January/February 2021
Featured Articles
Go Another Mile!
A Hymn of Praise
Spotlight on Black History
Black History Month Missions Series
Missions Update
Shoe Drive for Missions
A New Author in the Family: Nadine Batie
Happy Valentine's Day
Briana Allen: Under the Hard Hat
The Lenten Season/Ash Wednesday
Parents' Corner
Ash Wednesday Word Search
Bible Study,
Family Meetings &
Corporate Prayer
Open bible glowing with cross on the background

Please check Church communications and Sunday Announcements for information about Tuesday Night Bible Study. 

Prayer Ministry

Join us for Corporate Prayer, Monday through Friday mornings, 6:00 am to 7:00 am, and on Tuesday evenings, 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm.

Call Number: 1-202-800-7729

Weekly Services
Online Worship Service and

Sunday School


Sundays at 7:45 am and 11:00 am

Online Sunday School is available for all ages every Sunday at 9:30 am

Live Streaming

Worship online with us during our Sunday services at www.tpcbc.org 



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The People's Community

Baptist Church

31 Norwood Road

Silver Spring, MD 20905


Phone: 301-384-2601

Fax: 301-989-2242

Web: www.tpcbc.org 

Pastor's WelcomeTop

Our help is in the name of the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 124:8 (CSB)

Across our country, our county, our church family, our world there are people who are broken, bruised, bound, bereaved, bitter, bewildered, and burdened. It is not unusual to encounter people who are destitute, damaged, dismayed, distressed, down, defeated, disillusioned, discouraged, or disheartened.

Many people thought the person they married would meet their every need. They believed that a wife or a husband would bring wholeness and fulfillment, that they would fill the empty places. But, as wonderful as that spouse might be, there are some places in our lives they're unable to fill. Perhaps some have said, "If I can just get that promotion or salary increase, then I will be fulfilled." But when they receive it, fulfillment still eludes them.

If any of these terms or situations describes you, there's some Good News. In fact, there is Good News for all people who find themselves in such dire conditions: Jesus is the Difference Maker. Things can be different for the desolate and the disillusioned, the broken and battered, the calloused and cold. No matter what your circumstance may be, Jesus is the Difference Maker. Read more >>

By Edwina Neely

The Lord says, I will guide you and watch over you. Psalm 32:8 (NCV)

The spinning wheels of his road bike hissed against the pavement as cars whizzed by. My husband Bill feels maximum exhilaration when he is on a bike. His goal was to ride 20 miles weekdays and 50 miles on the weekend. The sensation of riding brought him joy, a time to meditate, and kept his legs strong.

He was in his stride. On this Sunday he made his 50 miles. Sweat from his face flew back into the chilled air. Suddenly, his serenity was interrupted. Like words floating mysteriously through the air he heard, "Go another mile!"

Startled by those words his weary body screamed, NO! Bill began to talk to himself, "No, I've done enough! I'm tired. I just need to go home!"

Stronger than before the echo of those words penetrated his doubting mind: "Go another mile!" 

January 20, 2021
By Minister Yvonne Davis-Robinson
Lord, you are my God; I will honor you and praise your name. You have done amazing things; you have faithfully carried out the plans you made long ago. Isaiah 25:1 (GNT)
As we prepared for the dawning of a new day, we also prepared for the inauguration of a newly, legally elected President and Vice President of our country and two newly, legally elected United States Senators representing the state of Georgia. Instantly, I was reminded of the words in the scripture above and Ephesians 5:19 (GNT): Speak to one another with the words of psalms, hymns, and sacred songs; sing hymns and psalms to the Lord with praise in your hearts.
I woke up that day praying and singing hymns of praise for what was about to happen. I thought about my great-grandmother, a Mulatto woman, who was born on a slave plantation in Henry County, Georgia. After the Emancipation Proclamation was issued, she traveled the Trail of Tears to Arkansas, but soon thereafter returned to Georgia. As a child and young adult, there were occasions when I witnessed the enforcement of the laws segregationists imposed on all African Americans in that and other southern states. On this day I imagined that, if she were still alive, she, too, would be lifting a praise prayer, and singing the hymn, "Amazing Grace." Yes - God is truly amazing! Read more >>

When Carter G. Woodson established Negro History week in 1926, he realized the importance of providing a theme to focus the attention of the public. The intention has never been to dictate or limit the exploration of the Black experience, but to bring to the public's attention important developments that merit emphasis.

The black family has been a topic of study in many disciplines-history, literature, the visual arts and film studies, sociology, anthropology, and social policy. Its representation, identity, and diversity have been reverenced, stereotyped, and vilified from the days of slavery to our own time. The black family knows no single location, since family reunions and genetic-ancestry searches testify to the spread of family members across states, nations, and continents. Not only are individual black families diasporic, but Africa and the diaspora itself have been long portrayed as the black family at large. While the role of the black family has been described by some as a microcosm of the entire race, its complexity as the "foundation" of African American life and history can be seen in numerous debates over how to represent its meaning and typicality from a historical perspective-as slave or free, as patriarchal or matriarchal/matrifocal, as single-headed or dual-headed household, as extended or nuclear, as fictive kin or blood lineage, as legal or common law, as black or interracial, etc. Variation appears, as well, in discussions on the nature and impact of parenting, childhood, marriage, gender norms, sexuality, and incarceration. The family offers a rich tapestry of images for exploring the African American past and present.

