Greetings! The purpose of Trinity Memorial is to be the heart, hands and feet of God in the world ... work and play, word and action ... 
from the rector
Continuing the conversation: churches are known for their do-nothing, read everything approach to difficult problems. In the conversations we have shared so far, it is clear that we want to and can do better; we can act.

While I know my audience is predominately White and we have a lot to learn about the history and practice of racism that we have never been explicitly taught, theories and history are not always the best motivators to action. We are left too many times asking the question, But what can I DO? This has led to more decades of systemic sickness. We all agree it is time to break the cycle and bring justice on earth as it is in heaven.

That is why I have switched gears a bit. Lynn and I have found short articles written in the first person by people who are living with the dilemmas of how to live in a Black-White relationship while fully immersed in a systemically racist society. Sometimes it is easier to relate to a real-life experience as we try to imagine how we can be an active part of change when we are talking about a complicated, entrenched system. We may feel powerless but we are not.

Please make time to read:   
There’s a Divide in Even the Closest Interracial Friendships , Including ours by Aminatou Sow and Ann Friedman
and/or I’ve Stayed Silent for Way Too Long by Lauren Holiday

Then join on Sunday at 11:30 to "continue the conversation" (note: you do not need to have attended before. Each conversation is discreet)

May peace prevail, Donna+
News and notes ...

Notice the gardens: Thank you to Missy and Charles for their loving attention. While Missy is away Charles, Demetrius, Fred and Susan have all committed to nurturing the beauty.

Vestry meets on Monday at 6 pm. If you have questions or comments, please contact: Abbie, Sallie, Fred, Tom, Sharon, Susan or Linda.

The work continues: John K installed a mesh screen over the west courtyard this week to protect the PlayGroup children from slate falling from the parish house roof. Russell Roofing (who installed the beautiful gutters in January) are set to inspect and tell us what needs to be done. Stay tuned!!! Thank you John.

Trinity PlayGroup has been in session for 2 weeks now and everyone is healthy. The children and parents are equally grateful for this blessing. It is a LOT of extra work so please remember to keep the teachers in prayer.

Chalk the steps: thanks to Susan who decorated the steps recently with the Trinity messages of justice and hopefulness. You too can help spread the message! We have 5 sets of steps and a huge box of chalk; let Donna know if you need chalk. Talk to the people who pass by writing messages or drawing for them.
Deacon's corner
We are half-way through July. How can that be? With all that has happened and is still happening with the pandemic and the struggle for racial justice, it is easy to miss some other important issues. For example, July is Minorities Mental Health Awareness Month. We at NAMI and others have been trying to get the word out that as bad as the mental health system is for white people, it is even harder for black people to access and navigate. It was a big topic at the virtual NAMI convention I attended this week. When the convention is over my feelings are always mixed: I am excited but also a little depressed. The accomplishments of some programs are set against the travails of those who cannot get help. I would imagine that many of us feel like this right now, wanting to make change but struggling just to make it from day to day. Mary Oliver, in a poem, wrote about the last words of the Buddha: “He looked into the faces of that frightened crowd” and said, “Make of yourself a light.” Parker Palmer, in commenting on this idea wrote about light: “There are many kinds of light.” After describing all the ways we can be light to others he says: “No one of us can provide all of the light we need. But every one of us can shed some kind of light. Every day we can ask ourselves, ‘What kind of light can I provide today?’”  So, taking comfort in the concept of being some kind of light to others, even if we cannot fix it all, we can still strive each day to bring light to those whom we meet and serve. Let us be a light to people of color who are living with mental illness.
Deacon Lynn
Worship leaders 7.19.20
Story: We were made for love
Tech: David
Officiants: Rachel, Donna
Readers: John R, Missy
Prayers: Linda
Preacher: Donna Maree

Conversation at 11:30: Donna
6 Leland
13 James Manchisi
22 Lennox
23 David C-D
Katie Baer
24 Swanny
25 Brad Baer
28 Anja C-D
Zoom LINK for prayer gatherings Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday.
Sundays : 9:00 children ages 0-7 and their families
10:30 everyone welcome; hymns led by the TMC choir, prayers, sermon, coffee hour, all on Zoom
Wednesdays 9:00 Morning Coffee & Prayer
Thursdays 5:30 Evening Prayer
Prayer is the most powerful tool we have when we can't be there personally for friend or stranger ...

Please pray healing and suppor t especially for: Mark, Sarah W, Sasha, Shirley, Bill, Travis, Luca, Sallie & Jim W., Jack & Katie & Brad, Mike and Sandy, Lynn, Andrea, Susan W., Myriam & Eldridge, Peter, Bobby, Tim, Barbara & Roger, Corinne, Kate, Richard, Chris
Grace for those who have died and all who mourn
Stamina and creativity for all essential workers, especially teachers, clerks, IT professionals, trash collectors, medical personnel, delivery, bankers, restaurant employees ...
Our building is closed but the church is still open!
We continue to pray together and worship by moving our services online. We are also keeping our staff employed, repairing and readying for building rentals and and all activity to resume.
While our physical gathering is limited please do not neglect to provide for the work of the church with your financial contributions.
 You may send a check in the mail, make a direct payment through your banking online platform or click on the button to go directly to our secure online service.
Trinity Memorial |
Rev. Donna: [email protected]
Donna 330.766.5904
Deacon Lynn: [email protected]
Lynn 908.217.6365