The SLHTA is pleased to extend another welcome to the following members who joined our Association in 2019.
1 Joanna Charles
2 Miller Charles
3 Robinson George
4 Adrian Dolcy
5 Chantal Pelage
6 Sohria Ernest
7 Henna St. Lucia
8 Vitilia Auguste Jn. Baptiste
9 Jerleen Millington
10 Sarah Felix
11 Thomassine Joseph
12 Nathali Wilson
13 Monique Devaux-Lovell
14 Ayous Daniel Salvador
15 Bon Nouvel Ltd.
16 Heritage Tours of Saint Lucia
17 Sunil Malcom Augustin
18 Thomas Charlemagne
19 Sophia Ashton
20 Bernadette Dudley
21 Christopher Raveneau
22 Sarafina Gabriel
23 Osvaldo Cadet
24 Valelse Sports Bar & Soup Kitchen
25 Sara D. Harte
26 Manuel Esnard
27 Petula Verline Charlemagne
28 Wilson Sifflet
29 Shenell Theodore
30 Winfresh Ltd.
31 Linus St. Juste
32 Tropical United Touring Services
33 Environmental Testing & Consultancy
34 Candace St. Jour
35 Villa Isis
36 Ti Tak Duty Free Store & Café
37 Joseph Dolor Insurance Agency
38 Natalie Popovic
39 Imran St. Brice
40 Andrew Grant
41 Victoria Elliodore
42 Xiu Zhu Su
43 Aretha Auguste
44 Ingrid Millar
45 St. James Travel & Tours Limited
46 Kiana Leon
47 Classical Art
48 Tristan Noel
49 Natasha Gilbert
50 Sarah Laville
51 Iysyl Auguste
52 Casheena T Phillip
53 Kester Labadie
54 Delphina Trim
55 Huanna Leon
56 Juliana Longville
57 Fond Gens Libre Development Committee
58 William Munn
59 Amelia Munn
60 Alisha Ally
61 Zarian James
62 Sanjeev Gajadhar
63 Paul Charlemagne
64 Bernadette Charlemagne
65 Kirt Felix
66 Diana Francis
67 June Catering Services
68 Scribble Design
69 Belinda Emile
70 Zephrina Williams
71 Nisha Charles
72 Adventure Leisure Ltd
73 Dawn Biscette
74 Eike Lauff
75 Sherwin Leon
76 Ray Alexander
77 Janella Norville
78 Cherissa Albertine
79 Veneranda Chantalia Pege Norville
80 Booking Success
81 Cimma B Herman
82 Ron S Magloire
83 Effy Jewelry
84 Quench Inc
85 Petrona Cato
86 Medical Air Services Association Of St Lucia
87 Events Saint Lucia
88 Hermina Vitte
89 Computer Network & Security Services Inc
90 Ericson Louis
91 Sancha Jn Baptiste

Member benefits include access to our Group Medical Insurance Plan, Group Motor Vehicle Plan, discounts on training and development workshops, preferred access to our Tourism Enhancement Fund’s Tradeshows, inclusion in advocacy efforts to reform tourism policy and legislation, marketing opportunities through our newsletters and social media forums, networking opportunities at various meetings and gatherings of the Association and engagement in sustainable tourism initiatives targeting community development, human capacity building and environmental and conservation projects. Contact us at , , , or to discuss how your company can benefit from these programs and services.
SLHTA Changes Vision and Mission Statements

The SLHTA began with an idea to bring together the players of an industry that was then viewed as crucial to this country’s future. Since 1964 that idea and this organization has grown tremendously and the evolution of the SLHTA stands today as a testament of that commitment.

Moving forward, the Secretariat continues its focus on delivering maximum value to our members. All programs and activities are geared towards developing and directing the Association into an entity capable of responding effectively to their needs. The organization continues to adjust its focus, its direction and its operations to keep up with the changes in economic conditions and trends in the economic landscape that unquestionably affect our strategy, operations and ultimately our success in the sector.

The organization’s Strategic Plans 2020-2022 was presented to our members at our recent Quarterly General Meeting in December 2019 and will be shared electronically next week. The plan will present clear performance indicators which will be used to formulate annual work plans and present reports at upcoming Annual General Meetings of members.
Prime Minister visits SLHTA Board of Directors to discuss Accommodation Tax (Head Tax)

The Prime Minister attended a sitting of the Board of Directors of the SLHTA last week to discuss member concerns regarding the implementation of the Accommodation Tax, also referred to as the Head Tax. The SLHTA continues discussions with various Ministry representatives to obtain clarity on some of the queries members have raised regarding the tax.

