet Lauren Simasko
Entrepreneurship Series James Lupo
Hotel and Lodging Management Sara Eyassu Lilibet Trautman
Human Resources Management Isaac Whistler Grace Leonard
Marketing Communications Kate Jordan Little
Principles of Business Management & Administration Shana Saint-Phard Ravi Apte Amor Williams Eyoab Eyassu
Principles of Hospitality and Tourism Luke Lloyd
Principles of Marketing Aidan Peters
Quick Service Restaurant Management Erin Pointet Grace Coviello Grace Ornelas
Restaurant and Food Service Management Emma Rathgeber
Retail Merchandising Eva Pavlik Abubaker Abdi
Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series Henry Shukert Oliver Swats Daynon Downey
Business Law and Ethics Team Decision Making Lillian Mullins / Stephanie Zabel
Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling Alice Larm
State Officer Qualifiers
Sara Eyassu Kate Jordan Little Eva Pavlik Lilibet Trautman
Alternates for State Conference
Apparel & Accessories Marketing Series Lauren Maggio
Business Services Marketing Jesse Johnson Rhyse Wallace
Human Resources Management Damian Chaidez-Alejandro
Marketing Communications Chase Bellomo Isaac Waldman
Principles of Marketing Brian Limias-Garcia
Quick Service Restaurant Management Ben Abram
Restaurant and Food Service Management Sarah Lakouas
Retail Merchandising Jack Coviello David Price
Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series Ryan Moe
Business Law and Ethics Team Decision Making Cody Gurley / Andrea Valencia-Espinoza
Professional Selling Event Del Bolinske
Way to go, Spartans!
Important Advisement Announcement
Attention 9th Grade Students!
When we return from break, Advisement will be jumping in to a new lesson. You will be required to attend Tuesday January 5th as well as January 6th, 7:30am-7:55am, Meet Code: TJadvisement1 (all students to go to same room).
Please complete the following survey BEFORE December 18th, 2020:
¡Atención estudiantes de noveno grado!
Cuando regresemos del descanso, Advisement comenzará una nueva lección. Se le pedirá que asista el martes 5 de enero y el 6 de enero, de 7:30 am a 7:55 am, Código de reunión: TJadvisement1 (todos los estudiantes deben ir a la misma sala).
Por favor complete la siguiente encuesta ANTES del 18 de diciembre de 2020:
Attention 10th Grade Students!You will NOT have Advisement the week of January 4th, 2021. Your first Advisement class will be Tuesday January 12th, 2021 at 7:30am. Have a great winter vacation!
¡Atención estudiantes de décimo grado!NO tendrá Asesoramiento la semana del 4 de enero de 2021. Su primera clase de Asesoramiento será el martes 12 de enero de 2021 a las 7:30 am. ¡Que tengas unas buenas vacaciones de invierno!
Attention 11th Grade Students! You will NOT have Advisement the week of January 4th, 2021. Your first Advisement class will be Wednesday January 13th, 2021 at 7:30am. Have a great winter vacation!
¡Atención estudiantes de grado 11!NO tendrá Asesoramiento la semana del 4 de enero de 2021. Su primera clase de Asesoramiento será el miércoles 13 de enero de 2021 a las 7:30 am. ¡Que tengas unas buenas vacaciones de invierno!
Attention 12th Grade Students!You will NOT have Advisement the week of January 4th, 2021. Your first Advisement class will be Thursday January 14th, 2021, 7:30am. Have a great winter vacation!
¡Atención estudiantes de grado 12!NO tendrá Asesoramiento la semana del 4 de enero de 2021. Su primera clase de Asesoramiento será el jueves 14 de enero de 2021 a las 7:30 am. ¡Que tengas unas buenas vacaciones de invierno!
We have spirit wear to sell! Just in time for those wanting some TJ spirit under their trees.
On Sunday, December 20th at 6446 E. Hampden (Onsite Consulting Office, in the King Soopers parking lot) from 12pm-3pm we will have the following items for sale.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the online sale. All of you should have received an email with details about picking up your items. Reach out to TJHS.STORE@GMAIL.COM if you have not heard from anyone.
