Fall 2019
Featured Articles
All of a Sudden It's Fall
October is Pastor Appreciation Month
Pastor, We Appreciate You
A Harvest Celebration
Good Samaritan in Montgomery County
Walking By Faith Another Year
Church Picnic
Jalen Geason
Kid Connections Pre-Baptism Program
International Day of Prayer
Parents' Corner
Bible Word Search
Bible Study,
Family Meetings &
Corporate Prayer
Open bible glowing with cross on the background

Bible Study is held on Tuesdays at 7:30 pm. Dinner is served at 5:30 pm, followed by Corporate Prayer/Tribal Family Meetings at 6:30 pm. 

Prayer Ministry


Join the Prayer Line each morning, Monday through Friday, 6:00 am to 7:00 am


Call Numbers:

No bridge number necessary

Conference Bridge Number: 183063#

And...don't forget the
Hour of Power in Prayer
: Prayer in the church sanctuary every Friday morning, 6:00 am to 7:00 am 

Weekly Services
Worship Service and

Sunday School


Saturdays at 6:00 pm

Sundays at 7:45 am and
11:00 am

Sunday School is available for all ages every Sunday at
9:30 am

Live Stre aming

Worship online with us during our Sunday services at www.tpcbc.org 



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Contact Us

The People's Community

Baptist Church

31 Norwood Road

Silver Spring, MD 20905


Phone: 301-384-2601

Fax: 301-989-2242

Web: www.tpcbc.org 

Pastor's Welcome Top
For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21

I'm amazed at the number of songs that I remember from childhood. Songs of faith and fortitude. Songs that were more overheard than taught. Songs which continue to increase in personal value as I grow older. One such song says, "We are soldiers in the army. We've got to fight although we have to cry. We've got to hold up the blood-stained banner. We've got to hold it up until we die."

Using the first person plural, "we," the song reminds the singer and listener that the disciple's life is not intended to be lived in isolation, but in community. We're in this movement together. Neither is it a life of leisure or ease. To the contrary, disciples are soldiers - Kingdom soldiers - fighting, crying, and pressing to uphold a banner which is stained with their Commander's blood. The Book of Acts and the Epistles bear out this reality for Jesus' early followers. Beloved, it's still true for us today. We must Press On!

In Paul's letter to the Philippians, he urges fortitude among the disciples by way of his own determination to press on. Early in the letter, he acknowledges their Partnership in the Gospel (v.3). He cites their shared commitment to the Gospel (v.7) and confirmation of the Gospel (v.7). Later he observed that they were experiencing the same conflict because of the Gospel (vv.29-30). Paul also communicates the Priority of the Gospel through his passion, prayer and prospects for the believers (vv.8-11). Knowing that we are not alone in our work, witness and warfare for Christ, should help inspire us to Press On!! Read more >>

All of a sudden summer is gone
All of a sudden new responsibilities have come
All of a sudden I must face the challenges of fall
All of a sudden I must stop resting and stand up tall!

The summer vacation was fine
The summer choices were all mine
The good Lord continued to bless me
But now He reminds that the fall challenges face you and me!

For some of us it's return to school to continue our education
For some of us it's return to work to continue our avocation;
For some of us it's an opportunity to return to our church fellowship, like Generation One
For some of us it's an opportunity to more gratefully praise the Lord for all that He has done!

But, most of all, as we look forward to fall, winter, and spring
May the Lord bless us and keep us
And before we know it
It will be summer once again!

Pastor, We Appreciate You
By Jan and Nathaniel Fuller

It is with much honor and gratitude that we express our deep appreciation for our wonderful Pastor, Dr. Haywood A. Robinson, III. It was 14 years ago that Pastor Robinson came into our lives and into our hearts, and into the life of The People's Community Baptist Church.

Pastor Robinson brought his experience, energy, and enthusiasm to invest his godly gifts of ministry and forever changed this body of Believers. Transitions are always challenging times, but Pastor Robinson was undaunted, bravely stepping forward with his vision for the church's future. Led by God, and with love and determination, Pastor Robinson has consistently brought Spirit-filled and anointed preaching and teaching to our church. As a result, we observed an exciting change in the members of our church. There was spiritual growth in every area: in teaching, in prayer, and in outreach. It is not lost on us that not all churches receive this sound Biblical teaching every Sunday! We have also seen the effect of Pastor's timely messages in our own lives, as we have grown and been challenged in our daily walk with Christ. Additionally, Pastor Robinson's unique musical gifts and teachings on worship and praise have transformed People's into a more joyful fellowship. Read more >>

But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me,
and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Luke 18:16

Children of all ages and their parents are invited to
A Harvest Celebration, a Christian alternative to Halloween

Thursday, October 31
6:00 pm | Dinner
7:00 pm | Games and Activities

Fun, food, fellowship for all!

