February 18, 2019
Administrator's Corner

We're back! 
ยก Estamos de vuelta!

Mike Christoff
Quick Links
Week at a Glance - Week of 2/18-2/22
  • No School - Presidents' Day
  • Please click here (or see the above "Athletics Schedule" quick link) to see athletic events for the week

Wednesday -
  • Office Hours: 2:14-2:55 p.m.

  • LAST DAY to order a yearbook for $60! (Price goes up tomorrow!)
Kudos Korner
Our own JROTC Drill Teams competed in the Colorado State University Drill Meet and, without overstating the results, simply destroyed the competition. The teams went up against 8 other schools primarily from Northern Colorado and a number of Cheyenne teams that traveled in for the meet.  

At the end of the day TJ walked away with nearly every first place trophy, including the coveted "Ram Trophy" given to the top overall team.  

Final results included:
Color Guard - First Place
HP Regulation - First Place
HP Exhibition - First Place
HP Inspection - First Place
Drill Team Exhibition - Third Place
Overall Finish - First place and the Ram Trophy for top team at the drill meet. 

Way to go, Spartans!
Honor Roll and AP Updates
  • The Honor Roll Celebration has been moved to March 13th during office hours.
  • AP Payments need to be made by March 1st. We have extended payments because of the strike.
Yearbook News
Yearbook Announcements:
  • Please check to see if we received your senior quote and photo. There's a poster hanging on the office windows, or you can check the yearbook website to make sure.
  • PriceGet your book at the price of $60 until 2-22-19. The price will eventually increase to $65, so act fast!
All information about the yearbook can found on the journal under the News & Events tab or by clicking here.
Japanese Exchange Student Program - Host Families Needed!
Due to the success of our Japanese exchange student program last year, we will be hosting 14 Japanese exchange students and their teacher at TJ again this year. The plan is to have them live with and attend classes with our students in order to receive a true authentic American experience. The students will be with us from March 8th-March 25th. We are looking for 11 more families who may be able to host. If you are only able to host through the 23rd or 24th, that is ok, we will make arrangements for the group to complete their experience. Please contact Mr. Jackson  kyler_jackson@dpsk12.org  if your family is interested in taking part in this experience and helping us out. 
Countdown to the Online Auction

TJ's 3rd Annual Online Auction opens on March 10th and donations of all shapes and sizes are needed. Can you help?

Ask wherever you shop if they can support TJ by donating to the auction. Businesses are often happy to support their local school! Spa services, restaurant gift cards, tickets to cultural events are all popular and raise money to support the students and staff at TJ.
Some businesses ask for a letter describing the auction with the PTO's tax ID number. Please click here for the Auction Donation Letter that you can print and distribute to donors that need it.
Donations can be entered directly into the auction management website here ( https://tjhs.ptapal.com/).  TJ PTO is a 501(c)3 organization so all donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Questions? Please contact Auction Chair, Megan Perkins at  megandperkins@gmail.com.
PTO News
For this school year, PTO has budgeted $10,000 to distribute as Classroom Grants! TJ staff can request funds to help their students in whatever class or activity they lead. When you donate to the PTO, you are helping to enrich the TJHS experience for both staff and students. For the 2017-2018 school year, PTO awarded $6,784 in grants to the following staff...
Requested by                  Amount/ Purpose
1 Michael Palmieri            $750: Upgrade Black Box theatre
2 Leonard Fox                  $500: Expand permanent collection of hallway art
3 Tambyr Reed                 $784: Monticello and Advanced Choir - Music in the Parks registrations and fees
4 Samanda Davis             $600: Help for families/students in crisis
5 Brian Weaver                 $1,500: GT - Latin & Junior Classical League competition
6 Brett Butera                   $750: Cover bus fees for 2 field trips to RMNP
7 Elizabeth Lynch             $400: AVID
8 Major Campell               $1,000: JROTC
9 Victor Godoy                  $500: Human Geo/World History student auction
Please consider ways you can help. We need time from volunteers as well as donations. Interested in getting involved? Email:  tjhspto@gmail.com
Community Meeting
Opportunity for Transitional Students and Parents
Project Independence provides  free  workshops to help  Denver  parents who have children with disabilities learn about options for their children once they leave high school.  The project also trains youth from ages 14-21 about their options after high school.  