We will be working on a new collection of items for a winter/holiday online sale. Please watch the newsletter and School Deets for information.
It is hard to believe the semester is coming to a close. It has been quite a bumpy ride. The PTO is grateful for all the parents who have volunteered and pulled together this semester to support the TJ community. Thank you for your dedication to your students, the staff and each other. Wishing your family peace and good health during this holiday season.

If you use Amazon for your holiday shopping, remember to use AmazonSmile. When you select
Thomas Jefferson High School Partners, a portion of qualifying purchases get donated to TJ PTO - a gift that keeps on giving! This is such an easy way to support your TJ community and spread even more holiday cheer. Purchases you were going to make anyway can make a difference. Simply shop at or in the Amazon Shopping app with AmazonSmile turned ON.
Interact and Sustainability Clubs Selling Masks
Signs of Suicide (SOS) Program - Passive Permission
Dear Parent or Guardian,
Educating our students about how to care for themselves and friends is an important task. Students are most likely to talk to their friends when having a problem, and some students entering adolescence experience a rollercoaster of difficult emotions. Depression (among the most common of mental illnesses) appears to be occurring at a much earlier age. Depression is a leading risk factor for suicide, and is treatable. In addition, self-injury has become a growing problem among youth. While not every student will experience these feelings, any child may find itself in a position to help someone who does
To proactively address these issues we are offering multiple prevention training programs that align with depression awareness and suicide prevention training. These programs include:
- Signs of Suicide Program for 6th and 9th grade students. The program was developed by the highly regarded non-profit organization and is used by thousands of schools nationwide since 2000. It has proven successful at increasing help seeking by students concerned about themselves or a friend (American Journal of Public Health, March 2004).
- Safe2Tell Colorado is a Colorado model prevention strategy operating under the Colorado Attorney General's Office, Department of Law. Safe2Tell Colorado is required to be part of school safety planning by the Colorado Department of Education. Programming focuses on educating students on the importance of reporting concerns and how to anonymously report to Safe2Tell Colorado.
Our goals include:
- Help students understand that depression is a treatable illness
- Explain that suicide is a preventable tragedy that often results from untreated depression
- Provide students training in how to identify serious depression and potential suicidality in themselves or a friend
- Impress upon youth that they can help themselves or a friend by taking the simple step of talking to a trusted adult about concerns
- To help students know whom, in the school, they can turn to for help
- To support healthy emotional development of all students
If you do NOTwish your child to participate in programming, please click here.
Estimado padre o tutor legal:
Educar a nuestros estudiantes acerca de cómo cuidarse a sí mismos y a sus amigos es una tarea importante. Es más probable que los estudiantes hablen con sus amigos cuando tienen un problema, y algunos alumnos que entran a la adolescencia experimentarán un torbellino de emociones difíciles. La depresión (una de las enfermedades mentales más comunes) parece manifestarse desde una edad mucho más temprana. La depresión es uno de los principales factores de riesgo de suicidio y puede tratarse. Además, las lesiones autoinfligidas se han convertido en un problema creciente entre los jóvenes. Aunque no todos los estudiantes experimentarán estos sentimientos, cualquier joven puede encontrarse en una posición de ayudar a alguien que los experimente.
Para abordar estos problemas de una manera proactiva, ofrecemos varios programas de prevención que se enfocan en tomar conciencia de la depresión y en la capacitación para prevenir el suicidio. Estos programas incluyen:
- Programa sobre señales del suicidio para estudiantes de 6.° y 9.° grado. Este programa fue desarrollado por una reconocida organización sin fines de lucro y se utiliza en miles de escuelas de todo el país desde el año 2000. Ha demostrado tener éxito al aumentar el número de estudiantes que buscan ayuda porque se preocupan por sí mismos o por un amigo (American Journal of Public Health, marzo de 2004).
