March 8, 2021
Administrator's Corner
Hello TJ,
Today - Monday - students can begin to do their Choice of Studies for their classes for the 21-22 school year!
How it will work: Students must attend all of their classes today. In class their teacher will show a video that each department put together to briefly outline the classes that kids can select. Students will have an opportunity to ask their teacher about which class they believe is the right one for them for next year during this time as well. Students will then go into IC and pick their classes for next year.
Students - did you know that you can change your password? THIS IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!! It's pretty simple. Go to - all you need to know is your current password. Go in, change it, remember it, and keep your online self safe!
Finally, I want to thank Imani Morning, Deborah Saint-Phard, Eric Moore, and Corrie Taylor for coming to our Black Parent Caucus meeting this week. We had a very rich and candid conversation on ways we can improve the experience at school for our black students. If you are interested in attending our next meeting on April 7th meeting from 6-7, please let us know so we can send you the details by filling out this short form.
Thank you, and have a great week!
Hola TJ,
Today - Lunes - los estudiantes pueden comenzar a hacer su elección de estudios para sus clases para el año escolar 21-22!
Cómo funcionará: Los estudiantes deben asistir a todas sus clases hoy. En la clase, su maestro mostrará un video que cada departamento reunió para describir brevemente las clases que los niños pueden seleccionar. Los estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de preguntar a su maestro sobre qué clase creen que es la correcta para ellos para el próximo año también durante este tiempo. Los estudiantes entonces irán a IC y escogen sus clases para el próximo año.
Estudiantes - ¿Sabías que puedes cambiar tu contraseña? ¡ESTO ES MUY RECOMENDABLE! Es bastante simple. Vaya a - todo lo que necesita saber es su contraseña actual. ¡entra, cambia, recuerda, y mantén tu seguridad en línea!
Finalmente, quiero agradecer a Imani Morning, Deborah Saint-Phard, Eric Moore, y Corrie Taylor por venir a nuestra reunión de padres negros esta semana. Tuvimos una conversación muy rica y sincera sobre las maneras en que podemos mejorar la experiencia en la escuela para nuestros estudiantes negros. Si usted está interesado en asistir a nuestra próxima reunión el 7th de abril reunión del 6-7, por favor háganoslo saber para que podamos enviarle los detalles llenando este breve formulario.
¡ Gracias, y que tengan una gran semana!
- Remote learning for all students
- In-person learning (Cohort A-L)
- PTO Meeting: 7:00 p.m. (details below)
- In-person learning (Cohort A-L)
- Virtual Financial Aid Webchat: 6:00 p.m. (details below)
- In-person learning (Cohort M-Z)
- Parent Support Through COVID Zoom: 8:00 p.m. (details below)
In-person learning (Cohort M-Z)
In last week's newsletter we thanked
PTO for this amazing portable presentation screen! We would like to clarify that this was actually a gift from the class of 2020.
Parents and students
of the class of 2020:
thank you!
We are hoping to use it for some student activities as soon as possible.
 Thanks to MI Special Education Teacher Stephanie Sturm for helping TJ become a Unified School with Special Olympics Colorado! One thing we can take part in as a Unified School is something called an Inclusion Campaign.
This campaign connects with schools to help support students with Intellectual Disabilities. They ask schools to support, the Special Education Programs through Inclusion to allow the best learning environment for all students. Last week students and teachers signed a poster (and wore their new shirts) to say they support inclusion at TJ.

Thomas Jefferson DECA Recognized for ACHIEVEMENT Level Chapter Campaigns
Thomas Jefferson DECA was among 238 chapters who achieved ACHIEVEMENT level recognition this year and will be commended with a certificate and pennant from DECA Inc. Each fall, DECA offers four campaigns for chapters to complete and develop a program of work for the year. These campaigns are designed to grow membership engagement and build lasting partnerships within the school and local community.
Chapters who achieve ACHIEVEMENT level need to complete one out of three chapter campaigns including the Global Entrepreneurship campaign, Promotional campaign and Community Service campaign - or the chapter must have had 20 professional and alumni members or 20 more members from the previous school year.
