TREDIS Newsletter, Summer 2020

This newsletter provides updates on TREDIS®, the Transportation Economics Suite.  If you do not wish to receive future editions, please use the unsubscribe link at the bottom of this page.
Using TREDIS for Competitive Transportation Grants -  Wednesday, Sep 16, 2020, 2-3 PM EDT
TREDIS is widely used for USDOT grant applications, which leverage the transparency of its database tables and tracing features, its high level of documentation, and its cloud-based design that enables USDOT review. We have recently upgraded the system for upcoming grant cycles and enabled new features for USDOT review of applications. This webinar will provide a live demonstration of TREDIS use for grants and also explain new features.
Recent Webinar Presentations and Recordings 
New TREDIS Additions
  • Quality of Jobs Report - We've added reports on the quality and sustainability of jobs created from projects, by occupation and total compensation (wages and benefits).  
  • Post-COVID Baseline Forecast - TREDIS and TREDPLAN customers get their baseline forecast updated upon annual renewal. We've now added an add-on option for customers to order a new baseline now to reflect the post-COVID forecasts of Moody's Analytics. This reflects lower economic growth but increases in e-commerce and telecommuting. 
Improved TREDIS Features
We've been busy improving TREDIS in response to suggestions from our user community:
  • New HOV & SOV Standard Modes - separating high occupancy and single occupancy vehicles
  • New Fuel Efficiency Inputs - allows for fuel efficiency trends over time
  • Enhanced Multi Run and Export Analysis - for analyzing multiple projects and exporting results
  • New inputs for (a) pavement condition, (b) value of time adjustment, (c) societal benefits (e.g., health benefits of bicycling).
  • Improved User Interface - (a) interactive maps added for defining regions; (b) interactive timelines added for construction and operation periods; (c) enhanced contingent development input form
TREDIS Economic Leadership Group 

The TREDIS Economic Leadership Group has had two quarterly meetings (via web). In the first, we shared notes on how various DOTs and MPOs are using TREDIS in different ways. In the second, we've discussed innovations in applying TREDIS for STIP prioritization, and in applying TREDIS for "backcasting" validation. For more information about this group, contact TREDIS staff.
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