- Safe2Tell Colorado es un modelo de estrategia de prevención de Colorado que funciona bajo la tutela de la Oficina del Fiscal General de Colorado, Departamento de Derecho. Safe2Tell Colorado es parte obligatoria de la planificación de seguridad escolar del Departamento de Educación de Colorado. La programación se enfoca en educar a los estudiantes acerca de la importancia de reportar sus inquietudes y cómo informar de forma anónima a Safe2Tell Colorado.
Nuestras metas incluyen:
- Ayudar a nuestros estudiantes a comprender que la depresión es una enfermedad tratable
- Explicar que el suicidio es una tragedia que se puede prevenir y que suele ser el resultado de una depresión sin tratar
- Proporcionar capacitación a los estudiantes para que aprendan a identificar una depresión grave y la posibilidad de suicidio, tanto en sí mismos como en sus amigos
- Recalcar el hecho de que los adolescentes pueden ayudarse a sí mismos o a sus amigos cuando toman el simple paso de hablar sobre sus inquietudes con un adulto de confianza
- Informar a los estudiantes para que sepan a quién pueden acudir en la escuela para obtener ayuda
- Apoyar el desarrollo emocional sano de todos los estudiantes.
Si NO desea que su hijo participe en esta programación, por favor haga clic aquí
TJ Food Drive and Distribution Program
Thank you to everyone who has been so generous in the last couple of months by donating to the TJ Food Bank--we would love your continued help as we prepare to distribute food to our families for the holidays! Non-perishable food donations can be delivered "TJ Food Bank" boxes at any of the following locations:
· 7996 E. Jefferson Place, Denver, 80237
· 7500 E. Dartmouth Avenue #25, Denver, 80231
· 2750 E. Bates Avenue, Denver, 80210
· 3732 S. Sebring Court, Denver, 80237
· 6895 Eastmoor Drive, Denver, 80237
· 7925 E. Mexico Avenue, Denver, 80231
· 2805 S. Gilpin Street, Denver, 80210
· 3614 S. Hudson Street, Denver, 80237
· 3004 S. Milwaukee Circle, Denver, 80210
· 3734 S. Oneida Way, Denver, 80237
· 3771 S. Rosemary Way, Denver, 80237
We are currently most in need of Canned Fruit, Peanut Butter & Jelly, Canned Proteins (tuna, chicken), Cereal, Canned Meals (stew, soup, chili), Pasta & Sauce and Rice. And if you'd prefer, please make a monetary donation HERE.
Webinar Series for Parents

Dear Parents and Students of the TJHS Community,
The Center on Domestic Violence at UC Denver sponsors the END Violence program at Thomas Jefferson. They are launching a youth leadership project tentatively called Let's Get Real. It is a tentative name because the hope is that youth leaders who become involved with the program will change the branding and the name.
It takes all of us to end abuse and mistreatment. Young people know all too well how violence affects them, their friends, their community, and their families. Youth are key to the development of a society where no one would dream of abusing someone they love or care about--whether it's a family member, a friend, or someone they are romantically involved with.
The goal for Let's Get Real is to support youth leaders who will in turn promote healthy relationships and a culture of consent. These leaders will determine project activities which can involve designing social media campaigns, writing letters to editors, and testifying at the capitol on any legislation affecting youth and the issues related to abuse and violence.
Maria Limon is the bilingual coordinator for the project--a fronteriza (from the borderlands of El Paso) who can Spanglish like a pro. Maria is excited to launch this program even through the obstacles presented by the pandemic. Meetings will take place virtually until we are able to return to meeting in person.
Please join Maria for a short Zoom meeting to learn how you can get involved on any one of these dates and times:
Tuesday, December 8, 4-5 pm click here
Thursday, December 10, 4-5 pm click here
Monday, December 14, 4-5 pm click here
Wednesday, December 16, 4-5 pm click here
Feel free to call or text with questions or ideas: 970-444-2077
We need your help!
The yearbook staff needs your help collecting content. Please fill out these forms if you have any photos or quotes!
