September 21, 2019

Dear Neighbor,

I'll be sending you my complete September e-newsletter next week. For now, I wanted to remind you about two events happening TOMORROW:

1) West Berkeley Homelessness Town Hall Meeting

2) Gilman Art Walk

More details below!
TOMORROW: West Berkeley Homelessness Town Hall Meeting
I'll be holding a Town Hall Meeting on Homelessness in West Berkeley TOMORROW :

Sun., Sept. 22, 4-5:30 p.m.
Berkeley Repertory Theater Administrative Office
(999 Harrison St.)
Pathways Homeless Navigation Center is located on Second St. in West Berkeley.
I'll provide an update on what the City is doing to address homelessness, and I'll be  joined by City Manager Dee Williams-Ridley to listen to your concerns.

I will address the following issues:
  • Findings from the 2019 homelessness point-in-time count and survey
  • Homelessness spending in the City of Berkeley
  • A status update on managing RV parking
  • The City’s encampment & sidewalk policy
  • Options for addressing the condition of the CalTrans parcels at our freeway on- and off-ramps and illegal dumping that occurs at or near homeless encampments
  • Mid-range and long-term goals for mental health services and housing 

I encourage you to walk, bike, or carpool to this meeting. If you’re unable to attend, please feel free to share your input by contacting my office: or 510-981-7110. If you would like to request a neighborhood meeting where I can provide the homelessness update to you and your neighbors and listen to your specific concerns, please contact my office.   
TOMORROW: Gilman Art Walk
The Gilman Art Walk will take place TOMORROW, Sun., Sept. 22 from 12-5 p.m.

The central hub of festivities will occur a t the intersection of Ninth and Gilman where the block will be closed to through traffic.
The event will include food trucks, a beer and wine garden, art vendors, dance battles, live painting, live music, and more.
My Website
For updates on community issues and links to City information resources, please visit my website:

This site is also where you can find an archive of all of my newsletters to date.

To sign up to receive future newsletters, please click  HERE.
Seeking Assistance from the City
Here are key City of Berkeley resources to keep handy:

For illegal dumping , potholes, missed garbage pickups, or graffiti...
Call 311 or (510) 981-2489

For a public works emergency , such as a sewer overflow, traffic signal outage, fallen tree, or toxic spill...
Call (510) 981-6620

For a homeless person who appears vulnerable and in need of services or is demonstrating concerning behavior...
Call the Homeless Outreach and Treatment Team (HOTT) (510) 981-5273

For non-urgent criminal activity with no suspect present...
Call the Berkeley Police Non-Emergency line (510) 981-5900

You can also download the SeeClickFix app to report an issue to the City.