Greetings!The purpose of Trinity Memorial is to be the heart, hands and feet of God in the world ... work and play, word and action ... 
from the rector
I'm reading "Love is the Way: Holding on to Hope in Troubling Times" by Michael B. Curry and wanted to share this quote with you.
"…evil seems to be winning. Dreams are love’s visions—the boundless faith that the world can be remade to look more like what God hoped for his creation. Time and time again in history, the positive, miraculous—even crazy—energy of dreamers has saved us. In insane times, it’s sanity that kills us—the sanity of complicity with the present nightmare. The only people who have ever changed the world or anything for the good have been those who have dared to dream of an alternative reality, another possibility than the one that confronts us day by day."
I wonder if we will ever be able to make sane sense of the world again. My certainty lies in my faith that God is winning, not evil.
My certainty, if I call it that, is that in all circumstances if I can remember to love as I need to be loved, then I am part of the dream of God.
My certainty lies in the truth that if God can show the world how to love through Mary and Martin and Kamala and Absalom and Verna and Jesus, then God certainly can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine.

And Love will prevail! 
News and Notes

Service of celebration at the Diocesan Cathedral: Join us on 2/13 from 10 a.m. to 11:30 for a virtual celebration of the Blessed Absalom Jones, the first African American priest in The Episcopal Church who was a member of St. Peter’s Church in Phila. and was ordained in our diocese. The celebration includes music and worship. Bishop Gutierrez would love to see every person in the Diocese of Pennsylvania attend! To register and receive the login information click Details

If you would like to help with the next Food Bag distribution please contact Susan at [email protected] OR Sallie at [email protected]

This Sunday after the 10:30 worship gathering and coffee hour we will look at and discuss psalm 139. It is many-faceted and a perfect confirmation psalm.

Voting In 2021, from Cori Daggett
You may have seen this article in the Feb 1 edition of the Philadelphia Inquirer about mail in ballot applications and mail in voting for 2021. The process is a little confusing, but generally means this:

  •   If when you applied to vote by mail in 2020 you requested to be included on a "permanent list", you will automatically be mailed an application to vote by mail in 2021. If you would like to vote by mail in 2021 in the May primaries, the November general election and any special elections, complete the application and you will be mailed a ballot for each election. You can also complete the application on line according to the instruction in the mailing you receive.
  • If you didn’t request to be placed on the “permanent list” and want to vote by mail in 2021, you will need to request and complete the application to vote by mail (see below)
  • If you don’t know whether you chose to be added to the permanent list, you can check on the voter registration site HERE
The link to the Philadelphia Inquirer article is HERE
For the application to vote by mail click HERE

Unemployment info -- if you should be getting unemployment compensation because of pandemic-related unemployment, you can find helpful information here.

