Attention Tele-Town Hall Friday February 23rd 2024....

Barbara Arnwine Esq and Daryl Jones Esq Invite YOU to join us Friday February 23rd at 7:00 PM EST for the National Tele-Town Hall Panel Discussion in Commemoration of the 4th Anniversary of the Vicious Racially Motivated Murder of Ahmaud Arbery. Panelist include TJC Leadership and will feature Marcus Arbery (Father) and Family of the late Ahmaud Arbery, Attorney Gerald Griggs, Professor Maureen Edobor, Carl Snowden and Devan Vilfrard. Join us at Facebook Live and on YouTube @thetransformativejusticeco6890. See below flyer which can be downloaded and shared with others.

Click Here To Get Pumped Up About Voting Rights
Click Here To Download PDF Shareable Flyer

Breaking News! Horrible 8th Circuit Court Case Threatens ALL Our Voting Rights! Help Us Reverse This Decision. Learn More Below:

Urge Your Local Government to support the Voting Rights Act by adopting the Model Resolution. We want every state, city and county to join us and sign on to this Resolution. This Resolution represents the strength of our country to fight the 8th Circuit Disastrous Opinion Regarding Our Voting Rights.

Click Here To Get Printable Model Resolution
Click Here Listen Live To Igniting Change: Tuesday's 12:00 PM ET
Join us in supporting the work of the Transformative Justice Coalition (TJC)! The Transformative Justice Coalition is a nonpartisan, 501(c)(3) nonprofit racial justice organization, founded in 2015 by Renowned Civil Rights Leader Barbara R. Arnwine Esq

This Transformer was prepared by Yolanda Coly

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