Calendar of important upcoming dates:
  • Coming soon - individual course questionnaire sent to students and parents (email).
  • July 3-10 - TMS offices closed.
  • July 16, 10am - Webinar with parents who are interested in being part of a focus group about reopening plans (Zoom).
  • Week of July 20 - Information about our schedule and reopening presented to our community (Zoom plus email). 
  • August 3 - TMS Main Office officially reopens, with health and safety guidance in place.
  • August 7 - Individual schedules sent home to students and their families (email).
  • Week of August 10 - PAS Boot Camp for 9th grade PAS students (in person on campus).
  • August 14 - Detailed info about campus health & safety procedures sent home (email).
  • August 17-19 - College Application Academy for 12th grade students (in person on campus).
  • August 17-21 - Faculty/Staff work week. 
  • August 25 - First day of school (likely with staggered attendance so that smaller groups of students can attend different days to get used to campus procedures).