Thomas Jefferson DECA Recognized for 10/10/10 Initiative Campaign
Thomas Jefferson DECA was awarded the District 3 winner for "Most Food Collected" this year in the 10/10/10 Initiative. The 10/10/10 Initiative is an annual event where each DECA District is charged with the goal of collecting $10,000.00 in charitable donations, 10,000 hours of Community Service Hours, and 10,000 lbs. of Food Donations.
District 3 is comprised of the following schools: Denver East, Cherry Creek Innovation Campus, Grandview, Green Mountain, John F. Kennedy, Overland, Pomona, Ralston Valley, Thomas Jefferson, T. H. Pickens, Vista Peak Prep, & Ralston Valley.
Thomas Jefferson Individual Results from the 2021 DECA State Virtual Career Development Conference
In response to the current pandemic situations, DECA held it's annual State Conference virtually this year for the safety of its members. With that being said, Thomas Jefferson DECA Members stepped up and competed in a way never before seen by anyone...EVER! Students were given a 100 question multiple choice exam & a predetermined role play where competitors had to record their responses and submit for evaluation.
In total, TJ DECA had 30 competitors participate in the virtual event. Students that placed in their event qualified for this year's International Career Development Conference (ICDC) and will compete against more than 15,000 students from around the world!
The following students were recognized for their achievements at the 2021 State DECA Conference:
* Outgoing District 3 State Officer - Alice Larm
* NEW 2021-2022 District 3 State Officer - Katherine Little
* Lauren Simasko - 6th Place, Business Services Marketing (ICDC Qualifier)
* Alice Larm - 4th Place, Hospitality & Tourism Professional Selling (ICDC Qualifier)
* Sara Eyassu - Finalist, Hotel & Lodging
* Amor Williams - Finalist, Principles of Business Management & Administration
* Erin Pointet - 4th Place, Quick Serve Restaurant Management (ICDC Qualifier)
* Eva Pavlik - 5th Place, Retail Management Services (ICDC Qualifier)
* Henry Shukert - 3rd Place, Sports & Entertainment Management
Choice of Studies for 2021-22 Courses - OPEN TODAY!
Today is the first day students can start to choose classes for next school year. Below are the directions on how access the course request.
First make sure you have your Choice of Studies sheet found on the TJ website under Academics and Programs.
- Log into your student portal and then click on the see all apps tab
- select IC from the see all apps tab once in IC select "More" tab
- select Course Registration and then Thomas Jefferson High School 2
- click on the blue button on the bottom that says Add Course
- use your Choice of Studies sheet to add class for S1 and S2. You should be choosing a total of 14 classes 7 for each semester.
Click here to see all department description videos!
Click here to see a helpful "how-to" video for selecting classes!
Your Students and Families are Invited to a Virtual Financial Aid 101 Webchat!
Grants...Loans...FAFSA...OH MY!
On Wednesday, March 10th, from 6 to 7pm, admissions counselors with four universities from around the state of Colorado will be hosting a Virtual Financial Aid 101 Webchat.
Join representatives from Adams State University, Metropolitan State University of Denver, Colorado School of Mines, and the University of Colorado Boulder, to learn some basic financial aid terminology, get advice on what questions to ask, and gain some confidence on how to navigate the financial aid process.
This event is open to Colorado incoming first-year students and families that are curious about the college financial aid process. No matter the university you are hoping to attend, we just want to be a resource for you!
All the registration information can be found below and we hope to connect with you in March.
Thank you!
College Collab Committee
Colorado Council on High School/College Relations
TJ Music Hoodies Are Here!
We will be working on a new collection of items for an online sale. Please watch the newsletter and School Deets for information. Reach out to TJHS.STORE@GMAIL.COM with any questions!
School Based Health Centers are OPEN!

