December 2023

Engaging Students of All Disciplines in Environmental Issues: Leveraging Research Grants to Break Down Academic Silos (Part 2)

Dr. Chris Halle

Program Developer, Center for Environmental Inquiry, Sonoma State University

Continued from article in TREE Press: November 2023

CEI partnered with SSU Professor Gurman Gill to apply the latest machine learning techniques (Google Tensor Flow) to separate the false alarms from the “valid” images. This research began as a guided undergraduate class project in computer science, with the class spending the first several weeks of the semester learning about classification algorithms.  The computer science students also wrote some simple scripts to help biology student interns to step through the large camera dataset to and classify the wildlife images.


A team of students then spent the rest of the semester developing the computer model. The student team lead continued to develop the manuscript after the conclusion of the semester, leading to publication [Granados, Halle, and Gill, 2020].


One interesting result from the research is that Tensor Flow provides a “confidence limit”, or “threshold”, that can be varied to suit the requirements of a given camera network (Figure 3). Camera networks used for real-time public education and outreach should ideally only transmit pictures of animals to the public.  Such networks should use a low threshold, so that any picture that might be a false alarm is excluded from transmission to the public. The tradeoff here is that some true capture events will be classified as false alarms. Camera networks that are used for research have different analysis requirements, and the threshold can be adjusted accordingly.


The real payoff of this study was that it fostered collaboration between biology student interns and the technical students. The technical students learned about the difficulties of field research, and the biology interns overcame their fear of working with technology. The biological interns have all either entered the field of vegetation management, or have joined other environmental research organizations since graduating. The computer science team lead (Granados) has entered graduate school, and is engaged in a similar field of study.




Granados, J., C. Halle, and G. Gill, 2020. Classifying False Alarms in Camera

Trap Images using Convolutional Neural Networks, in Computational Science

and Computational Intelligence, (CSCI) 2020 International Conference, DOI:


Figure 3. Camera trap image with “confidence score” of 0.871. (The computer is 87% certain that this is a false alarm, even though there is a coyote on the left.) Setting a false alarm “screening threshold” of 0.9 means that this image does not exceed the user-defined threshold of 0.9, and so will be accurately classified as a true animal capture event. On the other hand, setting a false alarm “screening threshold” of 0.5 means that this image does exceed the user-defined threshold of 0.5, and so will be inaccurately classified as a false alarm.  

Lead Donors Update

We are deeply grateful to the following people and organizations whose accumulated contributions to TREE Fund in 2023 surpassed $2,500 or more as of November:

The Mulch Center

CN Utility Consulting, Inc.

ArborMetrics Solutions, Inc.

Indiana Arborist Association

Sam E. and Lisa K. VanMaanen

Matt Van Maanen

New England Chapter, ISA

See the full list of lead donors who make our vital tree research and education work possible on our website.

A Note From Our President

Dear TREE Fund Community,


As 2023 comes to a close, I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt appreciation for the warm welcome I've received over the past six months as part of the TREE Fund family. I was able to attend my first ITCC and ISA conference, Trees & Utilities, the World Forum on Urban Forests/Partners in Community Forestry, and the TCIA Expo. I attended my first chapter conference (thank you, Illinois!) and look forward to many more in the coming year. I also participated in my first Tour des Trees and was impressed by not only the challenging ride and beautiful scenery, but the incredible riders and volunteers that made it happen. Throughout this time as I get to know people, your camaraderie, passion, and dedication to advancing the understanding and care of trees have made my transition practically seamless and I am truly grateful for the collaborative spirit that permeates this remarkable community.


I’ve also been impressed by your collective efforts to make a significant impact on new and experienced arborists, researchers, and tree-care industry professionals alike and your commitment to growing knowledge in arboriculture is truly inspiring. As we approach the end of the year, I also want to remind you that there is still time to make a meaningful contribution to support our vital work. Your generosity fuels the roots of our initiatives, allowing us to continue branching out into new avenues of research and education. We are excited about the possibilities that lie ahead in 2024 and beyond and we look forward to cultivating a forest of success together. Thank you for your unwavering support, and may your year-end be filled with tremendous joy and fulfillment.

Paul Putman

President/ CEO

Thank You to Our Trustees.

We have several members of the TREE Fund Board of Trustees rolling off of their positions at the end of the year. We would like to thank Trustees Jeff Edgar, Steve Geist, Sharon Jean-Philippe, Gordon Mann, and Kathleen Wolf for all their hard work, leadership, and dedication over the years and thank them for their service.

Ken Ottman Volunteer of the Year Award Recipient

We would like to take a moment to recognize and thank the 2023 Ken Ottman Volunteer Award recipient, Jacques Brunswick. The Ken Ottman Volunteer of the Year Award is given annually to an individual whose contributions on behalf of TREE Fund are exemplary.

In addition to serving as Treasurer of the TREE Fund Board of Trustees, Jacques took on added responsibilities earlier in 2023 when TREE Fund was going through a transition to finding a new President and CEO, essentially serving as TREE Fund's CFO for over half a year. Jacques helped with the creation of end-of-year reports and budgets, guiding and training staff so that reports were created in a way the Board saw fit. A multiple year Tour des Trees rider, Jacques also helped with the creation of the route creation of the 2024 Tour des Trees, which will be held in New England.

Thank you and congratulations again, Jacques.

Save The Date! Tour des Trees 2024

Mark your calendars and plan on joining TREE Fund for our next Tour des Trees ride!

Ride over 425 miles with us in southern New England this year from September 22 to 28 and help us spread the word about the importance of tree research as we ride from the Bartlett Arboretum & Gardens, through Connecticut, into Rhode Island and Massachusetts, around Martha's Vineyard, and back to Providence.

Look for registration to open around the end of January and plan on joining 100 of your favorite tree enthusiasts on our next, epic ride!

Thank You For Attending Our Webinar Series

TREE Fund is proud to partner with the Alabama Cooperative Extension System to bring you free education offerings.

Over 5,000 attendees attended earning over 3,400 CEU credits through our webinar series in 2023. We are looking forward to seeing even more of you next year.

Missed one of our five amazing webinars this year? Watch it anytime on our website.

Building Urban Tree Resiliency by Mitigating Infrastructure Techniques. March 2023

Characterizing the Risk of Electrical Contact to Arborists. May 2023

How Do Advanced Decay Detecting Devises Affect Likelihood of Failure Ratings for Trunks with Decay? August 2023

Identifying Social Barriers to Equitable Tree Planting. September 2023

*No recording available

Analyzing Timing and Causes of Individual Tree Loss after Land Development Insights for Urban Forest Management. November 2023

Stay tuned for our 2024 TREE Fund Webinar schedule, which will be released soon.

CEU Credit for Recorded Webinar

TREE Fund offers ISA CEU credits for one recorded webinar: "Loading of a Tie-in Point While Climbing." If you missed this webinar, you can now watch the recording and earn ISA CEU credits by completing a 20 question quiz with 80% accuracy. Learn more on our website.

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(630) 369-8300
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TREE Fund is a 501(c)3 nonprofit whose mission is to support scientific discovery and dissemination of new knowledge in the fields of arboriculture and urban forestry.