November 30, 2020
Administrator's Corner

Welcome back, Spartans!

We hope you had a restful Thanksgiving break, and that you're ready to buckle down for the final push of the semester. We only have 2 weeks of classes before finals! Make sure you're attending/engaging in every class, attending office hours, and even tutoring (see the flyer below) if you need any extra support. Click here to view the schedule for finals week. 

Hang in there, and finish strong!  

¡Bienvenido de nuevo, espartanos!

Esperamos que haya tenido un descanso relajante en el día de Acción de Gracias y que esté listo para el empuje final del semestre. ¡solo tenemos 2 semanas de clases antes de las finales! Asegúrese de asistir/participar en cada clase, asistir a horas de oficina, e incluso tutoría (ver el folleto a continuación) si necesita algún apoyo adicional. Haga clic aquí para ver el calendario de la semana final.

¡Hang allí y acaba fuerte!

Paula Hammel
Principal Resident
Quick Links
Week at a Glance
  • Senior Baby Pages Due!



  • Office Hours schedule
Kudos Korner
  • TJ has the highest recorded level of virtual school participation in Denver Public Schools!! Way to go, Spartans!

  • (from Samanda Davis): "I want to do a huge shout out to everyone who made the Thanksgiving box event possible.  90 boxes were packed (thank you Julie and Jerry) and are currently being distributed (thank you Lisa, Julie, Jerry, Poole, and PTO) to grateful families.  Every box had enough food for a Thanksgiving meal and a gift card to buy a turkey and perishable products.  PTO knocked it out of the park with their contribution of bread, eggs, milk, and ground beef.  I would receive at least 5-10 texts and emails from the staff about their donations or how their community generously donated to our TJ families.  No matter what this holiday is like for you this year, remember that we brightened this day for many of our kids and their families.
    Happy Holidays!!"
    Special shout outs go to Jerry Esparza, SkillsUSA, Julie Thibodeau, Paula Hammel, Jon Poole, Jessica Popper, Liz Lynch, Annie Berg, Kathleen Aubert, Tom Conroy, Natalie Koncz, Jeremy Anderson, and PTO (Suzi Stone and Megan Perkins.  

    It takes a village!!

  • We have a total of 55 families registered for Holiday Help.  That is more than double what we have in the past.  EVERY SINGLE FAMILY has been assigned to either a staff member/TJ group or the parents of TJ students.  We even have a couple of parents in the wings waiting if more registrations are turned in. This is so AMAZING and we are so TJPROUD.  42 groups stepped forward, 18 from TJ, and 25 from parents.  A huge shout out to everyone for helping spread some holiday cheer to these families who are desperately trying to make ends meet.  ❤❤❤ Special thanks to Matt Nicolo and Samanda Davis for spearheading this important project!
Well-Being and Learning Surveys 
Thank you to our students, families, and staff for taking the time to share feedback with us in September. The feedback we receive informs upcoming district-level decisions for student learning during COVID-19. In addition, school level survey results are playing a role in your school-level continuous improvement efforts.  Like the September surveys, the purpose of the December surveys is to understand how academic and social-emotional learning are going, to understand what supports are needed, and to progress monitor data for crisis priorities and district strategies. The student and family surveys will be administered November 30th - December 11th. All students in grades 3-12 will receive an email on their on November 30th to complete the survey. 
PTO News
If you use Amazon for your holiday shopping, remember to use AmazonSmile. When you select 
Thomas Jefferson High School Partners, a portion of qualifying purchases get donated to TJ PTO - a gift that keeps on giving! This is such an easy way to support your TJ community and spread even more holiday cheer. Purchases you were going to make anyway can make a difference.  Simply shop at or in the Amazon Shopping app with AmazonSmile turned ON.
TJHS Spirit Store
Thank you to everyone who participated in the online sale. All of you should have received an email with details about picking up your items. Reach out to TJHS.STORE@GMAIL.COM  if you have not heard from anyone.

Thanks to those of you who came out to take advantage of Saturday's sale! We will be working on a new collection of items for a winter/holiday online sale. Please watch the newsletter and School Deets for information.
Yearbook News
We need your help!
The yearbook staff needs your help collecting content. Please fill out these forms if you have any photos or quotes!

