Administrator's Corner
Hello Spartans,
As you know, the end of the first semester is fast approaching. We only have 15 days of school left until we begin finals! That being said, I'd like to get your feedback on how you think things have gone this semester. Please take a minute to
complete the survey here and share your thoughts.
This information will be beneficial in helping us plan for next semester.
Thank you TJ!
Hola Spartans,
Como saben, el final del primer semestre se está acercando rápidamente. Sólo tenemos 15 días de escuela hasta que comencemos los exámenes finales. Habido dicho esto, me gustaría recibir sus comentarios sobre cómo cree que han ido las cosas este semestre. Por favor, tome un minuto para
completar esta encuesta y compartir sus pensamientos:
Esta información será beneficiosa para ayudarnos a planear el próximo semestre.
Gracias TJ!
2. Click the "getting started" tab on the top
3. Fill out the form on the left with your name, e-mail
address, phone number, student name, school ID number (lunch number) and student's 8 digit date of birth. Click "submit."
4. Create your username and password. Click "submit."
5. You will receive an e-mail immediately from the DPS Portal Team with a link to activate your account.
Message to Families and Community
Last week ended with many challenging questions and thoughtful, forward-thinking discussions in many of our classrooms. Students shared their concerns about national issues with remarkable sensitivity and awareness.
The care of human life and happiness as the role of good government was central to Thomas Jefferson and the founding fathers. Election season is always a great time to revisit and be reminded of these great themes and ideals.
We're proud TJ is a place to be enriched by the many different backgrounds and perspectives of our teachers, staff, students and families. We believe the greatest academic and social achievement outcomes for our students include a sense of individual and collective responsibility to the local and global community. We're proud of our students and who they will yet become and the differences they will make. As I stated to the teachers the day following the election, "the peaceful transfer of power is what makes our democracy unique. Kids will have a range of questions and opinions about the election, and our role is to educate our kids and facilitate conversation. As you do every day, take this opportunity to educate our kids. We will continue to stay focussed on preparing all of our kids for college and career. That is our charge and what we will relentlessly pursue."
I am so very thankful to be a part of this tremendous TJ Family,
Take Care,
-Mr. Christoff
- Congratulations to the girls' volleyball team on a terrific season! They unfortunately lost to Pueblo West on Saturday in a tough battle in the second round of the state playoffs. They fought hard throughout the season...and made us proud!
TJ was well-represented on the DPL All Conference teams selected at the Coaches' Meeting this week. All of the accolades are well-deserved!
Jaden Sandoval - 1st team
Annie McAninch - 1st team
Gracey Jarecke - 2nd team
Siale Sandoval - 2nd team
Jordan Pounds - Honorable Mention
Macey Murray - Honorable Mention
Paula Mortel - Honorable Mention
Way to go, ladies!
Once again the Spartans have risen up to the challenge and performed well at the District 3 DECA Conference. The schools involved at the conference were: East, Grandview, Overland, Pomona, Hinkley, Green Mountain, JFK, Pickens, Vista Peak and Wheatridge. Over 400 students competed for a chance to qualify for the State Conference and TJ did not go unnoticed. We had 9 qualifiers and 1 State Officer Nominee. The students represented our school with pride and professionalism and on behalf of Danny Showers and myself, we both would like to send a huge congratulations to everyone who competed and we are so thankful to be here at TJ! The following students will have the opportunity to compete at State, where if they do well enough can earn the right to compete at the ICDC (International Career Development Conference) in Anaheim, CA in April.
On to the winners:
Koryn Artis - Restaurant and Food Management (Section 1)
Mia Grijalva - Restaurant and Food Service Management (Section 2)
Brandon Pietrs - Business Services Management (Section 1)
Zoya Robbins - Quick Serve Restaurant (Section 1)
Isabelle Ryan - Food Marketing (Section 2)
Cody Shem - Sports and Entertainment (Section 3)
Andrew Thibodeau - Principles of Management (Section 1)
Michael Vasilco - Principles of Marketing (Section 2)
Kayne Walton - Retail Merchandising (Section 1)
Valyntine Lonergan qualified to run for a State Officer Position. If she wins she will be on the State Officer Team next year!
Congratulations to Monticello who were invited to sing at the DPS@DEN event at Denver International Airport on November 2nd.