Denver Health School Based Clinic Staff is excited to welcome back students returning for in-person learning! Whether you are staying remote or coming back to school, we are here for you. Give us a call at 720-423-7190 to set up an appointment! #werehereforyou #covid19 #denverpublicschools
Thomas Jefferson School Based Clinic: 720-423-7190
Consent for Thomas Jefferson School Based Clinic:
Last Call for "Curb Appeal Committee" Volunteers! The PTO is looking for parents who are interested in brainstorming ideas for freshening up the TJ front entrance area to make it more attractive and usable for both students and visitors. Some ideas include using more hardscape, new banners, art, sculptures, new concrete benches or other seating.
This is a temporary work group that will create a vision to share with school administrators. We've had 2 parent volunteers join, and we are seeking a few more participants to gather multiple perspectives. We'd love YOU to be part of this group! If you are interested, contact Eileen Robinson at
Emily Lupo, TJ's Dean of Culture, will be speaking at next Tuesday's TJ PTO meeting at 7:00 pm on March 9th. Here are a few of the topics Ms. Lupo will address:
- What are Restorative Practices at TJ? This is an opportunity for parents to gain an understanding of what Restorative Practices are and what the Dean of Culture and Student Excellence Team does.
- The Dean of Culture is a new administrator position at TJ. How did this role evolve?
- Ms. Lupo will talk about the relationship with the Denver Police Department. Since DPS is ending its contract with DPD at the end of the school year, what does that mean for the TJ community?
There will be a brief PTO business meeting immediately following the discussion with Ms. Lupo. We will get an update on the auction and review our finances. We hope you can be there!
Classroom Grant Request Window is Open! TJ PTO's primary mission is to enhance and support the educational experience at TJHS. With that goal in mind, PTO has budgeted $10,000 to distribute as Classroom Grants! This is made possible by the fundraising done through the PTO's online auction. Your support of the TJ Auction directly benefits ALL TJ students. Do you know a teacher or staff member who may have a need for grant money? It's time for any staff member to submit a request for a PTO Grant to help support students in whatever class or activity they lead. Last year, grants funded by the TJ Auction were used for equipment and supplies to support the departments of Special Ed, PE, CCT, Social Studies, Math, Foreign Languages as well as Speech and Debate, the Library and TJ's Social Work staff.
TJ Staff: Please submit grant requests using this Grant Request Form. All requests are due by the end of the day on Friday, April 16th.
Time: Mar 9, 2021 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 868 3449 6357
Passcode: 536142
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,86834496357# US (Tacoma)
+13462487799,,86834496357# US (Houston)
Parent Support Through COVID-19

Note: Registration is required for event.
Date and Zoom Link Email Questions to Scott Cypers at
TJ Food Drive and Distribution Program
Non-perishable food items are being collected continually for the Thomas Jefferson High Food Bank. We are also in need of REUSEABLE grocery bags for distribution if you have any to spare! Donations can dropped in the "TJ Food Bank" box at any of the following locations:
· 7996 E. Jefferson Place, Denver, 80237
· 7500 E. Dartmouth Avenue #25, Denver, 80231
· 2750 E. Bates Avenue, Denver, 80210
· 3732 S. Sebring Court, Denver, 80237
· 6895 Eastmoor Drive, Denver, 80237
· 7925 E. Mexico Avenue, Denver, 80231
· 2805 S. Gilpin Street, Denver, 80210
· 3614 S. Hudson Street, Denver, 80237
· 3004 S. Milwaukee Circle, Denver, 80210
· 3734 S. Oneida Way, Denver, 80237
· 3771 S. Rosemary Way, Denver, 80237
Mental Health Event March 15th
School Health Professional Megan Miccio will be speaking to the TJ community about mental health on March 15, 2021 from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM Mountain Time. All TJ students, parents, and faculty are welcome! Use the Zoom link below to join the event.
Topic: TJ Interact Mental Health Speaker
Time: Mar 15, 2021 11:30 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 918 8629 4657 Passcode: Eba1aM
Sustainability Club and TreePlenish Opportunity

What: Sustainability Club is partnering with TreePlenish to plant 113 trees in order to offset TJ's paper usage!
