Educating Our Children
September 2018

Dear Friends in Christ,

The Calling of every Christian is to pass down the faith to the next generation. Our congregation is committed to teaching the truth that this Jesus is both Lord and Christ. "And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name given under heaven among men by which we must be saved" Acts 4:12.

This TLO Disciple is offered to give you tools to teach the faith, encourage you and support you in your teaching children in your family. If you don't have children or your children are grown, through your prayers, your time, talents and treasures you can proclaiming Christ to the next generation.

May the Lord bless you

Pastor James Kroonblawd

Don't miss the boat!

Don't miss the boat! Don't miss all the years before Confirmation to teach your son or daughter the love of Jesus. God has many blessings that He wants to give to you and your children daily.

What do you want your children to know? Who do you want your children to be? What do you want your children to do?

As parents you have many daily decisions to make to help your children grow physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. In the Bible we read that we are to teach the promises of God to our children's children.

It's easy to fall into the trap: "I don't want to force my children to believe. I want them to make up their own mind." The problem with letting our children choose is that by nature we are powerless to do what the law of God requires. Through the washing of water in Baptism, God brings a child into the family of God. Through hearing the Gospel of Christ faith grows and through the Lord's Supper, the Holy Spirit brings forgiveness of sin, life and salvation.

TLO Congregation offers many opportunities for parents to guide their children in faith. Our Sunday School and Bible studies are opportunities for parents and children to grow in faith. Our Lutheran Preschool, Elementary and Middle school is staffed with called teachers commissioned by the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod to teach in our classrooms. The Pastor is here to support you as you share the love of Jesus within your family. It's never too late to start.

Stepping Stones

Teaching the faith isn't a once and done activity.

There are stepping stones in faith development that begin when parents pray for their child even before their baby is born. These stepping stones include Baptism, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Preschool, First Bible, Summer Camp, Confirmation, First Communion, Graduation. And that's only the beginning of a life mature in faith and in faithful service in the Church.

These are the things we want kids to know

God Made Me
God loves Me
Jesus wants to be my friend forever.

I am part of God's family
I can always trust God
I can treat others the way I want to be treated

Jesus is the common thread throughout all Scripture
I am created in God's Image
God's story Inspires My story
I can make the Wise Choice

100 Things (or so)...

What your kids need to know BEFORE they start confirmation.  

What would you put on this list? Click to read what the Best Practices session of the LCMS recommends! 

From the Bible
He established a testimony in Jacob
    and appointed a law in Israel,
which he commanded our fathers
    to teach to their children,
that the next generation might know them,
   the children yet unborn,
and arise and tell them to their children,
    so that they should set their hope in God
and not forget the works of God,
     but keep his commandments;
 and that they should not be like their fathers,
     a stubborn and rebellious generation,
a generation whose heart was not steadfast,
     whose spirit was not faithful to God.

Psalm 78:5-8

Back to basics for 'back-to-school'
by Rosie Adle

The back-to-school season is not quite recognized as a national holiday (at least, not one for which school could be canceled!), but it is nevertheless an exciting time. Crayons are pointy rather than nubby, lunch box interiors smell fresh rather than wretched and those jumbo pink erasers are still pristine and sharp edged, anticipating the gray and latter days to come (but totally not there yet).  

The backpacks are loaded; the school clothes are laid out. The kids are ready - but are you? If you have a student in your life, ask yourself these three questions to assess your outlook on school and learning.  

Question #1
What is the most important thing for your student to be learning?

Question #2
Who is a student's primary teacher?

Question #3
How can you better relate to the students in your life?

Are you seeking advice on parenting?

Whether your child is a baby, toddler, preschooler, Tween, Teen, there are resources to assist you in your parenting. Check out these resources:


What We Do When We Teach Our Children to Pray
by Greg Alms 

Maybe we do it because we think we are supposed to. Maybe we do it because it feels good to kneel or lay beside our precious children and hear them breathe and close their eyes tight. Maybe we are not sure why we do it. Maybe we do not do it at all. But teaching our children to pray is important.

Teaching our children to pray brings God to our children and presses Him close. We tell them that the God of the Bible, the God who took flesh, died and rose for our sake, the God who created all things and forgives their sins is with them and listening. Luther said that we pray "as dear children" to "their dear father." Saying "Our Father who art in heaven" with our sons and daughters invites them to tenderly believe just that: God is their true father. Teaching them to address, to talk to, the God they hear about in the Scriptures and remember in their baptism gives them confidence and boldness to believe that God is near and listens to their every worry and wish.

Read more

Why the Lutheran School Matters

In the present economy, is it wise stewardship to channel precious funds into the school?

Find out what Rev. William Beckman has to say on the topic!

Why Send Your Child to a Lutheran School?
Here is why you should send your child to a Lutheran elementary school. Lutheran schools:
  • Are driven by a commitment to the Gospel and focused on a mission of bringing hope and healing to students and families.
  • Are governed by board members who clearly understand their roles and focus on the vision and board policies that effectively govern the operation of the school.
  • Meet or exceed state and national academic standards at all grade levels.
  • Have educators who model visionary leadership. They practice stewardship of resources, build up others and empathize with others.
  • Have educators who model servant leadership. Do those served grow as persons; do they, while being served, become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous, more likely themselves to become servants? (Robert Greenleaf)
  • Have educators who model spiritual leadership. They study God's Word, share their personal faith story, apply Law and Gospel appropriately, exhibit a passion for ministry, act courageously, equip God's people for service, care for others, demonstrate integrity, and pray.

For more information or to enroll your child(ren) in Trinity Lone Oak Lutheran School please contact Kathy Jones at [email protected] or 651-454-1139.

Concordia Academy Lutheran High School
Shine at Concordia Academy!

Be Bold. Be Bright. Shine at CA!
Since 1893, Concordia Academy has been a bright light in the Twin Cities community, educating young people, encouraging faith development, training Christian leaders, equipping athletes, spotlighting artists, and honoring God through excellence.

Concordia Academy

Do you have a suggested topic for an upcoming TLO Disciple?  Click here to send Pastor Kroonblawd an email.

TLO Disciple, with a topical study in each issue, is distributed primarily via email on the first of every month.  Print copies are available by contacting the TLO Church office at 651-454-7235 or the Church Office via email.
Calendars, volunteer information, serving groups and the like will accompany the TLO Together, on the last Wednesday of the month. Click here to subscribe to TLO Together .  This publication is also mailed upon request.

Soli Deo gloria

2950 Highway 55
Eagan MN  55121
p:651-454-7235    f:651-454-0109

Trinity Lone Oak Lutheran Church
[email protected]