Multihousing Ministry with Mission Center NC- David and Kathy Parsons invite you to partner with them to share the Good News in some of the most marginalized areas. For more information contact 336.399.7613.
Healing Ministries- Gregory Jones is making a wonderful impact among the young people of our region and welcomes volunteers to collaborate with him in East Winston. For more information call/text 864.913.6807.
Rise Church- Joe and Duncan Maye are investing their lives in various ways among the people of South Winston. Mentors for the children of Rise Academy are currently needed. Contact for more information.
World Relief- Refugees continue to arrive in our region and have needs churches can address. For more information, contact
Solus Cristus- Opportunities abound at this ministry to women who have addiction and abuse issues. Most will begin with maintenance work such as lawnmowing or other tasks. Contact Andrea Allen at or 336.813.3007.