DPS is highlighting their amazingly talented students at Denver International Airport. The DPS Performance Series is held on the first Wednesday of each month from Sept. 7, 2016, through April 5, 2017. The performances will take place in both the Jeppesen Terminal on the fifth
floor and on the airport's open-air plaza adjacent to the Westin Denver International Airport. The talented groups will consist of DPS K-12 students
Click here for the schedule for the rest of the DPS@DEN season.
District 4 Community Meeting - November 17
WHAT: Visioning Working Groups (VWGs) Meeting
WHY: Meet others in your working group and brainstorm ideas for SE Denver planning
WHERE: Ross-U Hills Library, 4310 E Amherst Ave, 80222
WHEN: Thursday, November 17, 6-7 PM
WHO: Hopefully you!!
Working groups include: Restaurants & Retail; Parks, Trails, & Golf; Arts & Culture; Mobility & Streetscaping; 2017 Pop-Up Event
Please contact the District 4 Office ((720) 337-4444) if you would like to participate in a working group but can't attend the meeting. We will have a VWGs Kick-Off Meeting in January to really get the ball rolling on all of the wonderful ideas to improve SE Denver!
Arabic/Muslim Community Meeting - December 6th
Superintendent Parent Forum - December 8
Shop on Amazon and Benefit TJ
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support TJ High School every time you shop,
at no cost to you
. When you shop at
, you'll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to
TJ High School Parent Partners group (0.5%).
The TJ PTO grants teachers and staff each year with funds for projects, supplies and other necessities for your child's classroom and school.
It is easy to setup. Simply go to and search for "Thomas Jefferson High School Partners" and select this as your charitable organization that will receive donations from eligible purchases. Amazon will remember your selection, and then every eligible purchase you make at will result in a donation to TJ Parent Partners.
Just save SMILE.AMAZON.COM to your favorites and use these link to shop on Amazon. You must use this URL in order for your purchase to qualify for the donation.
Click here for more information about how it works!
Contributions and Volunteers Requested for TJ's ARTFEST
Please gather your gently used books, CDs, DVDs, VHS cassettes, audio cassettes--and yes, even, 8-track tapes--and donate them to TJ! TJ's ArtFest & the Used Book Sale will be held on Saturday, December 10, 2016 from 9 am to 4 pm in the gym and cafeteria, and funds our classroom grant program.
Have donations? Drop off at any of these locations (pick up is available for 3 or more boxes - see below):
- TJHS (drop off in Main Office)
- Home of Carrie Oss (drop off on porch):
- 3614 S Hudson Street, Denver, CO 80237 (the address is on a rock in the front and yard is xeriscaped - no grass).
- Tom The Book Guy
- 2110 S Ash St, Unit #1, Denver CO 80222 (please call ahead or email for pick up of 3 or more boxes
Donations are welcome until the day of the event, December 10th. We will provide a receipt for your tax-deductible contribution, so please tell your friends, family and neighbors that we will be happy to accept their contributions as well! SPREAD THE WORD. Last year we raised over $700 from the book sale alone for programs that support TJ students and teachers.
Volunteers are needed to canvass the weeks leading up to the event, to support set up on the 9th, and to work the day of the event. Please sign up today!
Click here to volunteer.
Thank you for your consideration and support of your neighborhood high school!
Artfest Vendor Highlight of the Week
Canvassing Volunteers Needed This Weekend!
Students, Do You Want a Job?
King Soopers is hiring! Students should go to After applying students can call any store they wish to work at (both students and their parents are invited to apply).
For the students, they would be applying for the courtesy clerks positions starting at $9.00 an hr. For anyone who applies and is over 18 they can apply for any position ( service desk, deli, bakery, grocery, meat, seafood, produce) they start at either $10.00 or $10.50 an hour.
- TJ kitchen is hiring. We need two student workers to work 1 hour a day during lunch. We pay $10.00 an hour for students. Juniors and seniors only need apply. Positions open until filled. Go to DPS job board, food service -student worker.
The TJ Spartan Spirit Store is a
virtual store
which is online. The store also is setup at some school events such as athletic events, concerts, plays and conference nights.
NEW Spirit Store Items!
