May 15, 2017
Administrator's Corner

Greetings, Spartans!

We are quickly nearing the end of the year so it is critical that students finish the year strong. Make sure your student has perfect attendance and encourage them to make sure all missing and late work is turned in as soon as possible. Finals are just around the corner, finish strong Spartans!

May 16th - First Day of Senior Check Out
May 16th - Choir Concert, 7:00 pm
May 17th - Senior Breakfast, 7:00 am
May 17th - Senior Check Out / Mini Graduation Rehearsal
May 18th - Freshman Orientation
May 23rd - Last Day of Classes
May 24th - Finals Periods 2,3 and 4
May 25th - Firnals Periods 6 & 7 / Spring Musical Clue, 7:00 pm
May 26th - Finals Periods 1 & 8 / Spring Musical Clue, 7:00 pm
May 27th - Spring Musical Clue, 7:00 pm
May 30th - Graduation Rehearsal @ DU
June 2nd - Graduation, 4:00 pm @ DU

¡Saludos, Spartans!

Estamos muy cerca del fin del año por lo cual es criticó que los estudiantes terminen el año fuerte. Asegúrese que su estudiante tenga asistencia perfecta y exhorte a que se aseguren de que todos los trabajos perdidos o atrasados sean entregados lo mas antes possible.
Las exámenes finales están cercanos, ¡terminen fuertes, Spartans!

16 de mayo - Primer día de "Senior Check-out"
16 de mayo - Concierto de Coro, 7:00 pm
17 de mayo - Desayuno para los Seniors (grado 12), 7:00 am
17 de mayo - "Senior Check-out/ Mini-Graduación
18 de mayo - Orientación para estudiantes entrando al grado 9
23 de mayo - Último día de instrucción
24 de mayo - Exámenes Finales Períodos 2, 3 y 4
25 de mayo - Exámenes Finales Períodos 6 y 7 / Musical de primavera, 7:00 pm
26 de mayo - Exámenes Finales Períodos 1 y 8 / Musical de primavera, 7:00 pm
27 de mayo - Musical de primavera, 7:00 pm
30 de mayo - Ensayo de graduación @ DU
2 de junio - Graduación, 4:00 pm @ DU

Andrew Skari
Assistant Principal
Quick Links
TJ's Tardy/Truancy Policy
Thank you for your su pport in keeping our attendance at its best!
Week at a Glance - Week of 5/15-5/19
  • Please click here (or see the above "Athletics Schedule" quick link) to see athletic events for the week
  • Senior Checkout
  • Choir concert - 7:00 p.m.
  • Senior Pancake Breakfast - 7:00-8:00 a.m.
  • Mandatory Graduation Rehearsal - 8:00-10:00 a.m.
  • Office Hours/early release
  • All class t-shirts (as well as other gear) for sale during 8th period and after school (during Office Hours) in the lobby.
  • Parent opportunity to discuss Netflix series 13 Reasons Why, led by psychologist Natalie Koncz and social worker Samanda Davis (details below) - 5:00-6:00 p.m.
  • Incoming 9th grade orientation - 6:00 p.m. 
Kudos Korner
  • Congratulations to Samuel Chappell, who received the Loan Maas Award from the AEAC (Asian Education Advisory Council) at their annual awards ceremony last Sunday, May 7, 2017.
  • We are grateful to those of you who joined us for our Annual "Be the Change" Dinner last week, and are humbled by the outpouring of love and support we've received. 
    The gifts are still coming in, but we are thrilled to share that we raised roughly $50,000 to help expand our programming next school year, exceeding our goal!  A special thanks to our amazingly brave students who volunteered to share their personal stories about how our programs have supported them in feeling more loved, connected, and empowered.  
Please Join Us!
A Special opportunity for discussion, questions and resources:
As the Netflix series, 13 Reasons Why, continues to gain popularity, we want to make sure we continue to provide staff, families and community members with resources to help increase our understanding of how this is impacting our kids.

