Administrator's Corner
Thank you for your efforts in getting students here last week for another successful SAT/PSAT practice. These scores help us to shape our small group instruction as well as give your student(s) more exposure to the real exam which will occur in April. Coming up, we have some exiting events for students to engage in.
- On February 20th in the auditorium, we will start our morning with a guest speaker presenting about social media's impact on our students.
- On February 21st, we will have our TJ Talks in the auditorium around Vaping at 6pm.
- On February 26th during office hours, we will have our Honor Roll presentation of Academic Lettermen from 2:30pm to 3pm. Students on honor roll are then welcomed into the cafeteria where we will have a celebration with food and prizes from 3pm-5pm. Please plan accordingly for transportation.
- On February 29th, there will be a Leap Year dance hosted by Leadership. Get tickets early!
We look forward to all these events with students!
Gracias por sus esfuerzos para conseguir que los estudiantes estén aquí la semana pasada para otra práctica exitosa de SAT/PSAT. Estas puntuaciones nos ayudan a dar forma a nuestra instrucción en grupo pequeño, así como a dar a su(s) estudiante(s) más exposición al examen real que ocurrirá en abril. Próximamente, tenemos algunos eventos de salida para que los estudiantes participen.
¡Esperamos todos estos eventos con los estudiantes!
Week at a Glance - Week of 2/17-2/21
- No School - Presidents' Day
- Please click here (or see the above "Athletics Schedule" quick link) to see athletic events for the week
- TJ Talks - 6:00 p.m. (details below)
- Congrats to Zasha Norris for making TJ history as the State Champ in girls' wrestling!
- Congrats to Hanna Channell who has been named the DPS female athlete of the year!
- Congrats to all of the swimmers who made it to state! Way to go, ladies!
TJ National Honor Society created Valentine Cards for residents of local Senior Care Facilities. Students created sweet and colorful Valentines, complete with happy messages and CHOCOLATE! The cards will be shared with senior citizens of facilities where some of our TJ Faculty have loved ones in residence.
Senior, Pana Reiva says, "...it makes me feel happy because I'm doing something good!"
Senior Schuyler Saint-Phard says, "...it's relaxing fun!"
Senior Farine Azari says, "...it's fun making the cards with our friends!"
A warm wish to our elder loved ones...Way to go TJ-NHS!!
Dear SE Denver Community,
Thomas Jefferson High School would like to extend a special invitation to your school community to join us for a conversation around the Teen Vaping epidemic. We are excited to partner with Denver Public Health to provide this unique opportunity for us all to come together to learn, discuss and problem solve how best to support healthy lifestyles for our youth.
Denver Public Health
(DPH) provides training and education specific to youth, parents and trusted adults around the dangers of vaping including the attraction of flavors that are targeted toward youth. During the presentation, we will also discuss resources for youth wanting to quit vaping.
Where: Thomas Jefferson High School - Room 111
When: Tuesday February 18th
Time: 6-7pm
Who: Any parent, community members, trusted adults. Please spread the word!
**Please register at the link below**
For more information please contact Megan Miccio, School Health Professional at
or 720-423-7008
Guest Speaker - February 20
We are excited to announce that we have booked
Collin Kartchner, internet and TedTalk sensation, to come speak to our students, assembly style on
February 20th at 7:40 am!
Collin's message aims to instill in his audience that no one should compare their real life to the photo-shopped and precisely perfect moments they see on social media feeds. To be truly happy, we must put our devices down and connect in real life with real people who truly care. "Likes," "followers," "snap-streaks," and "re-tweets" do not determine one's self worth, even if media and culture so often teach the opposite. Collin wants youth to know that they are loved, and worthy of love, no matter their mistakes; and that life is to be lived offline. "Students can spend their school days focused on what's happening to everyone else on their phones or they can look up and get involved in service or spend that time working on their own talents and chase their own dreams." Collin's message is unlike anyone else. He entertains as he teaches and inspires kids to change, not out of fear but motivation. The response he gets after presentations is fascinating. Kids will message him on Instagram about what they are going through and how he has inspired them to change.
Below is Collin's TedTalk as well as his site. However, the best way to see his work is on Instagram. His posts and stories are filled with responses from kids that can't be ignored.
Instagram: collinkartchner
Ted Talk:
Countdown to the Online Auction
Mark your calendars - TJ's 4th Annual Auction is rapidly approaching! The auction, sponsored by the PTO opens on March 15th and runs through March 19th. This is TJ's largest fundraiser of the year. Proceeds from the event directly benefit our staff and students by providing classroom grants and much needed upgrade s for improved working and learning environments. We need many donations to make the auction a success. Here are some ways you can help...
- Do you own a business that can donate goods or services?
- Do you have a subscription to the theater and can donate tickets?
- Do you have season tickets to any local college or professional sports team?
- Can you ask for a gift card donation from your favorite restaurant or any other business you frequent?
TJ PTO is a 501(c)3 organization so all donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Attached below is a letter you can give to businesses when asking for a donation as well as a template for emails. If you have any questions please contact Heather Reeder: hmbdvm@yahoo.com
Community Feedback Requested/Comentarios de la comunidad
Good Afternoon TJ Community,
We would like your input regarding our next TJ Talks event. Please take this short survey below to help us better meet your needs!
Buenas tardes, comunidad de TJ:
Quisiéramos tener su opinión en relación con nuestro próximo evento de charlas TJ Talks. Respondan la breve encuesta a continuación para ayudarnos a satisfacer mejor sus necesidades.