When: We will be planting on Saturday May 1st. You need to order your trees by April 1st!
How: You can have volunteers plant the sapling in your yard (saplings are 18-24 inches) or you can come pick it up at TJ on that day!
Saplings are $5 and your choices are an Eastern Redbud or Quaking Aspen. More information on the tree types and the link to order are at the below link.
5th Annual Thomas Jefferson High School Auction

The Auction is an opportunity to support TJ and will run April 11th - April 15th. We acknowledge the impact that COVID has had on businesses, families, schools and students in the past year, and feel that now more than ever, we lean on each other for the support we all need to thrive during this time. We are working to gather donations and we strongly encourage our TJ families to support those businesses that support our school each year. Proceeds from this year's Auction will be dedicated to helping those in our TJ community, funding our Classroom Grant program and building improvements.
Any and all donations are appreciated...
- Do you own a business that can donate goods or services?
- Request a donation from the places you already know, love and frequent....they rarely say no to a donation for a public school!
- Reach out to businesses and request donations such as restaurant certificates, merchandise, vacation and travel opportunities, spa packages, professional services, and tickets to entertainment, cultural and sporting events.
The TJHS 2021 Auction Letter provides additional information on the Auction and has the TJ Tax ID #, as donations to TJ are tax-deductible. This can be given to businesses when requesting a donation. Donation information can be submitted directly into the Auction system here:
College and Career Readiness
Our goal is that all students graduate college and career ready. One of the ways we achieve this goal is to support students' career and college exploration through programs that provide opportunities for students to discover how their interests and passions might someday fit into the world of work. There are many resources to help you learn more about career and college programs in DPS, visit to learn more! Handouts: English / Spanish
11th & 12th Graders: You're invited to hear from The Office of Diversity Affairs at the University of Colorado Leeds School of Business and the KeyBank Business Leadership Program on Tuesday, March 9th at 2 PM. Sign up at this Google Form now and check out the flyer for more info!
Focus: Underrepresented students including first-generation college students, low-income, and/or students of color.
Below is the Google Form as a link and I have attached the flyer to this email:
Next Steps: Summer Launch Internship Program
The next steps meeting will start to talk about the next pieces that students should be working on to be considered for the Summer Launch Internship Program. Check out the agenda below:
Encouraging Other Summer Programs- Share Links
Next Steps for Launch: Resumes, Skills Training & Prep- Show Schoology Page
Please come with any questions- and I look forward to connecting!
Matthew Mason (He/Him/His)
Navigator at Thomas Jefferson High School
DPS Career and College Success
Incomplete Grades from Semester 1
Incompletes....Did you know that if your incomplete from the first semester was between 40 and 59% you have the opportunity
now to make up that work and get a passing grade? Please contact your teacher for more information. Also, if you are a student who was enrolled in our "Winterim" semester recovery, you have until January 29th to complete your course. We can do this!!
Food and Nutrition Services
The FNS (Food and Nutrition Services) team had a meeting this morning with folks from the Colorado Food Cluster (CFC). CFC has launched a new initiative to deliver 7-day meal boxes with (7) suppers and (7) snacks to families in Denver. They are currently working with various charter schools, but they have the capacity to expand to other DPS schools.
FNS is not "involved" with this effort as we are not the vendor providing the suppers/snacks. However CFC is working directly with DPS schools to sign up families at no charge. The meals are available for kids ages 6-18 years old. Below is the sign up form and is available in English and Spanish.
Chromebook and Materials Distribution - By Appointment Only
Dear Spartan Families,
TJHS will continue to offer pick up opportunities for Chromebooks and class materials distribution by appointment only.
- To make a request please fill out the form here:
- We will contact you using the email address provided in the form to arrange a time for pickup.
- If you are returning damaged technology please make sure the power cord is returned with the unit
- We are out of Wifi Hotspots and we don't know when additional units will be made available.