Thanks in advance for your submissions!
Project Like a Girl

Project Like A Girl is an empowerment project started by DU college girls who wanted to create a mentorship program that allowed for an all-girls space. The program has been structured to help girls better understand themselves, their relationships, and their community. This space provides girls the opportunity to talk, ask questions, discuss, and everything in between about what it is like to be a girl. This program is open to girls and girl-identifying individuals of all ages! We're excited to work with TJ and connect with you on Wednesdays at 1:30 pm starting on December 2nd! 
FREE Tutoring Available!

For now, tutoring is being done remotely, but we will revisit and revise when we have been cleared for in-person instruction.  Please let your students and their families know! As always, tutoring is a free service for our students!

Please reach out to with any questions you might have.

Click on the links below to view the full size flyers!


TJ Food Drive and Distribution Program
Thank you to everyone for helping make the SkillsUSA Thanksgiving Food Drive a huge success! As a reminder we are continuously collecting  non-perishable food items for the Food Bank.  Donations can be delivered "TJ Food Bank" boxes at any of the following locations: 
·       7996 E. Jefferson Place, Denver, 80237  
·       7500 E. Dartmouth Avenue #25, Denver, 80231
·       2750 E. Bates Avenue, Denver, 80210  
·       3732 S. Sebring Court, Denver, 80237  
·       6895 Eastmoor Drive, Denver, 80237
·       7925 E. Mexico Avenue, Denver, 80231
·       2805 S. Gilpin Street, Denver, 80210  
·       3614 S. Hudson Street, Denver, 80237
·       3004 S. Milwaukee Circle, Denver, 80210
·       3734 S. Oneida Way, Denver, 80237  
·       3771 S. Rosemary Way, Denver, 80237  
Monetary donations to the TJ Food Bank are also appreciated. These funds will be used to purchase fresh food items for distribution and replenish food items that are running low.  Donations can be made HERE
Student Panel - December 9th
Join us on Wednesday, December 9th from 6 to
7pm for a Student Panel Q&A!

Meet students, hear about their TJ experience, and ask questions! This Q&A is intended for prospective students and their families.

Sign up for info here:
Have a question for our student panel? Submit your questions here:

Reach out to with questions!

¡Únase a nosotros el miércoles 9 de diciembre de 6 a 7 pm para una sesión de preguntas y respuestas del panel de estudiantes!

¡Conozca a los estudiantes, escuche de ellos sobre su experiencia en TJ y haga preguntas! Esta sesión de preguntas y respuestas está destinada a futuros estudiantes y sus familias.

Regístrese para obtener información aquí:

¿Tiene alguna pregunta para nuestro panel de estudiantes? Envíe sus preguntas aquí:

¡Comuníquese con si tiene
AP Exams
AP exams for the spring of 2021 have been ordered! At this time, we understand that the AP exam will be the full length exam. However, we are not sure if College Board will offer it in the form of paper/pencil, or online. Also, AP fees will be added to your myschoolbucks account by the end of November. Please go to your Parent Portal and access payments through that site.
Need Help Paying Your Energy Bill? Necesita Ayuda Para Pagar El Recibo de Electricidad y Gas?
DPS Meal Distribution
Chromebook and Materials Distribution - By Appointment Only
Dear Spartan Families, 

TJHS will continue to offer pick up opportunities for Chromebooks and class materials distribution by appointment only. 

  • To make a request please fill out the form here
  • We will contact you using the email address provided in the form to arrange a time for pickup.
  • If you are returning damaged technology please make sure the power cord is returned with the unit
  • We are out of Wifi Hotspots and we don't know when additional units will be made available.
DPS Custodians and Bus Drivers Needed!
During this time of COVID our schools need more than ever to stay clean and safe for our kiddos and staff!

The reason for this email is to ask a favor - We have a dire need for Custodians and Bus Drivers!

We currently have 70 custodian vacancies.

Custodian Job Description:

The Custodian works under the direction of the Facility Manager and/or Assistant Facility Manager, cleaning the facility and performing grounds work in accordance with DPS guidelines. They may perform minor maintenance activities on facilities and equipment.