Samanda Davis, TJ Social Worker, and Natalie Koncz, TJ School Psychologist, will be offering the opportunity for you to engage in discussion, ask questions and understand available interventions and resources regarding suicidality, as well as some of the other topics highlighted on the show.
Please join us on Thursday May 18th from 5:00pm-6:00pm at Thomas Jefferson High School. We will be set-up in the main lobby during our Freshman Orientation Night.
Thank you, and please feel free to contact Natalie Koncz, School Psychologist and Samanda Davis, Social Worker for any questions and concerns. We look forward to speaking with you.

Natalie Koncz- and (720) 423-7077
Samanda Davis- and (720) 423-7072
Finals Schedule and Transportation for Finals Week
Please note: for parents of students who receive transportation on district school buses, transportation on these days will be adjusted to have the bus/ALC driver come and pick students up at 12:45 p.m. 
Wednesday, May 24th:    
Period 2:  7:30 to 9:00 (Final)
Period 3:  9:05 to 10:35 (Final)
Period 4:  10:40 to 12:10 (Final)
Lunch:  12:10 to 12:50
Test make-up and teacher conferences:  12:55 - 3:00
Thursday, May 25th
Period 6:   7:30 to 9:00 (Final)
Period 7:   9:05 to 10:35 (Final)
Test make-up and teacher conferences:  10:40 - 12:10
Lunch:     12:10 to 12:50
Test make up and teacher conferences:  12:55 to 3:00 (Finals Make-up) 
Friday, May 26th:
Period 1:   7:30 to 9:00 (Final)
Period 8:   9:05 to 10:35 (Final)
Test make-up and teacher conferences:  10:40 - 12:10
Lunch:       12:10 to 12:50
Test make-up and teacher conferences:  12:55 to 3:00 (Finals Make-up) 
A Few Yearbooks Still Available!

Though the yearbook distribution and signing party happened last week at the Backyard Bash, it is still possible to buy a yearbook! 

The books are no longer available to purchase online, but you can purchase one from the school treasurer. The cost is $60. 

Y ou will be able to purchase a book until they are all gone. We only have a few left, so act soon!
Parent Help Needed at the Spirit Store

TJ parents and students - Freshman Orientation is May 18th at TJ from 6pm to 8pm. Please contact Laura Whalen if you can assist with selling TJ Spirit wear that night at the popup Spirit Store. Freshman are always excited to start wearing their TJ gear and we have a full inventory this year to offer. So lots of help selling, setting up and breaking down the store is needed.

Important Attendance Reminders
Parents and Guardians,
As a reminder, the key to your student's academic success is coming to school on time and attending every class. Please note that we will not be accepting excused absences for students who are in school and want to miss one class to study or hang out. This is not acceptable. Also, we will require that all seniors have a 92% attendance rate to participate in commencement ceremonies. (Seniors can connect with Mr. Skari for how to fix their attendance.) 

Please click here for a copy of our 
attendance policy.
If your student is struggling and needing academic support, please remember that we have tutoring after school in the library on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Office hours on Wednesday is from 2:15pm-3pm and every student should be connecting with at least one teacher during that time.
Lost & Found to be Donated

Students, remember to check the lost and found for any items you may be missing. After Friday, May 19th, any items that remain in the lost and found will be donated to local non-profit, Clothes to Kids of Denver. Thanks!

