Administrator's Corner
Happy October TJ,
I hope everyone is doing well and getting outside and enjoying the milder weather. As many of our students voiced in Advisement, It's a good way to decompress after spending so much time in front of the computer.
Again wanted to say thank you to all the hard work everyone is doing including students, teachers, staff, and parents. It is noticed and appreciated.
A few important dates and events to be aware of:
- Parent Teacher Conferences are coming October 20th + 21st. They will be from 4-7 in the evening and by appointment. Teachers will be reaching out to schedule appointments.
- Fall Break for students is October 16th-20th (so no classes on 10/16, 10/19,10/20). There will be no Office Hours the week of the 12th but there will be Office Hours the week of the 19th.
Please feel free to reach out with questions.
Have a great week, TJ!
Feliz octubre TJ,
Espero que todo el mundo esté haciendo bien y saliendo y disfrutando del clima más suave. Como muchos de nuestros estudiantes expresaron en Advisement, es una buena manera de descomprimirse después de pasar tanto tiempo frente a la computadora.
Una vez más quería darles las gracias por todo el trabajo duro que todos están haciendo, incluyendo a los estudiantes, maestros, personal y padres. Se nota y se aprecia.
algunas fechas y eventos importantes que debe tener en cuenta:
- Las Conferencias de Padres y Maestros están llegando el 20 de octubre 21. Serán de 4-7 por la noche y con cita previa. Los maestros se acercarán para programar citas.
- El descanso de otoño para los estudiantes es del 16 al 20 de octubre (por lo que no hay clases el 10/16, 10/19,10/20). No habrá horario de oficina la semana del día 12, pero habrá horario de oficina la semana del día 19.
No dude en ponerse en contacto con preguntas.
¡Tienes una gran semana, TJ!
- Virtual College Fair (details below)
- Virtual College Fair (details below)
- Tech and Materials pickup by appointment only (details below): 11-1
- Virtual College Fair (details below)
- Virtual College Fair (details below)
- Tech and Materials pickup by appointment only (details below): 11-1
- Virtual College Fair (details below)
- We are so proud of our Spartans and their service to the broader community!
- Thanks to the Leadership Class for organizing donations for Urban Peak! (details below)
- Thanks to the Tri-M Music Honor Society for sponsoring the Necessity Collection for The Gathering Place over the past weekend!
Dear TJ community,
Next Saturday, October 10th from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, the leadership class will have a donation drop off for the homeless shelter Urban Peak. Although we also accept monetary donations, we want to invite you to look at the wish list the shelter has posted on their website and help us gather as many of those items as possible. You can drop off the donations at TJ, we'll be at the robotics entrance by the softball field.
Also, if some family needs it, we can arrange to pick up the items from some of the houses of the community.
Thank you for your support!
The leadership class
Conflict Resolution Month Art Contest!

Hey TJ! Did you know that Colorado is the only state to dedicate an entire month to conflict resolution?
In honor of this and to celebrate, TJ is having a Conflict Resolution Art Contest! Draw, paint, decorate: What does conflict resolution mean to you? What does it look like? Use your art to explain and express!
Submit your final artwork to Ms. Lupo through email ( by Friday, October 23.
The top 3 winners will receive an awesome prize and be featured in the TJ Journal!
Virtual Open House - October 28th

Join us on Wednesday, October 28th from 6 to 7pm for a Virtual Open House!
Meet teachers & staff, learn about the school, and hear from our student panel! This open house is intended for prospective students and their families.
¡Únase a nosotros el miércoles 28 de octubre de 6 a 7 pm para una jornada de puertas abiertas virtual!
¡Conozca a los maestros y al personal, aprenda sobre la escuela y escuche a nuestro panel de estudiantes! Esta jornada de puertas abiertas está destinada a futuros estudiantes y sus familias.
Virtual Tardy Policy for Remote Learning
TJ Spartans,
Punctuality is important, even remotely. Please be sure you are logging into your classes on time. If you are 5 minutes late to class, you will be marked Tardy. If you are more than 20 minutes late, you will be marked Absent.
If you arrive to class after 5 minutes or more for any reason, you should reach out to your teacher(s). To excuse tardies and absences, parents and guardians should call the automated attendance line at 720-423-7040. This line is for leaving messages only. You can also send an email to
Thank you!
The Student Excellence Team
A collaboration between the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS), Forward Together helps parents and teens become more connected.
Helpful Schoology Tips and Resources for Students

Parents! We know that some of you would like more information about how to access Schoology. Please click on this helpful link to learn more!
