September/October 2020
Featured Articles
Pastor Anniversary
I Have Seen Miracles
Women's Emphasis Month
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
A Very Special Someone: Kim Barry
Domestic Violence Awareness Conference
Pastor/Clergy Appreciation
Prison Ministry Essay Contest
Church Picnic
Tutoring Services for Children
Hallelujah Party
A Peek into November
Bible Study,
Family Meetings &
Corporate Prayer
Open bible glowing with cross on the background

Please watch the Teller and Sunday Announcements for information about Tuesday Night Bible Study. 

Prayer Ministry

Join us for Corporate Prayer, Monday through Friday mornings, 6:00 am to 7:00 am, and on Tuesday evenings, 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm.

Call Number: 1-202-800-7729

Weekly Services
Virtual Worship Service and

Sunday School


Sundays at 7:45 am and 11:00 am

Virtual Sunday School is available for all ages every Sunday at 9:30 am

Live Streaming

Worship online with us during our Sunday services at 



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of the Newsletter,
please forward your
email address to [email protected]

Contact Us

The People's Community

Baptist Church

31 Norwood Road

Silver Spring, MD 20905


Phone: 301-384-2601

Fax: 301-989-2242


Pastor's WelcomeTop

Now some Greeks were among those who went up to worship at the festival. So they came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, and requested of him, "Sir, we want to see Jesus." Philip went and told Andrew; then Andrew and Philip went and told Jesus. John 12:20-22

In this issue we revisit our 2020 theme. Since its adoption, our nation and world have faced challenges consistently described as "unprecedented." These challenges, however, may provide our generation with an unprecedented aperture through which others might come to see the Christ we serve. Jesus said, "When I am lifted up from the earth I will draw all men unto Me." In the midst of prolonged, perilous and polarizing crises, there exist fertile opportunities for our Christ to be exalted as the beacon of hope and wholeness that He is, such that we see many people attracted to Him. How might we play a role in this? A person's desire to see Jesus today may find its roots in the same key factors that drew Greek worshipers to Him in our focal text. Allow me to suggest three things about our Savior which people have found attractive both then and now.

People are attracted to His Acclaim. There is little doubt that Jesus' fame was widely spread in Bethany and beyond. To the chagrin of the religious leaders of His day, Jesus was celebrated and cherished among the common people. His ministry, messages and miracles often were the center of conversation and controversy in the marketplace.

Jesus' ministry displayed unparalleled compassion and concern for the welfare of all people, especially, the outcasts and outliers of society. He interacted openly with persons thought to be unclean, unsafe and otherwise, unwelcome. The talk of the town sometimes centered around the way in which Jesus' teaching of the Scriptures was different. His messages offered a radical perspective on who and what really matters to God. His message was at times consoling, always compelling and often, convicting. Strangely, His miraculous feats blessed young and old, rich and poor, Jew and Gentile, noble and peasant, yet baffled the self-centered, self-sufficient and self-righteous. Read more >>

What an awesome, marvelous God we serve,
Who provides blessings and spiritual guidance
Sometimes beyond that which I believe that I deserve.
Who always is there to receive a fervent prayer
With the blessed assurance that He is everywhere!
Oh, sometimes, like a heathen, I guess,
I have wondered if my prayer request even reaches Him,
When, all of a sudden, I hear in my ears
And heart a memorable sermon
Or my favorite hymn.
And, looking around me, my eyes reveal
That all that is good and righteous
Is a most vivid reflection of Him.
Oh, yes, I have seen miracles, every day, haven't you?
Despite the evil that some men do,
I find it imperative that I look through Christian eyes
And realize that God's everlasting grace and mercy
Should come as no surprise.

Women's Emphasis Month!

