Please note: The TJ Journal Newsletter distribution will be changed from  Thursday  mornings to Monday mornings. The first edition of 2017 will go out on Monday, January 9th, the same day students return. 
December 15, 2016
Administrator's Corner

Hello Spartans!

Finals are upon us (wow, this semester flew by!). Help your student prepare by reminding him/her to get enough sleep and eat breakfast so they can perform their best on the exams. Please go to for the detailed finals schedule.

From myself and all of us at Thomas Jefferson High School we wish you a safe and joyous holiday season, and we will see students back on Monday, January 9th!

Hola Spartans!
Los exámenes finales están sobre nosotros (wow, este semestre voló!). Ayude a su estudiante a prepararse recordándole que duerma lo suficiente y coma desayuno para que puedan hacer lo mejor posible en los exámenes. Por favor vaya a para el horario detallado de las finales.
De mí parte y de todos nosotros en la Escuela Secundaria Thomas Jefferson les deseamos una temporada de vacaciones segura y alegre, y veremos a los estudiantes el lunes, 9 de enero!

Anne Rice
Athletic Director
Quick Links
TJ's Tardy/Truancy Policy
Thank you for your su pport in keeping our attendance at its best!
Kudos Korner
  • TJ is represented well within the DPS Citywide Orchestra. The auditions this year were blind auditions. Many of our students placed high within their sections, in fact Aidan Schlue was selected as the concertmaster. Following are the names of all TJ students, who were selected for the DPS Citywide Orchestra: Filiz Baltaci - viola, Kiaryce Bey - violin, Zoe Bogle - viola, Jake Downing - percussion, Kaelynda Estala - violin, Rogelio Flores - violin, Rachel Golledge - violin, Analycia Gonzalez - cello, Kamara Maxie - cello, Julia Moir - percussion, and Aidan Schlue - violin. Way to go, Spartans!

  • Monticello had a TOTAL BLAST at Cruisin 1430 last week. They got to record in a professional studio and then get a one on one with their producer, Richard Murphy. They were model SPARTANS. Pictures coming soon. Cruisin' also has a playlist, so if you missed it, you can go back and hear it another time.
Week at a Glance - Week of 12/19 - 12/23
Monday, 12/19 - 
  • Final Exams: periods 6 and 7
Tuesday, 12/20 - 
  • Final Exams: periods 1 and 8
Wednesday, 12/21 - 
  • NO SCHOOL for students
  • Make-up finals and teacher grading
Thursday, 12/22 - 
  •  NO SCHOOL - Winter Break
Friday, 12/23 - 
  • NO SCHOOL - Winter Break
ArtFest Thank You
Unified Basketball - Home Opener Today!
Unified Basketball's season opener is  TODAY  against Littleton at 3:00 p.m.. Please come out and support!
End of Year Schedule and Transportation 
***Please make a note that the bus will be normal pick up times in the afternoon on the 16th of December (2:45pm), and 11:50 on 12/19-12/20.***
2016 Teacher Holiday Luncheon - Friday, December 16
It's hard to believe that the holidays are coming up! It's going to be a very busy time for all of us including for teachers and students with the end of the semester drawing near and finals on the horizon. We want to show our TJ staff our appreciation with a holiday lunch and gift and we need your help to do it! Please click here to sign up and get involved!
Annual DECA Adopt-A-Family Project
Just a reminder that the Adopt-A-Family is up and running and we need your help! If you are new to TJ here is a brief explanation about the program: Each year DECA, Skills USA, and Samanda Davis (along with help from many others) join forces to help provide holiday gifts for financially challenged families within the TJ community. On average we help about 10-15 families with food baskets and gifts so anything you can do to help will be much appreciated.

