Administrator's Corner
Thursday, October 17
will be a testing day for TJ. Students in 9
and 10
grade will take the PSAT, and 11
graders will take the SAT. Seniors do not have school this day, and testing students will be released home after the test has concluded. Please ensure your student arrives to school by the normal start time - 7:30 a.m.
In addition, please join us for Parent Teacher Conferences on Wednesday, October 16th and Thursday, October 17th from 3:30 - 7:30pm. This is a great opportunity to check in with teachers about your students, so please attend if possible!
Lastly, students do not have school October 18th - 22nd. Enjoy your Fall Break and see you on October 23rd!
El jueves 17 de octubre será un día de prueba para TJ. Los estudiantes de noveno y décimo grado tomarán el PSAT, y los estudiantes de 11o grado tomarán el SAT. Las personas de la tercera edad no tienen escuela este día, y los estudiantes de pruebas serán liberados a casa después de que el examen haya concluido. Por favor, asegúrese de que su estudiante llegue a la escuela antes de la hora de inicio normal - 7:30 a.m.
Además, únase a nosotros para las Conferencias de Padres Y Maestros el miércoles 16 de octubre y el jueves 17 de octubre de 3:30 - 7:30pm. Esta es una gran oportunidad para registrarse con los profesores sobre sus estudiantes, así que por favor asista si es posible!
Por último, los estudiantes no tienen escuela del 18 al 22 de octubre. ¡Disfruta de tu caída y nos vemos el 23 de octubre!
Anne Rice
Week at a Glance - Week of 10/14-10/18
- Please click here (or see the above "Athletics Schedule" quick link) to see athletic events for the week
- Colorado Free College Application Day! See you in room 111!
- Free Parent Workshop (Hamilton Middle School) - 6-7:30 p.m. (details below)
- Office Hours - 2:14-2:55 p.m.
- Parent/Teacher Conferences - 3:30-7:30 p.m.
- PTO Staff Appreciation Dinner (see below for details)
- School-wide SAT/PSAT Practice Test for 9th, 10th, 11th graders (no school for seniors!)
- Parent/Teacher Conferences - 3:30-7:30 p.m.
- No school for students - Teacher Comp Day
- Kudos to the Counselors and their hard work helping put together On Track Student progress reports to help families understand their students' path to success!
- Big thanks to Julie Thibodeau and Jon Poole for helping organize the school-wide SAT suite practice exams!
We hope that by now you've connected and are receiving messages!
Stay connected, TJ...this is gonna be great!
The goal is to increase communication with parents and streamline information that families receive. If you did not download the app at registration, please see below and do so as soon as possible to prepare for the launch!
We are in need of two paraprofessionals for our Special Education students. If you are interested, please contact Paula Hammel at paula_hammel@dpsk12.org
Staff Appreciation Dinner
On Wednesday, October 16, 2019, TJ's PTO will host the first Staff Appreciation event of the year by providing dinner during Parent Teacher Conferences. Teachers will be busy that night meeting with families, so we will serve a hearty dinner of soup and chili from 4:00-6:00pm to keep them going. There will be no hungry teachers on our watch! Please make this dinner possible by signing up here. We can't do it without you!
If you would like to help out but are not available on the 16th, you are welcome to make an online donation. We will use these funds to supplement whatever food is not donated. Please click here to make a donation that goes directly to TJ's PTO and will be used for this dinner or future staff appreciation events.
Dropping Off Your Food Donations: On Wednesday, October 16th, drop off your item in room 111 between 2:30-3:30pm. If your item is nonperishable, you can drop it off in the main office kitchen on Tuesday after 3pm or on Wednesday before 2:30pm. Soups and chili should be delivered ready to serve in a crockpot fitted with a liner to help us with clean up. We have plenty of serving utensils so no need to bring any of your own. The staff truly appreciates your support during this busy evening.
Thank you in advance for your generosity!
Consider This...Indian Education
Understanding and Intervening with School Refusal
When: October 29th, 2019
Cost: Complimentary (limited space)
Time: 5:30-7:30 p.m.