A disability should not hamper a person to live their life to the fullest.  We share with participants how to obtain employment in the communityassist in applying for college and vocational school, as well as support with life skills.  Statistics shows that people with disabilities earn about two-thirds of the median earnings of people without disabilities.  They are less likely to attend higher learning, and more likely to live below the poverty line.  Project Independence wants to change that.

There will be 2 strands of workshops: One for parents and one for youth.  It will be for 5 Thursdays starting February 21st and ending March 21st.  There will also be a college tour one Saturday during that time. The time of the workshops will be 6:00 - 6:30 for dinner, and 6:30 - 8:30 for training.  Click here to learn more about the project
Click here to register online. Click here for Frequently Asked Questions.

Families can contact us with any questions at 303-632-6840.
News from the Future Center
12th graders -
The DTC Rotary Scholarship Application is due on Tuesday, February 19th at 12:00 noon in the Future Center. Mr. Showers and I will do a countdown!
Friday, February 22nd is the last Financial Aid Support Day of 2018-2019! 12th graders need to bring FAFSA documentation and can receive support at the Future Center all!
March 1st is the Financial Aid deadline for most colleges for FAFSA and scholarship submission!

Sophie Vogel
College Advisor, Thomas Jefferson High School 
Denver Scholarship Foundation | a 501(c)(3) Public Charity  
3950 S. Holly Street  |  Denver, CO 80237 
O 720.423.7134   F 720.423.7098
Spartan Spirit Store
The TJHS Spirit Store is stocked and ready to sell!  Show your TJ pride in style and comfort with hoodies, joggers, t-shirts, hats, blankets and stadium chairs. The Spirit Store is open every Friday at lunch time.  Great news: the SALE prices are extended through January, possibly longer!  2019 retro-Joe Spartan t-shirts are $5, all other short-sleeved t-shirts are $10, long-sleeved shirts are $20, and hoodies are $25. Also, the striped Under Armor quarter-zip shirts are now $35.  We also have beanies with pom poms for $20 and beanies without for $15, dry-fit long sleeved shirts for $20, and TJ joggers for $35.  We accept cash, credit cards and checks.

The store will be open during events like certain athletic games and other community events.  Or, make an appointment to shop with Carrie ( TJHS.Store@gmail.com ).   Julie Thibodeau in the front office can also help if you need the store at times other than Friday at lunch.  You can view several items  here , but we are not currently accepting online orders .

If you have any questions please email them to  tjhs.store@gmail.com.
Mental Health and Social/Emotional Tips
Did You Know?
3 Simple Questions Can Transform Your Relationship with Your Child

When we talk to children (or anybody, for that matter) there are so many of our own personal issues that can get in the way, namely: perceptions, attachments, assumptions, beliefs, and old feelings.  These can and often do sneak in the way of creating deeper connection and an honoring of them - for who they are and were they are at.  And, very importantly, it's often these personal issues that are behind the forces of disconnection between us and them.
So... when you talk to your child about anything, I invite you to consider these three following questions - and perhaps make it a practice for one month straight (where you write a reminder of these three questions down... and read them daily).
1. What is my intention for talking to them right now?  
Is it to connect and understand, or is it to only get to the outcome that you want, perhaps regardless of connection?
2. What am I stubbornly (even if subtly) attached to? 
What do you believe needs to be different than what is actually happening?  Can you be with what is happening and meet your child there first, or are you pushing an agenda that gives them the message that you are on different teams, creating some sort of power-struggle?
3. What will create more connection?
First and foremost, how can I understand and validate their inner world more, honoring the process they are in.  Secondly, how can I share my own as well without imposing it on them?  From this place it becomes way more possible and productive to address those issues that you may disagree on.
Mental Health and Social Emotional "Did You Know":  Compiled by Samanda Davis, LCSW, MSW and Natalie Koncz, Ed.S., NCSP. Resources: http://michaelvladeck.com/ and http://michaelvladeck.com/3-questions-that-can-transform-your-relationship-with-your-child/
Facilities Management Jobs Available
Denver Mayor's Youth Commission is now accepting applications for the 2019-2020 term!
The Mayor's Youth Commission provides youth the opportunity to develop leadership skills and advise the Mayor and the director of the Office of Children's Affairs on issues impacting youth living in the City and County of Denver. Youth commissioners work together with adult commissioners to make recommendations in the areas of:
  • Developing procedures and processes
  • Accessing and participating in citywide programs
  • Ensuring equal rights and opportunities through legislation or administrative action
  • Establishing goals and action plans
Applications for the 2019 - 2020 school year are open Jan. 1 - Mar. 8, 2019!
Selected commissioners can serve up to a three-year term limit.
Meetings are scheduled during the evening, the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, during the school year.
Youth Apply Here: Must be a Denver resident or attending Denver Public Schools (high school) in 2019 - 2020.
Adults Apply Here: Must be employed with a youth-serving organization or the City and County of Denver.
How can YOU be the change? Click here for more information. 
Food and Nutrition Resources for Families
  • Click here for Food Resource Hotline information
Class News You Can Use
All Classes 
  • Great news! All Class T-Shirts are now available (as well as other TJ gear)  in the Spartan Store. If you would like to make a purchase, please contact tjhs.store@gmail.com.
Class of 2019 - Seniors
Class of '19 update

