
Weekly Analyst Review

20 April 2022

Bottom Line Up Front


The media’s use of the term 'bandit' is used to describe the clearly disparate groups that occupy overlapping territories across multiple Nigerian states, each engaging in varying levels of crime from petty theft to terrorist tactics. Operating mainly in northwestern Nigerian States, the country's security forces have been largely unsuccessful in stopping bandit attacks. No less than 80 bandit groups operate out of Northwest Nigeria and it should be assumed that there are at least 80 corresponding leaders of various strengths for each bandit group. Understanding the nature of ‘Bandits’ is the first step, as they are not homogenous and can originate from the Fulani Herdsman ethno-nationalists to the bands that are just after blood and treasure, and as such, TRAC finds traits that individualize and identify the ‘Bandits’.

On 17 April 2022, a video message circulated on social media attributed to Bandit Kingpin, Nasanda, pictured above. Nasanda, with an extortionist "revenge" message warned that 300 people will be murdered in 14 days if ₦30m (equating to more than $72,000 USD) in "taxes" are not paid by the state government in retribution for his wife's death. Nasanda clearly wants to cause mass hysteria without pinpointing exactly where he would strike, insinuating that anyone out of the residents of Zamfara could be targeted and only allowing 14 days to demand this kind of money it is unlikely that Zamfara State will meet his demands even if they had the will to do so.

Other Developments

TRAC Insight:

American Futurist Publishes ‘Turn Key’ Cell Strategy Instructional Advice “Emerging Black Markets and the Role of Our Networks Within Them / Chaos is a Ladder”


Image:  American Futurist Publishes Turn Key Cell Strategy Instructional Advice “Emerging Black Markets and the Role of Our Networks Within Them / Chaos is a ladder”

American Futurist is a racist website linked to the Atomwaffen Division and its rebranding as the National Socialist Order (NSO). The idea of “Chaos is a Ladder” mirrors the Accelerationism ideology. The online article discusses not only how to organize militant cells in real life but also suggested financing methods, such as setting up fake checkpoints like militants do in Congo and Uganda to fundraise. The overreaching concept is that the rise of inflation, gas prices, and COVID restrictions create the perfect opportunity to unite. The author “Turn Key” stops short of advocating attacks, but the unstated implications are obvious in the writing.

TRAC Incident Report:

Twin Bombings Outside Abdul Rahim Shahid Boys High School Kills 9 in Hazara Shia Neighborhood, Dasht-e-Barchi in PD-13, Kabul, Afghanistan


Image: Bombs had been placed on backpacks outside Hazara Shia Boys School in Kabul, Afghanistan – 19 April 2022

On 19 April 2022, two explosions took place in Dasht-e-Barchi; one at the local boys high school, Abdul Rahim Shahid, and the other at a nearby tuition center. The bomb outside the boys high school killed at least 9 people, a number that is expected to rise because the bomb severely wounded at least 20 others. The unknown number of bombs had been planted inside backpacks and left outside the school. A grenade was thrown into the tuition center nearby. This attack marks the fourth and fifth bombings in Kabul since 03 April 2022. On the same day, a Taliban (IEA) vehicle was bombed in PD-6 of the Capital; and on 20 April another bomb in PD-2 injured at least 7 Taliban elements. With at least 6 bombings in Kabul over Ramadan, Islamic State Khurasan (ISK) clearly has been preparing to embarrass Taliban (IEA) over Ramadan.

TRAC Incident Report:

The German Police Prevented Possible Large-Scale Bombing Attacks on Energy System & the Subsequent Planned

Kidnapping of Germanys Health Minister by

Anti-Vaxxers and Neo-Nazi Reichsbürger


Image: Germany's Health Minister, Karl Lauterbach

Members of a Germany-wide Telegram chat group made up of the so-called Reichbürger and opponents of Corona politics are said to have planned large scale explosive attacks on Germany energy system and the kidnapping of Health Minister, Karl Lauterbach. In doing so, they would have wanted to terrify the population and use the intended chaos to seize power in Germany. Those arrested are a mixture of conspiracy theorists, vaccination opponents, but also the neo-Nazi Reichbürger group. The two main suspects are a 55-year-old man from Neustadt an der Weinstrasse in Rhineland-Palatinate and a 54-year-old man from Falkensee in Brandenburg. They, as well as the others arrested, are accused of preparing a serious act of state-endangering violence and violations of the Weapons and War Weapons Control Act.

On Our Radar:


TRAC Incident Report: Suspected Jama’a Nusrat ul-Islam wa al-Muslimin’s (JNIM) Katiba Macina Kidnaps Passenger Bus on RN15 Highway Between Parou and Sonngobia in Mopti, Mali



Local Separatists Assassinated the Inspector of the Lahore High Court in Lahore, Pakistan



German Anarchist

Re-Occupied the Køpi Wagenplatz in Berlin, Germany



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