Summer Job Postings for Students
Hey students, looking for a great summer job? Interested in learning more about the hospitality industry?
Embassy Suites on Hampden has a few positions right in TJ's neighborhood they're looking to fill:
  • Restaurant Bus Person - set up and clear tables, stock all service stations and assist food servers with table service to ensure total guest satisfaction.  Must be at least 16 years of age.  Weekend evenings, starting pay $9.00/hour plus tips
  • Housekeeping Houseman - assure cleanliness of guest floor corridors, foyers, stairwells and public vending areas, folding of linens and assist with delivery of amenities to guest suites in order to maintain high standards of quality.  Must be at least 16 years of age.  Weekend evenings, starting pay $10.50/hour
  • Restaurant Servers - provide food and beverages in a friendly, professional and efficient manner to the guest ensuring a positive dining experience.  Must be at least 18 years of age. Weekend evenings, starting pay $8.23/hour plus tips. 
If interested, please contact Coral Bachusz,  Director of Operations/HR
Embassy Suites Denver Southeast
7525 E. Hampden Avenue
Denver, CO  80231
Direct Line:  303-923-4051
Fax: 303-337-6202
The DPS Language Arts Department is hosting a Student Summer Writing camp
Student Opportunity : The Denver Writing Project is offering a writing camp for 9 th  -12 th  graders at the Auraria Campus.  The camp is for students interested in writing for civic action and social justice.  The camp will be held Monday through Thursday from June 12 th -22 nd  (with no meeting on Friday, June 16 th ).  This is a grant funded camp and registration is free - however, students must apply and be accepted.  The camp will be capped at 30 to 40 participants and, as now, there is still space available.  For more information,  click here  or contact  Sarah Woodard  (thanks for sharing, Sarah!).
Peru Trip - Act Soon!

Contact for information

Click here for more details about the trip.  Enroll before the end of May to save!
Interested in Being a Host Family?
Mental Health and Social/Emotional Tips

~ Mental Health Resources  ~

Emergency and Counseling Hotline Telephone Numbers

24 Hour National Suicide Prevention/Mental Health Crisis Lifeline
800-273-TALK (800-273-8255)
Crisis Text Line:
You text 741741 when in crisis. Anywhere, anytime.
National Child Abuse Hotline
800-4-A-CHILD (800-422-4453)
National Runaway Switchboard   1-800-RUNAWAY

24 Hour National Alcohol and Substance Abuse Information Center

Gay and Lesbian National Hotline
888-THE-GLNH (888-843-4564)
4 pm-12 am M-F, Sat 12-5 pm EST

24 Hour National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-SAFE (800-799-7233)
TDD Line: 800-787-3224

Poison Control Center

Mile High United Way
Just call 211;
*Mile High United Way is a non-profit organization which supports, unites and provides resources to the community across the Denver-Metro area.  
Mental Health

Mental Health Center of Denver (MHCD)                     
(303) 504.7900 (Intake Line) 4141 E Dickenson Place, Denver, CO 80222; ;   Provide a  range of recovery-focused, community-based behavioral and psychiatric services to children, youth, families and adults. MHCD is dedicated to serving the homeless, working poor, indigent and underinsured residents of the City and County of Denver.

Denver Health - Adolescent STEP program
General info: (303) 602-1897 or for Appointment: Melody Smith at (303) 602-1893     Established in 2004 and licensed by the Colorado Department of Behavioral Health, STEP provides outpatient, psychiatric and substance abuse treatment to clients ages 12-21. Accept Medicaid and no Insurance

UCD Counseling program
303-556-4372;   The CU Denver Student and Community Counseling Center provides mental health counseling services to the CU Denver student body as well as the Denver Metro community.
DPS students get 10 free or discounted sessions. 
University of Phoenix
Free Counseling: Adolescents-Adults
303.600.1959   or
10004 Park Meadows Dr., Lone Tree, CO 80124

Judi's House
Grief and loss support groups for children and teens. At Judi's House, children, teens and young adults ages 3-25 have the opportunity to participate in support groups with youth their own age who have had similar experiences of bereavement.
Denver Family Institute:
3600 S. Yosemite St. #1050, 80237
Strength-based counseling services to individuals, couples and families from all walks of life.
Denver Shelter Referral Hotline   303-561-2222
Urban Peak    (303) 974-2900;  730 21st Street Denver, CO 80205;
Help for homeless and runaway youth ages 14-24.
VOA Transitional Housing for Youth
(720) 217-3884; 455 Bannock St., Denver, CO; Provides housing programs for youth.

