Members of PBA:
We wanted to give you an update on some of the extraordinary efforts we have been exerting in order to address the challenges our industry faces under the Governor’s shutdown. In conjunction with a number of other industry groups, PBA has worked to find a legislative “fix” for the current situation. As a result, legislative friends of our industry tried to find a compromise that would open up many construction jobs.
The Pennsylvania General Assembly worked this week on a measure to exempt the construction industry from the list of businesses that must remain closed due the COVID-19 crisis. That effort eventually faltered as the negotiators failed to come to an agreement with Governor Wolf. The Administration favored granting a waiver to sites with no more than ten workers, excluding counties with stay-at-home restrictions. House and Senate Republican leaders opposed the plan arguing that most construction sites are located in counties with the stay-at-home restriction in place. Legislators are not expected back to work until April 6, 2020.
Alongside the effort above, some legislators supported an effort to amend legislation that would open up construction as a whole. At this time, we understand that is not proceeding and will not come back into play.
From the beginning, PBA has worked to allow builders to make structures and sites safe and secure as well as finish those projects near to completion in order to allow buyers and renters to get into their homes. In every case, we encourage our members to employ all CDC-recommended social distancing and safe work practices. We want to be part of the solution and not add to the problem.
As news develops, we will continue to try and keep you informed. Please follow PBA on social media and check the coronavirus updates and resources on our web page – . We hope you all will stay well during this crisis.
Jon Sukonik
PBA President