Hard to believe we are rounding the corner to graduation! Don't forget these important dates:
  • April 19:                Mr. TJ
  • April 20:                Pick up Jostens orders (everything but cap and gown).
  • April 26:                Prom at Denver Athletic Club 8 pm to 11 pm.
    • After prom at TJ 11 pm to 2 am.
  • May 7:                  Senior awards by invitation
  • May 17:                Senior check out.
  • May 20:                Mini graduation rehearsal at TJ. Pick up cap and gown.
  • May 29:                Graduation rehearsal at Magness Arena 12 noon. Graduation at 2 pm.
Local University Application Deadlines:
  • Colorado State University: May 1st
  • Colorado School of Mines: March 1st
  • University of Northern Colorado: August 1st
  • Metro State University: July 1st
  • MR TJ, April 19th: If you are creative and are interested in helping our Senior Boys' pageant, please email armccord06@comcast.net and we'll connect you with the right person to get this event moving. You will have support from other volunteers as needed.
  • After Prom, April 26th: A sign up genius will be sent out in the next week asking for volunteers to set up and attend After Prom held from 11pm-2am on the 26th of April. Stay tuned!
  • Seniors must have a 93% attendance rate to attend Senior Prom and to walk at Graduation. If you're student is not compliant, have them connect with Mr. Skari for assistance.
  • Students must have a 93% attendance rate and a 3.0 GPA to participate in the Mr. TJ Event.
The Class of '19 is raising money for senior year activities including After Prom.

How you can support:
  • Host an event
  • Make a tax deductible financial donation - Find out if your employer will match your donation!
  • Participate in Neighborhood Eats events
  • Buy a Class of '19 T-shirt via tjhs.store@gmail.com
  • For more information contact Anne McCord - armccord06@comcast.net
Class of 2020 - Juniors
TJ Students are planning a tailgate for the TJ/ East basketball double-header games on Friday, February 8th. The class of 2020 will be selling pizza, drinks and snacks for the tailgate from 4:30-5:30 pm, with all proceeds going toward the Class of 2020 Senior year activities. Please  sign up here  to help with food sales on February 8th, donating items for sale, or contributing toward the pizza purchase.  Contact Lisa LoJacono (lisalojacono@gmail.com) or Megan Perkins (megandperkins@gmail.com) with questions.
Class of 2021 - Sophomores
FUNdraising Party to Support TJ Class of 2021
If you attended in 2017, you know how much fun this is.
If you didn't, here's your chance!

Signup to play Left, Center, Right, an easy to learn dice game of chance (you don't have to know how to play before you arrive).

Cost: $30 per person (collected at the door), includes food, beer, wine; money to play 3 rounds of the game; a chance to win up to $180; satisfaction of helping to create great memories for the Class of 2021; and most of all, a super fun time with a great community.

Where:  Roberts Home, 7867 East Severn Pl., Denver
When:   March 9, 2019 at 6 pm
Who:  Adults only. Do not need to have a student in the TJ Class of 2021.

Maximum number of participants is 60 so sign up soon via the SignUp Genius link!

If you are unable to attend and would like to make a donation to the Class of 2021, please contact colley_moe@comcast.net
  • We're also looking for volunteers to host future events for our class parents. If interested, please come to the next PTO meeting, or send an email to thetzel@comcast.net; or colley_moe@comcast.net to find out more.
Class of 2022 - Freshmen
  • If you have any questions or interest in joining a team of parents to help coordinate fundraising efforts and community building, please email tjhspto@gmail.com for more information.