Click here for  the link to sign up for specific gifts.  Or, if you would like to donate gift cards (Walmart or Target are preferred) or money, the DECA "elves" will go shopping the weekend of the 16th.  Thank you for making a difference and Happy Holidays!
Annual SkillsUSA Food Drive
It's time for SkillsUSA's annual food drive! The drive will take place between December 5th through December 16th and aims to assist 10-15 TJ families for the holiday season. Students can drop off boxed, bagged, and jar food items (no cans) to their fourth period class as well as the main office. Examples of items to donate include cereal, cookies, applesauce, rice, noodles, dressing/stuffing, mashed potatoes, cake/brownie mix, pancake mix, mac & cheese, Chex mix, chips, Jell-O, pudding, pie crust, sugar, fried onions, biscuit mix, fruit snacks, crackers, peanut butter, jelly, coffee, breakfast bars, hot chocolate, oatmeal, syrup, and spaghetti sauce. 

Donations are also accepted (checks payable to TJHS - memo - SkillsUSA Food Drive.)
Supporting TJ Athletics 
This coming Sunday, Dec 18th, the Patriots are in town to take on the Broncos at Mile High Stadium.  We are looking for some volunteers to donate their time and help us with the TJ HS Concession Stand at the stadium which is run by the TJ non-profit 5013c group for Spartan Football.  The stand makes about $1600.00 per game for TJ High School Athletics. 

The football team and parents have been donating their time all season at every Bronco home game and have made thousands of dollars for TJ High School. We are looking for students and adults that are at least 16 yrs of age. Community service hours will be given to those that work. The work time is 10:30 to 7:00 PM and we need helpers to serve in the Fan Stand and help out in general. The stand serves pretzels, sodas, hot dogs, hot chocolate, pulled pork and pizza rolls. 

If you would like to join the excitement in the stadium this Sunday and help out TJ High School Athletics at the same time, please contact Laura Whalen at 303-681-7226 or
Let's Be Good to Each Other!
Gloves and Socks Drive - Through 12/16
With the temperatures dropping, how fortunate are we to have clothing to keeps us warm in our transitions through outside.  Ladies of Value is hosting a Sock and Glove drive for the less fortunate and need your help.  Donate socks and gloves today until Dec 16th to the box located in the office.  All donations are handed out directly to the homeless downtown.
Buy Groceries and Benefit TJ!
Buy King Sooper Cards that you can load and use and then a percentage (5%) goes to TJ PTO.
We can make ALOT of money from these when people just do their normal grocery shopping or gasoline purchase. 

Right now we only have 7 people using the cards but we made $2500.00 + ......i magine if at least 1/3 of the school used these cards!

lf 150 families at our school committed to spending $250 with their card each month, our school would earn $22,500 in one year! Anyway...details below and here is one image you can use.

  • Did you know you can earn 5% of every dollar loaded to your re-loadable gift card at King Soopers? 
  • Use your reloadable King Soopers gift card to purchase groceries, gas, and prescriptions!
  • You can get a card from the online store - 
...or by sending an email to Kevin Whalen,, or stopping in to see Julie Thibodeau in the main office.

Cards are $5 and can be re-loaded anytime you are in King Soopers and can be used for any purchases including gas!

Thanks in advance for your support with this awesome fundraiser!
GT News
Dec. 15, 2016
Spartans and Wolves Chess Meet
Home battleground at Thomas Jefferson High School  
After school.
Student Panel/Mile High Discussions
Shout out to all five Spartans who appeared on Mile High Discussions!
             *      Sebastian Aichele, 2016-2017 Official Panelist for Transformative Leadership
*      Rojelio Flores
*      Juan Diego 'James' Schoenwise, returning from Seasons One and Two, and DPStv Official, Resident Talent - congratulations!
*     Ge'Swan Swanson
*     Sophia Ward

Next stop: GT Family Fun Night - All Schools and all Grades! National Popcorn Day!
JANUARY 19 FROM 6:00 TO 8:00 P.M.