Chromebook and Materials Distribution - By Appointment Only

Dear Spartan Families,
TJHS will offer additional drive through pick up opportunities for Chromebooks and class materials distribution on Tuesday 10/8 and Thursday 10/10 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm by appointment only. To schedule a two-hour pick-up window please fill out our request form here:
If there are inclement weather conditions please call 720-423-7003 upon arriving at the pickup location. If you miss your pickup appointment your items will be returned to stock and you will need to resubmit your request for a future pick-up date
If you are returning damaged technology please make sure the power cord is returned with the unit
We are out of Wifi Hotspots and we don't know when additional units will be made available.
In order to comply with Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and Denver Public School Nursing Services, we ask that families remain in their cars at all times in order to practice social distancing and allow TJ staff to deliver the items to your car. (See map below) We will place it in the trunk, backseat or hand it through a window. If you are on foot or bike please wear a mask and maintain 6-feet of distance from other people. TJ staff will be wearing masks for everyone's protection. If you have any questions please email
Estimadas familias espartanas,
TJHS ofrecerá oportunidades adicionales de recolección de Chromebooks y distribución de materiales de clase el martes 10/8 y jueves 10/10 de 11:00 am a 1:00 pm solo con cita previa.
* Si hay condiciones climáticas adversas, llame al 720-423-7003 al llegar al lugar de recogida.
* Si pierde su cita de recogida, sus artículos se devolverán al stock y deberá volver a enviar su solicitud para una fecha de recogida futura
* Si está devolviendo tecnología dañada, asegúrese de que el cable de alimentación se devuelva con la unidad.
* Nos hemos quedado sin puntos de acceso Wifi y no sabemos cuándo estarán disponibles unidades adicionales.
Para cumplir con el Departamento de Salud Pública y Medio Ambiente de Colorado y los Servicios de Enfermería de las Escuelas Públicas de Denver, pedimos que las familias permanezcan en sus automóviles en todo momento para practicar el distanciamiento social y permitir que el personal de TJ entregue los artículos en su automóvil. (Ver mapa abajo) Lo colocaremos en el maletero, en el asiento trasero o lo pasaremos por una ventana. Si va a pie o en bicicleta, use una máscara y mantenga una distancia de 6 pies de otras personas. El personal de TJ usará máscaras para la protección de todos. Si tiene alguna pregunta, envíe un correo electrónico a
عائلات سبارتان الأعزاء ،
ستوفر TJHS رحلة إضافية من خلال فرص الالتقاط لأجهزة Chromebook وتوزيع المواد الصفية يوم الثلاثاء 10/8 والخميس 10/10 من الساعة 11:00 صباحًا إلى 1:00 مساءً عن طريق تحديد موعد فقط.
* لجدولة نافذة استلام مدتها ساعتان ، يرجى ملء نموذج الطلب هنا:
* إذا كانت هناك ظروف جوية قاسية ، يرجى الاتصال على 720-423-7003 عند الوصول إلى موقع الالتقاء.
* إذا فاتك موعد الاستلام ، فسيتم إرجاع العناصر الخاصة بك إلى المخزون وستحتاج إلى إعادة تقديم طلبك للحصول على تاريخ استلام في المستقبل
* في حالة إعادة التكنولوجيا التالفة ، يرجى التأكد من إرجاع سلك الطاقة مع الوحدة
* لقد نفدنا من نقاط اتصال Wifi ولا نعرف متى سيتم توفير وحدات إضافية.
من أجل الامتثال لإدارة كولورادو للصحة العامة والبيئة وخدمات التمريض في مدرسة دنفر العامة ، نطلب من العائلات البقاء في سياراتهم في جميع الأوقات من أجل ممارسة التباعد الاجتماعي والسماح لموظفي TJ بتسليم العناصر إلى سيارتك. (انظر الخريطة أدناه) سنضعها في صندوق السيارة أو المقعد الخلفي أو نسلمها عبر النافذة. إذا كنت على الأقدام أو على الدراجة ، يرجى ارتداء قناع والحفاظ على مسافة 6 أقدام من الأشخاص الآخرين. سيرتدي موظفو TJ أقنعة لحماية الجميع. إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة ، يرجى إرسال بريد إلكتروني إلى
You can go to to view the schedule of panel presentations and information sessions Live Chat With College Reps This is your time to ask questions to college reps one on one! Here is a list of questions you can ask, At least one person will be available intheir virtual booth during the following dates and times.