In an effort to provide GT students and their families with the resources and supports needed to begin/complete their Advanced Learning Plan (ALP), the TJHS GT Site Team has created a Google Classroom for each GT grade level. The title and code for each grade level is listed below:
TJHS Gifted and Talented 2024 Cohort - doyqstu
TJHS Gifted and Talented 2023 Cohort - b7vpvfn
TJHS Gifted and Talented 2022 Cohort - orzg7to
TJHS Gifted and Talented 2021 Cohort - by7mjwi
The TJHS GT Site Team, working alongside our District GT Partners, has included resources, websites and documents to help you complete your ALP goals. Keep in mind that there are affective as well as academic goals. At this time, students should only focus on the Goals / Advanced Learning Plan section and not worry about the badges right now. We don't want you to get in there and feel overwhelmed.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Ms. Tate, our Dean Instruction and GT Point of Contact at
Our District GT Partner is Brian Beard,, and you may receive GT newsletters from his office with internship and university opportunities.
Mental Health and Social/Emotional Tips
Did You Know...?
Spring is almost here- let's start the cleaning!
It is that time of the year that some people look forward to- opening the windows, deep-cleaning the house, getting rid of old items they no longer need; others may wince at the thought of going through closets, drawers, cabinets and feeling pressured to make the "to get rid of this, or to keep it?" decision. Though it can be difficult, time consuming and possibly argument-invoking, it can be important for your physical and mental health. Let's find out how!
What can "Spring Cleaning" do for me?
- By making the effort to de-clutter areas, you can actually increase your productivity! Cleaning off your kitchen table, work-space, entry table, etc. can help support a more organized approach to work and facilitate ease with completing tasks. Plus, it may look nicer and more welcoming to guests and visitors in the home.
- Spring cleaning can benefit your physical health! Do you ever think about the amount of dust and dirt that build up within the house? Cleaning your living space can help with asthma and allergies.
- People who have a clean and tidy home are happier. Hello strong mental health! Cleaning your space can provide a sense of accomplishment, pride and satisfaction. And perhaps decrease conflict with family members, roommates, etc.
- Regularly cleaning and de-cluttering can help increase focus and decision making! By removing obstacles (which are often the physical presence of stuff) from your space, you now can focus on problem solving and decision making.
- You can give back to your community. All those un-used items can be donated to charities for people and families in need. Or you can plan a garage sale with your neighbors and use the collected money to do something nice for the neighborhood or community (basketball hoop on the street, plants for some homes, donate to a local foodbank, etc.)
Great, so where do I start?
1. Each weekend during the month of March, pick 1-2 rooms/spaces in your home you will tackle.
2. Enlist family members to help- it is everyone's stuff!
3. Get a box and label "donations," and place all items you no longer need in the box
4. Immediately after completing the area/room, take that box to a donation center! (get it out of your home before you find a "reason" to keep any of the items you know you don't really need! :)
Now, put on some tunes, a podcast, whatever, and get cleaning!
News from the Future Center
Class of 2021,
Congratulations on surpassing $1 MILLION earned in scholarships. Well done!
Please review the Spring Timeline Grid in your TJFC schoology with your family to stay on track for college.
Class of 2022 and Parents,
Save the date for your College 101 Virtual Info Session! March 24th from 5:30-7:30pm English and Spanish sessions will be offered.
Your TJ Future Center schoology course is now available! Please visit the course for resources to support your college search. At this time, you can find Summer College Prep Program info, start your scholarship search, and view Virtual College Tours.
Upcoming Deadlines and Events:
Tuesday, March 9th: DSF Scholarship Workshop
Wednesday, March 10th: AdvancEDU Virtual Presentation, Virtual Financial Aid 101
Thursday, March 11th: CU Boulder Next Steps Presentation, Temple U- Japan Rep Visit
Emily Webster College Advisor | Thomas Jefferson High School Denver Scholarship Foundation | a 501(c)(3) Public Charity 789 Sherman Street, Suite 610 | Denver, CO 80203
Food and Nutrition Resources for Families
Remember - TJ gear is available in the Spartan Store. If you would like to make a purchase, please contact
Class of '21 - SENIORS! Cap and Gown orders? Does that mean we are having a graduation? Yes! Mr. Christoff is working closely with the district to determine the format of graduation (see below for more details). Tentative date is May 18 yet that is fluid depending on format. Stay tuned! Senior checkout is May 14 - Cap/Gown orders are picked up that day.
