Mark is employed at GMMB, an advertising and communications firm in Georgetown. He has been working there for more than 12 years and is supported by The TLC Outcomes Service. Mark does a variety of work for GMMB. When a new employee starts there, the staff person will meet with Mark who will set up their workspace. He delivers the mail every day, does data entry and maintains the supplies. Mark knows all his co-workers and they speak highly of him. His job coach, Sherri Stocklin, who is also the TLC Outcomes Assistant Program Coordinator, has been in the field of Disability Services for more than 17 years and has worked with Mark for most of that time. Sherri does check-ins to be sure that everything is going smoothly. If a new task is required, she will work with Mark until he masters it. Sherri communicates with Mark’s supervisor to obtain feedback, and offers strategies so Mark can work as effectively as possible. Mark is quite independent after working at GMMB for so many years. He takes public transportation to get to his job. He enjoys working at GMMB alongside his co-workers and is dedicated to the firm. One co-worker said, when it snows everyone hopes for a snow day, except for Mark who still wants to go to work. Mark and GMMB exemplify this year’s theme of,  "America’s Workforce: Empowering All"

For more information about Supported Employment,
Contact Jan Miller-Vogel, Director, TLC's Outcomes Service