RSVP: 303.861.1916
Seminar Focus
As students transition into the new school year, many experience feelings of fear, anxiety, depression, social isolation, and rejection. The intensity of these feelings can be both overwhelming and debilitating and as result lead to school refusal and social isolation. Parents and educators understanding the etiology of school refusal is important and necessary to accurately intervene and re-engage students in their academic environment.
This training session will help parents and educators learn & understand:
- Common factors and causes related to school refusal and what to do about it
- The "not so obvious" considerations relative to learning differences, undiagnosed, or mis-treated learning disorders and lack of academic engagement or school attendance
- The impact of significant to profound Executive Functioning deficits and the role this plays in escalating behavior problems, self-esteem and declining academic performance in middle and high school
- How social differences impact inclusion and belonging in peer relationships differently in elementary, middle and high school
- The impact of social isolation, depression and anxiety and the influence this has on identity formation
- When school refusal is problematic and how to determine what type of intervention is necessary
- Parent leadership principle's designed to manage high stress and conflict in the home environment as a result of school related conflict
- Parental leadership and the impact this has on improved functioning, self-esteem, school participation, and family level healing.
Equinox Counseling and Wellness Center is pleased to present a series of 3 complimentary workshops as part of an ongoing training series for parents, educators and mental health professionals. Workshop located at: 600 South Cherry Street, Suite 325, Glendale, CO 80246. For additional details or to RSVP, please email Heather Charlet or Jordan Leffel. You may also reserve your seat using the ticket link(s) included with this invitation, or by calling us directly at 303.861.1916. Space is limited and advanced reservations are required.
Attention JUNIOR parents:
As you may know your child has been invited to participate in a program called Challenge Day, which is a
one full day event for the Junior class over the course of November 5
and 6th
Students with last names starting with A-J will attend the event on November 5th and those with their last name starting with K-Z will attend on November 6th. The event will be held in the gym.
If you wish for your child to Opt-Out of the event please complete the form and return to Samanda Davis by Thursday October 31st, 2019.
Click here for the Opt out form.
Challenge Day is a transformational day of fun, leadership and power that can change the way people view one another forever. The goal of Challenge Day is to help stop the teasing, violence and alienation that is so deeply a part of the school experience for millions of young people every day. Through a variety of games, trust-building activities and presentations, they will be given a unique opportunity to see themselves and the people around them through a new set of eyes.
Since 1987, the nationwide Challenge Day programs have helped to transform the lives of hundreds of thousands of teenagers just like you. Challenge Day has not only received numerous awards, but has also been featured in the best-selling book, Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul and the Emmy Award-winning documentary, Teen Files: Surviving High School, Oprah and MTV.
We have a few volunteer slots available so if you wish to volunteer please contact Samanda Davis at 720-423-7072 or at
Our store inventory has been moved upstairs and therefore we'll be selling at various events throughout the year. We'll be out cheering on the Spartans at fall sporting events and hope you'll come and purchase spirit wear from us.
Please email
if you would like to purchase something & we would be happy to get the spirit wear for you. We can arrange to have items picked up.
Thank you to everyone who attended the PTO meeting last week. There were lots of good ideas and a meaningful discussion about using our funds wisely. Our primary goal is to support the learning environment at TJ through classroom grants. Our secondary goal is to build a stronger community for students, teachers and parents. Along those lines, there was lots of interest in providing more funding to support teacher appreciation and staff wellness efforts.
We have the funding covered for this school year, but we are in a time of transition. Since we are not hosting ArtFest this year, we need to make up the difference by putting all our effort into the online auction held in the spring. The money we raise this year will go towards the budget for the 2020 school year. We need your help to make sure that our fundraising practices will sustain us year after year and keep the momentum going. The September meeting minutes can be found on the PTO page if you'd like to see what is going on. Check back for the October minutes. We are always open to new ideas so if you have something you'd like to propose, please let us know!
Questions? Looking for ways to get involved? Email
or visit the
PTO page
of the TJ Journal.
Yearbook Announcements:
The earlier you buy your book, the more you save! Please see the discount schedule below. Buy your book now for the most savings!
Purchase before:
9-27-19 = $50
11-1-19 = $55
1-31-20 = $60
From February 1st on, the book will be $65 until sold out.