· Must be at least 17 years of age
· They must pass a reading test (8th grade reading level), Interview, Criminal Background Check and Fingerprints.
· High school diploma or equivalent required for FT
· All full time shifts are 8 hours a day - based on location, 8 hours between 12:30pm and 11:00pm, usually Monday - Friday
· All part time shirts are 4 hours a day - between 5:00pm-11:00pm
· $14.77/an hour! These positions are eligible for medical, vision benefits as well as sick, personal and vacation time

Bus Driver Job Description:

The Bus Driver is responsible for the safe and efficient transportation of elementary, middle, and high school students, including students with special needs, on regular routes, excursions and athletic trips.

· Must be at least 21 years of age.
· Must have the ability to obtain and maintain a valid Colorado commercial driver's license (CDL) - Class B with P2S endorsements if this license is not currently held.
· $20.34/an hour!
· Benefit eligible with minimum hours
· High school diploma or equivalent required

If interested they can text DPSFIELD to 97211 to speak to a Recruiter
GT Corner
Attention TJ Parents,
Usually by the time a student gets to high school, they have been screened and/or identified, if appropriate, for Gifted and Talented services. However, every now and then a student may slip through the cracks, or was in another district and was not screened, or it did not follow them to DPS. 

That's why we need your help! You know your kids better than anyone. If you think your child demonstrates heightened or exceptional abilities in any of the following areas, please reach out to the Dean of Instruction and GT Site Team Coordinator, Adria Tate (


1. General or Specific Intellectual Ability -- Intellectual ability is exceptional capability or potential recognized through cognitive processes (e.g., memory, reasoning, rate of learning, spatial reasoning, ability to find and solve problems, ability to manipulate abstract ideas and make connections).


2. Specific Academic Aptitude -- Specific academic aptitude is exceptional capability or potential in an academic content area(s) (e.g., a strong knowledge base or the ability to ask insightful, pertinent questions within the discipline). All academic areas should be considered.


3. Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Musical, Dance or Psychomotor Abilities (Talent Aptitudes) -- Visual arts, performing arts, musical, dance or psychomotor abilities are exceptional capabilities or potential in talent areas (e.g., art, drama, music, dance, body awareness, coordination, and physical skills).


4. Creative or Productive Thinking -- Creative or productive thinking is exceptional capability or potential in mental processes (e.g., critical thinking, creative problem solving, humor, independent/original thinking, and/or products).


5. Leadership Abilities -- Leadership is the exceptional capability or potential to influence and empower people (e.g., social perceptiveness, visionary ability, communication skills, problem solving, inter- and intra-personal skills, and a sense of responsibility).


Our entire GT Site Team looks forward to hearing from you!
In an effort to provide GT students and their families with the resources and supports needed to begin/complete their Advanced Learning Plan (ALP), the TJHS GT Site Team has created a Google Classroom for each GT grade level.  The title and code for each grade level is listed below:
TJHS Gifted and Talented 2024 Cohort - doyqstu
TJHS Gifted and Talented 2023 Cohort - b7vpvfn
TJHS Gifted and Talented 2022 Cohort - orzg7to
TJHS Gifted and Talented 2021 Cohort - by7mjwi
The TJHS GT Site Team, working alongside our District GT Partners, has included resources, websites and documents to help you complete your ALP goals.  Keep in mind that there are affective as well as academic goals.  At this time, students should only focus on the Goals / Advanced Learning Plan section and not worry about the badges right now.  We don't want you to get in there and feel overwhelmed.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Ms. Tate, our Dean Instruction and GT Point of Contact at

Our District GT Partner is Brian Beard,, and you may receive GT newsletters from his office with internship and university opportunities. 
Mental Health and Social/Emotional Tips
Did You Know...?

That 48% of Americans report that someone in their household has seen a mental health professional this year? At last, the stigma surrounding getting help for mental health needs is dropping!

2020 has certainly thrown a lot at us. If you are feeling sad, overwhelmed, anxious, etc., you are NOT ALONE.  If money or time has been an obstacle for getting social/emotional support, please consider virtual therapy! Research has shown that it is as effective as face-to-face sessions. A few national platforms to find supports are:


Additionally, here are some great local resources for the Denver Metro area:
Denver Family Institute- Denver Family Institute specializes in family, couples and individual therapy counseling at an affordable rate. Strength-based counseling services to individuals, couples and families from all walks of life. Must be able to pay a minimum of $15 a session (50 minutes); Sliding Scale fee
-  Call 303-756-3340
-  Address: 3600 S. Yosemite St. #1050, 80237