Supportive Transition Education Program
Saturday, March 14
, 2020
1:00 pm, following MSU Denver Open House
Plaza 132
Please register by March 7
, 2020 at 5:00pm
Sheriff Rasheed, srasheed@msudenver.edu or
Tivoli Auraria Parking Structure-Auraria Parkway & 9
Street (across from the Pepsi Center)
We are seeking 3 more host families for visiting students from Chiben Gakuen HS in Japan. We have 2 young ladies and 1 male student who are without hosts. The students will be here in the states from March 8th through March 25th. They will live with a TJ family and attend classes with a TJ student for the entirety of their visit. They do not have activities they are mandated to do with their schoolmates from Japan so they will do whatever their host family does during that time. If you are interested, please contact Mr. Jackson.
We are in need of two paraprofessionals for our Special Education students. If you are interested, please contact Paula Hammel at paula_hammel@dpsk12.org
We now have TJ car magnets for $5!!
Our store inventory has been moved upstairs and therefore we'll be selling at various events throughout the year. We'll be out cheering on the Spartans at fall sporting events and hope you'll come and purchase spirit wear from us.
Please email
if you would like to purchase something & we would be happy to get the spirit wear for you. We can arrange to have items picked up.
Yearbook Announcements:
From February 1st on, the book will be $65 until sold out.
Senior Recognition Ad:
To purchase an ad, please visit the yearbook website.
information about the yearbook can found on the journal under the News & Events tab or by clicking here.
News from the Future Center
The Sally Shuler Scholarship sponsored by the Denver Tech Center Rotary Club Foundation is now available! Check your DPS email or Naviance to access the application.
Colorado State University representatives will be visiting with Admitted Seniors on Friday, February 21st at 10:15am.
Institutional Scholarship Deadlines are coming up soon for various schools. Do consider applying for scholarships at more than one college.
Questions? Come check in with me!
- Feel free to contact Emily at emily_webster@dpsk12.org
- For more information about college visits, scholarships, and more, please visit the Future Center!
Mental Health and Social/Emotional Tips
Did You Know...
TJ is offering a grief-loss support group for students who have experienced the death of a close family member or friend. TJ's mental health team will be collaborating with a local organization to provide this service to those in need.
Sessions will be once a week, during the school day, for 6-8 weeks, on a staggering schedule (so students will not miss the same class repeatedly!)
Cost is $60 per week, per student. Those with Medicaid will have no cost.
If this interests you, regardless of financial restrictions, please reach out to:
¿Sabían que...?
TJ ofrece grupos de apoyo ante pérdidas y duelo para los estudiantes que han experimentado el fallecimiento de un familiar o amigo. El equipo de salud mental de TJ colaborará con una organización local para proporcionar este servicio a quienes lo necesitan.
Las sesiones serán una vez a la semana, durante la jornada escolar, de 6 a 8 semanas con un horario escalonado (para que los estudiantes no falten a la misma clase repetidamente).
El costo es de $60 por semana, por estudiante. Las personas que tienen Medicaid no tendrán que pagar.
Si están interesados, independientemente de las limitaciones económicas, comuníquense con:
Mental Health and Social Emotional "Did You Know":
Compiled by Samanda Davis, LCSW, MSW and Natalie Koncz, Ed.S., NCSP.
Food and Nutrition Resources for Families
Remember - TJ gear is available
in the Spartan Store. If you would like to make a purchase, please contact tjhs.store@gmail.com.
Class of 2021 Fundraiser - Boys Basketball game Tuesday night, 2/18!
also consider donating concessions
, or working the concession stand. Click on
this link to sign up.
Come cheer on the Spartans as they honor the seniors. All concession proceeds go to class of 2021 for After Prom and Senior activities.
We're looking for volunteers to host future events for our class parents. If interested, please come to the next PTO meeting, or send an email to
; or
to find out more. Class sponsors are Jason Klimczak and Elizabeth Lynch. Parent sponsor is Jen Abram - she can be reached at
Long sleeve $15 Short Sleeved $10
See Mrs Lynch in Room 11
Class of 2022 - Sophomores
Parents/Guardians of Class of 2022 - You are invited!
Let's get together to play Left, Right, Center on
Saturday, February 22nd at 7pm. We'll have some laughs and raise some FUNds for our kids' Senior Year activities.
Appetizers, desserts, and drinks (alcohol and non-alcoholic) will be provided.
The cost of the party per person is $30. (To play LRC, we'll provide you with the one-dollar bills needed).
We hope to you see there!
Your LRC party hosts: The Freedberg, Lloyd, LoJacono & Swats Families
Click here to check out the evite for party details and to RSVP. Please forward it to others!
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Julie Rubin (rubin_j@comcast.net) or Marlene Talavera (TJSpartans2022@gmail.com).
The class of 2022 has two faculty sponsors,
Jillian Gleason and Maggie Kennedy, but parents are needed to work with the staff to plan fundraising activities. Parent sponsors also plan community building activities for the parents of the class of 2022. Each
class is expected to raise money needed to host their Prom, After Prom and other activities senior year. The sooner the fundraiser get started, the more choices there will be for events senior year. The time commitment can be as little or as much you can share.
Your involvement in any capacity is important and appreciated. We are successful because of your behind-the-scenes contributions, large and small. It all adds up to a stronger community. An engaged parent body shows our students that we care about them!
Freshman Feast - Saturday, March 21
5:30-8 p.m. at TJ
2023 Parent Fundraiser Party - Friday, April 17
7-10 p.m. at the McLain's Home
Hey Team '23! We have some fun community-building events coming up so please mark your calendars! More details to come and we welcome any help!
Next 2023 Parent Planning Meeting and social time next month - Wednesday, March 4, 2020, 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. at Citron Bistro 2525 S. Yosemite St. (Hampden & Yosemite back room reserved for TJ '23.)
As always, please contact us if you'd like to be involved in planning, have some ideas or want to jump in to help!
-Team '23