By Danielle Blocker

What does it look like to stand with people in our community as Christians? This is something I thought about from time to time when singing at TPCBC or during revival, but I was compelled to ponder it more deeply about a year ago. In June 2018, on a relatively sunny afternoon, a man in his forties was walking through his Silver Spring neighborhood, as he did many days, when a police officer noticed a rip in his jacket and that he stared at the police car as the officer drove by. The officer found this suspicious and pursued the man. There was an altercation, and minutes later, the man lay shot on his street, later to die soon after reaching the hospital. His name was Robert White.

As more attention was focused on the killing of Mr. White and more information on his death shed, groups such as the Silver Spring Justice Coalition began to organize around the issue of police misconduct, and local government officials began to take steps to address it. Incidents in recent months suggest this could be part of a larger issue. In May, four young men waiting for their usual ride to work outside of the McDonald's in White Oak were stopped, searched and cuffed by a number of police officers in an incident where one was videotaped using the 'n' word. In early July, a young man being arrested for selling psychedelic mushrooms was kneed in the neck and had his head slammed into the concrete by a police officer while he was already on the ground. The officer in the latter incident has since been charged with second-degree assault and misuse of force, and is awaiting trial. Read more >>

By Min. Sharon Prather

Benjamin S. Baker, author of Special Occasions in the Black Church, penned "The celebration of a church anniversary is a time to consider reflectively the faithfulness of God in providentially providing for and protecting His people....The church anniversary is a high, holy day of a tridimensional look: the past, present, and future of what the Lord has done, is doing, and will do in the life of His people." Thus, on August 4, 2019, The People's Community Baptist Church family celebrated 41 years of God's faithfulness.

Reflecting on the past and the vision of The Late Rev. Thomas J. Baltimore, organizer of The People's Community Baptist Church, the blueprint was conceived sitting around a small kitchen table with a group of family and friends. From the time of its conception until now, People's has become Bible Based, Christ Centered, and Kingdom Focused. A number of charter members were instrumental in using their time, talent, and treasure to fulfill Rev. Baltimore's vision. Many have passed on. However, they were remembered reverently on August 4 during both Sunday worship services. A few of the remaining charter members are Deaconesses Phyllis Davenport, Letishia Winfield, and Delores Lincoln; and Deacons Phil Baltimore and Rick Robinson. Read more >>

Church Picnic 2019!
By Auburn Mann

The TPCBC Family showed out in full force for this year's Church Picnic. The Benjamin Family organized a fun and inclusive event Saturday, August 3rd in custom commemoration of TPCBC's 41st Church Anniversary. There was plenty of food and music, and a diversity of entertainment options to satisfy friends and family of all ages. "Outstanding," commented Deacon Hudgens. "There is a no more appropriate time than right now, on the eve of our 41st anniversary, for the church and our community to really come together." 

As usual the festivities extended beyond the TPCBC family. We were joined by dignitaries, such as Lt. Governor Boyd Rutherford and Delegate to the Maryland General Assembly Pamela E. Queen, who gathered to fellowship.  Read more >>

If you ever have the chance to stop by the TPCBC Media Ministry office on a Sunday morning, you will likely notice a tall, handsome young man masterfully managing sanctuary cameras and other media equipment with the authority of an adult three times his age. That's 15 year-old Jalen Geason and he is a media expert. He began giving his time to the Media Ministry when he was just 12 years-old and has since learned the technical skills of editing (Jalen edits the church's, video announcements), directing church worship services and mixing streaming sound, among other tasks. Media Ministry Director Stacey Ward is thrilled to have Jalen on the team because he works with a servant's heart and has a willingness to learn. Says Stacey, "He brings me such joy and allows me to exhale whenever he walks in to serve on a Sunday, because I know that he can handle and manage any (and I mean any) phase of our Sunday media operations."