The Prime Minister also provided updates to the Board on questions regarding Healthcare, Infrastructural works, Investment, St. Lucia National Trust, Beach Congestion and Human Resources Development.
SLHTA Group Medical Insurance Plan

Members are asked to note that the SLHTA Group Medical Insurance Plan comes due for renewal on 1st March 2020. Members are asked to note that there will be a revision of premiums which will take effect from the same date. Notification of adjustments of premiums are being circulated by our Sterling Insurance Brokers on behalf of the SLHTA. Members with concerns are asked to convey these in writing to . The benefits of the SLHTA Group Medical Insurance Plan include coverage of eligible expenses for:
  • Major Medical Benefits
  • Hospital Room & Board
  • Intensive Care
  • Surgical Benefits
  • Support for some pre existing conditions
  • Doctor’s Visit
  • Specialist Consultation
  • Private Duty Nursing Care
  • Prescribed Drugs
  • Diagnostic
  • Maternity Benefit
  • Psychiatric Services
  • Physiotherapy Benefit
  • Chiropractic Benefit
  • Extended Care Facility
  • Radiotherapy/Chemotherapy
  • Home Health/Hospice Care
  • Local Ambulance
  • Airfare Benefit
  • Emergency Air Ambulance Benefit
  • Dental Care
  • Vision Care
And much more
Introduction to Purchasing & Cost Control

Members are asked to note the commencement of an SLHTA Training Workshop in Introduction to Purchasing and Cost Control to held 3-5 February 2019. The 3-day workshop will include training in the topics finding the right supplier, controlling, basic income statements, recipe costing, labor cost control and cost reduction strategies.

In the current environment of an uncertain local economy, with the reduction in discretionary income, timidity of investors and heightened competition, it is
essential that all hospitality operations on island develop and execute appropriate strategies to better manage costs and thus enhance profitability.

Registration Fees vary as follows:
Non SLHTA Member Companies - $750 EC dollars
SLHTA Member Companies (non-TEF Contributors) - $500 EC dollars
SLHTA Member Companies (TEF Contributors) - $250 EC dollars

Companies interested in participating should email or call 713-4446 to speak with Ms. Veronica Swanson for further registration details.
SLHTA TEF Xmas Hampers

The TEF gifted over 250 hampers this holiday season to various communities and households. With the help of the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force, various households received hampers for their families. The TEF extends best wishes to gratitude to ALL partners who helped to make this year’s outreach so successful.

For more information on the work of our TEF please visit us on
Heritage Tours of Saint Lucia

Heritage Tours of Saint Lucia is a company established by the Ministry of Tourism in 1999 with the overall objective of preserving and packaging the natural, historical and cultural capital of Saint Lucia to provide authentic experiences to visitors and to expose the wonders of the island to locals.

This unique experience is created and maintained through greater community involvement, environmental sustainability, economic viability and enhancement of the Saint Lucian tourism product, thereby broadening the distribution of economic benefits to wider segments of the Saint Lucian society.

A Heritage Tour offers visitors and locals the opportunity to fully appreciate Saint Lucia’s rich and diverse heritage and to become a part of the wider philosophy shared by all those who own, manage and operate sites which have been awarded the status of “Saint Lucia Heritage Site”.

The Saint Lucia Heritage Sites are Balenbouche Estate, Folk Research Centre, Dennery Mabouya Valley Development Foundation sites, Fond Doux Estate, Fond Latisab Creole Park, Grand Anse Turtle Watch, Gros Piton, Latille Waterfall and Gardens, Mamiku Gardens, Pigeon Island National Landmark, Lushan Country Life, Piton Flore Rainforest, Sulphur Springs/Volcano, Tete Paul Nature Trail... ABOUT US (CLICK HERE)
Caribbean Society of Hotel Association Executives Leadership Conference – 19-20 January 2020, The Bahamas

Caribbean Marketplace – 21-23 January 2020, The Bahamas
Ground Breaking Ceremony of Saint Lucia  Canelles Resort Project

The Government of Saint Lucia together with Galaxy Caribbean Developers broke ground for the construction of the Canelles Resort Project

The Saint Lucia Canelles Resort is a luxury resort developed by the Galaxy Group, managed by AMResorts, a subsidiary of Apple Leisure Group.