Morey Middle School  - 840 E 14th Ave, Denver, CO 80218

Led by our High School Gifted and Talented Students, each session will focus on a point of advocacy, a learning session for parents and a fun service learning activity for all. Please RSVP at
Cold Weather Care Guide and Sheltering Options for Families
As cold weather approaches, many families need extra assistance and sheltering options. Please click here to see the comprehensive guide. 
Communications Protocol for District Weather Closures and Delays
As we prepare for winter weather conditions, the Communications and Transportation Services teams want to ensure we're aligned with how we're sharing news about districtwide closures, dismissals and delays:
  • When districtwide school closures or early dismissals occur, information will be provided by Communications to students, families and educators.Additionally, messaging will be shared through area radio, television and print media, as well as through district websites and social media tools. We also encourage you to share this information on your school websites and social media tools.
  • Communications will use Infinite Campus to send out districtwide school closure or early dismissals messages.
  • Please note that the Transportation Services team will share information with students, families and educators about any delayed openings using its notification system called Bus Bulletin.
Coming Soon - "Buck-a-Bag" Fundraiser!
Shop on Amazon and Benefit TJ
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support TJ High School every time you shop,  at no cost to you . When you shop at , you'll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to  TJ High School Parent Partners group (0.5%).  The TJ PTO grants teachers and staff each year with funds for projects, supplies and other necessities for your child's classroom and school.

It is easy to setup. Simply go to and search for "Thomas Jefferson High School Partners" and select this as your charitable organization that will receive donations from eligible purchases. Amazon will remember your selection, and then every eligible purchase you make at will result in a donation to TJ Parent Partners.

Just save SMILE.AMAZON.COM to your favorites and use these link to shop on Amazon. You must use this URL in order for your purchase to qualify for the donation.

Click here for more information about how it works!
NEW Spirit Store Items
The TJ Spartan Spirit Store is a virtual store  which is online. The store also is setup at some school events such as athletic events, concerts, plays and conference nights.

NEW Spirit Store Items!

Check out the new American Apparel soft 100% cotton v-neck t-shirts in dark gray or white with gold TJ on the front and Spartan on the back. Also, get a new gray fleece blanket with gold TJ embroidered in the corner to keep you warm while cheering on the Spartans this winter.

New XXL and XL sizes in men's Under Armour ankle zip sweatpants and new inventory in the Under Armour 1/4 zip long sleeve pull overs in graphite grey stripe with embroidered TJ. XXL hoodies and T-shirts now available.

Order online and pickup at school: or contact Laura Whalen to pay by cash or check.
Look for the Spirit Store at all TJ Spartan athletic events this year.
Mental Health and Social/Emotional Tips
Healthy Relationships:  Part Two  -
Conversation Starters
Characteristics of Not So Healthy Relationships
  • One person tries to change the other
  • One person makes most or all of the decisions
  • One or both people drop friends and interests outside of the relationship
  • One or both people yell, threaten, hit, or throw things during arguments
  • One person makes fun of the other's opinions or interests
  • One person keeps track of the other all the time by calling, texting, or checking in with friends
  • There are more bad times than good
What are warning signs of an unhealthy relationship
  • Your child's partner is extremely jealous or possessive.
  • You notice unexplained marks or bruises.
  • Your child's partner emails or texts excessively. ***
  • You notice that your child is depressed or anxious.
  • Your child stops participating in extracurricular activities or other interests.
  • Your child stops spending time with other friends and family.
  • Your child begins to dress differently.
Conversation Starters
  • Goal is to have a conversation, not lecture- and not just one time!
    • Be calm, present, sympathetic, fact based, and open minded
  • Look for moments in everyday situations or TV shows/movies to help guide the conversation
  • Open ended questions work best:
    • "I care about you so I want to talk about..."
    • "What would you do if...?"
    • "What do you think about...?"
    • "What do you want in a relationship/partner....?"
  • If the answer is "I dunno", guide with your own thoughts on the topic
  • If your child doesn't want to talk, assure them that you are here for them when they feel ready to talk and bring it up another time
Need more info?
Mental Health and Social Emotional Tip: Compiled by Samanda Davis, LCSW, MSW and Natalie Koncz, Ed.S., NCSP
References: Center for Disease Control and Prevention ( ); National Association of School Psychologists (
Class News You Can Use
All Classes 
Class of 2017 - Seniors
Cocoa Jars - Get them while they're hot! (or cold)!

After the Art Fest this past Saturday, the senior class still has approximately 30-40 cocoa jars that are leftover from our senior bake sale table. Mrs. Thibodeau is currently housing them in her office, and there are still plenty left for any teachers, students, or parents who would be interested in purchasing one. We are selling them for $4 for a small jar and $5 for a large jar. 