I pray that according to the wealth of his glory he will grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in the inner person, that Christ will dwell in your hearts through faith, so that, because you have been rooted and grounded in love, you will be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and thus to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you will be filled up to all the fullness of God. Ephesians 3:16-19

The 2020 Global Surrender Fast has begun and will last until October 30! This year's theme is "Perfect Vision." We are expecting miracles, signs and wonders, as we collectively surrender our will for HIS. Learn more about the Fast here. Then register for the Fast here. The Women's Ministry will host a weekly 15-minute follow-up call at 8:00 pm every Monday evening throughout the Fast. Please confirm your anticipated participation in the weekly call by signing up at [email protected].


VOTE! Take the Next Step to Make Your Voice Heard.
  • Register to Vote (Deadline October 13, 2020)
  • Request a Mail-in Ballot (Request must be received by October 20, 2020)
  • Vote during Early Voting, October 26 to November 2
  • Vote on Election Day, November 3

On Tuesday, November 3, 2020, the citizens of our nation will cast their votes to determine who will lead this country for the next four years as our President. 

Make your Vote count: Cast It!

Election Deadlines in Montgomery County, Maryland

Presidential General Voter Registration Close:
Tuesday, October 13
Request a Vote-By-Mail Ballot:
Tuesday, October 20
Early Voting:
Monday, October 26 through Monday, November 2, 7:00 am to 8:00 pm
General Election:
Tuesday, November 3, 7:00 am to 8:00 pm

 For more Montgomery County election information, click here

Vote by Mail

Because of the coronavirus pandemic, many more of us prefer to avoid crowded polling places. To vote by mail, you must request a ballot. Ballots will not be automatically mailed to voters for the November 3, 2020, election.

To request a ballot, visit the Voter Registration and Mail-in Ballot Request page on the Maryland State Board of Elections website and provide your complete information on the form.

If you request a Mail-In Ballot, please vote as soon as possible using that ballot. Postage is prepaid, so you can return it by mail or at a Board of Elections drop box. Online ballots do not include a postage paid envelope. Voters will need to add postage. Click here for a list of locations where you can drop off ballots in Montgomery County.

Do not wait until Election Day. If you do, bring your ballot with you to avoid waiting in a long line and then having to vote a provisional ballot.

"The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners..." Isaiah 61:1

You might already know Kim Barry, but then again, you might not. Quiet and unassuming, Kim passionately goes about her work without fanfare. But Kim Barry is a powerhouse, a faith-wielding champion for suffering people, especially women in violent relationships. Kim was the force behind the establishment of the Domestic Violence Ministry at The People's Community Baptist Church (TPCBC), a Ministry that has helped -- and perhaps even saved -- countless lives. She is indeed a Very Special Someone. 

Originally from the South American country of Guyana, Kim witnessed violence as a young girl. It was common in her community and an accepted part of the culture. Only later, as an adult, after being exposed to emotional and verbal abuse herself, did she learn that there was a term for it -- "domestic violence" -- and that the cultural practice was unacceptable.

Kim came to the United States in 1990, first landing in New York City, then relocating to the Washington, D.C., area, where she joined TPCBC in 1994. A licensed clinical social worker by profession, Kim has worked for thirty years in child welfare, criminal justice, addiction and "everything," as she says. Yet, domestic violence was a personal interest. Read more >>

Click here to learn more.
"You Got the Power to Be Made Whole!"
By Gloria Miller and Alice Ellison,
Co-Directors, Yasha Circle Ministry

In every situation take up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of spirit which is the word of God. Ephesians 6:16-17

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, Americans are required to stay home to protect themselves and their communities. However, the home may not be safe for many families who experience domestic violence, which can include both intimate partners and children. Coronavirus has caused major economic devastation, disconnected many from community resources and support systems, and created widespread uncertainty and panic. Such conditions may stimulate violence in families where it did not exist before and worsen situations in homes where mistreatment and violence were already a problem. Violence in the home has an overall cost to society, leading to potentially adverse physical and mental health outcomes, including a higher risk of chronic disease, substance use, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and risky sexual behaviors. Further, victims of domestic violence, including intimate partner abuse and child abuse, are at great risk for injuries, including death. Read more >>

To register for the conference, visit the church website at

The TPCBC Prison Ministry is pleased to announce the winners of their annual Essay Contest, which is designed to support students in the Washington, D.C., area, who have an incarcerated parent. College students Camryn Matthews and Anahjah Boone are the 2020 winners; their essays can be found immediately following this article.