This Resort has two brands, Dreams and Zoetry, plus Canelles Oceanfront Apartments, which offer a high level of luxury for couples and couples with children in ideal beachfront settings. With spacious rooms and suites, graciously appointed and luxuriously equipped, it will provide a picture-perfect vacation experience with welcoming service and romantic inclusions.

According to the Prime Minister Chastanet " Today, we continued to fulfill our promise to bring progress and development to all parts of our island, especially those that have been starved of it for so long as we officially broke ground for the immediate commencement of work on the Canelles Resort Project in Micoud.

This hotel will fit in nicely with a number of other projects that are currently already underway or planned for the south of the island, as we attempt to spread the benefits of national development and narrow the social and economic gap between rural and urban communities ... Read More "
Housekeeping Supervisor    

Anse Chastanet and Jade Mountain Resorts are seeking the services of a Housekeeping Supervisor to supervise our Housekeeping operations.

The successful applicant will be expected to assist the Executive Housekeeper in coordinating and performing housekeeping services to assure a high standard of cleanliness, and guest satisfaction.

He/she should possess:
  • High School Diploma or General Equivalency Diploma and Two to three full years of related employment in a 4/5 star resort.
  • Advance knowledge of Housekeeping profession principles and practices

Proficiency in :
  • Establishing and educating staff on cleanliness, tidiness and hygiene standards.
  • Possess a good command of the English language and ability to clearly and pleasantly communicate with guests and staff both in person and by telephone
  • Schedule shifts and arranging for replacements in cases of absence 
  • Communication skills
  • Time Management and ability to handle deadlines
  • The use of Microsoft Software Applications

Must be available to work on call, shifts after hours, over weekends and on public holidays.

Please send your resume to:

...Culinary Corner...
SLHTA Members are reminded that the Lobster Fishery is currently open until February 29, 2020 . As you would recognize, the efforts to effectively manage the lobster fishery depends heavily on compliance. To ensure that a local fishery continues to provide fresh, local lobsters to establishments such as yours, both lobster fishers and lobster purchasers must comply fully with the laws in place to prevent the lobster resource from being overfished.

In this regard, the Department of Fisheries reminds your establishment of the following:

A MINIMUM SIZE LIMIT OF 9.5CM FOR LOBSTERS: Any lobster you purchase MUST have a carapace length of at least 9.5cm (see diagram attached on how to measure the carapace) to ensure that it is an adult lobster and that it has laid eggs at least once before being removed from the fishery. A lobster ruler or veneer caliper can assist your purchasing staff to verify that each lobster meets or exceeds the aforementioned size limit. Do not purchase or have in your possession under-sized lobsters.  
BERRIED LOBSTERS (Lobsters carrying eggs) ARE NOT ALLOWED: Your purchasing staff MUST inspect each lobster to ensure that it does not have eggs or show that the eggs have been scraped off (refer to the attached diagram for instructions). Do not purchase or have in your possession lobsters carrying eggs.

SPEARED LOBSTERS ARE NOT ALLOWED: Your purchasing staff MUST inspect each lobster to ensure that it has not been speared or hooked. Spearing or hooking of lobsters is illegal as it does not allow for a sub-legal sized lobster to be released and likely to survive once caught using a spear gun or a hook. Do not purchase or have in your possession speared or hooked lobsters.

MOULTING LOBSTERS ARE NOT ALLOWED: Your purchasing staff MUST inspect each lobster to ensure that it is not moulting (soft bodied or in the process of shedding its shell). When moulting lobsters are more vulnerable to injury and capture, and are therefore protected under the Fisheries Act. Do not purchase or have in your possession moulting lobsters.
Valelse Sports Bar & Soup Kitchen

Valelse Sports Bar offers our customers a place to unwind and relax in a comfortable air conditioned setting, with great ambiance and food.

located in the charming fishing village of Anse La Raye and the beautiful scenic town of Soufriere, Valelse Sports Bar & Soup Kitchen welcomes you to an aesthetic and atmosphere as unique and captivating as the island itself. we offer top-grade, modern, entertainment in locations that is far removed from the chaos and noise of the city life. Our set up has been perfectly put together to evoke a sense of wellbeing and relaxation with comfortable sitting, seven high definition television screens air condition, and fantastic meals.

For more information Call (758) 451-4033... Facebook Page