From the School Counselor...
Over the next few weeks at Taylor Prairie School, students will be learning about how to label their emotions and identify their feelings, based on the Zones of Regulation. This is an essential skill for students to develop before they can efficiently cope and self-regulate.
Below is a description of the four zones.
Blue Zone: A low state of alertness; Used to describe when someone feels tired, sad,
sick, or bored
Green Zone: The ideal state of alertness; Used to describe someone who feels calm,
happy, attentive/focused, or content
Yellow Zone: A heightened state of alertness; Used to describe someone who is feeling
stress, frustration, anxiety, excitement, or fear
Red Zone: An extremely heightened state of alertness; Used to describe someone
who is feeling anger, panic, explosive behavior, or terror.
It is important to note that everyone experiences all of the zones at different times and in
different circumstances. The Red and Yellow Zones are not “bad” or “naughty” zones. All of
the zones are expected at one time or another. What is most important is to recognize what
zone we’re in so that we can use tools/strategies to get to the appropriate zone for the
Please take some time to review the Zones with your child! You can support your child’s
learning by asking the following questions:
● How are you feeling right now? What is your zone?
● What tool or strategy could you use to get back to _______ zone?
● If someone is feeling _______, what is their zone?