Senior Photos & Quotes:
Due date: Friday, October 11, 2019 by the end of the school day. *Quotes are optional.
Senior Recognition Ad:
To purchase an ad, please visit the yearbook website.
information about the yearbook can found on the journal under the News & Events tab or by clicking here.
Este concurso ha sido patrocinado por los Doctores Kathy y Manuel Escamilla en colaboración con CABE durante muchos años como una forma de alentar a los jóvenes de Colorado a reflexionar sobre su bilingüismo. Se anima a los estudiantes de tercer a duodécimo grado inscritos en un programa bilingüe o que trabajan para obtener el Sello de Bilitária para que presenten un ensayo. Este año, el proceso de envío será electrónico, a través de un enlace en nuestro pagina. La fecha de entraga para las presentaciones es el 2 de diciembre de 2019. Los ganadores y sus familias serán invitados a asistir a la conferencia de invierno 2020 de CABE en febrero.
Las instrucciones detalladas, el volante y el enlace para las presentaciones se pueden encontrar en nuestra pagina:
www.cocabe.org Dirija cualquier pregunta a Jody Slavick a
This contest has been sponsored by Drs. Kathy and Manuel Escamilla in collaboration with CABE for many years as a way to encourage Colorado's young people to reflect on their bilingualism. Third through twelfth grade students enrolled in a bilingual program or working towards the Seal of Biliteracy are encouraged to submit an essay. This year, the submission process will be electronic, via a link on our website.
The deadline for submissions is December 2, 2019. Winners and their families will be invited to attend the 2020 CABE winter conference in February.
Detailed instructions, the flyer, and the link for submissions can be found on our website:
cocabe.org. Please direct any questions to Jody Slavick at
King Soopers just made FUNDRAISING for TJ even EASIER!
All you need to do is register your King Soopers loyalty card number or alternate ID (e.g. phone number) to earn money for TJ. After you register for the program, a percentage of ALL of your King Soopers purchases will go to TJ.
Important: At the point of purchase, you must swipe your loyalty card or type in your alternate ID in order for your purchases to count toward TJ's fundraising.
In order to get benefits from the use of your loyalty card/alt id you MUST:
2. Click on Enroll Now
3. You will then see a page where you can choose your organization
4. Search for Thomas Jefferson High School Partners either by name or UT036 and then click Enroll. New users will need to create an account which requires some basic information, a valid email address and a rewards card.
That's it! You are now enrolled and can help raise EASY MONEY for TJ's classroom grants, student events and staff appreciation. Thank you!
News from the Future Center
graders at TJ are invited to visit University of Northern Colorado (UNC) on Thursday, October 24
! The field trip is all day (leaving by 7:00 am) and you will get a free lunch at UNC! Please complete both sides of your permission slip and return to the Future Center by October 17
College Admissions Representatives Visits:
University of Colorado Colorado Springs on
Monday, October 14th at 10:15-11:19 (4
Savannah College of Art and Design on
Monday, October 14th at 12:04-12:55 (6
th graders - please sign up in Naviance
October 15th is Colorado Free College Application Day! See you in room 111!
TJ's FAFSA Workshop is October 25th from 10:00am-2:00pm!
Bring all of the information below:
☐ 2018 Federal Tax Return (1040 or 1040A or 1040EZ) (student & parents, if applicable/filed)
NOTE: If 2018 tax returns have not been completed, please bring 2017 tax return
☐ 2018 W-2 and Other Income Statements- required for student & parents (if applicable)
☐ 2018 untaxed income records (if applicable)
Social Security benefits statement
o Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
o Veterans benefits records
o Disability benefits records
☐ Additional records (if applicable)
o Values of businesses or investment farms (other than primary home)
o Net Values of investment properties (other than primary home)
o Net Values of stocks, bonds, or other investments
12th graders:
Please sign up for College Admission Representative Visits in Naviance:
Sophie Vogel
College Advisor, Thomas Jefferson High School
Denver Scholarship Foundation | a 501(c)(3) Public Charity
3950 S. Holly Street | Denver, CO 80237
O 720.423.7134 F 720.423.7098
Mental Health and Social/Emotional Tips
Did You Know...?