Learn about the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) 2021 Black History Month Virtual Festival. Click here.

Source: www.asalh.org

The National African American Missions Council (NAAMC) invites you to join us at the Table of Brotherhood for our Black History Month Series, Wednesdays, February 17 and 24, at 12:00 noon ET. This series will address present day cultural issues as well as the historical contributions African Americans have made to solve them.

This is a free event. Register here for each week:

Wednesday, February 17  |  The Mission of the Next Generation: Will Black & White Churches conquer the Race War in America

Wednesday, February 24  |  Shades of Sisterhood - Discussing the State of Women Around the World

By Min. Janet Millner

Even though 2020 presented many challenges, God was still at work fulfilling His purpose to bring glory to Himself. Through our virtual Missions Conference, where we examined ways to Rethink Missions, Discipleship, and Church, and our local evangelistic and missions' efforts, believers gained a greater understanding and acceptance that they are in fact the church and not brick and mortar.

For 2021, here are additional opportunities to participate in advancing God's Kingdom:
  • This month we begin a partnership with the Missions Ministry at Anacostia River Church, joining their "Coffee & Convo" outreach on Sundays.
  • We will explore participation in the Timothy Initiative, which involves locally-based disciple-making and church-planting using a micro-church -- or small group -- model.
  • The Missions By the Book 6 Online Conference will be held July 6 - 11, 2021.
  • Short-term Mission Trips are expected to resume in the fall:
    • Hungary - Late October/November: Host Missionary Carmella Jones with International Ministries and assigned to the Gad Family for Missionary Care.
    • Houston - Christmas break: Host Ministry YWAM Houston.
For more information about these events and activities, please contact TPCBC Missions Director, Min. Janet Millner at [email protected].

The Genesis of The Rib: Where is My Rib? Whose Rib Am I?

In The Genesis of the Rib, author Nadine Batie, takes us back to the beginning to examine humanity's first couple, Adam and Eve. The book addresses what Nadine calls The Rib Game (or the Dating Game), which is rooted in the Fall of Man as depicted in the Bible's first book, Genesis. The Fall yielded generations of behaviors and experiences that have left countless men and women broken and disillusioned about relationships and marriage. Incorporating prayer and scripture throughout, the book provides practical guidance to help readers heal, shift their focus away from The Rib Game to what is most important, and build and keep lasting, fulfilling, God-centered relationships.

Nadine drew from her own experiences with disastrous dates and toxic relationships to write this book. Even as a Christian, she did not always know how God intended men and women to relate to each other. In 2010, with her heart in a broken state, Nadine rededicated her life to God. She sought understanding about why she kept getting hurt in relationships. Focused on marriage in general and wanting to know whom she was to marry in particular, Nadine found herself repeatedly asking the question, "Whose rib am I?" She ultimately discovered that her beliefs about "marriage" were vastly different from the biblical meaning of "marriage." She also realized that her question, "Whose rib am I," was not the right question to ask. But the question, "Whose rib am I," was a good book title. And as Nadine grew in understanding, God led her to write the book. Read more >>

Briana Allen, an architect and design manager for Clark Construction, was recently featured in the company's blog series, which highlights members of the Clark team. You can read the full article here.

Congratulations, Briana! We pray for your continued success and that God will be glorified by all you do.

Lent is the span of time in the church calendar that starts with Ash Wednesday and ends with Easter Sunday. Ash Wednesday commemorates the beginning of Jesus' 40-day fasting and temptation in the desert, and Easter Sunday commemorates Christ's resurrection from the grave following His crucifixion.

Lent is generally observed as a time for Christians to reflect, repent, and pray as a way of preparing their hearts for Easter. We observe it as a way of focusing our thoughts on Jesus Christ during the Easter season.

On the first day of Lent (Ash Wednesday), Christians typically mark their foreheads with ash as a symbol of sorrow and mourning over their sin, special worship services, or additions to regular worship services that focus in various ways on man's need for repentance. This often takes the form of extra Scripture readings and prayer. Read more >>

Parents' Corner
By Edwina Neely

Happy New Year? Should that be a question mark? Do we have questions about the New Year? Parents, we have the awesome responsibility to give our children hope, love, and peace, no matter what.

How do we do that?

In the New Year we think about new beginnings, new opportunities, new things to learn, to do, and to see. But our last year, 2020, was filled with unusual experiences, and many are unable to say it was a "Happy Year"! This might cause us to wonder about the New Year 2021.

As usual, God has a solution for our dilemma. In Isaiah 43:18, "The Lord said, forget about what happened before and do not talk about the past. Look at the new thing I am going to do. It is already happening. Don't you see it?" Read more >>

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