Monday, October 5: 9-11am, 1-3pm, 6-8pm
Tuesday, October 6: 11am-1pm, 5-7pm
Wednesday, October 7: 9-11am, 1-3pm, 6-8pm
Thursday, October 8: 11am-1pm, 5-7pm
Friday, October 9: 9-11am,1-3pm
Want the 411 on fundraising at TJ? If you were wondering how it works, the PTO has several sources for funding. Primarily, PTO's mission is to support our awesome TJ students and their varied interests and needs through classroom grants. Last year we gave away over $10,000 to teachers! We partner with the school leadership to build a stronger community for students, parents and staff by funding activities such as teacher appreciation events and parent education. We work with the student leadership team to support student initiatives that serve both the student body and families. Additionally, the PTO supports each graduating class with parent sponsors that coordinate raising money used for class specific activities. In the last few years, the PTO has moved to simplify fundraising by focusing on these efforts...
- Online Auction: Last year's auction raised $20,000! Money from this event goes towards classroom grants to enhance the learning environment at TJ. With this year's budget shortfalls, these grants are even more important. The auction is an easy way for lots of people to get involved. The PTO needs help with collecting donations and promoting this event. The auction is held in the spring but no date has been scheduled yet. If you would like to help, contact Auction Chair, Megan Perkins at
- King Soopers Cards: This is an incredible source of FREE money. So far this calendar year, TJ has received $3000! About 80 families participate but we'd love to have even more. It is so easy to join - all you have to do is pick TJ as your rewards partner and then shop at King Soopers as you normally would. TJ receives a percentage of all purchases. Visit the KS Rewards page of the TJ website for details about how to sign up. A portion of these funds are granted to each class to fund senior year activities.
- AmazonSmile: Again FREE money. AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support TJ every time you shop, at no cost to you. AmazonSmile is available at [] on your web browser and can be activated in the Amazon Shopping app for iOS and Android phones. When you shop AmazonSmile, you'll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added benefit that AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to the PTO (look for Thomas Jefferson High School Partners).
- ArtFest: This 30-year tradition for the wider community brings over 80 local artisans and small businesses together in the fall to sell unique holiday gifts. Proceeds of this fundraiser have benefited teachers and students alike. In 2019, we paused ArtFest to reimagine the event. With the current pandemic, it isn't clear when we may return to this long standing tradition.
- Parent Sponsors: Senior year activities are funded by parents raising money each year beginning when students arrive as 9th graders. Parent sponsors coordinate social activities to build relationships among class parents. Parent sponsors also organize one fundraiser each semester. These fundraising efforts coupled with the King Soopers grants provides ample funds for senior year fun. In past years, the class funds went towards events like the Senior Sleepout and the after prom party. The PTO is the custodian of the class funds but manage those separately from all other fundraising proceeds. Any class funds not used after senior year are returned to the PTO general fund. Separately, students organize their own events to raise money for their prom.
The PTO can't do any of this without our wonderful parents getting involved so thank you for your support! Together we are Spartan Strong!
Overview of National Eviction Moratorium
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) took unprecedented action on September 1 by issuing a temporary national moratorium on most evictions for nonpayment of rent to help prevent the spread of coronavirus. Citing the historic threat to public health posed by coronavirus, the CDC declared that an eviction moratorium would help ensure people are able to practice social distancing and comply with stay-at-home orders. The moratorium takes effect September 4 and last until December 31, covering tens of millions of renters at risk of eviction.
DPS Custodians and Bus Drivers Needed!
During this time of COVID our schools need more than ever to stay clean and safe for our kiddos and staff!
The reason for this email is to ask a favor - We have a dire need for Custodians and Bus Drivers!
We currently have 70 custodian vacancies.
Custodian Job Description:
The Custodian works under the direction of the Facility Manager and/or Assistant Facility Manager, cleaning the facility and performing grounds work in accordance with DPS guidelines. They may perform minor maintenance activities on facilities and equipment.
· Must be at least 17 years of age
· They must pass a reading test (8th grade reading level), Interview, Criminal Background Check and Fingerprints.
· High school diploma or equivalent required for FT
· All full time shifts are 8 hours a day - based on location, 8 hours between 12:30pm and 11:00pm, usually Monday - Friday
· All part time shirts are 4 hours a day - between 5:00pm-11:00pm
· $14.77/an hour! These positions are eligible for medical, vision benefits as well as sick, personal and vacation time
Bus Driver Job Description:
The Bus Driver is responsible for the safe and efficient transportation of elementary, middle, and high school students, including students with special needs, on regular routes, excursions and athletic trips.
· Must be at least 21 years of age.
· Must have the ability to obtain and maintain a valid Colorado commercial driver's license (CDL) - Class B with P2S endorsements if this license is not currently held.
· $20.34/an hour!
