Colleagues and friends:
Putting “kids first” requires seeing and honoring the uniqueness in every learner. This belief is a core organizational value and central to TLA’s vision for change. It’s also simply good practice: encouraging students to make connections between who they are, what they already know, and what they are learning is one of our most powerful educational strategies.
This point feels particularly salient this month, one in which our team will be celebrating LGBTQIA+ students and colleagues and observing Juneteenth, grappling with the complex history of enslavement and systemic racism in America. It feels even more so given recent efforts to limit identity expression and exploration in schools.
If we’re serious about building systems of equity and excellence for all students, then we simply can’t afford to deny students and educators the ability to make meaning and find motivation through their unique perspectives and histories. Thank you for your partnership in recognizing kids for all their unique identities, cultures, interests, strengths, and needs — and for working with us towards a future where every student is able to bring their whole self to learning.
With gratitude for your partnership,
Beth Rabbitt, CEO