Recently, Jalen's technical skills and creativity found a place on the national stage. In July, Jalen participated in the 2019 National Leadership Conference of the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) in San Antonio, Texas. FBLA is the largest career student business organization in the world, supporting more than 230,000 students as they prepare for careers in business, and inspiring students to become "community-minded business leaders in a global society." Each year, FBLA sponsors more than 70 competitive events for high school students, recognizing and rewarding excellence in multiple business and career areas. Last spring, Jalen entered the Digital Video Production Event, submitting his 2-minute digital video, which showcased his technical knowledge and skills. The objective of the video is to solicit donations to FBLA on Giving Tuesday (December 3). Jalen's submission also required that he prepare a 7-minute presentation. Both the video and presentation were scored throughout all phases of the Competition. Read more >>

You can view Jalen's video here.
You can see Jalen at the awards ceremony here.

For you were buried with Christ when you were baptized. And with him you were raised to new life because you trusted the mighty power of God who raised Christ from the dead.Colossians 2:12

Baptism is an outward expression of an inward decision to follow Jesus, and we love to celebrate baptisms at TPCBC Kid Connections Children's Church Ministry!

We are excited that your child has made a profession of faith in Jesus as Savior and has expressed a desire to be baptized, a step to publicly proclaim his or her faith in Christ!

Baptism is clearly important to Jesus, so, we are happy that it's important to you as well. We believe that baptism is an important step of obedience for every person who has accepted Christ as Savior. Every child can have a personal relationship with Jesus, and in Kid Connections Children's Church Ministry, we encourage and give opportunity for children to make a decision to follow Him. Read more >>

Please click here for more information on Pre-Baptism Program BELIEFS AND VALUES.

International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

Yes, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. 2 Timothy 3:12

On November 3, 2019, churches worldwide will pray for the persecuted church. The Prayer Ministry invites you to join us for a Day of Prayer for India to lift up believers facing opposition and violence in the #10 country on the World Watch List.

For more information, please visit www.opendoorsusa.org, or click here to view Open Doors' 2019 World Watch List - the 50 countries in the world where it is most dangerous to follow Jesus.

Parents' Corner
By Edwina Neely

Our theme this month is "Pressing On, Knowing that, Lord, It's All about You." Parents I encourage you to "press on toward the goal to win the prize..." Philippians 3:14

I know sometimes parenting can be challenging. Just remember the Good Shepherd is right by your side! The Holy Spirit is always with you, and you are never alone! We have to stay strong in the Lord - never lose your hope, joy, faith, and keep on praising our Lord and Savior. As parents, we must "press on," for our children are watching every move we make, and listening to every word we say! Our children must see Jesus in us, and see us "pressing on" NO MATTER WHAT! Read more >>

Awakening the Kingdom Man Conference
Saturday, October 26 | 8:30 am - 3:00 pm

It is time to awaken the Kingdom Man! This Conference will challenge and inspire men to undo the lies about manhood that society has taught them, so men can return to how God designed them to be. Conference panelists will include TPCBC's own DeLunte Lewis and Joseph Msefya. A light breakfast and lunch will be provided. Your $10 donation will support the establishment of a men's mentoring program to be launched at the Conference. Please RSVP at kingdom-man.eventbrite.com. The Conference will be held at TPCBC.

Prayer Stitch Ministry Shopping Extravaganza
Sunday, October 27 | 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

The holiday season is right around the corner. Start your shopping at the Prayer Stitch Ministry's Shopping Extravaganza, featuring a wide variety of crafts and gifts. The Shopping Extravaganza will be held in the Norwood Center.

Ushers' Recognition Day
Sunday, November 10 | 3:00 pm

Come out and support the Ushers Ministry by recognizing their unassuming, but vital, service to our church family. The theme is "I Can't Stop Praising His Name!" from Psalm 71:8 (NLT). This special event will be held in the Sanctuary.

International Multicultural Weekend
November 16 & 17 

Sponsored by the International Multicultural Ministry, the Weekend's theme is "We are a Family of Many Cultures," from 1 John 4:19, which says, "We love because He first loved Us." Here are the events:

Fashion Show & Marketplace
Saturday, November 16
2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Norwood Center
International Multicultural Ministry (IMM) Day
Sunday, November 17
7:45 am and 11:00 am Worship Services
Featuring the Procession of Flags
The Sanctuary

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Calling All Writers, Photographers,
Editors, Designers

If you would like to write for the Newsletter, email us at newsletter@tpcbc.org.