University of Colorado, Denver Counseling Center-  The CU Denver Student and Community Counseling Center provides mental health counseling services to the CU Denver student body as well as the Denver Metro community. These sessions cost $5 per session for DPS students and families.
-  Call: 303-315-7270

Jewish Family Services - Marital, family, individual, parent-child, child, adolescent, and group counseling are offered on an outpatient basis. Sliding scale fee- Medicaid and private pay. 
-  Call: (303)597-7777 (Intake) or (303)597-5000 (Main)

Mental Health Center of Denver (MHCD)- Enriching Lives and Minds by Focusing on Strengths and Well-Being
- Call: (303)504-7900 

Mental Health and Social Emotional "Did You Know":Compiled by Samanda Davis, LCSW, MSW and Natalie Koncz, Ed.S., NCSP. Resources: Better Homes and Garden, November 2020 issue, 
School Based Health Centers are OPEN! or call us at (303) 602-8958

Thomas Jefferson School Based Clinic: 720-423-7190

Consent for Thomas Jefferson School Based Clinic:


News from the Future Center
Hi Spartans and Parents, 
Be sure to log in to your TJ Future Center schoology course a few times a week to review the Updates! 
You'll see Weekly Scholarship Highlights, assignments to keep you on track including FAFSA steps, the calendar of Virtual College Rep Visits, and upcoming deadlines in addition to many other resources!
See the TJ Future Center Schoology Calendar for More Details: 
Discover Arapahoe Community College- Virtual Event 11/16-11/20 
Personal Statement to Cover Letter Workshop- 11/16
Financial Aid 101 hosted by CSU- 11/16
TheDream.US Q&A- 11/18
CSU Info Session en Espanol- 11/18
CSU First Gen Resources Info Session- 11/19
Greenhouse Scholars Round 2 Due- 11/19
Check out the Fall Timeline together to stay on track and be certain to follow the Steps to Complete Apps document to ensure your supporting documents are sent to your schools.  If you have an application deadline between 11/21 and 11/30, submit your transcript request form BY November 19th at 2pm.

Emily Webster
College Advisor | Thomas Jefferson High School
Denver Scholarship Foundation | a 501(c)(3) Public Charity
789 Sherman Street, Suite 610  |  Denver, CO 80203

Food and Nutrition Resources for Families
Class News You Can Use
All Classes 
  • Remember - TJ gear is available in the Spartan Store. If you would like to make a purchase, please contact
Class of 2021 - Seniors
Class of '21 - SENIORS!  We're planning activities for next spring and need your help.  Some activities may include After-Prom, Senior BBQ/Breakfast, a  Graduation Parade, Talent Jubilee (aka as Mr. TJ), you name it! With limited fundraising options and time, we are making one last push for donations in hopeful anticipation of these honored traditions, and perhaps new ones.  Whatever lies ahead for this class, we want to make next semester memorable. All money raised will go to support our kids!   
PLEASE consider donating - $21 for '21 yet any amount will do!  You can donate through the PTO Spirit Store here. If you wish to donate cash - your donation will be DOUBLED!!  That's right. To learn how, please email
We also need senior parents to lead these activities and help start new traditions.  Are you creative, like to organize, or are good with technology?  We need to improvise and remain flexible with our current situation, yet we can do this if we all pitch in for these AMAZING Seniors.  We will begin meeting regularly starting in January.  Please reach out to one of the class contacts below to find out how you can help and look for an updated newsletter after Thanksgiving with kick-off meeting details.  Go Spartans!

Karla Henke karladhenke@gmail.comJen Abram, Lisa Allen allenlisa85@yahoo.comColley Moe, Teri Hertzel thetzel@comcast.netJohn Trujillo  

Class of 2022 - Juniors

Hello Class of 2022 parents, 

SAVE THE DATE 'cause it's almost here! The biggest non-event of the season, our No Mingle Jingle!  Please check out the invitation attached to learn more about this amazing non-event that's happening the week of December 7th!  Stay at home and in your pajamas, click the link, scroll to the Class of 2022 and make a donation as little or as much as you can share.  Thank you!  

We are planning for an awesome senior year for the class of 2022 with lots of fun activities in addition to After Prom.  Let's make it great by donating to our most exciting non-event of the season - THE NO MINGLE JINGLE!  