· Benefit eligible with minimum hours
· High school diploma or equivalent required
If interested they can text DPSFIELD to 97211 to speak to a Recruiter
We have had several requests for TJHS spirit wear and with the school being closed to students and parents, it's been a challenge to get our inventory out and in your hands. We've attended a few sporting events to sell in person, but are excited to share this NEW online store.
You can click on the link below and view the items for sale, place an order and pay for the items you like. We will have the link open for orders through Monday, October 5.
All orders will be shipped to Carrie Oss's home (only a couple blocks from TJ) and we will arrange dates and times for order pick ups sometime around October 23rd.
We hope you have fun shopping for TJHS spirit wear! GO SPARTANS!!
TJ Food Drive and Distribution Program
This year the Thomas Jefferson High School PTO has established a Food Bank in an effort to ensure families who need food assistance are supported. Non-perishable food items are being collected continually throughout the school year and distribution dates will be scheduled toward the end of each month. To make contributing as easy as possible, donations can dropped in the "TJ Food Bank" box at any of the following locations:
· 7996 E. Jefferson Place, Denver, CO 80237
· 7500 E. Dartmouth Avenue #25, Denver 80231
· 2750 E. Bates, Denver, CO 80210
· 3732 S. Sebring Ct, Denver, CO 80237
· 6895 Eastmoor Dr, Denver, CO 80237
· 7925 E. Mexico Ave, Denver 80231
· 2805 S. Gilpin St, Denver, 80210
· 3614 S. Hudson St, Denver, 80237
· 3004 S. Milwaukee Cir, Denver, CO 80210
· 3734 S. Oneida Way, Denver, CO 80237
· 3771 S Rosemary Way, Denver, CO 80237
In preparation for the colder months to come, during October we are also requesting donations of NEW adult and children sized hats and gloves. Hats and gloves will be given to families at the October food distribution date on October 22 (time TBD).
Thank you for your support!
King Soopers/TJ Fundraiser

Welcome back to school, Spartans! We'd love to have even more families join the King Soopers Community Reward Program. This is FREE money that supports TJ students and the school community. From April through June, 89 families participated which generated a donation of $1,500 to the PTO. Thank you to all who participated! It is so easy to join - all you have to do is pick TJ as your rewards partner and then shop at King Soopers as you normally would. TJ receives a percentage of all purchases!!
It is easy to sign up. To get the benefits, you must register for the rewards program here...
- Go to and sign in to your digital account or create a new one. Make sure your loyalty card number or alternate ID is associated with your digital account.
- Click on Enroll Now
- Search for Thomas Jefferson High School Partners or use code UT036
- Click Enroll
That's it! You are now ready to earn FREE money for the TJ community. At the point of purchase, you must swipe your loyalty card or type in your alternate ID for your purchases to apply to TJ.
It takes approximately 10 days for the King Soopers Community Rewards total to begin displaying on your receipt. TJ receives payments from King Soopers quarterly. The percentage TJ receives varies by quarter.
You can view the total you earned during the last quarter by signing into your King Soopers account and selecting My Account. There is a tab for the Community Rewards Program. You can verify that TJ is listed as your Community Rewards beneficiary and see the amount you've contributed.
Thank you for your support!
College Opportunity for Students: Community College of Denver
Are you interested in learning about the Community College of Denver? Advanced manufacturing, trades, welding, machining/CNC, etc? The Community College of Denver will be hosting an Advanced Manufacturing Day on October 7th at 1:00 PM via Google Meets. Come see a tour of facilities, watch a demonstration of work done at the Advanced Manufacturing Center (AMC) at CCD, and participate in a Q+A with Admissions.
Please fill out the following Google Form to be part of this event.
Questions? Contact Mr. Mason at
Career Opportunity for Students: The Youth Apprentice Program
Are you interested in earning money now and starting your career into a modern, in-demand career? The DPS Youth Apprenticeship Program is an opportunity for current 10th-12th grade students to begin to gain hands-on experience as an employee of a company, earn $40,000 in the course of 3-years, and more. Learn more about the program here.
Students and parents can also check out the CareerWise Hiring Hub to learn more about current apprenticeship openings and start the process. Attached to this email is also a 'How To Apply' Guide that will help students create an account, search for companies, and more.
TJHS will be hosting a Virtual GT Student and Family Information Night in the month of October. Please SAVE the DATE and watch for an invitation in your email.
The 9th Grade GT Student and Family Information Night will be held Wednesday, October 7, from 5:30 - 6:30 pm
via Google Meet. The GT Student and Family Information Night for all 10th - 12th graders will be held Wednesday, October 14, from 5:30 - 6:30 pm via Google Meet.