We have another TJ Talks event coming up!
TJ Talks Presents:
Dear SE Denver Community,
Thomas Jefferson High School would like to extend a special invitation to your school community to join us as our guests for a special movie screening of Screenages: The Next Chapter! We are excited to partner with our colleagues at South High School to provide this unique opportunity for us all to come together to learn, discuss and problem solve how best to support healthy digital-age lifestyles for the whole family.
Mental Health and Social Emotional "Did You Know": Compiled by Samanda Davis, LCSW, MSW and Natalie Koncz, Ed.S., NCSP. |
Transition to Higher Education Course - Apply Now!
Please see information attached and information below about the 2020 spring semester of the
Transition to Higher Education Course.
The application is live now!
Help 11th grade and 12th grade students with IEP and 504 Plans get connected to learn the essentials for making a seamless and successful transition from high school to higher education! The Transition to Higher Education course is a free spring semester course for DPS and Cherry Creek School District taught on Auraria Campus by campus faculty and staff on Wednesday evenings from 4:30-6:30 from January 22nd-April 22nd. See prerequisites and help students apply at the application linked HERE
Your student is perfect for this class if they:
-are in 11th grade, 12th grade with an IEP or 504 plan,
-have the ability, skills, and motivation to access college level coursework upon high school completion
-have a postsecondary goal to attend a 2yr, 4yr, or vocational school after high school and
-meet requirements as outlined in the application
Only 15 spaces are available for DPS students, so support eligible students with applying now to be considered for acceptance into the class. We are looking forward to seeing applicants from your school! The application window closes November 21st.
Food and Nutrition Resources for Families
Remember - TJ gear is available
in the Spartan Store. If you would like to make a purchase, please contact tjhs.store@gmail.com.
Fundraising Party for the Class of 2021 (Adults Only)
When: October 26th at 6pm
Where: Vanderiet's Home
1851 S. Spruce Street Denver, CO 80231
Cost: $20/person....Includes Mexican Buffet, Beer/wine
If you are unable to attend and would like to make a donation to the Class of 2021,
please contact
Save the Date: Movie Night--October 25th....Beetlejuice (Fundraiser for Class of 2021)
We're looking for volunteers to host future events for our class parents. If interested, please come to the next PTO meeting, or send an email to
; or
to find out more. Class sponsors are Jason Klimczak and Elizabeth Lynch. Parent sponsor is Jen Abram - she can be reached at
Long sleeve $15 Short Sleeved $10
See Mrs Lynch in Room 11
Class of 2022 - Sophomores
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Julie Rubin (rubin_j@comcast.net) or Marlene Talavera (TJSpartans2022@gmail.com).
The class of 2022 has two faculty sponsors,
Jillian Gleason and Maggie Kennedy, but parents are needed to work with the staff to plan fundraising activities. Parent sponsors also plan community building activities for the parents of the class of 2022. Each
class is expected to raise money needed to host their Prom, After Prom and other activities senior year. The sooner the fundraiser get started, the more choices there will be for events senior year. The time commitment can be as little or as much you can share.
Your involvement in any capacity is important and appreciated. We are successful because of your behind-the-scenes contributions, large and small. It all adds up to a stronger community. An engaged parent body shows our students that we care about them!
Class of 2023 - Well do they need ME??
PARENTS! YES! We DO need you!! Who would like to join our fun TEAM of 2023 parents to help plan some great fundraising and get-to-know one another events to benefit our kids' Class of 2023!!??
Jump in! Email or call
Christy Jordan
Christy.jordan@comcast.net or 303-210-2676 or
Catherine Poirier
cpoirier@bodybark.com or 303-875-7073. We'll put together a list of 2023 parents who are willing to help in ANY way and get this ball rolling!
Together we will raise money and build community over the next few years to help support all the fun upcoming traditions and activities for our faster-than-you-can-imagine Seniors in 2023!! From Senior Sleep Out, Senior Homecoming support, Prom, After Prom and more we have a ton to do and need an army of parents to each take a small piece! We look forward to hearing from many of you!
We've got IDEAS yes we do, we've got ideas how 'bout YOU?!???
Class of 2023 - they're counting on you and me!