Please note:  Each class is expected to raise money needed to host their After Prom, and other activities senior year.  The sooner the fundraiser gets started, the more choices there will be for events senior year. The monetary donation can be as little or as much you can share.  Your involvement in any capacity is important and appreciated. We are successful because of your behind-the-scenes contributions, large and small. It all adds up to a stronger community. An engaged parent body shows our students that we care about them!

Questions?  Contact Lisa Chaiken at OR Lisa Freedberg at  

If you have ideas and/or would like to help with the class of 2022 activities, please contact Julie Rubin at or Marlene Talavera at

Class of 2023 - Sophomores
This Friday, Dec. 4th 7:00 p.m. ON ZOOM
Sophomores! Join us for a FREE, interactive, on-line night of fun for our SOPHOMORE GAME NIGHT this Friday, December 4th 7:00 p.m.! Great PRIZES for the winners! 

DETAILS: We start at 7:00 p.m. with a huge group BINGO ZOOM CALL for several online BINGO games with AWESOME PRIZES FOR THE WINNERS and then around 7:40 p.m. if you want to continue and play "AMONG US" you will go to Zoom break out rooms in small groups of 10 playing "AMONG US" on your individual "AMONG US" App that you download for free.

Way ahead of time please, so you're all ready to go by game time:

1. Download free ZOOM App

2. Download free "AMONG US" App

7:00 p.m. on GAME NIGHT - Friday, December 4th

 1. Sign-in to OUR BINGO ZOOM CALL by linking here: 

Meeting ID: 870 3467 4445
Passcode: 247719
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,87034674445# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,87034674445# US (Tacoma) 

2. Join the TJ 2023 BINGO game link here:
  • You'll get your two free individual online Bingo cards on your screen when you go to this link. Hint: on a computer you can split screen your bingo cards and see TJ friends on Zoom
  • We will play 5-6 games as time allows and prizes for each Bingo game winner!
3. "AMONG US" breakout rooms will be created for you and then you go play with a small group.  One person in the group will step up and create the "AMONG US" game for your particular group and say the entry code. Input the code and have fun playing "AMONG US" together as long as you all would like to play!


  • When you win in BINGO, be sure to turn Mic on and yell BINGO! 
  • Mr. Henke the BINGO CALLER will ask for your Name and Bingo Card ID - located at the top of your card - 
  • He will confirm that you've won
  • Then please type a private message to our Zoom Hosts with your name and your complete address so we can send you your prize in the mail!
PARENTS: How can you help?  

  • We are looking for a few more fun prizes donated to the event!
  • Suggestions:  gift certificates to Panera, Chipotle, Noodles, DQ or Cold Stone ice cream, etc., or a home movie night basket of candy, popcorn, or warm fuzzy socks, or any fun ideas you might have! 
  • Please let me know by Wednesday, Dec. 2nd 5:00 p.m.Thank you!  
  • HUGE THANKS to Karla & Scott Henke (Maya Henke's parents) for helping announce the BINGO game on Zoom!    


Any Questions: 303-210-2676


Mask up 2023!      
Cool Class of 2023 TJ Masks are still on sale for $10! Two quick steps to order:

1. Please email Catherine Poirier at with the number of masks you would like to order and student's contact name.

 2. Payment via Venmo:  @Catherine-Poirier-3    $10 per mask -

Indicate: 2023 Mask and student's contact name.
Mask Pick-Up will be arranged after purchase! Enormous thanks to Candace Lewis (Laila Hilton's mom) for the design and producing of our 2023 Masks!
$23 for '23!
Ongoing $23 for '23 Campaign please just click on the PTO Square link below and support the Class of 2023! WHATEVER amount you can give - $23    $230   $50   $100 - any amount is so helpful! (Please scroll down to CLASS OF 2023 and hit the custom button or amount of your choice and follow the online payment instructions from there!)

We always need more help and input!! If you have any ideas or comments and would like to get more involved, please contact Catherine Poirier or Christy Jordan  

Class of 2024 - Freshmen
Class of 2024 - Welcome!  Part of the Thomas Jefferson mission is to build community, but we can't do that without your help.  Please take a moment to complete a short survey for the Class Parent Sponsors.  The information you provide will help us direct our communication to the people who want to receive it. We look forward to getting to know you and your student(s)! Class of 2024 Parent Survey