FALL 2024

Welcome to our bulletin board of news, announcements, and resources to help each other serve our churches and communities better.


Multihousing Ministry with Mission Center NC- David and Kathy Parsons invite you to partner with them to share the Good News in some of the most marginalized areas. For more information go to https://missioncenternc.org/ or contact David at david@missioncenternc.org or 336.399.7613.


Rise Church- Joe and Duncan Maye are investing their lives in various ways among the people of South Winston. Mentors for the children of Rise Academy are currently needed. Contact pastorjoe@risechurchws.org for more information.


World Relief- Refugees continue to arrive in our region and have needs churches can address. For more information, contact JMusser@wr.org.


Solus Cristus- Opportunities abound at this ministry to women who have addiction and abuse issues. Most will begin with maintenance work such as lawn mowing or other tasks. Contact Andrea Allen at soluschristusinc@yahoo.com  or 336.813.3007.

The Pregnancy Network - An organization that empowers women to face their unplanned pregnancies without fear. They do that by providing free medical services, and offer resources, classes, and mentorship. You can give to The Pregnancy Network by going to https://thepregnancynetwork.org/partner/give/ Contact their Associate Executive Director, Luke Rosenberger for any questions you may have lrosenberger@thepregnancynetwork.org

Pivot - A nonprofit created to empower low-income women for better life and work opportunities. They empower participants to deal with life challenges that are deeper than the most recent crisis and partners with them providing a hand up, not a hand out.

Go to https://pivotnow.org for more information.

Winston-Salem Rescue Mission - Over 70 men are housed on the campus of the Rescue Mission every night as they go through our 90-day and 1-year Addiction Recovery services and Biblical Counseling to find hope and healing through the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Food Pantry, Clothing Closet, and Medical/Dental assistance is also available to the community. Your support is appreciated go to www.wsrescue.org/donate-now, or for more information contact: info@wsrescue.org.

"For those of you who have congregation members who find themselves grieving from the loss of a loved one this set of holidays, Glenn View Baptist Church (WS/K'ville) and/or Cornerstone Baptist Church (Greensboro) would like to invite you to pass on the following invitation for them to attend one of their annual Surviving the Holidays events. See flyer above!

Email bethforgriefshare.org if you would like a template for both the flyer and/or poster to promote within your church! We would be happy to serve any of your congregation in this very helpful 2 hr. seminar from GriefShare!"

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     *Please Note: The Bulletin Board and Job Posting pages on our site are to help our network churches connect help, support, and encourage one another. The Bulletin Board page is updated quarterly, and all posts are removed after 3 months. Job Postings will remain active for 3 months as well, unless requested by the church to be extended or removed. Posts are not made on behalf of churches outside our network. Posts for personal items will also not be considered (example: if someone is looking to donate a piano to a church, etc.) All posts will be evaluated and subsequently approved or rejected by the Triad Church Network administrative staff.