We are preparing for the season of Lent. This is a season of the 40 days before Easter when we are reminded of the blessing to return fully to God through our repentance of sinfulness to face God and renew our commitments to God’s work on earth. We will take the time during the 6 Sundays Feb 21-Mar 28 to explore the stories and promises of God. We will prepare to then celebrate the ultimate renewal of life in the risen Jesus on Easter.
Trinity will offer a book reading and conversation of "Love is the Way: Holding on to Hope in Troubling Times" by our Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry. We will begin on Sunday Feb 21 at 11:30 (at the conclusion of coffee hour) You may buy the book in electronic or physical form through your favorite store. Read at least the introduction to begin ( I bet you can’t put it down!)
Ash Wednesday Feb 17 @ 6 pm
The Rector will lead prayers on Zoom and have in-person imposition of ashes for all who want to come. What it will look like:
6 pm: Zoom time of prayer with the Litany of Penitence and Healing
After the prayers: Ashes available at the steps to the sanctuary. You may come to receive ashes on your forehead as a sign and reminder of our frail humanity.
Here are some extra resources offered through the Diocese of Pennsylvania for your consideration. Follow the links and register for actual program Zoom links to be sent to you.
Wednesdays, 2/24-3/31 at 12:30pm
Freedom Movement activist, public theologian, and teacher Ruby Sales leads us in a weekly Lenten Bible study with a focus on justice, history, legacy, and community. An early leader in the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) from the time she was a teenager, Sales has a lifetime of groundbreaking work on civil and human rights, as well as nonviolent social change and community formation. Her TED Talk, public interviews, sermons, and articles are famous for advocating deep truth telling and deep love in rebuilding our nation and our communities. The Bible study will focus on the Sunday lectionary texts for each week of Lent, and is open to all in the diocese.
For more information and to register click HERE
Bread for the Journey: a Diocesan-wide study course open to all. On 2/18 join us for the continuing series Bread for the Journey where we are joined by acclaimed performer Reggie Harris. In this creative session of story, song, and shared discussion, Harris will lead us in considering the way our history forms us. Details.
More resources next week
Deacon's corner
As you know, February is Black History Month. I know it is asked, why do we have a month set aside for black history? In recent years as we have seen racism in all its ugly forms raised up and affirmed by many in power, this month is even more important. It is especially important for Christian churches to celebrate and engage black history. Why? Because the church played, and in some places is still playing, a big part in promoting racism. If we believe as Christ taught us, that we are all children of God, and if we adhere to our baptismal promise to “strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being” then celebrating Black History Month is a sacred act. In an article which I sincerely urge you to read, ( Leon Rodrigues recommends ways we can celebrate this month (scroll down through the article). In this column this month I will endeavor to do number 5: Learn and study more about famous people of African descent in America. I will also try to find the words of African Americans to share each week. Here are some inspired words from Sojourner Truth: "Life is a hard battle anyway. If we laugh and sing a little as we fight the good fight of freedom, it makes it all go easier. I will not allow my life's light to be determined by the darkness around me.”

Let us pray:
Loving God, we lament the racial divisions in our country that so
often keep people of color and white people at odds. White individuals
and communities often ignore and overlook the gifts, values,
and contributions of people of color in every area of our society.
We pray against division and ignorance and we pray for healing
and reconciliation. Amen.

Deacon Lynn
Worship leaders 2.7.21
Rachel, David, Donna

Readers: Phyllis, Rachel
Prayers: Anita
Officiant and preacher:
The Rev. Donna L Maree
Tech: David
Readings for 10:30 HERE
Birthdays: February

3 Judith Croxton Stevens
5 Maya
14 Martin Boeckheler
19 Kiera
26 Caroline MacMoran
Joshua Brandstadter
28 Katie Claxton
Sundays: all on Zoom
9:00 a 25 - minute time of prayer, songs, story for 0-7 year old
10:30 everyone welcome; hymns led by the TMC choir, prayers, sermon
coffee hour after both
Wednesdays 9-10:00 Morning Coffee & Prayer
Thursdays 5:30 Evening Prayer
Prayer is the most powerful tool we have when we can't be there personally for friend or stranger ...
Please pray healing and support especially for: Mark, Sarah W, Sasha, Shirley, Bill, Travis, Luca, Sallie & Jim W., Lynn, Andrea, Susan W, Richard, Peter D., Ulpiano, Carmen, Peter D, Susan, Isaac, Ruth
Special prayers of gratitude, especially for vaccines against Covid-19
Grace for those who have died and all who mourn
Stamina and creativity for all essential workers, especially teachers, clerks, IT professionals, trash collectors, medical personnel, delivery, bankers, restaurant employees ...
As you prayerfully consider your financial support for the work and presence that Trinity provides, please use this link
Designate your gift for:
Special Fund
Rector's Discretionary Fund
General Fund for expenses
Our building is closed but the church is still open!
We continue to pray together and worship by moving our services online. We are also keeping our staff employed, repairing and readying for building rentals and and all activity to resume.
While our physical gathering is limited please do not neglect to provide for the work of the church with your financial contributions.
You may send a check in the mail, make a direct payment through your banking online platform or click on the button to go directly to our secure online service.
Trinity Memorial
Rev. Donna: [email protected]
Donna 330.766.5904
Deacon Lynn: [email protected]
Lynn 908.217.6365