Since 2017, the Prison Ministry has partnered with Washington, D.C.-based ScholarCHIPS for Children of Incarcerated Parents ( to sponsor the Essay Contest, which encourages young people to write about their faith or their future. ScholarCHIPS provides college scholarships, mentoring and a peer support network to children of incarcerated parents, inspiring them to complete their college education. ScholarCHIPS' goal is to empower youth with incarcerated parents to graduate college, establish upwardly mobile careers, and contribute to their communities. Since its 2010 inception, ScholarCHIPS has served 61 scholars and has awarded over $240,000 in scholarships, book awards, and graduation gifts.

This year, all students applying for ScholarCHIPS support were eligible to submit a 1,000-word essay responding to one of the following topics:
  1. Recent unrest in America has been centered around inequality and injustice. Describe your vision of future reforms in this country.
  2. Please share your personal perspective on God/spirituality and faith.
  3. Please share your thoughts on family connections before and after the global pandemic.
Prison Ministry members reviewed the submissions and selected the winning essays based on timely submission, relevance to topic, essay length, and depth of engagement. Winning writers each received an Amazon gift card and the opportunity to have their essays published in the TPCBC Newsletter (TPCBC membership is not required).
Following are Camryn Matthews' and Anahjah Boone's winning essays.

The coronavirus outbreak has dramatically changed my life, including the relationships with other people in my family and community. Millions of us have lost some or all of our normal ways of seeing others as we try to keep each other safe. This has had the greatest impact, since family is the most important thing I love. Read more >>
I feel that, before this global pandemic, some families were distant and socially disconnected from each other. Individuals experience a plethora of events that ultimately shape their personal lives, which some individuals, despite being kin, may not agree with. It is natural that relationships fade, and people grow apart. Read more >>

Click here to view a slideshow of photos from the event.
The coronavirus did not keep The People's Community Baptist Church from holding our annual summer
fellowship, the Church Picnic. Hosted by the Judah Family, who organized it as a "Drive-In" picnic, the August event was a welcomed opportunity for church family members to see each other -- for the first time in months for many -- from a safe distance, enjoy a tasty meal, and delight in the live music presentation. God blessed us with a sunshiny day, as families were greeted as they arrived, then drove their cars across the church campus to receive their meals and gift bags (which included a TPCBC face mask, among other treats!). Pastor Robinson was at the perfect spot to personally greet just about everyone who came through, and folks sat in their parked cars to eat and wave to their neighbors. All in all, it was a festive and fun day.

Thank you to Pastor Robinson, the Judah Family and the many Ministries and Volunteers who helped make the Church Picnic a wonderful success!

Auntie Connie's Place Child Care Services now offers Tutoring-on-the-Go for children in kindergarten through 5th grade. All academic subjects are included, and tutors will additionally provide quality enrichment, encouragement, and support for both students and their parents or guardians. Tutoring services include flexible scheduling (1-hour, 2-hour, 4-hour, and 6-hour sessions) from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday, and various set-up methods (Virtual, In-Home, Hybrid) are available.

For more information and to register your child, please visit

Virtual Hallelujah Harvest!
Saturday, October 31, 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm

"God's Treats for Me are Good and Plenty"

The Gad Family, hosts for the Hallelujah Harvest, invites
all children, youth and their guests to participate via Zoom.

Register on the church website at, and click on the Hallelujah Harvest slide. Registration closes on October 18th.

Calling All Writers, Photographers,
Editors, Designers

If you would like to write for the Newsletter, email us at [email protected].