Comitis Crisis Center's Youth Shelter
(303) 341-9160; 2178 Victor Street, Aurora, Colorado 80045; 24-Hr runaway & homeless youth services (Ages: 12 -17) 24-Hr Crisis help line, 24-Hr availability of emergency housing, food, clothing, and necessities. National Safe Place, Individual, group & family counseling available location
Samaritan House
(303) 294-0241; 2301 Lawrence Street Denver, CO 80205;   Provides shelter for 320 men, women and children, along with clothing, clinic, and employment office.

Family HomeStead
(303) 623-6514999;  Decatur, Denver, CO      Provides emergency housing for families for up to 90 days

Family Tree - House of Hope
(303) 762-9525; 3301 S. Grant St., Englewood, CO
Provides 90 day shelter for homeless mothers and their children.

Other Resources
Food Stamps

Youth can apply for Medicaid and SNAP Nutrition benefits on their own                
SNAP Food Benefit Application Link:
Mile High Job Corps   (303) 433-1206; 1801 Federal Blvd, Denver, CO 80204; Information about youth jobs, programs, projects, sponsors, YouthBuild and case management
Walk-In Crisis Center:
Walk-in crisis center for mental health needs.  Phone- 844-493-8255
4353 E. Colfax Avenue, Denver 80220
Mental Health and Social Emotional Tip: Compiled by Samanda Davis, LCSW, MSW and Natalie Koncz, Ed.S., NCSP  
Save the Date - Saturday, August 19th
Latin at TJ?
There is a possibility of offering of Latin as part of our World Languages offerings and Gifted and Talented programming during the course of the school day next year.

Latin is the crama of vocabulary development, and traditionally found in highest quality gifted programs.
Priority reservations are being held for rising sophomore, juniors and seniors.

If you are interested, email Mr. Weaver with "Latin 2017" in the subject line before Friday May 5 at 4:30 pm.  There are 7 spots left at the time of this publication and no guaranteed seats will be considered after this deadline.
Special Education Parent/Guardian Focus Groups
Spirit Store Items
Get Your Gear On!
The TJ Spartan Spirit Store is a virtual store which is online. The store is also set up at some school events such as athletic events, concerts, plays and conference nights.
Check out the new American Apparel soft 100% cotton v-neck t-shirts in dark gray or white with gold TJ on the front and Spartan on the back. Also, get a new gray fleece blanket with gold TJ embroidered in the corner to keep you warm while cheering on the Spartans this winter. 

New XXL and XL sizes in men's Under Armour ankle zip sweatpants and new inventory in the Under Armour 1/4 zip long sleeve pullovers in graphite gray stripe with embroidered TJ. XXL hoodies and T-shirts now available.
Class News You Can Use
All Classes 
  • Great news! All Class T-Shirts are now available (as wells as other TJ gear) in the Spartan Store and during 8th period and after school (during Office Hours) on Wednesdays in the lobby. (Pictures of 2018 and 2020 shirts coming soon!)
Class of 2017 - Seniors
Graduation: Friday, June 2nd, at DU Arena 4:00 p.m.
  • Doors open at 3pm
  • NO tickets seating (but first come first served)
  • Students will receive Cap & Gown after completing Senior Checkout on the May 17th.
May 17th 7am-8am  Pancake breakfast
May 17th 8am-10am (MANDATORY) Rehearsal at TJ
May 30th  9:15-10:30am (MANDATORY) Rehearsal at DU (please arrive no later than 9:15)
SENIOR T-Shirts - Get Yours Now
We still have some of the original Class of 2017 T-Shirts available. Y ou can purchase online and pickup at school OR  see Julie Thibodeau in the office  to buy your shirt. Purchase online here!
Stay CONNECTED - TeamApp - TJ Class of 2017, Twitter @2017tjhs, facebook TJHS 2017 Spartan Support 

