Dear Colleagues,
We encourage you to tune in this afternoon as state representatives hold their first-ever joint hearing on the state of the nonprofit sector.
“A Blueprint to Ensure Nonprofits are Supported and Thrive During Future Emergencies: An Informational Hearing of CA Senate and Assembly Select Committees on the Nonprofit Sector” will be held today, Thursday, February 17th, 2022 from 1:30pm to 3:30pm PT. You can listen in to this informational hearing and offer public comments during a designated time at the end.
California now has both a Senate and Assembly Select Committee on the Nonprofit Sector, chaired by Senator Monique Limón and Assemblymember Luz Rivas, respectively. These committees, and their chairs and members, provide leadership in Sacramento on behalf of our nonprofit sector and help inform legislators about the critical role nonprofits play in communities across the state.
CalNonprofits has worked closely with the committee chairs and their staff to bring this important hearing together. The two committees jointly will hear from nonprofit leaders in California who will share information about how nonprofits have responded during the pandemic, how they are faring, and what is needed to thrive going forward – with a particular focus on serving our communities during emergencies.
Panelists include:
Panel I: COVID-19 – Nonprofit Leaders’ Experience and Response on the Ground
- Maricela Morales, Executive Director, Central Coast Alliance United for a Sustainable Economy (CAUSE)
- José Rodriguez, President and CEO, El Concilio of Stockton
- Karen Delaney, Executive Director, Santa Cruz Volunteer Center
- Janet Marinaccio, CEO, MEND (Meet Each Need with Dignity)
Panel II: Identifying Future Opportunities to Support Nonprofits During Emergencies
- Jan Masaoka, CEO, CalNonprofits
- Julie Baker, Executive Director, Californians for the Arts
- Jennifer Hark-Dietz, CEO, PATH (People Assisting the Homeless)
- Dr. Le Ondra Clark Harvey, CEO, CA Council of Community Behavioral Health Agencies
We are very excited that this hearing will bring more visibility to California’s nonprofits, especially now as the 2022 legislative and budgetary work gets underway in full force. We thank Assemblymember Luz Rivas and Senator Monique Limón for their leadership and for creating this opportunity for legislators to hear directly from nonprofit leaders about our work and what nonprofits need to continue to serve our communities during the current crisis and in future ones.
In Service,
CBHA Staff