Check out the new American Apparel soft 100% cotton v-neck t-shirts in dark gray or white with gold TJ on the front and Spartan on the back. Also, get a new gray fleece blanket with gold TJ embroidered in the corner to keep you warm while cheering on the Spartans this winter.
New XXL and XL sizes in men's Under Armour ankle zip sweatpants and new inventory in the Under Armour 1/4 zip long sleeve pull overs in graphite grey stripe with embroidered TJ. XXL hoodies and T-shirts now available.
Order online and pickup at school: or contact Laura Whalen to pay by cash or check.
Look for the Spirit Store at all TJ Spartan athletic events this year.
TJ's Tardy/Truancy Policy
Thank you for your support in keeping our attendance at its best!
Mental Health and Social/Emotional Tips
Holiday Resources for Families
The holidays can be a difficult time for many families. There are a number of resources available to help those in need:
click here for a comprehensive Holiday Resource Guide.
Mental Health and Social Emotional Tip:
Compiled by Samanda Davis, LCSW, MSW and Natalie Koncz, Ed.S., NCSP
Parents AND Students: be on the look out for ways to get involved with the
Class of 2017 Booth
at this year's
as we continue to have fun raising funds for Senior Year activities. ArtFest is Dec 10, 2016 at TJ. More to follow.
SENIOR T-Shirts - Get Yours Now
We still have some of the original Class of 2017 T-Shirts available. Y
ou can purchase online and pickup at school OR
see Julie Thibideau in the office
to buy your shirt.
Profits from these shirts support After-Prom Event for 2017.
So please support our Seniors and a safe, fun Prom 2017.
Thanks for helping to make TJ and the Class of 2017 Great!
- Please look for more opportunities this school year for parents to socialize, get connected and contribute to the Class of 2018 fundraising efforts. Please email if you're interested in helping out at any point this year. We need you!
Class of 2019 - Sophomores
If you have an idea for fundraising, community building event or volunteer opportunity, please contact Jane Bulger:
- Thank-you to Megan Perkins and Lisa LoJacono who have agreed to be parent representatives for the Class of 2020. Please look for important information to come. If you are interested in getting involved please email Megan at: or Lisa at:
Community Conversation Theme
Student Voice
Office Hours
Office Hours after school on 30th and Dec. 7th in 146A
Lunch Bunch and Educator Lunch PDU
Nov. 30 Students - Room 134
Dec. 7 Students - Room 134
Chess is for Everyone
Thursday Nov. 24 and Dec. 1 after school in 117
Next meet is against Lakewood, at Lakewood - exact details TBD
Student Panel/Mile High Discussions
Monday Nov. 28 after school at DPStv - details TBD
Monday Dec. 5 after school at DPStv - details TBD
Student and Family Advisement
· All day Wednesday Nov. 30th and Dec. 7th - by appointment/referral with Specialist in 146A
· Wednesday after school, Future Center for college essay writing
News from the Future Center
November 28th
is the TJ deadline for college applications. In order for your application to be complete, counselors will need to submit teacher recommendations, transcripts, and fee waivers (if applicable). Students need to check in with Ms. Maez in the Future Center to complete a checklist to ensure that their application materials are complete. Once the checklist is completed, students can submit it to their counselors for submission of their application documents.
Students who need financial aid should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid if they have not already. Ms. Maez is available to support students and families. Contact her at or at 720-423-7134 for questions and help.
College Applications- Deadline 11/28/16
· Naviance has all documents you need to apply to college.
· Before transcripts can be sent, you must complete a college checklist with Ms. Maez.
· The first 50 students to complete the check list will receive a Chipotle coupon.
College/Scholarship Essay Help- Wednesdays during Office Hours
· Before Wednesday during office hours, email or bring a copy of your essay to the Future Center.
· Include the prompt and who the essay is for.
· First come, first served!
· For seniors applying to college only.
College Visits:
· Sign up in Naviance and put it on your calendar!
· You're responsible for any missed work in your classes.
· Schools with a star next to the name and in bold are application workshops. Be prepared to submit your application with support from the college representative.
For upcoming events, college visits, financial aid workshops, scholarships, and much more, visit the Future Center
Rena Maez
College Advisor, Thomas Jefferson High School
Denver Scholarship Foundation | a 501(c)(3) Public Charity
3950 S. Holly Street | Denver, CO 80237
O 720.423.7134 F 720.423.7098