SENIOR T-Shirts - Get Yours Now

We still have some of the original Class of 2017 T-Shirts available. Y ou can purchase online and pickup at school OR  see Julie Thibodeau in the office  to buy your shirt.  Profits from these shirts support After-Prom Event for 2017.  So please support our Seniors and a safe, fun Prom 2017.

Stay CONNECTED - TeamApp - TJ Class of 2017, Twitter @2017tjhs, facebook TJHS 2017 Spartan Support 

Thanks for helping to make TJ and the Class of 2017 Great!
Class of 2018 - Juniors
  • Save the date: January 28, 2017, fundraising party to play Left, Center, Right dice game at the Bartels home. Click here for more details and to RSVP!
  • Please look for more opportunities this school year for parents to socialize, get connected and contribute to the Class of 2018 fundraising efforts. Please email if you're interested in helping out at any point this year. We need you!
Class of 2019 - Sophomores
  • If you have an idea for fundraising, community building event or volunteer opportunity, please contact Jane Bulger:
Class of 2020 - Freshmen
  • Thank-you to Megan Perkins and Lisa LoJacono who have agreed to be parent representatives for the Class of 2020. Please look for important information to come.  If you are interested in getting involved please email Megan at: or Lisa at:
Challenge Day is Coming!
Challenge Day is approaching fast. It will be held on January 24th and 25th for the Junior class. 

What is Challenge Day?
· It is a one day (seven hour), action-packed, interactive program held in the gym at TJ; students, teachers, administrators, parents and other adult volunteers participate in a safe environment.
· Students, teachers, and parents own up to past behavior, apologize to each other, and make a pledge to "change their behavior. 
· Students and adults participate equally and connect on a very personal level.
· Through these personal connections, students are engaged and empowered, and are inspired to be successful.
· Students' personal power and self-esteem are elevated.
· Dangerous peer pressure is transformed into positive peer support.
· Teasing, violence and all forms of oppression are recognized and eliminated.
· The aftermath of the school climate is remarkably noticeable. 

It roughly cost $20 per student to attend the day. Please  click here to make a donation to help support this amazing program. 
Are You Looking to Get Fit in 2017?
Do you want to train in a group setting on the beautiful High Line Canal? Join us  every Sunday beginning January 8th  to train for one of the 7 races offered during the 2017 Colfax Marathon weekend!

  • Created in partnership with Denver City Councilwoman Kendra Black and Denver Parks & Recreation (DPR)
  • Club is open to all ages and abilities
  • Meet Sundays @ 9am (snow or shine) on the High Line Canal behind Eisenhower Rec Center for a group run/walk with coaches provided by DPR
  • Club membership: $5 registration fee
Contact to sign up for the club, visit for more information on the 2017 Colfax Marathon races, and don't forget to like   Councilwoman Kendra Black's Facebook page to stay up to date on what's happening in the community!
Time to Plan Ahead for Yearbook Ads!
Yearbook recognition ads are a great way for parents, families and friends to commemorate student achievements and important milestones. In addition, revenues from recognition ads help our school to create a better yearbook. Jostens is managing your school's yearbook ad sales so please do not contact or send materials to the school. Please take into account our school's ad content guidelines on the bottom of this form during the creation of your ad online.  All ad orders must be placed online by 2/16/2017. Click here to purchase!
News from the Future Center
You can still complete the  Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).  Click here  to see a list of information needed to complete FAFSA and a helpful financial aid timeline.  If you need help, please see Ms. Maez in the Future Center at  or 720-423-7134 to schedule a time. 
You should also be applying to scholarships.  Make sure you're reading the emails from Ms. Maez about scholarships.  Check your Naviance account for more information and resources.
If you have been accepted to a college or have received a scholarship, please let Ms. Maez know by bringing or emailing her a copy of your acceptance letter.

For upcoming events, college visits, financial aid workshops, scholarships, and much more, visit the Future Center wikipage !
Rena Maez 
College Advisor, Thomas Jefferson High School 
Denver Scholarship Foundation | a 501(c)(3) Public Charity  
3950 S. Holly Street  |  Denver, CO 80237 
O 720.423.7134   F 720.423.7098 |