Our amazing Class Sponsors Liz Lynch and Jason Klimczak are determined to have additional senior events, including Prom. Stay tuned as we will be reaching out for help once we know what we can do.
We are also looking for volunteers to spearhead the graduation parade (likely the Saturday after senior checkout) and coordinate an outdoor evening movie/bonfire event (date-TBD). Please reach out to any of the class parents with ideas and interest in helping.
In the meantime, you may still donate $21 for '21. You can donate through the PTO Spirit Store here.
Senior Awards:
Date: May 4, 2021 @ 5:00 pm Location: TBD
Senior Check-Out:
Breakfast Graduation Rehearsal Cap & Gown Pick-up
Date: May 14, 2021 Breakfast Time: 7:00 am Rehearsal Time: 8:00 am - 10:00 am Cap & Gown Pick-up
Graduation Information:
Date: May 18, 2021
Rehearsal Time: 12:00 pm
Ceremony Time: 1:00 pm
Place: DU Magness Arena
Possible Graduation Scenarios
Interim Superintendent Jones and his Senior Leadership Team will make a district-wide decision regarding commencement ceremonies by Spring Break.
The scenarios we are considering for this year's graduation season are below:
Scenario 1:
In Person/Indoors (normal) Schools manage event coordination with the venue and vendors as normal
Scenario 2:
In person/Indoors (limited guests to 0 or 2 depending on regulations) Schools manage event coordination and logistics with the venue as normal
Scenario 3:
In person/Outdoors (limited guests to 0 or 2 depending on regulations) Liloni is managing venue coordination with the various venues at a district level
Schools will be responsible for school coordination and communication with both Liloni and students Centrally supported live streaming option will be available
Dick's Sporting Goods Park Empower Field at Mile High University of Denver Barton Lacrosse Stadium All-City Field Scenario 4:
Alternative Celebrations (similar to 2020) Schools responsible for coordination Centrally supported live streaming option will be available
JOIN IN THE FUN FOR A ZOOM WINE TASTING AND WINE PULL EVENT (wine gets delivered to you, it's not virtual!)
Thursday, March 25, 2021
2 sessions - max of 25 people each session
$60 includes tasting wines and a bottle of wine drawn during the event.
The tasting wines will be delivered prior to the event and the bottle of wine will be delivered within a few days after the event.
Details and rsvp to follow in an email
Your virtual party hosts: The Beach, Chaiken, and Freedberg Families
Each class raises money needed to host Prom, After Prom and any other senior year activities. We have 1 year to go! WOW!!! Every dollar raised at this event will be matched by a corporate sponsor.
If you are not able to join in this fun, please consider donating to the class of 2022 at
Class of 2023 - Sophomores
DONATE $23 for '23!
Ongoing $23 for '23 Campaign please just click on the PTO Square link below and support the Class of 2023! WHATEVER amount you can give - $23 $230 $50 $100 - any amount is so helpful! (Please scroll down to CLASS OF 2023 and hit the custom button or amount of your choice and follow the online payment instructions from there!)
Last chance to Mask up 2023!
Hey Sophomores - We have only a few TJ 2023 masks left! They are still on sale for $10! All proceeds go to Class of 2023! Two quick steps to order:
1. Please email Catherine Poirier at with the number of masks you would like to order and student's contact name.
2. Payment via Venmo: @Catherine-Poirier-3 $10 per mask - Indicate: 2023 Mask and student's contact name.
Mask pick-up will be arranged after purchase!
Class of 2024 - Welcome! Part of the Thomas Jefferson mission is to build community, but we can't do that without your help. Please take a moment to complete a short survey for the Class Parent Sponsors. The information you provide will help us direct our communication to the people who want to receive it. We look forward to getting to know you and your student(s)! Class of 2024 Parent Survey