Thanks in advance for your submissions! |

For now, tutoring is being done remotely, but we will revisit and revise when we have been cleared for in-person instruction. Please let your students and their families know! As always, tutoring is a free service for our students!
Click on the links below to view the full size flyers!
Need Help Paying Your Energy Bill? Necesita Ayuda Para Pagar El Recibo de Electricidad y Gas?
Chromebook and Materials Distribution - By Appointment Only
Dear Spartan Families,
TJHS will continue to offer pick up opportunities for Chromebooks and class materials distribution by appointment only.
- To make a request please fill out the form here:
- We will contact you using the email address provided in the form to arrange a time for pickup.
- If you are returning damaged technology please make sure the power cord is returned with the unit
- We are out of Wifi Hotspots and we don't know when additional units will be made available.
DPS Custodians and Bus Drivers Needed!
During this time of COVID our schools need more than ever to stay clean and safe for our kiddos and staff!
The reason for this email is to ask a favor - We have a dire need for Custodians and Bus Drivers!
We currently have 70 custodian vacancies.
Custodian Job Description:
The Custodian works under the direction of the Facility Manager and/or Assistant Facility Manager, cleaning the facility and performing grounds work in accordance with DPS guidelines. They may perform minor maintenance activities on facilities and equipment.
· Must be at least 17 years of age
· They must pass a reading test (8th grade reading level), Interview, Criminal Background Check and Fingerprints.
· High school diploma or equivalent required for FT
· All full time shifts are 8 hours a day - based on location, 8 hours between 12:30pm and 11:00pm, usually Monday - Friday
· All part time shirts are 4 hours a day - between 5:00pm-11:00pm
· $14.77/an hour! These positions are eligible for medical, vision benefits as well as sick, personal and vacation time
Bus Driver Job Description:
The Bus Driver is responsible for the safe and efficient transportation of elementary, middle, and high school students, including students with special needs, on regular routes, excursions and athletic trips.
· Must be at least 21 years of age.
· Must have the ability to obtain and maintain a valid Colorado commercial driver's license (CDL) - Class B with P2S endorsements if this license is not currently held.
· $20.34/an hour!
· Benefit eligible with minimum hours
· High school diploma or equivalent required
If interested they can text DPSFIELD to 97211 to speak to a Recruiter
In an effort to provide GT students and their families with the resources and supports needed to begin/complete their Advanced Learning Plan (ALP), the TJHS GT Site Team has created a Google Classroom for each GT grade level. The title and code for each grade level is listed below:
TJHS Gifted and Talented 2024 Cohort - doyqstu
TJHS Gifted and Talented 2023 Cohort - b7vpvfn
TJHS Gifted and Talented 2022 Cohort - orzg7to
TJHS Gifted and Talented 2021 Cohort - by7mjwi
The TJHS GT Site Team, working alongside our District GT Partners, has included resources, websites and documents to help you complete your ALP goals. Keep in mind that there are affective as well as academic goals. At this time, students should only focus on the Goals / Advanced Learning Plan section and not worry about the badges right now. We don't want you to get in there and feel overwhelmed.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Ms. Tate, our Dean Instruction and GT Point of Contact at
Our District GT Partner is Brian Beard,, and you may receive GT newsletters from his office with internship and university opportunities.
Mental Health and Social/Emotional Tips
Did You Know...?
Parent Training Opportunity!
In the state of Colorado, suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for those who are 15-24 years old
Here is what our students are reporting: Colorado Healthy Kids Survey 2019
TJ High School
... seriously considered attempting suicide in past 12-months.
... who felt so sad or hopeless almost every day for two weeks or more in a row during the past 12 months that they stopped doing some usual activities.
... made a plan.
... attempted one or more times.