Remember to SAVE the DATE and watch for an invitation in your email.
In an effort to provide GT students and their families with the resources and supports needed to begin/complete their Advanced Learning Plan (ALP), the TJHS GT Site Team has created a Google Classroom for each GT grade level. The title and code for each grade level is listed below:
TJHS Gifted and Talented 2024 Cohort - doyqstu
TJHS Gifted and Talented 2023 Cohort - b7vpvfn
TJHS Gifted and Talented 2022 Cohort - orzg7to
TJHS Gifted and Talented 2021 Cohort - by7mjwi
The TJHS GT Site Team, working alongside our District GT Partners, has included resources, websites and documents to help you complete your ALP goals. Keep in mind that there are affective as well as academic goals. At this time, students should only focus on the Goals / Advanced Learning Plan section and not worry about the badges right now. We don't want you to get in there and feel overwhelmed.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Ms. Tate, our Dean Instruction and GT Point of Contact at
Our District GT Partner is Brian Beard,, and you may receive GT newsletters from his office with internship and university opportunities.
Mental Health and Social/Emotional Tips
Did You Know...?
"As students transition from middle level to high school, their self-concept gradually grows. Increasing freedom allows adolescents greater opportunities to participate in activities in which they are competent, and increased perspective-taking abilities enable them to garner more support from others by behaving in more socially acceptable ways."
So let's get our students involved in activities they love!
Take a look at TJ's extensive list of:
- Clubs and activities HERE, and
- Athletic opportunities HERE
Outside of school, teens can find recreation centers to visit (free with DPS IDs), organized faith-based groups to join, local businesses at which to work or volunteer, museums and parks to visit, book clubs and camps to attend, etc. We know it is more challenging to do so in the current socially distant world in which we currently live- HOWEVER, so many places are offering creative programming a fun, new ways to connect with others. Give it a try!
Mental Health and Social Emotional "Did You Know": Compiled by Samanda Davis, LCSW, MSW and Natalie Koncz, Ed.S., NCSP.
School Based Health Centers are OPEN!
Thomas Jefferson School Based Clinic: 720-423-7190
Consent for Thomas Jefferson School Based Clinic:
We are in need of two paraprofessionals for our Special Education students. If you are interested, please contact Paula Hammel at
News from the Future Center
Spartan Seniors and Supporting Adults,
Review and complete the FAFSA: My Planner content together as soon as possible. It will help you prepare for FAFSA (Free Applications for Federal Student Aid) submission. FAFSA is now open for application. Be sure to start and submit the 2021-2022 FAFSA!
If you are not eligible for FAFSA, there are other forms we can complete to help you access money for college! Completing the FAFSA: My Planner assignment will help you prepare!
If you will not be completing FAFSA although you are eligible, please let me know.
Review the Fall Timeline Grid at the end of the linked post and watch the embedded videos for more information about the college access process.
October 13: Colorado Free App Day- start your applications to colleges in Colorado TODAY so they are ready to submit FOR FREE on the 13th! We'll be hosting google meets sessions with representatives from various colleges throughout the day.
Food and Nutrition Resources for Families
Remember - TJ gear is available in the Spartan Store. If you would like to make a purchase, please contact
If you have ideas or want to help, contact any one of us:
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Julie Rubin ( or Marlene Talavera (
The class of 2022 has two faculty sponsors, Jillian Gleason and Maggie Kennedy, but parents are needed to work with the staff to plan fundraising activities. Parent sponsors also plan community building activities for the parents of the class of 2022. Each class is expected to raise money needed to host their Prom, After Prom and other activities senior year. The sooner the fundraiser get started, the more choices there will be for events senior year. The time commitment can be as little or as much you can share. Your involvement in any capacity is important and appreciated. We are successful because of your behind-the-scenes contributions, large and small. It all adds up to a stronger community. An engaged parent body shows our students that we care about them!
Class of 2023 - Sophomores
$23 for '23!
Please join us in donating to the class of 2023! It's super easy, just click on the PTO Square link and support the Class of 2023! WHATEVER amount you can give - $23 $230 $50 $100 - any amount is so helpful! (Please scroll down to CLASS OF 2023 and hit the custom button or amount of your choice and follow the online payment instructions from there!)
THANK YOU! Fundraising will be a bit challenging this year due to Covid-19 restrictions and so many families affected by this. We appreciate your support!
Thank you also to all the 2023 Parents who came out to meet in-person and via Zoom to Kick-off our year. Great discussion and ideas! We look forward to planning some creative fundraisers and events with you all again this year to benefit the Class of 2023!
The class of 2024 is in need of parent sponsors! If you are interested please reach out to PTO at