Thanks for helping to make TJ and the Class of 2017 Great!
Class of 2018 - Juniors
  • Please look for more opportunities this school year for parents to socialize, get connected and contribute to the Class of 2018 fundraising efforts. Please email if you're interested in helping out at any point this year. We need you!
Class of 2019 - Sophomores
  • We are excited to introduce the Class of '19 retro t-shirt for sale (picture above)!  T-shirts are $15 each and proceeds will help fund Class of '19 Senior Year activities, including After Prom.  Shirts can be purchased directly from Julie Thibodeau, online at the Spartan Store, during Office Hours in the lobby, or at various school events. Parents will be selling the t-shirts in the lobby on February 8th and 15th as well.  THANK YOU for supporting the Class of '19!
  • If you have an idea for fundraising, community building event or volunteer opportunity, please contact Jane Bulger:
Class of 2020 - Freshmen
  • Thank-you to Megan Perkins and Lisa LoJacono who have agreed to be parent representatives for the Class of 2020. Please look for important information to come.  If you are interested in getting involved please email Megan at:  or Lisa at: .
New Graduation Requirements for the Class of 2021
DPS has adopted new, evidence-based graduation requirements that will go into effect this year for the graduating class of 2021. Click here to read more!
News from the Future Center
Dear Seniors and Families,
We are reaching the end of the school year.  Please read the entire email for steps students need to take before leaving TJ.  This email also has information about lots of opportunities and scholarships.
College Acceptances
Congratulations to the 145 students who have shared that they've been accepted to college!  Not all seniors have shared where they've been admitted.  If you have not shared, you will not be part of the senior college acceptances presentation.  I will use the college acceptances and senior pictures for recognition in the main hallway and possibly during the graduation ceremony. 
Scholarship Acceptances
Congratulations to the 48 students who have received scholarships!  At this point, 80 students have applied to at least one scholarship.  If you have received a scholarship, please share a copy of your acceptance letter.  I would like to recognize you in the graduation program booklet.  If I don't hear from you, I will be unable to recognize you.  At this point, TJ seniors have raised $4,159,885 in scholarship money.  We are getting closer to our goal of $7 million! 
Steps to Enrollment
If you have been accepted to college, here are a list of steps to take to enroll in college:
1.       Open your student account on your college's website.  ASAP!
2.      Complete the financial aid process.  Information will be in your student account.  Do not put down an enrollment deposit unless you know exactly what you'll have to pay.  I am happy to breakdown financial aid award letters with you.
3.      Enrollment deposit: Assuming you can afford to attend the university, confirm your spot through paying an enrollment deposit.  If cost is an issue, contact the university to see about deferring or waiving it.
4.      Housing: If you are going to live on campus, you need to put down a housing deposit.  If cost is an issue, contact the university to see about deferring or waiving it.
5.      Testing: Some colleges will ask you to take the ACCUPLACER or their own academic placement testing before you are allowed to register.  Make sure you know what your requirements are.
6.      Orientation:  Colleges and universities expect students to attend orientation. 
7.      Health insurance:  If you have health insurance with your family, make sure you give proof to the college.  If health insurance is required, you might automatically be enrolled for the university's insurance, which could be an extra $3000-$4000.  If you have Medicaid, check in with the clinic to make sure that you have what you need for college.
8.      Vaccinations: Get a copy of your vaccinations before you leave TJ. 
9.      Meet with an academic advisor/register for classes
10.   Send transcripts from any college where you were concurrently enrolled to the college/university that you will be attending.  Also send Advanced Placement test scores with a three or higher.  I will send directions in my next email in May.
For upcoming events, college visits, financial aid workshops, scholarships, and much more, visit the Future Center wikipage !
Rena Maez 
College Advisor, Thomas Jefferson High School 
Denver Scholarship Foundation | a 501(c)(3) Public Charity  
3950 S. Holly Street  |  Denver, CO 80237 
O 720.423.7134   F 720.423.7098 |