As a guardian, here is how you can get information and resources: What: Signs of Suicide Parent Presentation by TJ Mental Health Team When: Wednesday January 6th, 2021 5:30-6:30pm Where: Virtually! You can join from the comfort of your couch and pajamas
Meeting ID: 915 0627 9541 Passcode: pHCGj7
Questions? Please contact:
We look forward to seeing you there! Mental Health and Social Emotional "Did You Know": Compiled by Samanda Davis, LCSW, MSW and Natalie Koncz, Ed.S., NCSP. |
School Based Health Centers are OPEN!
Thomas Jefferson School Based Clinic: 720-423-7190
Consent for Thomas Jefferson School Based Clinic:
News from the Future Center
Hi Spartans and Parents,
You'll see Weekly Scholarship Highlights, assignments to keep you on track including FAFSA steps, Essay Writing Tips, the calendar of Virtual College Rep Visits, Virtual Career Panels, and upcoming deadlines in addition to many other resources!
Institutional Scholarship Applications that are OPEN- Start TODAY!
Check your colleges' websites for more information regarding scholarships and deadlines!
Check out the Fall Timeline together to stay on track and be certain to follow the Steps to Complete Apps document to ensure your supporting documents are sent to your schools. If you have an application deadline between 12/16/20 and 01/05/21, be sure to request your supporting documents BY December 15th!
Emily Webster College Advisor | Thomas Jefferson High School Denver Scholarship Foundation | a 501(c)(3) Public Charity 789 Sherman Street, Suite 610 | Denver, CO 80203
Food and Nutrition Resources for Families
Remember - TJ gear is available in the Spartan Store. If you would like to make a purchase, please contact
Class of '21 - SENIORS! We're planning activities for next spring and need your help. Some activities may include After-Prom, Senior BBQ/Breakfast, a Graduation Parade, Talent Jubilee (aka as Mr. TJ), you name it! With limited fundraising options and time, we are making one last push for donations in hopeful anticipation of these honored traditions, and perhaps new ones. Whatever lies ahead for this class, we want to make next semester memorable. All money raised will go to support our kids!
PLEASE consider donating - $21 for '21 yet any amount will do! You can donate through the PTO Spirit Store here. If you wish to donate cash - your donation will be DOUBLED!! That's right. To learn how, please email
We also need senior parents to lead these activities and help start new traditions. Are you creative, like to organize, or are good with technology? We need to improvise and remain flexible with our current situation, yet we can do this if we all pitch in for these AMAZING Seniors. We will begin meeting regularly starting in January. Please reach out to one of the class contacts below to find out how you can help and look for an updated newsletter after Thanksgiving with kick-off meeting details. Go Spartans!
For your support of our most exciting non-event of the season - The No Mingle Jingle!
Our next event will be held in February!
Details to follow in January.
These events support the Class of 2022's senior year activities including After Prom. Your involvement in any capacity is important and appreciated. If you have ideas and/or would like to help with the Class of 2022 activities, please contact Julie Rubin at or Marlene Talavera at
Class of 2023 - Sophomores
Wishing all the Class of 2023 students and families a very happy and healthy holiday season and we are really looking forward to 2021!!
Mask up 2023!
Cool Class of 2023 TJ Masks are still on sale for $10! Two quick steps to order:
- Please email Catherine Poirier at with the number of masks you would like to order and student's contact name.
- Payment via Venmo: @Catherine-Poirier-3 $10 per mask - Indicate: 2023 Mask and student's contact name.
Mask Pick-Up will be arranged after purchase! Enormous thanks to Candace Lewis (Laila Hilton's mom) for the design and producing of our 2023 Masks!
$23 for '23! Ongoing $23 for '23 Campaign please just click on the PTO Square link below and support the Class of 2023! WHATEVER amount you can give - $23 $230 $50 $100 - any amount is so helpful! (Please scroll down to CLASS OF 2023 and hit the custom button or amount of your choice and follow the online payment instructions from there!)
Class of 2024 - Welcome! Part of the Thomas Jefferson mission is to build community, but we can't do that without your help. Please take a moment to complete a short survey for the Class Parent Sponsors. The information you provide will help us direct our communication to the people who want to receive it. We look forward to getting to know you and your student(s)! Class of 2024 Parent Survey